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  1. Yes. And by which time no one will be watching films made by someone else anyway… “AI, make me a Western/Romance/Horror… “ No camera needed. (Goodness, I hope not!)
  2. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    Well, he did… but I’m sure I saw him pop a Werther’s Original half way round…
  3. I’ll be seriously impressed if it learns anything from the rubbish I post!
  4. Interesting! Thank you. My question would be how you dismissed the Komodo? I’m not suggesting that it is better nor that you should have gone that way but, assuming it crossed your mind, what are the reasons to dismiss it?
  5. For Sale Blackmagic 4k. Blackmagic 6k. Blackmagic Studio. Sony A7S3, AX53. Wanted GoPro 12
  6. Heavens above! I am enjoying this camera (AX53) so much! The zoom is fabulous. The size and convenience coupled with the internal stabilisation and - I might be repeating myself - that zoom is a winning combination. Yes, the image isn’t up there with the best but one wouldn’t expect it to be. But as a tool to take out, have some fun and create some images to enjoy it’s fabulous. I’m glad I stumbled into this thread!
  7. I’d definitely get something capable of 60fps because, as we all know, 24fps is so outdated… (But probably either a Blackmagic offering or an Insta360 - and whichever I got I’d have times of regret.)
  8. These threads do tend to descend into either-or types debates. I have a recent iPhone and, yes, I do use this for video. I also have a range of Blackmagics for a number of different purposes. But I still feel that the AX53 possibly has a place. The zoom. The internal gimbal. The compact size and ease of use. And possibly even the "retro" vibe and "invisible amateur tool" aspects. Coupled with the fact that if I drop it or it falls off a mount... it really doesn't matter. I am thinking of it as a GoPro/Insta alternative... yes, a niche, perhaps, but there will be a lot of people out there for whom a decent camcorder would definitely fill their niche. As @kye said - get a lot of different shots with an easy to use camera and focus on the edit.
  9. Having read this topic I now find myself looking at a Sony AX53... The internal gimbal is intriguing. The ability to zoom that far (x20) in such a small package is definitely appealing. No one would claim it has perfect image quality but at the price and for what it claims to do... definitely attractive.
  10. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    Or, indeed, the sport vs a certain brand of sunglasses debacle?
  11. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    The wider implications… if Nikon do incorporate RED technology in their consumer offerings, where does that leave Blackmagic? Braw vs R3D (with the added “advantage” of Nikon’s AF, lens mount and lenses etc.) It’s going to be interesting to see how other players respond. Panasonic to buy Blackmagic? @ac6000cw is possibly correct - it won’t be long before the RED label appears on a Nikon camera (or a skull) just like the Zeiss badge on Sony. Surprisingly muted at reduser. Perhaps they are now discovering the real meaning of telling their friends that they make Cool Pics…
  12. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    A perfect fit then. Although hipsters have already moved onto Jim’s new venture… https://m-experiment.com/pages/brand Will Nikon keep RED separate or will RED technology creep into the consumer offerings?
  13. Snowfun

    Nikon buys Red?

    Astonishing. Interesting times ahead… Have Nikon ever made sunglasses?
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