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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2018 in Posts

  1. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. I’ve worked on about a half dozen DIY feature films and I am finally working on mine now. I don’t think a lot of people realize how near impossible it is. Moving boulders would be easier. It’s as if the world is constantly fighting you. Sheer will and determination is the only thing that gets you to the end credits. So be proud of that. And go make another one. And another one. And if need be... another one until somebody notices it. You have all of the tools and the talent. I’m reminded of a theory I read when I first started screenwriting. The theory goes, when you first start, there are a thousand other screenwriters aiming for the same sale as I am. After a couple of years, half of those other writers quit and move on. After 5 years, half of those quit. After 10 there are less than a couple of dozen of those original screenwriters still writing. In those 10 years, the odds are in your favor and your craft has grown exponentially. So keep plugging away and tell the stories that show the world who Jonesy Jones is.
    5 points
  2. mirekti

    GH5S to Alexa Conversion

    Hi all, inspired by great results from @Sage and his GH5 to Alexa Conversion I wondered if there are enough GH5S users here who would help out in getting the same for GH5S. As the prerequisite to get this done is having GH5S camera, the way to do it is to fund a rental for a week. The price is around $100 for three days and $144 for the week. The latter will give him more time to do the work, and that's why I suggested a week of rental. A round trip shipping is around $40. I will start with a donation of $50, and would kindly ask anyone who is interested to contribute with as much as they feel comfortable with. In order not to make this an endless loop, everyone who contributes could simply reply here with the amount until we reach $190/200 or if you don't feel confortable posting the amount here you can PM me or we can simply trust @Sage to report us when the fund has been collected. Now, I might have written too much text, but wanted to make sure there's no scam behind this, just a mutual endeavor of GH5S users. The PayPal address is emotivecolor@gmail.com @Sage please confirm this is a valid email address so there are no doubts. Thanks and cheers!!!
    2 points
  3. Pair the ND adapter with a couple of these.. add an atomos V for that 10-bit 4:2:2 goodness, and set focus to MF Guide mode and you got yourself a nice mini C200 on the cheap..
    2 points
  4. Yes absolutely. The FD 24 1.4 is a classic as well. Here's a shot from that on the Fuji GFX 50S: It has some vignetting in medium format mode, but the looks special
    2 points
  5. I have always found this guy very reliable when it comes to Mavic videos, so I think this one is worth a look.... Word of caution: He is flogging some neat video noise profiles and some D Log LUTs for the Mavic 2, so if you find that sort of thing irritating in youtube videos, it is best avoided...
    2 points
  6. @mirekti Yea, that's me Well, this definitely puts the pressure on! If I do not get this done by the end of the year, I will return your donation. Thank you for mounting this effort, I hope to rise to it. I need a sunny day or two (and some time)
    2 points
  7. With all cameras, from every manufacturer, escalating in quality, I’m surprised Red and Arri hasn’t released a sub $3000 cinema camera. I remember Arri talked about a S16 B&W camera they were going to make for young filmmakers but that never materialized. If Arri came out with a digital BL, even in B&W only, I would be all over it.
    2 points
  8. Haha I'd go on that forum and say "Yeah, that's my one but funnily enough I'm off on holiday for a month so won't be able to even get it out of the box til I get back" and watch them all lose their shit
    2 points
  9. jonsey, that trailer was AMAZING!! ??? what tha heck!! i had no idea?!! whats the story with the film (Luggage)? can i watch the whole thing online somewhere?? i agree with @mercer, the lovely art direction and cinematography in this trailer perform far beyond how a camera can – you could shoot on potato, jonesy~! what r u up to right now?? *I* need as many bits and Ks as possible for emotional support ? seriously tho, cant believe that was shot on a 7d... awesome I couldnt agree more, very well said @mercer thats the story of my life. keep plugging away. if you have to, just keep your head down, and dont look at what other people are doing. chances are, youll wake up one day being the person you once dreamed of being
    2 points
  10. I'm still using a typewriter from time to time as a novelty. You ever send anyone a letter? It's fun.
    2 points
  11. Sage

    GH5 to Alexa Conversion

    "GH5 V-Log and Hybid Log-Gamma are transformed to precisely match the color science of the Alexa, without compromise." "The GH Alex conversion completely transforms the GH5 image, addressing every nuance of color reproduction (from shadows to highlights, low saturation to high saturation, for every possible hue). This includes an organic rolloff which fully eliminates channel clipping." EmotiveColor.com PDF YouTube
    1 point
  12. Going through old stuff and stumbled across this. What a pain in the ass this could be to use, but damn if I don't have fond memories using it! If all you've ever known is editing on a PC then you don't know what it was like back in the old days! This is what I started on 20 years ago, when I was a 14 year old video geek!
    1 point
  13. Japanese review with sample footage.
    1 point
  14. Hire lights, an editor and a colourist ?
    1 point
  15. I've shot quite a bit of video for first time on the 50S at Photokina, so you'll find out tomorrow or the day after once I've had a chance to edit it. Will be better than 5D Mark III but the codec is quite a basic one and there's no Eterna or F-LOG (at least not yet). Rolling shutter would be a bit wobbly if it did I think it'll do a high quality pixel binning process like the A7R III and Z7.
    1 point
  16. wolf33d

    DJI Mavic Pro II

    He is the best. Was waiting for his mavic 2 video Thanks for posting.
    1 point
  17. Does the EOSR have a s35 mode? If so put a Speedbooster on it and call it a day. Ehh no IBIS, your still screwed LoL. Just buy a Sony A7 mk III and be happy.
    1 point
  18. heart0less


    Actually, the 40/1.8 for Canon EF Mount is really tiny! https://www.photographyblog.com/news/reflex_40mm_f_1_8_lens_hands_on_photos
    1 point
  19. Yeah I remember that, and it would have been a smart move. BlackMagic operates in a market they have all to themselves. Of course, I don’t know if l’m sold on the P4K yet. I know everybody was impressed with the Wolfcrow comparison but all I learned from it was that Arri squashes all three cameras (no surprise) and that the P4K was only marginally better than the GH5. With the added features of the GH5, I don’t know if I would switch if I already owned one.
    1 point
  20. There is no better way of saying this, it costs 450 Euros (and the circular polarizer is an optional add-on as well as a clear drop-in filter in case you don't want to change the whole adapter when not using any ND) The C100 produces a much sharper (nicer) HD image, a downsampled 4k from this camera is more in line with what that looks like (but worse rolling shutter) but the internal codec is much better than the C100. The rolling shutter is much better in HD.
    1 point
  21. RED were trailing what they were calling a "3K for 3K" camera but ditched it. They seem to now be ploughing the "3D for another 3 months late" furrow with their phone instead. They should do a Cinecorder for us
    1 point
  22. That's more or less how Jannard came to start RED. But it escalated!
    1 point
  23. Too busy getting excited about my TWO Hydrogens to have even unboxed it.. Trying to work out the optimum settings for extreme low light...
    1 point
  24. Now I just feel guilty... But it is a nice one.
    1 point
  25. Lumix Lens IS works on the BMPCC so likley OL IS will work on the P4k.
    1 point
  26. I am positively impressed -- above my most optimistic expectations:
    1 point
  27. Well it does work on a Panasonic camera, but on the PK4, hmm I really don't know. Good question.
    1 point
  28. but you know what it's shocking how many people can't walk or drive properly! Technology is great, but regardless of what anyone says it's not the answer to everything.
    1 point
  29. You can get the Minolta SR lens mount changed to EOS. I have my Minolta Rokkor PG 58/1.2 changed to EOS. Works good. There is a guy on Fred Miranda forum that does good work. No doubt other places too.
    1 point
  30. I do agree random auto focus would be kind of fruitless. Most auto focus is based around a certain area of the image(center or wherever you select). I do a lot of touch auto focusing on the fuji. Object tracking can be super useful though.
    1 point
  31. Exactly my cup of tea. Random AF is rather frightening BTW, even though I concur makes some sense for gimbal use... And here's some teaser to you ; -)
    1 point
  32. Auto focus becomes relevant when it can replace manual focus and be cheaper and easier. Its how technology works. Why walk when you can drive.
    1 point
  33. Pretty much the same thing here in the states, only 50 cameras arrived this week, and all were demo cameras for stores. This info is from Hot Rod Cameras. I'm first on their list, and they have promised me a camera next week as they have been promised by US BMD distribution to receive another order next week, but they do not know the volume of the shipment yet.
    1 point
  34. Man you had the fancy Toaster 3000? Lucky guy. I had the 1st gen. Internal time base correctors I needed to buy in order to do live switching cost an arm and a leg. Still, I cut my 3D animation teeth on Toaster's Lightwave, which was cool. Actually, I still have the thing and the Amiga 2500 in the basement closet. "Star wipe, and we're out."
    1 point
  35. Tried a Z7 today. It feels extremely good. Also the 24-70 lens feels great, better than my Fujinon 16-55 2.8. All the buttons and controls feel incredibly good. The joystick and AF ON button are in perfect place and well sized. Usable with winter gloves. The shutter release feels fantastic. The sound of the shutter is also really great. If the Z6 feels as good, which it should considering the body is exactly the same, it’s a home run. Pre-ordered.
    1 point
  36. recent shoot playing around with nx1.
    1 point
  37. The only AF I am using (rather seldomly to be honest) is touch AF (NX cameras, Canon C) and it is a great tool to use. I haven't seen any P4K AF videos yet!
    1 point
  38. My broadcasting teacher is always telling me about how when she first started out they were doing linear edited on tape. Honestly sounded like hell.
    1 point
  39. Well it's nice to hear you say some positive things about Canon Andrew ? I do feel like Canon catches a lot of flack. Justifiably so in many aspects, but they do nail certain things. A little concerned about the "cheap" feel. I was under the impression it was "1DX build quality". How would you consider so compared to A73/XT3/Z etc? Also FWIW i do shoot 2K/4K. Do got the luxury of renting equipment when budget allows. But hear this, just yesterday i was comparing footage shot in 4K on my XT2 to 1080p footage shot on my C100 externally to ProRes 4:2:2 (upscaled) on my new 4K OLED TV.. and the C100 footage looked vasty superior to my eyes. Kind of defies logic i know, and i'll have to do more serious tests but codecs shouldn't be under-estimated me thinks..
    1 point
  40. Not fair enough. This is ridiculous. As ridiculous as Peter Mckinon videos on Youtube. The guy says he is leaving his 1DX2 and switching to the EOS R, and that the limitations (no FH 120p, wait who shoots 720p?, big 4K crop,...) will actually force him to push his creativity. Most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. It goes as far as this to defend Canon. The fact is, pro or not pro, reliability or not, usability or not, those specs are unacceptable. Using a 2y old sensor is not acceptable especially when it was far behind the competition 2y ago. 1.7x crop is not acceptable, no one does that. In all interviews Canon answer they could not do no crop. Well every manufacturer on the planet can except them. 3y old FF camera can do 120p in FHD but Canon say they could not with the EOS R. This is a joke, people should buy 0 EOS R to shake this freaking company and make them think about releasing something decent. Ok I understand, they have other advantages like ergonomics and so on. This does not and cannot justify the above. They do not need 4K120P RAW sure, just DECENT spec. Even if they have the lowest spec of the competition. But staying 5 years behind is so ridiculous. Stop defending what can't be.
    1 point
  41. This is sort of an old project, because I kinda gave up on it. It doesn't quite tell the story the way I wanted it to, but I like the way it looks and decided I might as well share it. and again, the disclaimer that it's maybe not at all relevant because it's animated, sorry
    1 point
  42. I have looked at the sample videos - and Casey's stuff. IN NO WAY DOES THIS COME CLOSE TO THE RESULTS FROM A GIMBAL!!! It is pretty impressive stabilisation for sure. But to say it replaces a gimbal is very misleading - the stability approaches perhaps 60% of what a gimbal gives you. (which is impressive - but they are over stating the results) Having said all of that- I am tempted to get one.
    1 point
  43. This is a public forum, if you only want to hear comments that make you feel good, you are best served finding a little bubble you can control.
    1 point
  44. Pardone me, i had to issue v2: Settings are simple: RGB boost + ExpCompensation -1.6
    1 point
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