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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2016 in Posts

  1. I remember this lens doing the rounds a couple of years back on ebay by the original seller - I did a little research back then. It was a part of a small run of lenses configured by Century at the request of Lars Von Trier when he was shooting on DVCAM. To enable a small part of the film to be shot 'native' 2.35:1 (bulk of the film was cropped 16x9) So expect this lens to work best with smaller sensors and when higher resolution is not critical. Can be considered a Century/Optex grade optic, but with a different stretch ratio. Current seller of lens used to be a member of this forum before he got banned. He's probably still here, under a different name.
    4 points
  2. This is a joke, right? The Canon picture looks terrible. Blown out red channel, banding, no detail in dark areas, out of focus etc... Looks like DR was crushed before pushing black into higher level.
    4 points
  3. All these things are nice. USB charging, wireless file transfer, etc. However they will not save the consumer market one jot. What average joe with a smartphone wakes up in the morning and says to himself "today I will run eagerly to a camera store and buy a Sony because it has Wifi, USB charging and a touch screen menu!!" They are just not interested. SO Let them bugger off is the crux of my article.
    3 points
  4. ISCO only manufactured a couple of examples of this lens. And they were never released commercially. It has a 49mm rear element diameter and a 95mm front filter thread. Which does beg the question as to why it was produced in the first place, given that the size and weight are pretty much identical to the Iscorama 54, and its successors, the ISCO 16:9 Video Attachment (1.33x) and the ISCO 16:9 Video Attachment I (1.42x). I've got a little stash of rare ISCO stuff, including one of the prototypes for the original 1967 Iscorama (all metal construction and a 67mm filter thread). So if you are ever interested in parting with your special find, I'd certainly make you an offer. And treat your lens carefully, because it's a little bit of German optical history...
    3 points
  5. Andrew Reid

    Political thread

    Let's have it out!!! Following on from Ed's thread about Trump here are my thoughts: 1. How's this for cruel irony - Both Trump supporters on the far right and Bernie supporters on the socialist left believe the same thing. That Hilary Clinton and Tony Blair are war criminals responsible for massive civilian death tolls in the middle east and the rise of ISIS. Actually the war started because of dictatorships there and were escalated under two US presidents both with the name Bush, furthered by decades of repression and poverty in places like Afghanistan. If anything Obama and Clinton tried to deescalate it from the Bush eras. Much as I love him, Bernie depressed the turn out for Hilary Clinton more than anyone else. His wide support is the primary reason Trump is in power, ready to join forces with Putin and accelerate the bombing of civilians in Syria. Young liberals eat up paranoid conspiracy thoeires and fake news just as much as those on the far right because we're living in a highly partisan post-fact virtual world where the truth is too complicated for a Facebook headline. 2. There is nothing wrong with democracy and here's why. The majority of people are now politically ignorant. They cannot be bothered with it. Therefore it follows they should get a president of the United States who is equally as politically ignorant. Look at this from the New Yorker magazine - "A voter with more knowledge of politics will, on balance, be less eager to go to war, less punitive about crime, more tolerant on social issues, less accepting of government control of the economy, and more willing to accept taxes in order to reduce the federal deficit. Voters ignorant of economics will tend to be more pessimistic, more suspicious of market competition and rises in productivity, and more wary of foreign trade and immigration"... Which camp do you think Trump and his voters fall into? Trump is economically as ignorant as you can get. Despite employing immigrants he sees immigration as bad for the economy and despite making things in foreign countries and importing from them, he sees foreign trade as bad for the economy, and despite being married to one he sees immigrants as bad for the economy and despite being born to one he is in favour of mass deportation. The US economy is going to go to shit. Could it be that Norway has a more politically astute population? They have a good economy, stay out of wars, are more tolerant on social issues, less punitive about crime and accept higher taxes.... It all comes down to how much interest people take in politics, instead of snapchat. 3. All Trump supporters right now -
    2 points
  6. Eric Calabros

    Political thread

    If you saw 90% of liberal MSM was hoaxing, shamelessly make up stories, obviously lie, constantly fear mongering, and silencing any opposition with racist and sexist labels, and you realized we need to revolution just after seeing one single wrong headline in an alt-right website, you're part of the problem. Btw, did you know even Scandinavian industries are supporting Saudia Arabia military? seems not much less-ignorant nations to me.
    2 points
  7. Looks great! I could see it being a fantastic wedding cam. What do you use for a stabilizer?
    2 points
  8. Hey Andrew. Sorry if I offended you. Your Spain video is great as well as all your stuff on Vimeo. Please don't invoke Godwin and Trump here. This election is finally over, I just can't stand it anymore. Let's focus on skin tones and filming look here. Enjoy your 1Dxmk2.
    2 points
  9. We've been using the 1DXII for weddings for the past month. Skin tones on a bride are always important, and I think they are great with this body. I don't have any full films completed but here is one of our teasers : Matt // www.thefilmpoets.com
    2 points
  10. As much as I dislike Canon's practice of crippling their DSLR's, there's things like color and DPAF that prevent me from selling off my Canon gear. As Michael Corleone said in Godfather III: "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."
    2 points
  11. Personally, I think the SOOC colors look better than that color grade
    2 points
  12. Here is a simple cinematic test using my new a6300 camera.
    1 point
  13. Now we are talking. inspire 2 announced with 5.2K raw and 4K60fps raw. H265 is here too. And they will have a new kind of Osmo for it. In 1" or 4/3 format. You pick. Isnt it funny that the best specced cameras on the market are released by a drone company without video experience? VS jokers like canon who will release 4K60fps raw and H265 in a camera of the size of a GoPro in maybe ..... we'll never. http://www.dji.com/mobile/inspire-2
    1 point
  14. That frame was from a small size Internet version of the video. This is from the original frame:
    1 point
  15. Peaking, zebras, etc. are for enthusiasts. Remember the difference between us and the rest. We care. They don't. So it is time to say to them, fine, keep your smartphones, maybe some of you will come round to the idea of having a proper camera and some will not, but in the mean time we are not going to make any money persuading you with touch screens and wifi shit.
    1 point
  16. Andrew Reid

    Political thread

    Although there's fake news on both sides of the political spectrum, I found in the UK during Brexit that there were a far greater number of people accusing the BBC and our prime minister of scaremongering, than the number of people reading fake articles... That's the bigger problem. People no longer trust the mainstream media and government, even when they are telling the truth. Now all the scare mongering turned out to be right and the pound is worth the same as 1 monopoly note.
    1 point
  17. That's just a little FPN.
    1 point
  18. Looks like hardware failure. Some cable that relays sensor or processed information to the display computing unit. That thing needs to be opened and repaired I'd say.
    1 point
  19. Yeah, would be cool to get an updated shootout like Shane Hurlbut did once in a three part series: http://www.thehurlblog.com/?s=micro+part . He tested the GH4 with Panaleica, Voigtländers and Olympus M.Zuiko MSC lenses. But throw in the PRO series... maybe SLR Magic, PrimeCircle, Illumina 35, Veydra and XEEN and you got yourself material for a new comparison!
    1 point
  20. Yeah, the pricing this guy keeps pushing is quite something :-/
    1 point
  21. Imao a lot about the NX1 was done good, now I am not quite a big fan of the on/off button and the 16-50mm F2-2.85 is a bit meh in how you zoom in and out and focus by electric wiring. But really you have to nitpick on the NX1 and of course the infamous in-camera noise reduction in video kicking into high gears at 2000 ISO. NX1 in-camera colours are unparalleled, handles nicely and shoots nice pictures and videos with epic colours. It will be interesting to see what Panasonic did to the GH5 internally and to see the new Sony line, hopefully Sony learned A LOT about their past humongous mistakes like shitty menus and horrid ergonomics they still have not figured out their A line are HUGE cameras too.
    1 point
  22. A big "bravo" to Andrew, being the one and only, still mentioning the NX system cameras. Despite popular belief, 1) the cameras haven't self destruct, yet. 2) There are still new ones (that means, with new warranties that last from 1-2 years since purchase), 3) Samsung still services cameras (at least in Europe that I have positive experiences), 4) are still top overal hybrid cameras, for the reasons Andrew mentions plus 28mgpxls, 15fps, hack/mode scene achieving great things, battery life (anyone using 5-8 batteries for a7 cameras, will appreciate using half on NX, for the same amount of work), you have to grab one to realize the unbelievablr handling, and use one to appreciate the very clean and clear menu system and exceptional ergonomics. Thank you Andrew for your unbiased opinions. To be fair and honest is becoming more and more rare in the new era of nationalism/financial instability/isolationism/alienationism/e.t.c
    1 point
  23. Respect! That's so neat, man! Would you care to share details if I contacted you directly? I wanna start upgrading the Lens-yclopedia soon, and these historical things would be cool to add!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. No offense intended to the OP. I think there are other folks like myself who want the camera for the film simulation colors, even though I know I could grade it. The time savings would be worth it.
    1 point
  26. Clearly there are huge imbalances and injustices through out the world. In the so called developed world many of the voters have simply switched off as far as politics is concerned. This is a huge problem as it leaves the door open for organised or even semi-organised extremists with narrow agendas (racism, fascism, religious groups, etc). This has been seen in recent votes in the UK, Colombia and the USA among others. Other democracies have been manipulated and attacked like in Turkey, Hungary and Poland. Media has played a huge part in twisting the truth and feeding people's worst impulses. How we deal with this is one of the great questions of our times. We are at the end of an era, a system (neoliberalism) is in it's death throes. It has torn up and shat out the social order in place since the second world war as well as truly trashing the planet, all for some stupid tokens that we call money. Our problem is what comes next. The losers are fed up and angry, lashing out at anything or anyone that might be to blame. Whilst we have so many scientific means to understand the world, more and more people seem to be turning to the ignorance of extreme religious beliefs. Witness the power of the evangelicals in places like the USA and Colombia and Hindu and Islamic groups in Asia. Dangerous groups who have been thoroughly manipulated to believe absolute nonsense and who try to enforce those beliefs on others. We can choose those that offer a change but a change for the worse like Trump, Farage, Le Pen or those who live in a world of anger like Uribe, Erdogan and Orbán, or we can take a step back and realise we have to change many things in our lives, the way we run our planet, how we treat each other, how we share what's left...What we really need is a positive movement that people can rally around because if not we are going to tear ourselves apart again.
    1 point
  27. $1500 vs $6000 is a very different price proposition.
    1 point
  28. Hey everyone, I've made a thread so its easier to keep track of everyones opinion and feedback.
    1 point
  29. Nice video. I noted 2 things though: 1. Crazy amounts of purple and green chromatic aberrations. 2. Strange motion cadence... I could see the frames. Possibly due to shutter speed choice? Most notably seen on the first shot of the gondola coming our from a bridge.
    1 point
  30. Venice looks amazing, I'll be there next year. Astia fits Venice well. Lots of CA with that Canon lens in the sun since there's no internal corrections happening. Have you seen this one? He cycles through all the film's. Here's one with a seascape, cycling through the film emulations as well.
    1 point
  31. Real shame Samsung tossed their cameras to the side like a pair of used shoes, I loved to see the NX2 but the Fuji looks amazing I just wish they upped the video aspect even more.
    1 point
  32. it seems to me that complaints about the codec not being editable come from people who have never touched the camera. i can edit that 500 mbit/s footage on my i5 (!), gtx770, 8gb (!) ram pc in realtime. i even edit it on my 13'' macbook pro in final cut using proxies with zero lag.
    1 point
  33. I agree with you in part. But a professional will normally spend far more time researching, filming, editing, experimenting, spending money and effort on paid gigs than a hobbyist who plays around with their toys. The talented amateur hobbyists who create awesome videos... normally become Pros. The common denominator is both talent and time spent on the craft. For me the biggest issue I have with the kind of cameras I can afford is rolling shutter. Out of camera color, dynamic range, 4K is generally not an issue for me ... GH4, A7s or Canon Mark iii... I'm happy with all of the results I get. I've said it many times before... and I'll say it again. My talent has not caught up with available and affordable technology yet... so you won't hear complaints from me. For hobbyists to be able to easily afford a $6000 camera is a bit of a slap in the face to pros who are producing work on lesser cameras without complaining. Not calling Andrew a hobbyist by any mean, because he has done paid gigs and EOSHD has become his profession... so there is tremendous talent and time spent on his part. But the article is either a bit click bait or bipolar for my liking...
    1 point
  34. We have these tendencies in Europe as well. The prospects for the future darken for many. And the established political parties don't address this. Even the socialists keep repeating empty clichés. Their whole language and way of thinking had been invented by Marx during the industrial revolution, when the factories were crammed with workers, no global outsourcing, computer-assisted automatization asf. People don't want ideologies, they want practical solutions. Like a program. We do this or that, and you'll get a decent job. That's what Trump did, he made false promises. The right-wing parties in my country do the same. And if he fails to deliver, he may very well be shot. Though this was perfect poetic and ironic justice, it would mean more barbarism. I hope Trump resigns early on. Or he does something so dangerous or inappropriate that he is impeached. If not, many countries will follow this example, and WW3 is just around the corner.
    1 point
  35. The specs I'm hearing are 15 stops DR, rec2020. For acquisition. Then 10 bit 4000 nit wide gamut for the panel itself. Obviously not many current systems meet these specs and there are many, many competing standards. After all, 1024X720 was once "HD." The result is breathtaking, though. Especially on the 10,000+ nit display. Only one other tech demo impressed me as much this year and it felt less mature. What's cool is you'll be able to see colors you've never seen before.
    1 point
  36. ken

    Super anamorphic project

    Basically, I have figured out some rules. Longer lens has less dioptre than shorter lens. I got help from a friend in optical shop, where has instrument can check the lens. These are rear lenses of different 2x anamorphic lenses: Sphere/Cyliner A. +6.00/-6.00 B. +5.00/-5.00 C. +4.75/-4.75 D. +3.50/-3.50 Front lens should be like this: E. 0/-13.75 F. 0/-10.50 Many front lens are too thick, the instrument was unable to check. Also some front lenses I did not take apart. For example, if B+F is original 2x lens, then A+F would get about 1.7X, C+F would get 2.2X, and D+F would get 2.7x.
    1 point
  37. “The winning part of shooting video on the X Pro2 is the colour science underpinning the video mode and JPEG engine. It’s simply the best. To the extent that Tina Turner would write a song about it.“ Fuji x pro2 review by Andrew. It would be a ruinous thing to base buying decisions on your fast changing gut feelings. Best Jan
    1 point
  38. I'm not sure that wether or not someone commercialises their work is particularly relevant, if that's what you meant. I have seen low quality output from people who charge for what they do, high quality output from people who do not, and a lot of stuff in between. So I'm not sure that commercialising your work is a necessary pre-condition for being able to express an opinion. Nor is it necessarily a good indicator of quality. Hence, not particularly relevant.
    1 point
  39. In all due respect, I think this is one of your weaker articles. The comparison is weird (as the A7SII does look better) and this newish stance regarding Canon contradicts many other previous articles written on the site. I looked into the Canon 1DX II - although the entire package is nice, the file sizes are very large, you need a hotshoe monitor for serious work (exposure tools, tilt viewing angles etc), the highlight roll-off is steep, and finally we are back to the Franken-rig for steady hand held... so having a more video focused hybrid or a dedicated video camera will be a better option in a lot of cases. Plus, while Sony images are much harder to get a pleasing look - with skill, you can get some magnificent results. Many users are uploading very poorly graded S-log videos with horrendous white balance, exposure and lighting. Get it right, and you have lovely dynamic range, lovely colour and detailed image. No auto modes required! I can see the DPAF having huge value in many situations. I'm glad you are enjoying the benefits. However, I wouldn't throw out theta A7S II just yet, it serves a very different purpose and will be very useful.
    1 point
  40. I agree with DPC and Gerbert Floor. There is no commercial potential in this footage, as it is.
    1 point
  41. Andrew, do you film professionally? It's just that you speak authoritatively but I don't think I've seen anything other than what you post here. To me the skin tones (especially on the train trip) look pretty awful. No client I have would ever approve that. The blacks are crushed to death and faces are red and over-saturated.
    1 point
  42. There is a problem with this statement, as Nikon that won number 1 in the "JPEG shootout" also use Sony sensor...
    1 point
  43. I'm not sure I understand the relevance of some of your comparisons in this review. In Australia, a 1DX mkII will set you back $8500 vs $1400 for an A6300!
    1 point
  44. Too expensive for me. The GX85 image you put is amazing. Way better than the Sony. Good enough color wise. So the GH5 would do it for me if only it had DPAF like the canon....... it would be a way better tool than the canon actually. 3 times cheaper, articulated screen, 3 times smaller, better spec and 10bit with better codec. Just that AF which is crucial and which is going to be DPAF decent at best, and not DPAF at worst
    1 point
  45. I was thinking about a solution like this using a couple of servomotors and an arduino. Give me a week to come with a solution on paper I'm sure it's not that difficult and way cheaper than the other solution
    1 point
  46. Funny to say once we're unable to yet order the version 1 now but actually, Mavic Pro 2 will :-)
    1 point
  47. Too bad mavic does not have phantom video now. 4K 100mbps h265 with one inch sensor would have cut it for me.
    1 point
  48. 'Bout that... https://www.sandisk.com/home/memory-cards/sd-cards/extremepro-sd-uhs-ii So indeed what Don was saying about them new video standards: https://www.sdcard.org/press/thoughtleadership/160301SD_March_Thought_Leadership_FINAL_video_speed_class.html . Would be good to see those kind of cards hitting the market! And more dual-slot cameras, with indeed new media format support like UHS-II. Funny to look back at earlier post speculating about/suggesting things for the GH4 successor... I think the E-M1 Mark II is pretty sweet though, but Panasonic could kill it. I was thinking about that battery grip solution for storing stuff on a more sizeable and faster medium. Could be cool. Hope they'll have more info out soon!
    1 point
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