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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2017 in Posts

  1. I don't know how many people use Auto focus on cameras for shooting anything. We shot a short film on a Canon 80D. The focus is pretty good. But in low light, close distance focus and when no individual is in the frame (or someone walks into an empty frame), the focus jump and the ability to figure out who to focus on is a joke. The problem is not so much of whether is can focus accurately or whether there is any focus jump. The problem is there are many conditions under which a camera with auto focus is just a joke, and can never replace a human being. And the fact that a lot of it is absolutely unpredictable. IMHO while dual pixel and all that marketing jargon sounds great, the fact that algorithm are far from great right now, means, that the hit and miss rate is huge. Samsung Smartphones (and much smaller sensor cameras), have far better focus locking on subjects, and yet those too have their limitations. I posted it here because I am genuinely curious to see whether someone actually shot an entire short film, documentary, wedding or music video, or corporate work etc on Auto focus on a camera with dual pixel (canon) or something like an A6300 or even A6500. I think users' exaggerated claims have kind of pushed the facts into the realm of dreams. People say things more for effect than for their actual worth.
    4 points
  2. I know you can do it. Same optical quality of nx-L, but inverse logic. 50-150 would become a 100-300 f5.6, which is not so bad.
    3 points
  3. Idk, what I believe or don't believe is personal to me. But to come onto someone's post and tell them to ditch their beliefs, on their video is... kinda shitty. Just sayin'...
    3 points
  4. I'm using a Komputer Bay 256GB 1066x. Getting another click higher with this afternoon's build. Talking resolution: for those who love 16:9, or want to deliver Cinemascope with an Isco or 1.33x anamorphic, the maximum attainable 16:9 resolution is 2784 x 1536. Forgetting about the upper resolutions for a moment, and dropping down to 2.8K Cinemascope, I'm getting a quite usable preview (colour, faster frame rate, not real time) with only a brief flicker of the grayscale preview every five seconds (b&w, very low res, very low refresh rate) Downgrade your camera to 1.1.3 firmware. Get ML installed using an SD card: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHzQkJNMIzU Get fast CF cards. My card listed above is relatively good bang for the buck. Test your cards using the in-camera speed test. You'll need at least 85MB/s for 1920 x 1080. If your cards don't show this speed, send them back and try new ones. If you can get cards that are around 95MB/s that's even better, as you'll need this kind of speed for the new high res modes. Use this calculator to figure out how long you can get on a card: http://rawcalculator.bitballoon.com/calculator_desktop Get comfortable with the camera by installing the latest non-experimental build. Get familiar with that. Then add the crop_rec module from the experimental builds page. This will give you a fully previewable 1920 x 1080 digital zoom - very useful. For post, get up to speed with MLVFS. For log masters, the quick transcoding route is to use Resolve (BMD Film colorspace and gamma, highlight recovery on) - export to ProRes, Cineform or DNXHD 444. For ultimate quality, but slow workflow, use ACR through AE, and consider Cinelog-C.
    3 points
  5. Here are a few more test screenshots. I use 10x zoom to carefully check focus. The images are spectacular. Im only getting about 38 frames @3072x1660 and about 250 @3072x1308. Crop Mode: 3K 1:1 RAW Video: 3072x1308 Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1 ISO: 1600 14-bit lossless ML Version: 1.1.3 Canon 70-200mm f/2.8 II Crop Mode: 3K 1:1 RAW Video: 3072x1660 Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1 ISO: 1600 14-bit lossless ML Version: 1.1.3 Canon 40mm f/2.8
    3 points
  6. Picked up the 10-24mm on Saturday. Shot in 4K so its slightly cropped in on these frame grabs than it would be in HD. Some frame grabs from the cheap 50-230mm from the same wandering about. Shooting in 4K gave it even more range !
    3 points
  7. Internet thread get derailed so that is norm?
    2 points
  8. Can we, in keeping with the thread title, keep this to information regarding the GH5? This is slowly but steadily evolving into a Sony thread.
    2 points
  9. @mercer You'll be fine! Here are some tips for when things go wrong: Sometimes the camera will try to record to the SD card instead of the CF card, which only gives a few seconds of recording. Make sure you have "preferred card" in the menu set to CF If the camera locks up or starts misbehaving, turn it off and pop the battery After turning it off, wait until the red light stops flashing before you pop the cards out (like, two seconds) Keep a copy of the ML build files on your laptop in case you change settings and can't remember how to change them back No joy there, I'm afraid. http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=18443.msg181620#msg181620
    2 points
  10. PLEEEASE SOMEBODY try the 10bit and 12bit at 4K All this 3K stuff looks great though.
    2 points
  11. They problem as I see it as that the GH5, on a spec for spec basis, competes with the FS5/FS7. In order to compete in pure capabilities, Sony would have to canibalize their own high end cameras. Don't get me wrong, that sounds great, but I just don't think it's probable. Plus, on a pure reliability/ergonomics/ease of use level, none of Sony's mirrorless line holds a candle to Panasonic's. Low light performance has reached the point of diminishing returns, frame rates are impressive all around, and everyone's sorted out internal 4K. The technology has begun to plateau, begging the question: how will everyone differentiate themselves? Panasonic rocks in ergonomics, bit depth, and stabilization. Canon has pretty color, lens selection, and DPAF. Sony still has the edge in extremely low light, but other than that...What do they offer over everyone else?
    2 points
  12. I never expected the GH5 to outclass the A6500 in terms of AF and sensor performance, I mean, it's 4/3" against APS-C and although we've come quite a way since the GH4, we're not close enough yet and think it would be pretty unrealistic to have expected otherwise? In terms of dynamic range, high ISO/lowlight noise performance, thickness of color perhaps (although these last two improved quite significantly), MFT still needs a bit of catching up. Same for the AF systems. But... you have to appreciate it for the right features. It's basically an ENG/Cinema camera unit, that can be used as such, which means it's super effective in controlled environments, yet, its body design lends itself superbly for on-the-go use. It's reliable, has tons of intergrated features... like really, what is not to love? On top of that: the system is actually compact with tons of possibilities. That's one of the main reasons I decided to go with the GH2 over a T2i/550D/T3i/600D. Mirrorless means more innovation and MFT is the more compact system. Compared to Sony, the body, reliability and system compactness is still so much better. That's also why for me it wouldn't even make much sense to look at a 5DmkIII...
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. What do I have to do to call myself a storyteller Contaxes look good, what is your set? Did you build it on eBay?
    2 points
  15. Hi everyone, today i got luck and catched a helicopter take off. Tried to film it in Slowmotion, what do you think? It was really sunny outside so i turned the F-Stops way up to 16 but it ended up a bit to dark... https://youtu.be/fqNC9jKcgLU FHD 8 Bit VariableFameRate 180 ISO 200, F16, 180d Shutter, ManualFocus, HandHeld PictureProfile is Like709 with Knee adjustment, Graded in AE
    2 points
  16. But, no IBIS, no 4K/60p, brick size, etc. I think people are freaking out on GH5 flaws, really overestimating them. You can have solid stabilized outcome based on S35/FF look coupled to a Speedbooster bandinglessly on more than adequate color sampling and high bitrate for soon or with a monitor which is a recorder too, after all, for more less than 1,000 bucks. What's the big deal here? To understand the sweet spot on AF settings or use tap to focus when run-n-gun? C'mon pals, pixel peeping can be dangerous if taken overdosed ; ) There's no other similar camera for the price. End of story :-)
    2 points
  17. I support the above recommendation for the nature of your projects, a G7 with a Chinese speedboster will be a good combination and stays in your budget, also a basic rig will be needed, if you go to ebay probably you can even add an external monitor and still stay under $800...
    2 points
  18. Is your goal to help people heal, to help unify people to be kind and work together for the collective good? If so, how will this experience change how you create your content? If you know directly quoting scripture will turn some people off, will you do it anyway 'because it's me', or will you have empathy for others and change it into a non-divisive form to help them remember the kindness and helpful knowledge you are sharing?
    1 point
  19. I think Jesus would have shot on the Digital Bolex
    1 point
  20. I'm contemplating making a short run of these, if enough people are interested.
    1 point
  21. Well AF on FS5 sucks and doesnt have IBIS but I dont see many buyer like me see that as deal breaker lol, I dont see Sony fanboy denoucing FS5 or A7SII for crappy AF which is heavily bashed on GH5 atm.
    1 point
  22. Those small full frame bodies with big front heavy Canon/Sony/Nikon full frame lenses are a nightmare. Some times small is good, but sometimes small is bad. Even Panasonic went out of its comfort zone to produce a truly great "pro" camera, this GH5 is BIG (and relatively heavy). More space, bigger batteries, better heat sinks, more buttons, better ergonomics, more reliable - hassle free machine. There will be a Sony dSLR like mirrorless soon-ish, some things are tested through decades, and work for more than one reasons, evolution is good, but evolution is to take the good things and move' em forward. Low light is great, but it isn't a panacea to everything but most people use it as an excuse for cuts in technicians, equipment, procedures. Video is not a lonely sport, it isn't photography. Also, IBIS is not a panacea either!
    1 point
  23. Extreme low light is a great reason to pick Sony. For 98% of shooting, that advantage holds little allure for me. Thus, I continue to wonder what advantage Sony holds for that vast percentage of shooters that don't need crazy ISOs.
    1 point
  24. And if you do interact, are you applying water (helping, calming, growing life) or fire (harming)?
    1 point
  25. I actually don't have a choice but to shoot with it. The only other camera I own now is the D5500. And although I love the image out of that camera... I'm not going to shoot a short on it when I have a Raw capable camera lying about. I'll just make sure I have 4 or 5 batteries, 3 or 4 64GB cards and my MacBook Air with me to offload the files if needed. It's only going to be a 3-5 minute, mostly silent, short. So I am preparing it in such a way that I am shooting a 3:1 shot ratio.
    1 point
  26. While these points are interesting, I think we've wandered pretty far afield of the topic...
    1 point
  27. The problem with religion and quoting 'scripture' from any source, is it is automatically exclusionary if the reader is from another faith, atheist, etc. An even bigger issue is much of the texts are taken literally when they don't really resemble what the original authors and prophetic visionaries wrote as metaphors, trying to put into words ideas that are hard to describe in normal human consciousness, especially anything related to God. There is a huge ego one-upmanship of who's religion is more correct, better, superior etc. Alan Watts discusses this in length (only 7 minutes, worth listening!): Another issue is no one likes being told what to do, or preached to (unless one already believes the ideas, so why are people wasting time preaching to the converted?). The issue I had as a child with Christian and Jewish upbringing was the hypocrisy of the adults, and so I rejected it all at a very young age. Only after facing death a few times and life's many challenges did I start looking deeper beyond the surface layer of the reality distortion field of what runs on our current planetary civilization. As a complex system of interacting consciousnesses, it's more efficient to share ideas of kindness after an interaction of unkindness, when it matters most, and is more likely to have a lasting effect. In entertainment and especially filmmaking, we can remind and reinforce these fundamental and universal truths, that we already know to be true, through storytelling ('parables'), through metaphors, through humor, but not through quoting scriptures or preaching in any way (was this post preaching ?). Here's a great example of teaching, reminding, but not preaching. A powerful story, well worth watching (on Netflix): People ask, what is my faith, my religion. My reply is observe how I act and treat others, not what I say I am.
    1 point
  28. Emanuel, I think at times people are looking for excuses to not buy a given piece of equipment. Others are trying to defend equipment they already own by over-exaggerating flaws of new entries. I see this all the time and not just with cameras. It's human nature.
    1 point
  29. the good thing is that there is already a cheap macro tube with contacts, maybe it is possible to 3d print one of those and put some elements inside. This is were my mechanical capabilities stop!
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. Ignore me, I was just being flippant. I meant it has about 8 steps per revolution on that lens and you can feel every one of them.
    1 point
  32. Most manufacturers look fine at 3200/6400 these days. Even in the evening or at night, I've never needed more. And personally, I find full frame overrated. Difficult to focus, and easily matched with a speed booster.
    1 point
  33. Half a turn gets you to 1.5m and another quarter turn gets you to infinity. On the upside the manual focusing aids are pretty good and the peaking certainly announces its presence loudly enough! Swings and roundabouts I suppose.
    1 point
  34. Hi Mercer.....if you are going to film in two weeks...do not use ml raw yet....it will be a nightmare for you, believe me, you need to know exactly what you are doing, otherwise you will ending with a big mess, take your time learning MLRAW how to process it and then you can film with it... You will need faster cf cards, batteries, hdd space for your raw files, backups... 1066x cards, some time ago the best ones were expensive, people were using Komputerbay card because of the price but it was a lottery with them, some were bad, right now go for LEXARS https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1031509-REG/lexar_lcf64gcrbna10662_64gb_pro_compact_flash.html, how many cards you will need? 4 , 8? you have to try and see how it work for you, buy a faster cf reader to transfer the files to your computer/ext hard drive. MLVFS is great ...you convert to CDNG on the fly...and can keep your original raw. there is a lot of things to learn from ml raw menu, how to change them, it is fun and great to learn but take time.....once you know how to work with all the issues you will love the results good luck and welcome to ml raw world.!! not really, the installation is very simple now, just put the files at the root and do the firmware upgrade....that's it. Make sure you downgrade your firmware to 1.1.3...I did it with my 5d mark III with no issues.... only use the firmware 1.2.3 if you need dual monitor, otherwise use the firmware 1.1.3
    1 point
  35. Here's some pointers, search for 'DMW-SFU1': e.g. both Digifoto and Fotokoch seem to be sending stuff abroad. No stock yet though. https://geizhals.eu/panasonic-dmw-sfu1-updateschluessel-a1567852.html . Might wanna shoot a msg in direction of these guys too: https://www.panasonicstore.ie/about-us/ . Or https://eng.faq.panasonic.com/app/ask/p/5 , does say 'UK & Ireland', so they must gotta have some info for you on how to get a hold of one. Gd luck.
    1 point
  36. How is quoting scripture exclusionary? Not religious personally, but it didn't bother me. 1DC produces lovely skin tones, and the contrast/color on the C/Y Zeiss is so choice. Liked the edit and lighting too. What exactly are you dissatisfied with in your current setup?
    1 point
  37. This has nothing to do with publicly praying in order to be praised. That's what the pharisees did. Jesus said this, but he also read and quoted scripture publicly. The two are clearly different, but I think you already know that.
    1 point
  38. IronFilm

    Best Camera under $800

    Yup, agreed. Go either Panasonic G7 or G80 depending on exactly how tight your budget is. Plus a RJ Lens Turbo or similar, plus a few older Nikon F mount lenses.
    1 point
  39. noone

    Tripod + fluid head

    if there are any charity shops near you, ask them if they have any tripods. They may have something out the back. Tripods may not be looked on as something having any real value (like old cameras for example). You would be lucky to find a decent fluid head tripod but you never know. A charity shop I know usually has one or two out the back from all sorts of makers. I recently paid $5 Australian for a very nice Vanguard Pan head tripod that can hold up a battleship there and it is in excellent condition. Not the highest end but still would have been a few hundred dollars new. I missed out on a geared head tripod with all sorts of goodies by a few hours a couple of months ago ( I think someone overheard me talking about it and went and got it). Certainly worth investigating anyway. Again, not high end and the head isn't detachable but certainly worth more than $5.
    1 point
  40. As do most, but religion is a niche market too.
    1 point
  41. Hey jonpais. Go here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeemingLUTOne/ Its a group from the Lut creator Paul Leeming. If you have any questions he usually replies very quickly. I also bought that Lut for my G80.
    1 point
  42. The camera that just keeps on giving. Thanks to the ML team which just keeps on giving. Not particularly pretty ? That stills look terrific Mercer. I have always loved the 14 bit image coming from the 5D3. As someone who does a lot of grading (even professionally) I have always found the 5D3 offered very true color right out of the box. If the exposure is on, I often don't even need to correct it. Which brings me back to a discussion with a very well known DP recently. He said he would rather have great color depth at FullHD on a camera than higher dynamic range or resolution at lower bit depth. I think he is right. As a DP our job is to get the exposure right and control the light. Kudos for the superb work, ML. Thanks for bringing this to our attention as well Andrew.
    1 point
  43. aldolega

    Tripod + fluid head

    I will echo the advice to get the best tripod & head you can afford. You don't need to spend thousands, but you're probably looking at $300-400 to get something that's workable (unless you find a good used deal). In my experience, those cheap Manfrottos with the one-sided tilt mechanisms are nearly useless- once you loosen the tilt lock knob, the tilt mechanism goes all wobbly. I would definitely get at least a used Manfrotto 701, which is workable. I used a 701 for a couple years, then went to a Benro S6, and then got REALLY lucky on a Sachtler Ace L with carbon legs on eBay. The 701 was workable for a light setup, once I got used to the fixed drag. The S6 was a good step up, it was nice to have adjustable tilt drag and adjustable counterbalance. The lack of a pan drag adjustment sucks though, and overall it's built pretty cheaply- plastic knobs, plate release button was sticky, etc. Both the 701 and S6 are dampened, but I wouldn't quite call them smooth. The Sachtler is a whole 'nother league. Smooth as silk, drag on both axes can go light or nice 'n heavy, counterbalance is more finely adjustable. Having a bowl mount is really nice. Everything about it is really nice, and it makes using my old tripods feel awful, haha. And it's not just a placebo effect- I can see a definite difference in my shots with it.
    1 point
  44. Oysters

    Isco S8 2x Focus

    Thanks Timotheus.. Forgot about Tito's calculator.. I think ill leave it at 4m, i have a few others so it should be fine
    1 point
  45. I use a Sony WA adapter for their handy cams. The front thread of the BH is almost 55mm, so just use a step ring to attach a WA adapter. I used the Sony because they are readily available and cheap. Because the one I'm using is 0.7x, it makes lenses a little wider. Handling is tough though. The weight of the WA adapter makes the setup extremely front heavy. I always use rails to mount the lens. Also the front rotates, so make sure your lens is clean.
    1 point
  46. Here's what's really going on - http://www.eoshd.com/2017/03/panasonic-will-accelerate-lumix-project-new-structure/ It's good stuff and very positive for cameras like the GH5. The frenzy of speculation as usual comes from a lot of lazy internet journalism where sites like 43rumors look at one word in one article at Nikkei and base the headline on it, when a bit of research back just 2 months would have found the managers at Panasonic explaining in depth exactly what was planned! Ridiculous!
    1 point
  47. It's basically adding lots of saturation, then contrast using curves (find a proper black value using the waveform!), shifting the hues (bright green a bit to yellow, yellow a bit to orange, orange slightly to red, red a bit to magenta), desaturating shadows and highlights, desaturating bright oranges (helps for skintones as well), pushing gray or low saturation mid and dark tones (not black though, leave dark skin color the way it is!) to teal a bit, adding a bit of grain. That's it basically. :D
    1 point
  48. Andrew is in the throes of New Camera Mania (™) and it won't wear off for the GH5 until a new "pretty good" prosumer camera is released that has a lot of shortcomings but produces a decent image.
    1 point
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