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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2017 in all areas

  1. For me, it's a great shame the world seems to go from racial and religious division, through political division and onto cultural division so often, like a cycle, and it looks like we're going through one of those phases again, which leads to a world war. The first thing to happen is the mob mentality, where dissenting voices in the crowd are dismissed even if they might be reasonable and logical. Be it a far-left uprising or a far-right one, I hate all extremists. Fighting Nazis is very noble but there are quite a lot who now consider all conservatives or anybody slightly right of centre on certain issues to be flat out evil people. I don't buy that and the Google thing shows that there's a huge, uncontrollable politically correct mob at corporations who can't have an honest debate about certain subjects because they're taboo.
    5 points
  2. Today a model I am working with brought up the google employee who was fired recently. I had skimmed his article and also saw that mainstream media was outraged and that he was ultimately fired. I asked her if she had read what he wrote, and she replied she had not. So her support of the firing was based solely on reporting by mainstream media (MSM). It took a bit of googling to find his original document: the MSM sources I found had removed all external links and didn't post the original document. Here it is: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3914586/Googles-Ideological-Echo-Chamber.pdf Here's a couple examples where the external links and all graphics have been removed: http://gizmodo.com/exclusive-heres-the-full-10-page-anti-diversity-screed-1797564320 , http://www.wnd.com/2017/08/googles-ideological-echo-chamber/. I didn't check them closely for other deletions and omissions. As an executive and manager of both small and large corporations, I was made well aware by legal departments what is acceptable and not acceptable practice in the workplace. I believe he put google at major lawsuit risk for writing the following: The harm of Google’s biases I strongly believe in gender and racial diversity, and I think we should strive for more. However, to achieve a more equal gender and race representation, Google has created several discriminatory practices: Programs, mentoring, and classes only for people with a certain gender or race A high priority queue and special treatment for “diversity” candidates Hiring practices which can effectively lower the bar for “diversity” candidates by decreasing the false negative rate Reconsidering any set of people if it’s not “diverse” enough, but not showing that same scrutiny in the reverse direction (clear confirmation bias) Setting org level OKRs for increased representation which can incentivize illegal discrimination Stretch, BOLD, CSSI, Engineering Practicum (to an extent), and several other Google funded internal and external programs are for people with a certain gender or race. 6 Instead set Googlegeist OKRs, potentially for certain demographics. We can increase representation at an org level by either making it a better environment for certain groups (which would be seen in survey scores) or discriminating based on a protected status (which is illegal and I’ve seen it done). Increased representation OKRs can incentivize the latter and create zero-sum struggles between orgs. These practices are based on false assumptions generated by our biases and can actually increase race and gender tensions. We’re told by senior leadership that what we’re doing is both the morally and economically correct thing to do, but without evidence this is just veiled left ideology that can irreparably harm Google. This post is related to other posts discussing women in the workplace and now I raise the issue of media bias in reporting, which relates to all of us who create filmed media and are trying to help heal our divided country and planet. From a purely legal risk basis, I understand why google fired Mr. Damore. However, here's the problem for google: if what Mr. Damore wrote isn't true, they could defend themselves, showing that what he wrote isn't accurate. Given what he wrote, firing him might harm google even more. It appears this was an internal document, never meant for public view. The fact that it was released to the public has harmed google, and is now being used as a divisive tool and weapon by the MSM. If what Mr. Damore wrote is true, then some good can come from it to heal division, not just at google but anyone affected by these issues. I realize that both the extreme Left and Right are just tools for division, and see them for what they truly are. I can see how some of what Mr. Damore wrote could be inflammatory for some individuals, however in his favor he did provide links to other sources which support his statements. Which is why it's very misleading when MSM removes these links (and graphics) from his original document. Here is what appears to have triggered the Left and the people funding MSM (see his full document for the rest of suggestions and reference notes, there's a lot more): Why we’re blind We all have biases and use motivated reasoning to dismiss ideas that run counter to our internal values. Just as some on the Right deny science that runs counter to the “God > humans > environment” hierarchy (e.g., evolution and climate change), the Left tends to deny science concerning biological differences between people (e.g., IQ8 and sex differences). Thankfully, climate scientists and evolutionary biologists generally aren’t on the right. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of humanities and social sciences lean left (about 95%), which creates enormous confirmation bias, changes what’s being studied, and maintains myths like social constructionism and the gender wage gap9. Google’s left leaning makes us blind to this bias and uncritical of its results, which we’re using to justify highly politicized programs. In addition to the Left’s affinity for those it sees as weak, humans are generally biased towards protecting females. As mentioned before, this likely evolved because males are biologically disposable and because women are generally more cooperative and agreeable than men. We have extensive government and Google programs, fields of study, and legal and social norms to protect women, but when a man complains about a gender issue issue affecting men, he’s labelled as a misogynist and a whiner10. Nearly every difference between men and women is interpreted as a form of women’s oppression. As with many things in life, gender differences are often a case of “grass being greener on the other side”; unfortunately, taxpayer and Google money is being spent to water only one side of the lawn. This same compassion for those seen as weak creates political correctness11, which constrains discourse and is complacent to the extremely sensitive PC-authoritarians that use violence and shaming to advance their cause. While Google hasn’t harbored the violent leftist protests that we’re seeing at universities, the frequent shaming in TGIF and in our culture has created the same silent, psychologically unsafe environment. Suggestions I hope it’s clear that I'm not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is 100% fair, that we shouldn't try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities have the same experience of those in the majority. My larger point is that we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don’t fit a certain ideology. I’m also not saying that we should restrict people to certain gender roles; I’m advocating for quite the opposite: treat people as individuals, not as just another member of their group (tribalism). My concrete suggestions are to: De-moralize diversity. ○ As soon as we start to moralize an issue, we stop thinking about it in terms of costs and benefits, dismiss anyone that disagrees as immoral, and harshly punish those we see as villains to protect the “victims.” Stop alienating conservatives. ○ Viewpoint diversity is arguably the most important type of diversity and political orientation is one of the most fundamental and significant ways in which people view things differently. In highly progressive environments, conservatives are a minority that feel like they need to stay in the closet to avoid open hostility. We should empower those with different ideologies to be able to express themselves. ○ Alienating conservatives is both non-inclusive and generally bad business because conservatives tend to be higher in conscientiousness, which is required for much of the drudgery and maintenance work characteristic of a mature company. Confront Google’s biases. ○ I’ve mostly concentrated on how our biases cloud our thinking about diversity and inclusion, but our moral biases are farther reaching than that. ○ I would start by breaking down Googlegeist scores by political orientation and personality to give a fuller picture into how our biases are affecting our culture. Stop restricting programs and classes to certain genders or races. ○ These discriminatory practices are both unfair and divisive. Instead focus on some of the non-discriminatory practices I outlined. What many of us are seeing is the Left is completely intolerant of any view other than their own, and have been resorting to violence. If one states they are neither Left or Right, the Left calls them Right, and the Right calls them Left. So while the Right might at first seem to be more tolerant, if one is not "on their side" they can be labeled "Left" simply because they are not Right. Fortunately, the well-armed Right hasn't been violent (we can get into "conspiracy theories" with Charlottesville, so perhaps best to agree that so far only the Left has used guns recently). If we don't start creating counter-momentum of healing the dividing forces, we're headed toward major civil unrest, and we know the government has been preparing for this for a while, so it's best we don't go there. What does all this mean for us filmmakers/vloggers and video hobbyists posting on YouTube? We can help heal the divisions, by creating content designed to bring people together, to better understand the issues, and to always take a position of understanding, love, and kindness. Metaphors and parables are more effective vs. lecturing (is this post lecturing ?). Think about how to better communicate with those who think differently from yourself. If you are posting online, think twice if you are angry. Understand that anger comes from your own ego, not from external sources, and certainly not from a person who has angered or annoyed you: that's coming from within yourself. Debating online is an excellent place to practice kind debate. Because you can take a moment or a break to think more deeply before replying. And by all means don't drunk post or post when upset in general: that's not the real you. Peace brothers & sisters
    4 points
  3. My reward is in helping people and seeing what they're doing using it. Nah, only kidding. Send cash. Shitloads of cash.
    4 points
  4. OK, this may or may not only be relevant to someone in the UK and even then maybe someone in London but here goes.... One of the drawbacks of the internet is that its made nosing about in 2nd hand shops less fun as the staff just search for the item on eBay before they price it so its quite rare to find a real bargain but all the more exciting when you do! This lens has a bunch of drawbacks but optical performance is NOT one of them. The first drawback is that its for 43 rather than M43 so you'll need an adapter. The next one is that its AF performance in video with M43 may not be all that. The last one is that is a big chunk of glass so stealth and lightweight it isn't. So, what is it? Its this, the Olympus 35-100mm constant F2. It is just a superb weather sealed 70-200mm equivalent and here are some examples from it https://www.flickr.com/groups/zd-35-100/pool/page1 It is listed at around £2300 at places that still have one but this one I've found is much cheaper. Much, much cheaper. I saw it a few weeks ago when I was in London and meant to post the details of it then but got waylaid and forgot all about it but I was walking past the same place today (CEX) and it is still in the window. If you can't get there in person, you can buy it off them online. At £650 its a bit of a steal IMO. And from my experience at other branches of CEX, if its been on display for a few weeks then you can haggle a bit to get more off so if you are in central London it might be worth a try. In the interests of fairness though, if you have bought it make sure you mention it here to save someone a wasted journey ! And I shall end this public service announcement with the link ! https://uk.webuy.com/product.php?sku=SLENOLY35100MF2#.WZ3d8xiZNE4
    3 points
  5. It'll be released on the 29th of September. Pricing for the hardware will be around £50 depending on where you get it and what you may already have. Price for the software will be £0.00/€0.00/$9.99
    3 points
  6. This forum is a microcosm of the world, a fractal. Andrew is the mayor, Jon is the sheriff, regulars are the villagers, and others are tourists/travelers just passing through. Is it possible for us to discuss these issues, about the world and each other's behavior, without divisive dialog? If we focus on discussing actions vs. people, especially if we ask questions as to why are people acting a certain way, we can get a better understanding of their motivations, and perhaps help each other to realize there might be better ways to achieve our goals. If we can do it on this forum, it will be a useful pattern for the world, right? (a fractal thing) Does disparaging each other work? Think about it- if someone puts you down, are you likely to listen to anything more about what they have to say, even if they are 100% correct? I have compassion for everyone working in the media industry, as well as everyone on this forum. We are constantly bombarded with negative energy designed to divide and conquer the US and the World. Folks in the media who don't follow the divisive guidelines face extreme personal and financial pressure to conform. It's truly a bummer. I spent my free time this summer doing research into what is really going on in the world today. The realization is so terrible that I didn't want to believe it, people who know the truth don't want to talk about it, and people who don't already know the truth don't want to believe it or even hear about it. All I can say with any certainty, is listen to those who push for kindness, understanding, and unity. Have empathy for all to those who output hate, intolerance, and division. More than anything they need understanding and love: that's how you heal them. Giving them more hate only makes their condition worse, right? This is for the general case and works for almost every person. The exceptions for violent people are noted, and even they are best given love and understanding when they must be countered with force and/or constrained freedom for the protection of others. Think of a powerful samurai warrior who must fight with honor and compassion and without hate. The reason we do this is it's good for all of our biology: kind actions and thoughts improve our mind, body, and spirit health. Kindness is not weakness. A soldier in battle can fight with compassion and without hate: fighting with honor. What are the advantages of making enemies? Now more than ever in modern history is a good time to practice making friends. We need to work together to get through the possible upcoming crisis. Ideally it will be avoided, but if not we must work together to reduce suffering and possibly even to survive.
    3 points
  7. We filmed Sammy the dog touring around Asheville, NC. Filming a dog is a crazy man's work. So difficult, but working with the cutest actor makes up for it haha... Let me know if you have any comments or questions!
    2 points
  8. Why? So we can become even more polarized and you can safely live in the echo chamber of your own head? The benefit of debating is to convince others on the fence to heed your reasoning vs the other debater. There is no reasoning with someone who tosses out "Trump is a white nationalist" as an absolutism. It's such an illogical foundation for debate that why should anyone who isn't a sycophant even bother. What a waste of time. Had you started with "Trump doesn't seem care that actual bleeding white nationalists are using his persona to embolden themselves. Here's why I believe that's dangerous" then maybe we could have a productive discussion. Or you could create inspiring art around that. But you didn't, so we won't.
    2 points
  9. This is why I believe so much in metaphor with a candy coating. I'm not saying it's the only way, but when you take into account the world we live in, where to make movies you need funding and to get funding you need eyeballs and to get eyeballs you need "flash," I think that the most broad-reaching tool in the box to affect any change is an action/adventure, thriller/mystery, or even horror film that's layered with metaphor. Having said that, don't discount documentaries too quickly. Many times they reach people outside of the "choir" and they do change hearts and minds. Do whatever you feel called to do! Also, yes.
    2 points
  10. A good decision! 1. Speed Booster XL has the most full-frame-like look, unless you want to avoid vignetting on APS-C lenses then go for the Ultra. Also if you want the absolute best corner sharpness go for the Ultra. 2. Not tried the battery grip as the internal battery last ages and spares so easy to carry! Might improve ergonomics though. 3. The XLR hotshoe audio adapter? 4. 35-100 II... Nah. I'd go for the Olympus 12-100mm F4 instead. Run & gun with AF I take it? 5. Only if you need AF when re-framing a shot otherwise stick to Sigma 6. You don't need it, the screen is fine! Keep it simple. 7. Haha 8. Yes.
    2 points
  11. It seems JCS is simply requesting that we as filmmakers make extra effort to make our films/videos have positive meaning. Left, right, up, or down, I think we can agree that's something to think about and is certainly applicable to a site full of filmmakers. I have discussions all the time with people about the purpose of film and whether it's our responsibility to be positive, refrain from opinion, just deliver entertainment, etc... I think it's worthwhile discussion.
    2 points
  12. I use Vimeo, but its also in virtu signaling business, they even created a category for Resistance! This war is already shaping the environment for content makers. You can't pretend nothing is happening.
    2 points
  13. I've spent a day converting the existing GX80 Cinelike-D hack html file into an Android APK. There's an added color temperature function. This app should yield some usability advantages as it allows on the fly changes to the various picture profile settings and contains all settings on a single page. It also saves your last selected settings. Notes on installation: -Allow installation of apps from unknown sources Instructions for use: 1. Connect to your camera's wifi network 2. Start the app 3. Click handshake (ignore any update warnings) 4. Click recmode 5. Change settings before or while filming Other notes: 1. The app may erase existing settings saved in your various picture profiles 2. Camera IP selection is not yet implemented, apologies to those who do not connect to their cameras directly 3. Tested on a G7 Download link: https://github.com/lippyt/lumixlib/raw/master/lumix.apk
    2 points
  14. tweak

    gx85 to gh5?

    I was pretty sceptic about the GH5 at first, I ended up pulling the trigger on a good deal and I'm glad I did. Easily worth the money to me, the quality/spec is amazing for the price. I came from GH4/gx85. If you're doing paid jobs/ you're serious about video, then the GH5 will not disappoint.
    2 points
  15. Nikon needs to address ergonomics, ecosystem, and UI, or their market share will continue to decline. Canon does, too, but less pressingly. Mirrorless cameras need to reach iPhone-level convenience before the iPhone reaches A7R-level image quality if the prosumer market is to survive. This focus on specs will only get Nikon so far. Which is sort of a shame because those specs are monstrous and the Nikon ecosystem is great. I'd love this camera for stills and video, assuming the video is decent in practice. (The D5 and 1DXII are fine for what they are, but; they're pro tools specifically for sports. That's not going away, but it's a tiny market. The prosumer market is in danger of going the way of point and shoots though.) Anyhow, awesome specs. Likely an awesome camera. Hoping it keeps Nikon in the game a while longer (and that the tech trickles down to Canon's ecosystem five years later lol).
    2 points
  16. In the EosHD Raw shooter guide Andrew recommended to shoot ETTR or even further, blow out what should have been blowned out. RAW zebras are perfectly accurate you can see what will blow out. Shooting like this you can have perfectly clean image if you are doing post process in Adobe Camera Raw. If you are using Davinci Resolve and you are shooting wide dynamic range scene you have to face the noise... but Neat video can clean up everything perfectly. Another way to get clean image if you shoot dual iso raw video. The benefits: huge dynamic range (14,2 EV, if shooting ETTR ISO100/800) clean shadows. The sacrifice: insane post-process times, aliasing in the non-overlapped areas so in deep shadows and highligts. I think it's not worth it, but give it a shot.
    2 points
  17. Following on from @mercer thread about mixing lenses, I thought I'd just do some quick grabs from different lenses for.....well, something to do, because its Sunday morning and I'm bored. I thought I'd do a mishmash of a few typical different types, vintages and price ranges that you might adapt and some native ones so you can see how they'd match (or not). Apologies for such a boring test scene but it seemed apt for such a boring test but it has enough elements to work with. So, here are the 12 lenses and the various adapters for our test camera which was the Fuji X-T20. We have the following in C/Y mount Contax Zeiss Vario Sonnar 28-85 f3.3-4 Contax Zeiss Distagon 28 f2.8 Contax Zeiss Planar 50 f2.8 Contax Zeiss Sonnar 135 f2.8 We have the following in Nikon mount Nikon Series E 28 f2.8 Nikon 28-105 AFD f3.5-4 Nikon 24-70 f2.8 G Sigma 35 f1.4 ART We have the following in M42 mount Helios 44 58 f2 Carl Zeiss Jena Floktagon 35 f2.8 And we have the following native lenses FujiFilm 35 f1.4 Fujifilm 60 f2.4 From this we can compare a somewhat matched set (the Contax Zeiss) with some cheap and old to expensive and new not matched set (the Nikons), some old and very cheap (the M42s) with new and native from Fuji. I have also done a couple of shots at different focal lengths from the Contax Zeiss and Nikon zoom. All shots were the same exposure at f4 based on the slowest lens in the group. All shots taken from the same position with the exception of the Contax Zeiss 135 f2.8 which, well, you can guess why that was from further away! All shots are JPEG straight out of the camera and no post matching has been done. Shot order (starting at 1 in top left and ending at 16 in the bottom right) Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 85mm Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 50mm Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 35mm Contax Zeiss Sonnar 28-85 @ 28mm Contax Zeiss Planar 50mm Contax Zeiss Distagon 28mm Nikon Series E 28mm Nikon 28-105 @ 50mm Nikon 24-70G @ 70mm Nikon 24-70G @ 50mm Carl Zeiss Floktagon 35mm Helios 44M 58mm FujiFilm 60mm Fujifilm 35mm Sigma 35mm ART Contax Zeiss Sonnar 135mm I can put the individual files up at some point (not now, I'm going to the beach) if anyone is still awake and interested enough.
    2 points
  18. Developed together with Fujifilm - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikon_E_series "Its unique optical system bundles the light of the full frame lenses to the small 2/3 inch CCD sensor. That gives approximately 4 stops more light at the small sensor, therefore delivering an exceptional (for that time) minimum sensitivity of 800 and maximum 3200 ISO, which remains usable for press and news use." They fitted a 36 x 24mm full frame image into a 2/3" sensor! The E series uses a unique additional optical system that enables the small sensor to capture the field of view of a 35mm film, with a crop factor of 1. This comes not at the expense of the lightness of the lenses, because the light is bundled to the  2⁄3 inch CCD sensor with approximately  1⁄16 smaller area. The result is approximately 4 stops (24 = 16) more light at the small sensor compared to a full-frame sensor. Therefore the camera has a minimum full-frame sensitivity of ISO800 which is equivalent to ISO 50 at  2⁄3 inch. As a result the noise of the camera at ISO 800 full-frame is equivalent to ISO 50 of the  2⁄3 inch CCD sensor. Nikon could not reduce sensitivity below 800 ISO full-frame, because the little sensor will be overexposed below 50 ISO. I am sure the corners are soft but heck would love to see a modern version of a focal reducer this dramatic for Micro Four Thirds Medium format on the GH5 anyone?
    1 point
  19. deezid

    gx85 to gh5?

    hmm ok, whatever. We are basically talking about a consumer codec with REC709 space limited to 10 stops max vs. a professional tool with a 10 bit codec, ACES enabled workflow using V-log, no banding, no macroblocking and an almost perfect noise texture here (sharpening and nr at -5, 10 bit codec).
    1 point
  20. I don't think forums are dying, one of the largest is Reddit and that has never been more popular or mainstream. Facebook discussions are a whisker away from YouTube comments - the use of real names doesn't seem to change anything. People are attacked and abused on Facebook and Twitter in far greater numbers than all of the camera forums put together! What the world needs to do is go offline and be productive... Then when they are back online, they can self-express in more productive ways as well, rather than shouting at one-another because of their different opinions. The internet has created a tribal culture, with echo chambers and mobs. Thanks Ed for starting a lively discussion... If we can all lighten up and see the fun in it or use some humour, it would be a nice way of glossing over our superficial differences and recognising the fact we're all humans with similar interests and if one of us ever got hurt, or needed help in real life, we'd step up.
    1 point
  21. With Google, YouTube and Facebook I've noticed a gradual change. The Facebook situation is pretty bad, because it's become Google's main rival and is how a lot of people now surf the net. The newsfeed is basically a big profit train for Facebook, so we have to pay Facebook just to reach our own followers. On YouTube, the clickbait infestation is getting worse because of increasing competition, clickbait has almost become the standard form of presentation - if your nearest rival is doing clickbait you have no choice but to present your content as clickbait as well... Otherwise it doesn't get seen. I don't know what YouTube have done to fix this - probably something, that then made it worse. I know they prefer long-form material, which has made the situation worse because the crap just gets drawn out longer and very concise and informative shorter stuff gets buried. Well done YouTube! Google, they are doing NAAAAAthing for the little guy... Basically 4 or 5 review sites per topic OWN the first page, and they're all SHIT. Advertorial, clickbait and downright crap. The situation needs kicking into touch otherwise people will start losing interest.
    1 point
  22. While I agree that moderation of this thread was at least poor, I believe people can change and as yourself I am against harsh actions. This thread (if not deleted) will be here to remind us of how moderation should NOT be done. The level of personal attacks allowed or even supported has never been an EOSHD norm nor should it ever be. It doesn't matter if you disagree with someone's political views or passionate words.
    1 point
  23. Mounting a GoPro in something you say? Sounds like a job for this fella.....
    1 point
  24. @Ed_David you made your point about B&H, some agree, some disagree, the courts ruled, we're paying attention to these issues, perhaps time to focus on a new issue? Such as how to unite the people away from chaos and war? You have a lot of talent, would love to see a piece by you using the amazing F65 which promotes love, understanding and unity. Tell a story to make people cry with joy, brother
    1 point
  25. In what way? Recommendations? search placements? From my perspective clickbait has infested YouTube over the last year or more. Make an obnoxious reaction face thumbnail and pad your video with lots of blab so there's more space for ad placements. It's not about creating "content" (hate that word) it's more about creating the appearance of shock and substance when there really is very little there
    1 point
  26. I hate this kind of thing as much as anyone right of center, but I find Google's tracking/advertising/manipulation practices to be more concerning especially considering their political clout and market share. The online advertising market is a straight up duopoly right now between them and Facebook. But unfortunately, they're king when it comes to many things on the internet.
    1 point
  27. Maybe even better latency with the latest smartphones like Samsung S8+? I'll see if I can test one!
    1 point
  28. The price of them has gone up a bit over the past couple of years. The mint Buy It Now DP1m,DP2m and DP3m from Japan are around about £450 now on eBay but biddable ones go for around £300-350 which although dearer than they were is still a bargain for their performance. The DP2m is the best compromise one to start off with IMO. This contact sheet is from a wander about yesterday with my DP2m and looking at the EXIF were taken over a period of just under 25 minutes. I mention that because that was a long enough period to burn through a battery so its for good reason that these things are one of the few cameras where the manufacturer puts two batteries in the box!
    1 point
  29. I started using bing since the day they fired the guy. Not that Microsoft is any better, but I don't want to use their services anymore. I wish a Chinese or Indian startup make a YouTube rival then I will be G-free. Thanks god Telegram rocks in my country so I rarely need to use email.
    1 point
  30. Hot thread... Chill out guys and gals ; ) Let's keep it up a little bit at least, we are all friends over Andrew's home :-)
    1 point
  31. Thanks User. That's why we are best training and thinking like samurai. Joining together with like-minded people to not only protect ourselves but also those who are not able to protect themselves. If the hordes come, we do our best to help them, at the same time being smart and not putting ourselves at risk. If we must fight, we do so with compassion and honor. That's a big reason to make friends and work as a team vs. going solo in times of crisis. I finally started watching Game of Thrones and I see one reason why it's so popular right now: lots of metaphors for what's happening in the real world.
    1 point
  32. Totally forgot to add the 'T' in there.
    1 point
  33. Thx im a begginer in video and its really good to read comments about my work.
    1 point
  34. I think Nikon has already hinted at a mirrorless camera and promising it will be a category killer. But the current UI of D810 is very good (far better than my Sony a6000). With the consumer market, the mobile phones are just destroying it. I think for that reason Nikon and others have to go after prosumers and pros. Probably why Fuji had to expand into MF line. The other thing I wish nikon will focus on, while doing their mirrorless is to provide IBIS. The stuff I'm hearing people are doing with the 5-axis stabilization out of Olympus is crazy and make the ergonomics of not having to think about a tripod more enticing.
    1 point
  35. But Max, I dare you!:) Browsing through the Merrill pictures on Flickr reveals some breathtaking images. A Merrill in combination with its fixed lens is a winner in price image ratio, you cannot reach with a D810. But speed, easy of use, flexibility and high iso are fair trade offs, of course. I think Merrills are putting out a nicer image than the Quattros.
    1 point
  36. mercer

    Magic Lantern Raw Video

    Also here are a few more screengrabs from my film.
    1 point
  37. Great job, drone shots are getting a little tired, time lapses certainly aren't typical and they look much better IMO.
    1 point
  38. Nicholson Ruiz

    A little test

    Hope everyone is well.
    1 point
  39. You may not agree with what Ed has to say, but he has been unfailingly polite in saying it. Perhaps you should dial back your aggression and disdain, as it is of no use to anyone and paints you as an unpleasant individual. And I agree, by the way, that administrators should abstain from approving posts containing aggression and profanity aimed at other users.
    1 point
  40. Paper bag + white sheet paper + paperclip = (shot and post processed in Snapseed on iPhone) Processed in ACR and enlarged in Photoshop:
    1 point
  41. He's a good cheat sheet for DCP sizes http://unravel.com.au/files/Unravel_Resolution_CheatSheet.pdf You should be able to make a custom sized timeline - if you don't want black bars in a box. Also, if you've been looking at squeezed footage it can look a bit weird when you de-squeeze. But more importantly, as someone has mentioned, the stretch factor can change slightly, since the x2 is taken from when the lens is at infinity - this tends to be a real problem with x2 anamorphics rather than say x1.5 etc. The best way to know what you've got is to film a circle (on a piece of paper) and then de-squeeze it to your taste. Doesn't matter how you filmed it, 16:9, 4:3 or 6:5 - you'll still end up de-squeezing it by the same factor.
    1 point
  42. Lol where's the irony? We're all in the same boat, brother
    1 point
  43. In my work (home for the elderlies) 90 % of the clients have dementia. They have forgotten the meaning of, well, basically anything abstract. Their imagined social status, their illusion of autonomy, their professional ambitions, their whole anxiously upheld public persona: gone for good. Emotions remain intact to their last breath. At some stage they have forgotten the words to express them. Have they lost their humanity? The ability to think, to mentally function, to use reason, is an extension of the brain. A relatively new tool in evolution. As powerful as it potentially is, it turns dangerous, destructive, genocidal, if it loses contact with the emotional core, the real needs of the individual. Everyone would agree. How does this relate to filmmaking? Do we question this whole field of activity because being shown a video doesn't feed anybody? Why not? On the other hand, it's a means of communication with many connections to the subconscious. Less abstract in many ways than language. Do we question language? Sometimes we should. The sense for our own and our neighbor's needs is numbed. We should listen to the heart (as cheesy as this sounds) more often, and it communicates non-verbally.
    1 point
  44. We can be superheroes. Our power would be real empathy. This is the only way. That was what I was trying to say. I didn't mean to single me out. No offence taken. We say sorry too often. Did you read this between my lines? Then you have misinterpreted them.
    1 point
  45. The white privileged gear collectors miss the signs of the time, which, thanks to Trump and the like, have made people more aware of politics. Some (black) comedian said, we have a very good party now - with a lousy DJ. I have a book on documentary video, written by (black) Anthony Artis titled SHUT UP AND SHOOT - ANY CAMERA - ANY BUDGET - ANY TIME. The time is now. Or never. Aesthetic niceties have their reasons, but we tend to be on fixated on, er, visual correctness.
    1 point
  46. Ignore all sides who preach hate and division, brothers and sisters. They are all coming from the same source, the same people pulling the strings, a layer above and invisible to most. Their goal is to create division and civil war, WW3, to consolidate their global power. DC is locked in self-destructive corruption, so we need to manifest miracles to bring about peaceful change. Perhaps best case scenario is to pardon them all if they'll all leave peacefully. They have most people looking down at minutiae, when we really need to be looking up at our rulers and working together in unity to create real change, at the root source of all the world's manufactured problems. Spread the message of love and unity. Think in terms of what you want, as opposed to what you don't want. What we think becomes reality.
    1 point
  47. A lot of people poop their pants for Canon color, but imho the Fuji looks better. And while I think the pany colors are decent, but Fuji just looks awesome most of the time.
    1 point
  48. OK So for anyone wanting to try this, I have made a really simple method to do it. I have tested this numerous times on my GX80 and it has lived to tell the tale but obviously do this at your own risk. All that this process does is fool the camera into thinking its talking to the smartphone app and then the commands it sends are exactly what the smartphone app sends. Or would do if the smartphone app thought it was talking to a camera equipped with Cinelike D ! So as such it is only getting sent what the Panasonic app would be sending to it so there are no hacky or sneaky debug things getting sent to it. Again, though, proceed at your own risk. Although I would say, if you’ve tried that region switching hack on YouTube with the 10 million key press combos during power up then you’re already brave enough to try this! Bear in mind that my unit is a GX80 and the firmware is version 1.0 If you have a GX85 or have got a different firmware then I just don’t know because obviously I haven’t got any other devices to test it on. Here we go then…. Follow these instructions exactly and you should have Cinelike D on your GX80/85 You will need a laptop or a phone with a browser, the camera and to download the simple html file attached. 1) Switch on camera and turn on wifi as though you were connecting the app and you should see the waiting screen on the camera 2) Load the Deploy Cinelike D.html file into your browser 3) Select ‘Handshake’ 4) You should see the browser page change and it confirm that its connected to a GX80 5) Hit the back key on the browser 6) Select ‘Connect’ 7) You should see the browser page change to say ‘ok’ and the camera give you an ‘Under Remote Control’ message 8) Wait until the camera screen shows you a live view 9) Hit the back key on the browser 10) Select ‘Deploy’ 11) You should see the browser page change to say ‘ok’ and the camera should NOT now be displaying the Photo Style you had selected (i.e. Standard, Vivid etc) 12) Cinelike D is now active on the camera 13) If you go into the menu on the camera and select Photo Style you will see that it is blank and you can’t navigate to other Photo Styles such as Standard etc. 14) To restore the Photo Styles hit the back button on the browser and select ‘Restore’ and the camera will display the Standard photo style and you should then be able to go into Photo Styles and change them. 15) Repeat 9-14 to switch between them to your hearts content! So, like other settings, the Cinelike D profile will persist when you switch the camera off so if you want to use the other Photo Styles again then you MUST go this process again to re-enable them. However, if you would like to switch between them without using this method again (and who wouldn’t) here is a neat way round it. When you’ve done Step 12 and got Cinelike D on, set all your other parameters (4K24p etc) as you’d like them and save these into C1 of the custom settings. Then go to Step 14 and use the ‘Restore’ to get your standard Photo Styles back, set all your other parameters (4K24p etc) as you’d like them and then save these into C2 of the custom settings. Now when you switch the camera on, you simply choose C1 to have Cinelike D or C2 for the standard Photo Styles and forget about using any nonsense about using browsers and wifi connections! In couple of weeks I’m hoping to show you how you can do stuff like this and some other useful bits and pieces from a little hardware gadget that will work on the Panasonic cameras but have fun with this in the meantime. DEPLOY CINELIKE D.html
    1 point
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