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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2017 in Posts

  1. Oh well, CineD is already more than expected when we all bought this camera. I don't think the score is 1-0, it's more like 0-1. So there's no V-Log, but you can't miss what you never had. Thanks again for the time and effort BTM_Pix. You rock!
    3 points
  2. How could anyone think the 6D would get 4K that they waited... its just so weird to me. The chance of it was so so so slim. Just compare the original 6D to the 5Dmkiii. Why would that suddenly change?
    3 points
  3. I don't know if it means something or not but there is a new update released on the 3rd of July. it says, compatibility with IOS 10 and bug fixes. Did anyone tried it yet? Would this mean will see a new update in the studio software aswell?
    2 points
  4. If there is any company that will have a massive standoff amongst its users about adding anything video related (even an optional larger grip for more battery life and XLRs etc which you wouldn't be obliged to buy) its Fuji. The poor man's/smart man's Leica purist vibe is strong in that community! If they produced what I think they should (basically a video oriented mini RED) there would be skinny latte spat out over beards in Starbucks the world over when the news broke.
    2 points
  5. Name one company that doesn't communicate profit? Both Panasonic and Sony sure do. Heat pumps and PlayStations that is. If the camera divisions where profitable they would brag about it. They sure took the first opportunity with the units sold during the 4 weeks after a release... You cant deny that can you? That companies try to raise stocks by positive reporting... you know Apple etc.. That the camera divisions are baked in to "other" and such is enough for me to ask you for proof. Not the other way around. But again, I honestly dont care. And talking about business is even more boring than pure specs. As long as the camera makes good images I couldn't care less how their bonus program is doing I know I've said it before but I will try again to stay out of this discussion. Its just so hard when some thinks their preferences and opinions is law and then talk down on others who just want a discussion
    2 points
  6. So only Canon and Nikon are profitable? Sony is actually now ahead of Nikon on the US market for all interchangeable lens photography equipment. They had record sales in 2017 and outgrew a contracting overall market minus-Sony made up of a drifting Canon and Nikon going slowly nowhere. As for Panasonic, well you only have to look around the streets in most major cities worldwide to see mass-market consumers using their G series mirrorless cameras. Find any tourist hotspot in the world and take a sample. It's not all Canon and Nikon. I don't know about you, but I would mind having the proceeds from some of those sales in MY bank account For Sony meanwhile, the sensor business IS part of the camera business, and if you add smartphone photography to the mix then Sony has a larger part to play in worldwide sales of cameras than even Canon. For most of it's life Samsung's camera division did not bleed money. It was only in the final 1-2 years that sales saw a dramatic downturn because the bulk of Samsung's market share was in the low-end products that smartphones were killing off. That's why at the last moment they switched to the high-end with the NX1 and courted us filmmakers and enthusiasts, but in the end they felt it was time to pull the plug because of the continuing low sales and that frankly that a gargantuan company the size of Samsung had bigger fish to fry like military contracts for tank building, ship building and worldwide billion dollar smartphone market. In terms of photography they didn't have the kind of loyal sheep to fall back on as Canon and Nikon do so it was always going to be one of their smaller profit lines, selling NX1s to filmmakers
    2 points
  7. I shot a short film for the Rode contest recently here (vote for it too please if you liked it!): https://www.rode.com/myrodereel/watch/entry/4364 I used my GX85 with the Cine-D mod by @BTM_Pix and it worked great! Lenses used were the Voigtlander 17.5mm, SLR Magic 35mm f/0.95 and (mostly) the Rokinon 85 with Metabones XL Speedbooster. I was really happy with the look and how everything turned out. I did accidentally shoot on Portrait for a couple clips (not sure how, but I may have subconsciously switched it to "movie mode" instead of "C" where my Cine-D mode was saved on). I loved being able to shoot with such a small camera, and I intentionally tried to bring as little gear as possible to just keep things simple and not have to worry about which lens I should be using all the time! I was definitely pleasantly surprised at how well the audio turned out too. I used Rode Lavaliers and was surprised at how I did not get any wind noise and barely any rustling sounds from clothing. Let me know what your thoughts are and if you had any questions for me. I'll be happy to answer them!
    2 points
  8. I couldn't take it and had to buy the camera again. So stoked to mess around with this camera again. I found some cool footage shot with a wide angle today. When zoomed through it looks like you can achieve shallower depth of field as well. Around 4:26 the stuff shot with the Wide Angle.
    2 points
  9. If you still have V2.3 on your GH4 and have access to an Android device and don't mind doing a bit of work to do GX80/85 owners a favour (even if its to put them out of their misery!) can you please post here and I'll give you some instructions.
    1 point
  10. What, you think I'm just going to wander into a camera shop in London tomorrow asking for a demo of a G80 and casually try and put VLOG on it? Because of course thats precisely what I'm going to do !
    1 point
  11. So would it be possible to get V-log for the panasonic g85?
    1 point
  12. How about a faster moving band? I have not shot any really fast moving bands for a while, maybe the last was the US rock band 10 Years (those guys are nuts and the lead singer was literally hanging from the roof upside down while singing).
    1 point
  13. So you don't trust his opinion because in one statement he says that he downscaled to 1080p from 4K but then in another sentence he says he doesn't like the ultra sharp images from some lenses? I don't see how they are conflicting statements? I have been thinking long and hard about 1080p vs 4K. As you know I have been shooting Raw for the past couple months. I don't even shoot at 1080p... I'm shooting 2:35 at 1920x810 and IMO it has a better image than any 4K I have ever shot... but it is Raw, so it isn't a fair comparison. So I'll digress... Over the past 6 months, I've had 2 FZ2500s. The first time I bought it, I purchased it two weeks after release and paid full price for it. I specifically tested the 200mbps, all-i 1080p vs 100mbps IPB 4K. I downscaled the 4K to 1080p and on my 40" TV, I noticed absolutely no difference between the downscaled 4K and the high bitrate 1080p... in fact, if anything I found the all-i 1080p had slightly better motion cadence at true 24p. The problem with that camera is that I think it's too expensive for what it is, so I returned it. I bought it again, a couple months ago, for a casual camera after I got my 5D3 and the image looked so brittle in comparison that I returned it again. So, I really don't think 4K is a necessity and I believe that 9 out of 10 people wouldn't be able to tell the difference nor care. With that being said, I still love gear and I want a 4K camera. I have yet to see any 4K image, less than $4000, that looks better than the 1DC. That camera has some special mojo going on. So I will probably save up for that and hopefully can find one for $3000 this time next year. In the meantime, to quench my unexplainable desire for 4K, I may pick up an LX100... because the 4K out of that camera also has some special sauce going on. I keep wanting to test the 4K out of the D7500 because I just simply love the Nikon Flat 1080p... seriously one of the best images for the money, but with the crop and its inability to meter older Nikon lenses, the camera is overpriced for my needs... or desires. So since I can't justify Nikon 4K and can't afford Canon 4K yet, another option for me is the Fuji X-T20. It's in a comfortable price range for me. I should be able to sell it for not much of a loss next year and put that money towards the 1DC. As much as I am tired of the fat adapters laying about, in the end Fuji color and my Nikkor 35mm 1.4 could make a perfect little combo. But then again, I want IBIS too... will the madness ever stop? I think regardless of what tech is available, people should really look to what is most important to them in a camera. If they need 4K at 10bit... get the GH5. If they need really good 1080p, maybe get a Nikon or Sony a7s. If they need great auto focus, get a Canon 80D. If someone needs 4K or even really wants it... then that's what they should buy. But since the title of this post specifically asks... is it really necessary? Nope. It is not.
    1 point
  14. What would concern me about Fuji doing IBIS is that the lens corrections they currently do are far from seamless without adding movement into it. Could end up like a lava lamp. Would've liked to have seen them take a chance on form factor as well instead of putting it in an X-T2 style box. Something a bit more modular like a slightly bigger BMMCC (or even XC10) where you could have then have the EVF as a separate mountable addon etc. Otherwise its just going to be a bit of a me-too with nicer colours but a less flexible mount.
    1 point
  15. Sold. Also hope they add vari angle touch screen
    1 point
  16. I highly recommend one of these...the key to so many things??the C version has been discontinued and can probably be found on EBay...equal to importance as the camera, a lens and a tripod https://www.amazon.com/Discontinued-Sekonic-L-758Cine-DigitalMaster-Lightmeter/dp/B000M3CCTM
    1 point
  17. Game over but you didn't tell us the final score?
    1 point
  18. @Andrew Reid I don't defend them. I just try to be fair. I can NOT abnegate years and decades of shooting Canon, when particurarly beeing very happy with ergonomics, built quality and an excellent after sales and repair service. But then I started beeing very unhappy with inconsistency and accuracy of their AF...And Canon startet kidding me, telling me, I don't see good, respectively my requirements would not be realistic... But my demands were realistic - their cameras were not...The D750 showed me first how AF consistency and accuracy works, even I was not perfectly familiar with all AF possibilities at that time. No more misfocused bullshit, no more Canon excuses for problems they knew about...But OK, now it's over...To be honest, I have to admit, when selling the lenses (as eg 400mm 2.8 and some more spectacular lenses of our collection) we got by far more money for them, as we paid years ago when buying new...So, most Canon lenses we owned were not expenses, but a substancial investment over time - as it turned out when selling...To remain fair to the morons... Nope...For me, it's only 2.000 worth. Not one cent more. So, in reality vastly overprized. But, as I said, I consider the 1DX II to be very expensive - but not overprized. I don't like feeding fat cats even more, especially when they try to kid me.... And then, there is something more...I encountered many Canon shooters with quite the same, poor attitude towards their own work and customers...These are mostly photographic ignorants on one side and know-it-alls on the other side...No need for then to learn something new, never thinking about evolving and further development...A vast majority believes, "no need for wireless HSS", most of them shoot stopped down to F5.6-8, no risks, nothing...No need for a great DR....Post WW 2, like their manufacturer...And nearly all of them complaining about customers attitide and low rates they get - but none of them reflecting on the own attitude, lack of modern offerings and poor delivery....No need for learning post production...No need for using a second card in the 5d m3 ("I never had a card failure")...Bla, bla, bla...People treating their customers as enemies are provincial, narrow-minded morons filled with bitterness. And very soon - bankrupt... To be honest: Sometimes I believe, Canon customers should do a rebellion against a retro-minded manufacturer. BUT, for a rebellion, people should have noticed, how Canon is kidding them. But they don't notice anything...Canonistas love pains - because they don't even notice them...
    1 point
  19. I've now received my unit and as you can see on the pictures it shouldn't be a problem! Judging from the pictures of the original Core DNA, the Hardcore version appears to be wider at the back, which is good.
    1 point
  20. Atomos retweeting this - don't know the details:
    1 point
  21. @jonpais Full ACK...I've just done some mentions on the photographic capabilities of the 6D / 6D ii - because I gave up to expect even a minimum of video performance from a Canon APSC or FF DSLR under 2.000 EURO. Personally I stopped to require all i need for photography AND filming from one single camera/manufacturer. For photos it's Nikon at the moment. My needs: for video there is Panasonic HC-X1 I own and - after taking a in deep look at the new C200 - probably the C200 as soon as it will be available. Portable solutions I own: D750 & D810 (nice 1080p, but I don't use both very often for filming), D500 (great video imaging but a quite ugly crop in 4K)...And then the NX1 and my mom's A6500 for daily, portable shooting and when needing reliable video AF. And furthermore, the FZ1000 for quick&dirty B/C-Roll footage As you see, more than enough cameras for nearly all needs...So I don't expect NOTHING from the Canon ultras...Their attitude simply disgusts me. Nevertheless Canon has enough merits within the photographing and filming community with some very nice devices during the past. And it seems, the upcoming C200 will perfectly fit my filmic needs, though I will have to take a deep look at it before buying. BUT I would never spend 3.700 EUR for an 5d m4 or even 2.000 Eur for a 6D ii. They decided to cripple & overprize their DSLR line, OK...I'll spend my money otherwise. Nikon didn't refuse explecetely to take my money... I don't care about brands, I care only about performance, ergonomics, reliability and fun when shooting...Never forget fun and personal satisfaction!
    1 point
  22. I can tell that canon is really playing and I'm pissed ... I have 2 6d bodies and used c100 with atomos for external performance - all bought last year. I'm a full time wedding videographer and sometime music videos, commercials etc cinematographer - what c100 is for. This year I have a big dilemma cause I was waiting for 6d mk2 4k video... And I'm sooooo disappointed. I still wait for c100 mk3 with 4k but that will not happend I guess in near future and if it happens my guess is lack of 60fps in 4k and 4.2.0... I did invest in canon L glass and i love the quality and batteries... I love the color straight from camera with a little touch in post. Now i would like to jump to 4k with FF and at least 60fps... I was thinking about 5d mk4 and 1dx mk2 but the file size would be enormous 2.5 terrabyte per wedding. Next is memory cost witch is insane almost half the price of new 5d mark 4... (calculated with backup) Then there is the c200 and i love almost every aspect of this camera.... but i do live in europe and need to pay extra tax money for it... For example 2x c200 in Europe is almost 3x c200 in US.......... I do have a sony rx100mk4 for super slowmotion but i don't like the body, menu colors and this odd database creation...? Now i'm serious about sony and I'm waiting for a7s mk3 wich i hope will be much better then c200 is with 4k at least 60fps and 4.2.2 10bit sorry for my grammar but i'm pissed :P
    1 point
  23. Hello, my GH4 is still on Firmware 2.3 The Android version of Gmonitor app recently added the feature to change Cinestiles. I am now able to select and use V-Log L.
    1 point
  24. Exactly...Canon has to learn IQ & feature performance and Sony has to learn how to build cameras apart from selling wonderful technology in a "unhandy, tightly filled plastic bag"... Thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a look... BTW: It was you @Andrew Reid who said in an article something like "Sony A6x00 feels like a genious brain in a body of an idiot..."
    1 point
  25. Don't go on about your Toyota at a Ferrari enthusiasts club.
    1 point
  26. Canon's trump card is it's lens collection. That's what stops the vast majority of people switching. As long as they are king of the lenses, they can play catchup on the camera itself. It might seem backward, but that is the truth for many, many professional photographers. For video, they clearly see 1080p as fine for the consumer and 4K as pro only. So many choices now that I don;t know why anyone gives a shit anymore. If you truly love the Canon look, get a 5Diii, 7D etc and hack it. Should we have to hack a camera to get it to 2017 specs? No.... Can we, hell yea!
    1 point
  27. Anybody that needs good 1080p. Remember, the 6D Mark II's 1080p mode should really be labeled standard definition "540p", with moire. They should put Moire as a sludge coloured badge on the side of the box. It's practically the same camera. Only difference is sensor size. A Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 will give the 80D a very similar image to the best F2.8 zoom on the 6D Mk II for much less money. You did! You said Sony, Panasonic, Fuji, etc. aren't profitable so that only leaves two that are! It's just wrong! If they were not profitable they would not be in the business for 15+ years and bringing out new stuff every few months! Yes Sony outselling Nikon full frame cameras... That's not what I call "in the red"! C'mooooooooon.
    1 point
  28. Would it be worth making a new topic called 'Looking for GH4 owner on firmware XX' since GH4 owners might not be reading through 23 pages of about modding the GX80? I mean, I don't read through the Samsung Hack topics, because I don't have that camera.
    1 point
  29. A high performance Ferrari isn't going to be as reliable as a Toyota you drive to the supermarket. The NX1 is many many times the performance of the Canon and Nikon cameras in terms of the internal processing. Personally I've never had it crash due to heat. It crashes on occasion due to the firmware, the hack, and the fact Samsung have stopped patching it. What lens did you have on the A7R II? If it's via an adapter then it may not even be the fault of the camera. Personally I have never ever had my A7S II crash during a stills shoot. Or a video shoot, come to think of it. I'm sorry you had a worse than average experience. It's not normal. Sure, with certain cameras especially the A6500's lack of conservative heat-management, Sony do need to focus on that last 1-2% of reliability but I'd rather the occasional hang in high performance mode than a permanently crippled low performance mode as found at Canon and Nikon. By the way people should be careful about using stats like "in 2013 Mirrorless was only 5% of shipments" Shipments can go down at same time as sales going up, for example if the models are high-end like the A7R II as they are sold for a much higher price but in smaller quantities than the low-end mirrorless shite by the bucket load.
    1 point
  30. Yes they do. The same as Smartphones replaced Motos and Nokias. Believe what you want. Just some quotes from very interesting articles: https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/9aknpv/how-solar-power-could-slay-the-fossil-fuel-empire-by-2030 https://www.mnn.com/green-tech/transportation/blogs/horses-horsepower-rocky-transition Of course you can say that DSLRs are not mobiles or horses, but hey, I would stop lying to yourself. fifteen years, that will take more or less and we're already halfway there. From wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirrorless_interchangeable-lens_camera
    1 point
  31. Have been using the new Windows 10 box more frequently- the FocusRite Scarlett (1st gen) has issues there as well- doesn't come out of sleep reliably. Have to pull and reinstall USB cable to reset it. Maybe they fixed these issues for Gen 2. Given the sound quality of that Behringer demo against the FocusRite- definitely worth a look for those on a budget.
    1 point
  32. Ben, I am glad to hear you bought another one, your XC10 videos were amongst my favorite and they truly captured the spirit of this S16 digital camera. I still have the XC10 saved in my eBay search... just waiting for that price I feel comfortable with. I keep chasing the XC10 form factor as well. I've had two FZ2500s and the RX10ii since I've sold the XC10. Both were cool cameras, but neither are as unique as the XC10. The FZ2500 has solid high bitrate, all-i 1080p, shutter angle, decent Touch AF and tracking, multi strength, body selectable NDs, internal zoom, slow/quick at the touch of a button. Even with all its strengths, it just isn't worth $1200 in my opinion. The RX10ii I really liked as well, solid 4K image, okay 1080p at hfr, good preamps, sLog2 but both feel more like camcorders than S16. That zoom through wide angle is a cool trick. I had one for my ZR60 back in the day. I hope Canon continues to update the XC line. As is, it's a blast to shoot with, with a few refinements, it could be epic.
    1 point
  33. I agree clean HD is sufficient. And the c100 has probably the cleanest HD ive used. But that 28mbps codec i believe is garbage. Nice image out of camera. But very susceptible to chroma noise and visible compression artefacts when grading. Im not sure which 4k cams youre referring to but all the ones ive used have been tons better for grading.
    1 point
  34. I just shot this video here with the GX85 + Cine-D: https://www.rode.com/myrodereel/watch/entry/4364 Posted a separate thread for it here too Thanks so much @BTM_Pix for figuring out this little mod / "hack"!
    1 point
  35. Think about it, Samsung has built 200 million phones and tablets. I kinda doubt Canon will ever catch up to Samsung's semiconductor manufacturing prowess. Canon used to be the 2nd largest company in terms of creating new US patents each year. Guess who they lost that spot to - Samsung. Canon, Nikon, Sony and Apple combined don't have the experience or expertise to accomplish what Samsung is doing in fabrication. In order for any of those companies to compete technologically they have to outsource their manufacturing. That means higher costs. That's why a $1500 Samsung camera very significantly outperforms a Canon $6000 camera. As I recall the NX1 used a 32nm copper circuit fabrication tech at the same time Canon's cameras were using 512nm aluminum circuits. People complained about the h265 codec because their state of the art Mac Pro towers couldn't read / display /or write h265 4k in real time while the humble Samsung NX500 could do it for $700.
    1 point
  36. Very nice even grade.
    1 point
  37. I think that for Resolve, Cinelog operates as a LUT and has been pretty much made redundant by the addition of the color management options shown above - it basically did what Resolve can now do. The only advantage it would still have is that it may improve colour slightly. So you may not need to buy it. Cinelog is at its best, in my opinion, with ACR: the ability to get a log image from the best debayering application for ML DNGs. If I'm doing a quick job for a client I'll use Resolve with the above settings. If it's my own work and image quality is of the utmost importance, I'll go through ACR and AE using Cinelog. Colours are nicer than from Resolve (this might be just my opinion) and noise is definitely handled much better.
    1 point
  38. A better buy then than the Focusrite 2i2? As it is cheaper, and has more inputs. Sounds like a horrendously expensive USBPre2 in the end!! :-o
    1 point
  39. That sounds utterly bizarre if you're having to pad the mic and turn the input level down. A slight difference between the camera may be understandable, but not to that extent. For it to be that hot it almost sounds like a line level signal going into something expecting a mic level signal. Its the sort of issue that sounds unusual enough - and I have had a bit of a nose about and haven't seen it anywhere else - to have it checked out. To support your case with the dealer/Panasonic, set this test tone off on your laptop or monitor speakers and record it with identical settings on both cameras. You'll then be able to see definitively what the difference is in dB when you look at the file in an NLE.
    1 point
  40. What exactly does the capture mean and how can someone unfamiliar with the process do it? Your answer may expedite the process and maybe inspire a layman to help. While I have hacked the GH2 and the GX85 after your instructions, I am not sure what you mean by the 'capture' reference. Maybe if you outline it more easily, it could help with the good work.
    1 point
  41. @Andrew Reid Thank you for the pertinent article!
    1 point
  42. I agree with many of your statements. One of the statements that you made that I don't agree with is not from this article. First, I am not talking in an adversarial way, so don't raise your shields You made a statement that Canon listens to their customers or photographers or something to that effect. I find from the D30/D60 on forward that isn't true at all. i chuckle when I read Denis Reggie or Jeff Ascough say to me that Canon is listening to them. In my opinion Canon listens to their internal minds, their own game plan, and in a very small very unique window of opportunity, I saw Canon very VERY eager to see what Nikon had up their sleeve at the announcement of the original Nikon D3 camera. At that time, the Canon people were scared sh#tless on what Nikon was launching - I saw it with my own eyes. Never saw that happen again. Leads me to the conclusion that we can add that Canon listens to ONE competitor's actions and products, and that is Nikon. Not Sony or Panasonic, and NOT their customers. The pattern for Nikon these past few years has been that Nikon has become a sleeping cow. And Canon advancement has tracked Nikon's performance to a the letter. They have been sleepy and lazy because the competition they watch has slumbered off. It is history repeating itself. Pure video people are not going to understand this point of view (with exceptions). But i feel things are going to change. I think Nikon is going to spring out with DPF cameras in a sudden surprise move and start the Nikon Canon machine marching forward again. This isn't pie in the sky there is evidence. Canon will react to money (sales) and Nikon. That is it - end of story. Nikon is asleep - and therefore so is Canon. Canon will advance with 4K in their cameras when it doesn't matter anymore. probably in about 3 year you will see 4K trickle down to the little cameras and the little people. The only thing to change this track would be Nikon jerking Canon's chain with a Dual Pixel Focus type camera somewhere in their product chain. My guess will be the D810 series with 4K and other goodies this year. Or another camera higher or similar in price next year. Then you will see Canon react. Canon doesn't give a crap about anything else, they have the sales and they have "their" competitor in a choke hold. Sony, Panasonic and Olympus are not competitors - to Canon. When I see comments like Sony is sweeping the market with their products, how many see Canon even blinking lol? Nikon, on the other hand is what moves Canon, can't say it any plainer than that. If Canon sales were going down the toilet, they would react to that too. Neither has budged, and Canon continues to report good sales to their board. The only buy I can see for active use is the 1DX II. It too leaves a lot to be desired, but there is no other camera I see that can be a workhorse to deliver is a well rounded way. It lacks IS, movie controls, lightness and small size. But it delivers an amazing army of people behind it to keep you up and running (another thing movie people don't put enough sock in - try and get a Panasonic or Sony fixed, yes I know about the new NY and LA centers lol. Chocolate bars for the kids basically. Go to a world event and Canon and Nikon have 18 wheelers full of bodies and lenses and techs to keep everyone up and running, this is more major than most people admit or recognize. Panasonic, Sony and company are "just" starting to make any noise in this area. I read in this article something that caught my eye. Are you saying that the 1080 feed thru the HDMI is better than most would expect? i would like to know that, it is is true or not. Recording to a $400 Atomos to ProRes on an SSD at a great 1080 and getting pro level results would be a really appealing thing to read! Also, got the new 2017 iMac i7 580 8GB GPU 40GB Ram yesterday. A 1 minute 5D4 MJPEG 4GB file transcoded to ProRes LT is 35 seconds. Straight from that file, color corrected and to H264 in 36 seconds (no pre-rendering). Color corrected and add a few plug-ins out in 55 seconds. MJPG jail has been cracked. Can work straight from the files, or transcode out to ProRes. Please say more about the 1DX2 1080 HDMI output and quality. Peter
    1 point
  43. Step back and take a breath. Canon product development aren't stupid. Neither are they at Nikon. And Nikon is barely at the hybrid video/stills party. So what's at play? Pure business strategy. You touched on it. Camera companies could care less what Andrew Reid or I have on a wishlist. Why bother compete with Sony/Panasonic? We sometimes forget that Japanese manufacturing operates as a giant consortium, with players 'accommodating' each other in support of the bigger picture.
    1 point
  44. I've got a Scarlett 2i2 (1st gen). Nice preamps, better than the RME Fireface 800 (which I sold). I did have occasional issues with ASIO drivers on Windows and some issues without drivers on OSX in PP CC (could be Adobe's issue- crackling and loss of audio; could also have been a USB issue on the MacPro). Still a great value for the money. The Scarlett 2i2 is now on a recently built Windows 10 box (ASUS MB), and so far no audio issues. From your list, I'd give the Roland a spin, looks very good. If you want decent limiters (I couldn't find any info on the Roland's limiters; if they are decent Roland would mention them: http://www.roland.ca/products/rubix22/features/), I'd spend the extra $500 and get this: https://www.sounddevices.com/products/recorders/mixpre-3. You can also use for location recording and as a DSLR preamp. It has analog limiters, which are amazing. The preamps and sound quality are the best in the industry for the cost. I use a Sound Devices USB Pre 2 on my main workstation and the preamp quality is superb, headphone output is very good, and driving monitors or Stax earspeakers is amazing.
    1 point
  45. I think the reason this is a popular thread on EOShd is simply because this is a nerd site for cheap cameras. We know, or want to know, the intricacies of techniques and equipment. What we do with these bits of info, if anything, is another matter altogether. I will say that, personally, the people I know and admire creatively aren't obsessively concerned with the nerdy tech stuff. They know enough to work and the rest ain't a big deal ---or trust others to carry that water. That's my world though. Yours might be different.
    1 point
  46. This was one of the worst offenders:
    1 point
  47. this camera continues to amaze me. Please panasonic, give me the GX90 with mic-in and 4k teleconverter!
    1 point
  48. From GH5 try and experience event in Taiwan today, they said firmware to improve GH5 Video AF will be up around September.
    1 point
  49. For me resolution is nowhere near the top of the list of what makes a good image. When I compared the 4K NX1 and RX100iv to the 5Ds HD Raw, the Canon won. The BMPCC or Bolex runs circles around GH4s and Sonys, imo. Same thing happens with still cameras. Plus I don't know how many times I've done blind tests and not even the biggest 4K evangelists of this and other forums can tell the difference. Now, if we have HD vs 4K and all else is equal, both shooting Raw, wide DR, nice color science, etc.. Then 4K might come in handy. But its not needed for any of the work I do personally. Not until its a standard, and thats years from now. So with that said, I still buy HD cameras and have gone back and forth from 4K many times.
    1 point
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