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Asmundma reacted to a post in a topic: Which Sound Recorder to buy? A guide to various indie priced sound recorders in 2017
Mattias Burling reacted to a post in a topic: My guide to buying a cheap Hasselblad medium format camera
kidzrevil reacted to a post in a topic: Aronofsky's Mother! 16mm Genius
jcs reacted to a post in a topic: Blade Runner 2049 bombs at box office
Why not shoot something around 1 minute first? Then show it for feedback...
valery akos reacted to a post in a topic: Aronofsky's Mother! 16mm Genius
kaylee reacted to a post in a topic: Testing Resolve 14 Video and Audio FX
TheRenaissanceMan reacted to a post in a topic: Testing Resolve 14 Video and Audio FX
The D850 has better color/skintones vs. Sony or Panasonic, however AF isn't really usable and rolling shutter is very high. Do you still have a 1DX II? Curious why you didn't compare the 1DX II, which currently has the best balance of usable features for high-end stills and 4K DSLR video. 4K MJPEG is indeed heavy for storage, though the latest version of Resolve can play the footage smoothly on somewhat old hardware (e.g. 2010 MacPro and GTX 980-level GPU). A modern PC can play the 4K MJPEG (including 60p) in real-time in Premiere Pro CC. When aliasing isn't an issue and doing mostly medium and closeups, 1080p full frame looks excellent / filmic at 24, 60, and even 120fps (DPAF works in all modes), along with fairly small H.264 files.
Kisaha reacted to a post in a topic: Game of Egos
@fuzzynormal Isaac Asimov wrote a short story called "The Last Question" which is relevant to your comments and this discussion: http://multivax.com/last_question.html (full text here, just a few minutes to read). @Kisaha it's super cool that Nintendo put shrooms (Amanita muscaria) in Super Mario Bros. The 'enlargening" isn't physical in real life with shrooms, it's mental/spiritual These kinds of conversations ultimately affect how we treat each other. It doesn't matter what each of us thinks individually. It does matter when we physically interact with the world and each other. Omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent: that's what all humans connected via the internet compose. Quantum physics experiments show that consciousness effects experiments, and Princeton's experiments show further intriguing interactions with thought and physical reality. Thus there may be some truth to visions on DMT/shrooms that we are all connected in a metaphysical way* and collectively co-create reality together (where consciousness is primary). If that's all "true", what does that make us? *related to entanglement in quantum physics and the Big Bang (everything emerging from a single point of unity)
Slow-mo shootout - which camera gives the most detail at 120fps?
jcs replied to Andrew Reid's topic in Cameras
You can get to 24p from 30p by retiming to 80% (24/30 = .8) in Premiere etc. for 120/24 = 5x slomo. We recently shot 1DX II 120fps (PDAF worked well). Without pixel peeping didn't see any resolution reduction vs. 60p (full frame, no crop for both cases). Provides enough resolution/detail for close up and medium shots. For wides best to use 4K60p if detail is important for the shot. -
Received a PM asking about this: They cover a few topics, namely science & spirituality, oneness & psychedelics, and is consciousness primary. When we absolutely believe in something spiritual, e.g. something we can't test with the scientific method, that becomes religion. If we absolutely believe in science in the same way, even though scientific beliefs are based on things we can test, that too becomes religion, because we totally believe the results and stop questioning. If someone is certain that there is no God / nothing 'spiritual' happening or anything beyond what science can test (atheist), that's also religion, because they've stopped questioning. This ties in with the latest studies on quantum physics, which has many scientists wondering if perhaps some philosophers were right in asking, "Is consciousness primary?". Which leads some people to take a deeper look at the theory that the universe behaves like a virtual reality simulation, where nothing is rendered/"created" unless there is an observer present to require the energy / CPU expense to "render" that snippet of reality. In "normal consciousness", in human form, we feel we exist as separate entities. When we meditate deeply and/or take psychedelics (DMT, LSD etc.), we perceive reality totally differently- that we are all one, part of a collective living being, all connected, all one with each other. All of us making up "God". This awareness / belief can help us to work together and be kinder to each other, animals, and the environment. And also less likely to follow authoritarian rules (unlike say alcohol which reduces perception/awareness). Fortunately psychedelics are now being used in research and select clinics in helping cure people of PTSD, anxiety, and addiction. While some folks are micro-dosing psychedelics in silicon valley for "competitive creative benefits", most wouldn't want the increased awareness provided by psychedelics all the time, as it would be very overwhelming and hard to deal with everyday tasks for survival. Which makes sense that we have this "human filter" running most of the time for daily living. Humans evolved with psychedelics and they are useful tools for living in the human condition. By themselves, they can't do anything. People must choose to change their beliefs to change their lives. Psychedelics simply provide a brief view of alternate ways to think about literally anything and everything. This "journey" typically has people believing/not believing in many things, and ultimately when one realizes how easy it is to deceive ourselves, as we pull away layers of illusions, we realize that the layers of illusion may never stop. That we can't know anything "for sure". So how do we live, what should we believe in? The scientific method is a useful tool, with limitations. Spiritual/philosophical ideas can lead to new scientific discoveries (such as the Big Bang predicted at least thousands of years ago). What today seems like meta-physics, someday may become regular physics. We can live by keeping an open mind, not "believing" in anything without question, always understanding that our personal perceptions of reality can be illusions. A classic example is a crowd at a crime scene. When interviewed, everyone has a different report, and figuring out what "really" happened takes time. Eye-witness reports aren't always accurate. So the philosophy student asks, "if we can't know anything for sure, how are we supposed to live our lives"? Zen makes sense to me: When hungry, eat. When cold seek warmth. When in rain seek shelter. Understand attachment causes suffering. Be kind to others and forgive quickly- as much for the relief of your own suffering as well as for the relief of a remorseful person. Even if the other person isn't remorseful, it's helpful for the self to forgive, to reduce self suffering. In human form, what else do you need?
Did a quick test- it appears to stop / not-export on sections where the audio has been swapped. I would expect it to render each video section as a separate clip, no matter what audio is included (even if the audio bridges multiple video clips). That would be the 'obvious' behavior, and thus the current behavior looks like a bug. From a code/design point of view, running the renderer for each video clip as the in/out for each clip would be trivial to code... If not they need to abstract out the rendering system and generalize, then doing what I described is trivial to code. Guess product managers have developers working on other things they deem higher priority.
Tried the latest release version of Resolve 14 (free version, will probably get the $299 version after this test). Added a bunch of video and audio effects to a Canon 1DX II clip (1080p, full frame): Pretty impressive performance on a 2010 MacPro and GTX980ti. Close to real time loaded with all these effects (easily realtime with basic effects / grading). Audio when not in the Fairlight panel is still 'clicky' after a few effects have been applied; guessing they're making video a priority and dropping audio samples to 'keep up'. A trivial linear interpolator could eliminate those annoying clicks; hopefully they'll fix that soon. Other than that, Resolve is looking really good. The stabilizer is faster than PP CC, and works much better. Their Film Grain and other locked/watermarked effects looked decent, will test them out after purchasing the app. 1DX II 4K 422 MJPEG also played butter smooth- first time I've seen this footage in real-time on this computer (state of the art PC plays these clips in real-time on GTX1080). Purchasing: when you click the Buy Now button, it takes you to the web, then shows a list of retail stores. It's also available in the Apple App store, however someone reported that the App Store version won't allow the use of 3rd party OFX plugins? Is there a dongle for the retail/box version? One thing I like about PP CC is the ease of use on multiple computers and OSes vs having to schlep around a hardware dongle and use up a USB port.
jcs reacted to a post in a topic: Aronofsky's Mother! 16mm Genius
It's internet etiquette to not reveal movie spoilers without warning. The other thread is about 16mm and technical aspects vs. the story (this thread).
16mm is considered below 2K/HD digital resolution due to large film grain: http://www.cinematography.com/index.php?showtopic=14944 (without grain is similar to HD). In that thread they state there is no actual resolution for film, however if you shoot resolution charts indeed there is... The Mother! trailer looks especially soft on YouTube compared to other trailers, likely due to issues with compression since the grain is so heavy. One of the tricks used for softer / lower resolution cameras is to shoot mostly closeups, as was done with the Canon 5D3 H.264. Low resolution is especially visible in wide shots. Aronofsky used mostly tight / closeups where the soft/grainy look worked well for the narrative of Mother!. To get e.g. the GH5 looking like 16mm film, you'll want to reduce the resolution and add large noise grain (e.g. FilmConvert or 16mm noise scan).
tomekk reacted to a post in a topic: Aronofsky's Mother! 16mm Genius
TwoScoops reacted to a post in a topic: Aronofsky's Mother! 16mm Genius
Kisaha reacted to a post in a topic: Aronofsky's Mother! 16mm Genius
GH5 => 16mm Patina Recipe: Reduce DR, esp. highlights. Nothing will be very bright Down-res to 720p or so, then perhaps scale back to 2K or 4K to add noise (via Nesting, etc.) Apply really chunky monochrome-ish organic noise (FilmConvert or 16mm film scans etc.). FilmConvert LUT for appropriate Kodak etc. film stock could also help (could then skip (1) & perhaps (2) above) https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/achieving-a-super-16mm-film-look-when-shooting-digitally/
jcs reacted to a post in a topic: Aronofsky's Mother! 16mm Genius
The film has an excellent, organic, abstract, low-res grainy look. The antithesis of pristine 4K! Some films, such as action/adventure/SciFi/Fantasy benefit from ultra clear ultra high-res imagery, and others such as horror/thrillers totally work with organic low-res grainy look: makes one 'less sure' about what they are seeing. More detail reply in this thread (spoilers; best to watch film first): https://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/25995-aronofskys-mother-post-watch-discussion-spoilers/
@Don Kotlos: Abstraction is an understatement for this film! Pi and The Fountain were a little abstract, Mother! takes abstraction to a whole new level. I think that's why the reviews are polarizing. If one views this movie literally or at face value, it's a bizarrely terrifying horror thriller and ultimately makes little sense. When viewed as an abstraction, paying attention to the symbology, it works as quite an amazing experience. I was laughing during many parts of the film because I saw what he was doing, and it was amazing. Looking around others were horrified or puzzled. My fellow philosopher / psychology enthusiast friend, she was also giggling and got what he was doing. On one level some scenes appear to be absolutely surreal and absurd. However he's doing an expose on materialism, narcissism, selfishness, control freaks, introverts, extroverts, police-military power / powerlessness, insanely dysfunctional families, cults, mob mentality, and religion (mother nature & God, Adam & Eve / Garden of Eden, Cain & Abel, great flood etc.). And perhaps most importantly, it's all illusion, especially romantic love and how psychopaths, who have no natural ability to love or have empathy, take advantage of deep empaths, who have deep ability to love and get taken advantage of by psycho/socio-paths. And ultimately he's making fun of Hollywood! After watching the Fountain and Mother!, it appears Aronofsky has deeply studied psychology, religion, common (illusory) social constructs, and especially concepts of attachment and suffering from Zen/Buddhism. Truly a brilliant work with so many concepts compressed into a 2 hour film.
As I watched Aronofsky's Mother!, I noted how soft and noisy it was, figured 16mm film (it was: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5109784/technical?ref_=tt_dt_spec). Lots of handheld, close follow shots, POV pan-reveals, and overall genius-level unnerving camera motion and editing. This is probably his best film to date: A+, 5/5 etc. Camera, color, editing, acting, story, lighting, music, sound, VFX, all top level work. He digs deep into the human psyche / ego / control / fear and doesn't let up 'once it starts' (you'll know what I mean when you see the film). For those who haven't studied psychology, it might seem incomprehensible. However while it works as an amazing horror movie even if it doesn't make sense, it's genius on so many other levels! Worth repeat watching to learn more, it's that good. Recommend not reading any reviews beforehand, and hopefully no spoilers are leaked in this thread. [edit: removed the trailer link, best to see it without any fore knowledge!]
I've used s3 for business projects: I don't think it would be worth the cost in your case, and certainly couldn't outperform setting up a local file server in your location since you have a 200Mbps fiber connection. Once your clients upload files to your local file server, you'll have access via your local network at 1Gbps (or 10Gbps if you have those NICs).
jcs reacted to a post in a topic: GoPro Fusion - The natural evolution of GoPro
What makes it cool is ease of use for these advanced effects. Lots of creative possibilities! Next they'll add depth sensors so we can simulate any camera/lens in post