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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/2015 in all areas

  1. 1. Blegh. Apple people. 4K on smartphones are a thing for a while now. 'But wooohhh, it's Apple doing it now, look at this, it's amazeballs'. I mean... really? 2. Can't agree with the topic title. It's still a tiny sensor... it's still a very deep depth of field, it's still oversharpened... I thought that was a thing we're trying to avoid by shooting with cameras like the D750, to be more filmlike. The iPhone's footage is way too screamy and harsh for my taste. It lacks nuance. Besides. DYNAMIC RANGE. Man. 3. Of course 4K -> 1080p is going to look sharper/crisper than regular 1080p from a Canon/Nikon fullframe DSLR. To me though, the amount of detail in a deep depth of field shot makes things flat, I need some layering
    6 points
  2. Best news I've read all day! The BMD Video Assist is shipping now. Very keen to see a head to head comparison vs the Atomos Samurai Blade which is also US$495 (am using a Ninja 2 right now on a music video shoot with a Sony F3. It is nice, aside from the low resolution screen and no SDI)
    4 points
  3. hi all, Just interested to get some opinions. so far we've had once piece of footage, I can't find a way to embed it so here it is on another blog: http://www.newsshooter.com/2015/06/13/new-footage-from-the-blackmagic-ursa-mini-4-6k/ the dynamic range and skin tones look lovely as does resolution, footage seems jolly good. I am however worried about the camera itself, as someone who once had a preorder down on an earlier model and cancelled as all sorts of delays happened and problems arose once when the camera was out there. i also have a friend whose camera broke on day one on a shoot, leaving him to use a backup he had luckily brought in the form of a GH2 (remember those?;) as such I can't bring myself to preorder, despite lovely footage and a low price I still feel it's a... Gamble. Which is sad. I'd like to be more trusting but still... This is real money and real work... is anyone out there with more courage than I taking the plunge? If so let us know!
    1 point
  4. Shot on the C100 Mark II.
    1 point
  5. Holy smokes, the iPhone 6S blows lo-res Arri Alexa out of the water! Wow, 4K! What will Apple think of next?
    1 point
  6. They need to have another phone like panasonic CM1 but with much better BSI 1" sensor, F1.4 retractable pancake zoom lens with IS, built in ND filter, newer processor like the snapdragon 820 or much faster one, 4K 60 fps, 128 GB storage and expandable with Micro SD U3! and manual controls. Also price $650 or lower!
    1 point
  7. Ignorance + video capable cameras --> Fstoppers reports.
    1 point
  8. Of course the colours will be punchier out of the box - he is shooting in Neutral on the D750. If you'd want to compare out of the box colours, Standard profile is the one to go for for a Nikon. Neutral on a Nikon will look less saturated than any standard profile on any camera. Amazing if this is news to that guy who says he shoots D750 and D810...
    1 point
  9. Normally you'd be preaching to the choir. This time you're IMO plain wrong. I can't imagine anything else that could make the gh4 4;3 mode look more anamorphic. This looks more 'anamorphic' than most of the stuff I've seen from Hugo - including what he's shot on his Kowa B+H. if Hugo had aimed the light in the background towards the lens it would have flared more. instead he used the light to add some edge light to her to make her pop a bit more. I'm not saying I love the optical quality, but I can certainly see some anamorphic beauty there. The lenses have shaped the way Hugo has shot the piece. He'd have shot it completely differently and it would have looked completely different if he'd used normal lenses and cropped.
    1 point
  10. I asked about something on the BM forum - if you have an SDI input, can you get a converted output from the HDMI of the Assist? The answer was yes - good news to those who have a lot of HDMI gear but want to shoot with, say, one of the BM SDI-only cameras. If that answer is correct, anyway. I have an HDMI viewfinder, a marshall monitor and a big HDTV on a roller stand for clients and whatnot. I also have a semi-regular muppets-type gig where we have HDMI splitters all over the set for puppeteers to see their moves (they bring their own HDMI TVs or monitors), so this is good news to me.
    1 point
  11. Wait. lol. Now I get it. Darn diggety dang it. I read it like 'offa' instead of 'off from'. Scusa. - btw. No kangaroos.
    1 point
  12. I've had this issue pop up too. What's weird is that it doesn't seem to be consistent. But, as Jacob said, using the presets is a workaround.
    1 point
  13. New reporting is focused on garbage topics anyway, so the filming equipment has to be adjusted accordingly. I hope they are going to use that VHS filming app.
    1 point
  14. In sweden most news camera men where sacked and replaced by tripods 10 years ago.
    1 point
  15. The comments so far seem very harsh. Admittedly you could give Hugo a 550d and a 18-55 kit lens and he'd make something beautiful with it. Add some artistic themes, a great soundtrack and a truly beautiful lady in a semi transparent top into the mix and as a sexist pig I'm gonna like it. Optically it looks like these lenses were being used in their sweet spot in terms of a scene. subdued light, little opportunity for edge CA to become apparent. I see the classic SLR Magic browny orange/blue CA mix going on which to me is undesirable. LOMO's do CA properly. In a lomo square you get CA which doesnt cause a harsh effect. These look like they may suffer from the typical SLR magic CA which to me isn't nice. Positive thoughts are that these lenses really look anamorphic. subdued flares are nice, nice defocus, barrel distortion isn;t too corrected (barrel distortion is one of the best features of anamorphics from yesteryear). On a wide shot it draws your eye into the centre, and reminds the viewer they're watching a cinemascope movie. The sheer number of elements in the optical pathway are showing themselves really nicely. I'd still rather grab a rama 36, a tokina and a set of cheap 50, 85 and 135 lenses and shoot full frame 16:9, with 3 times the sensor area, and 3 times the shallowness of dof, with almost no CA, the perfect amount of distortion, and a German badge from 1970 on the front rather than a 2015 Chinese badge.
    1 point
  16. Sekhar

    Lunar eclipse

    Here's a video I made of this week's lunar eclipse. Shot on NX500 with Canon 70-200. I also composed/created the music BTW. If you also shot the eclipse, please post here.
    1 point
  17. Shield3

    Canon 1DC - Critical Focus?

    Some of those are great choices. To me the beauty of the 1dc is the ability to also shoot 12 FPS with continuous AF (sports). I didn't want a loupe or anything where I couldn't quickly put my eye up and shoot regular stills. I also wanted the ability to have an EVF and the ability to zoom in while recording. Get one of these: http://www.kinotehnik.com/products/electronic-viewfinder/overview It is lightweight, runs for 4-5 hours on 4 AA batteries, has 4 preset modes you can set to whatever you want - 1/2/3x zoom, 1:1 etc (like 8-10 zoom modes). All work while recording. SHOE mounted so in about 5 seconds flat I can shoot stills. DOUBLES as a 3 inch LCD monitor when the loupe/eyepiece is folded down. Has OVER and UNDER exposure modes, All blue mode, multiple colors and levels for peaking, software so you can edit modes while recording. Crop marks, histogram. I leave mirroring "off" on the 1dc and toggle the menu and I get a nice full viewfinder shot with only the record button at the top right if I want, or any combination of menus. Not only that, but I bought the (outrageously overpriced) USB control module with the 4 way joystick. I mounted this on the right side of the EVF on the 15mm rail so I can toggle zoom/peaking etc without moving my left hand from the camera body. The slickest thing for me is I have 4 separate zoom modes while rolling that can be toggled on and off without going into the menus. Well made and rock solid. They're $950 new or about $550 used on ebay. Comes with 2 battery trays. Less than a pound. You can get a SHOE extender and put your mic and the EVF both mounted to the shoe at once. I can take a picture of my setup, but basically it looks like this: http://www.hkarlsen.no/2013/09/the-canon-1dc-and-kinotehnik-evf/ If for some reason I ever sell the 1dc (why would I) I would keep this LCDVFE. Also has an HDMI pass through if you want to use recorders. False color, zebras, blue, peaking, etc. It does it all.
    1 point
  18. I also have the 2.8 17-55 and the IS comes in handy. Optics compete with L glass, build is not the best. Can also be used with the 1dc if you pop the plastic off the back (aps-c mount) and don't go wider than 28mm or so.
    1 point
  19. sam

    Canon 1DC - Critical Focus?

    Here is the Zacuto flip evf mounted upside down so you can just push the release on the top of the evf to quickly flip down the loupe. This way you can easily use the evf as a monitor without having to detach and stash the loupe. Another benefit to this setup: your hand never has to leave its place on the camera. All the buttons on the evf (exposure, focus, etc..) can be toggled with your thumb. That said, I usually only use this setup for shooting anamorphic (anamorphic stretch presets) or when I want to be a little bit more inconspicuous when recording and need the benefit of the evf. Normally I just stick the loupe on the cameras lcd and mount the evf via the hotshoe. If you go with the 1dc I would look into some of the newer small monitors (smallhd) and just get the loupe from Zacuto. (antifog and diopter to correct for imperfect vision are worth it over cheaper loupes). Definitely check out the c100ii though, depending on what your primary use for the camera will be. For fast action combined with live events I would lean heavily towards the c100ii One more tip for focusing: in custom settings, change the focus magnification button to the SET button. (much easier for your thumb to find without looking)
    1 point
  20. Having the camera for more than a month, I can say I agree with David's review on all the points that he made. And I have been very critical, trying all this time to find a reason to return it. Just can't, its a great camera.
    1 point
  21. So do I. It looks like BM are heading in the right direction. They just need some time to work things out (like RED 10 years ago). If they get that 4.6k sensor right... I think we got a winner!! Every time someone complains too heavily about BM cameras, I think they should just think of that price again. For low budget "cinema"... best bang for buck any day (IMO). Spoilt little buggers!!
    1 point
  22. It's clear from the test the Alexa has more than a 'slight edge' in the highlights. The highlight retention of the C300 from this test looks like the F55. Is it good? Yeah not bad. Is it like the Alexa? No. The Alexa does not even start to blow at +5! Look at the shirt of the guy in the frame. The C300MKII has been tested to show noise that is not as nice as the Alexa. The Alexa has a much more natural monochromatic noise that is grain like, and does not exibit the noise as early as the C300MKII. I think once more tests come out it will be clear that Canon were not accurate with their 15 stop claim. Still, it's a decent enough camera that i'm sure will make some great pictures, like the C300 did for Blue Ruin. Will it replace the Alexa for Cinematographers who can choose? No.
    1 point
  23. This is totally plausible as Nikon does not have an "EOS line" to protect, and we all agree they have been pushing a little bit in video since last DSLRs (D810 and D750 with specific cine package, flat profile, clean 1080p) so I assume they would bring video killer features on the D5 and then push it down on the other models, it makes sense. Plus they have the A7RII to fight now and 4K is everywhere and if this body is supposed to last 3-4 years they can't go without 4K. Well, if those specs are true that is good news for us because: - It means the next affordable FF (D750, D810) and APSC will have those feature next - It will push Canon. If Sony has 4K but no canikon it's ok cause they try to make Sony look like a spec oriented geek company, but if Nikon has 4K@60 fps and Canon releases 1DXII and 5D4 without 4K, then they will look ridiculous. Updated list of rumored Nikon D5 specifications
    1 point
  24. Biggest challenge for 4K60p is heat dissipation. D5 is a huge body. If canon could do 4K30p 3years ago in a D5 body (1DC) don't tell me it cannot be 60fps on D5
    1 point
  25. It's a new dawn... and I'm...
    1 point
  26. The new Nexus 5X and 6P have just been announced, and will be hitting the markets around October sometime. They obviously have been upgraded in big ways, and what is most impressive, is something that seems completely unannounced (specifically), in the Press Release (the videos and the documents provided). Both these mobiles phones, sport a New Sony Sensor, namely the Sony IMX 377 CQT sensor. What is Very interesting, about the sensor, is this: It does full pixel readout, of its 12.35 MP Sensor, at 12 bit, 35 fps !!! It also does 4k at 10 bit (decent), upto 60p. That's some insane quality, for a sensor on a mobile phone. Unfortunately I am not sure the processor or the codec on that, would be geared to handle something with that bandwidth of data, whether during recording, or otherwise. If someone could hack it, to be able to get 12 bit RAW, from its sensor, at 30 fps, it would be insane. Like an App, on the lines of the 4k Cinema App (that does a reasonably Flat and 200 Mbps video). Since it can do 2k at 120fps and 4k at 60p, I am guessing that Motorola would push for those frame rates by updates, maybe sometime later. This is the Sony literature on the sensor: http://www.sony.net/Products/SC-HP/IS/sensor2/img/products/IMX377CQT_ProductSummary_v1.5_20150414.pdf
    1 point
  27. But they're not wide angle on M4/3. It feels like you guys aren't getting this. The 12-35 is the best option if you want wide and stabilized. Otherwise, a used SLR Magic 10mm or 12mm is a good option if you really want to go wider.
    1 point
  28. Strange isn't it... Samsung tested the NX1 sensor at 6.5k @ 240 fps. I'm pretty certain 4k @ 60 fps would be no problem. So what's with all these other manufacturers? Are they truly this far behind Sammy?
    1 point
  29. True, only manufacturer I could see pulling this off would be Samsung.
    1 point
  30. homestar_kevin

    Samsung NX1 or...

    Michael, I got my nx1 in June and have really enjoyed it. I haven't gotten any of the NX lenses, but I do want to get a few of the pancakes. I've liked this camera coming from the d7100. My d7100 has served me really well, and continues to do so, but the nx1 just has so many things that the d7100 doesn't that it really is fun to use and really does feel like an upgrade, in terms of features, usability, and footage. Pretty much all my lenses are Nikon, at least my big prime and zoom set, and they work great on the nx1, although my 11-16 vignettes wider then 13mm or so. My 7100 had some banding too, mainly in the shadows. It doesn't look good when it shows up, It hasn't been an issue 8 out of 10 times, but when it looks ugly, it looks ugly. The nx1 hasn't shown anything like that, but I haven't really put it through the low light ringer. I use Rocky Mountain converter and haven't had any real issues with converting, and recording UHD and converting to 1080 looks gorgeous to me. One thing I really love about the nx1 is how long the battery lasts in it, even when filming UHD all day, a battery will last me the entire day and only be around half drained. I really like this camera and the features you get for the money are incredible. Transcoding the footage has been blown out of proportion, it really isn't that big of a hassle for me.
    1 point
  31. Flynn

    More spam

    I don't think limiting them to one topic a day will do any good. It's a nation of over a billion people and they all seem intent on bringing down EOSHD!
    1 point
  32. Andrew Reid

    More spam

    Good grief. Cleaned up the latest round. It will be the last because now the first posts from new users go into a moderation queue for approval and until the content is approved they can't post anything further.
    1 point
  33. jase

    More spam

    Sorry, but this is nonsense. If you dont know what you are talking about, just leave it and dont scare other people. This is just an automated bot that created account(s) and post(s). My suggestion for the future would be, that an admin needs to approve a newly registered user. By doing so, the user would not be able to post directly - however, if he is a true (and valuable) user for eoshd, he/she would not mind at all. not at all since passwords are stored encrypted in the database of the IPS system. @ken: now you see the consequences of your post. thanks for that.
    1 point
  34. Jimmy

    More spam

    It's a spambot... A captcha will fix it
    1 point
  35. Mattias Burling

    More spam

    Hey guys, Im looking for a University but cant find any info in chineese. Anybody know a forum I could visit?
    1 point
  36. The Panasonic 20mm f1.7 is a long time favourite of mine. The Sigma 19, 30 and 60mm f2.8 are also good and cheap.
    1 point
  37. Its nice and small. Very well built. The image is nice if just a bit brittle and the 100Mbps feels limiting. The screen is nice, EVF is ok, price is great. So far it feels like a solid c-cam/still cam. I hate that you often need to double tap record to get it to start (might be a setting, haven't had time to check). 4K Frame Here is my first dirty test, just used vintage glas. No real grading just quick fiddle with curves, LUTs and some presets.
    1 point
  38. I have been trying to buy the NX1 guide for a few weeks now and the link not active, keeps giving an error404. Does anyone know where the right link is? Can anyone help. Thank you.
    1 point
  39. The CION has no drawcard. It's much more expensive than offerings from BM, and the only real difference is the form factor. The image is okay, but not 'blow me out of the water, especially at this price' good. The Blackmagic image is not 'blow me out of the water' good either, but at the price, it's pretty damn good.
    1 point
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