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My cameras and kit

  1. Just a quick video testing out a Sigma 35-70mm f2.8-4 canon FD mount I found at a local camera shop for $20. It seems to work better as a taking lens than my canon FD f1.4 for some reason, not sure why. It does have a flat front element. From what I have read online most people weren't very happy with sigma zoom lenses in the FD mount, as far as the overall quality. it was all shot wide open around 39/41mm except for the 3rd shot which was at 70mm. I had heard you could use a 35mm + anamorphic on the gh4 without any vignetting but it is pretty severe when I try.
  2. Please have a look at the music promo I made using a kowa 8-Z anamorphic adaptor, mounted on a voigtlander Nokton 35mm F1.2, using a Lumix GH3. I also had a Tokina .4 achromat and a Cokin Diopter +2 for the Close ups. It was all shot at night which presented problems as the Lumix isn't very good in low light. I was shooting at 50fps which reduced the amount of light I had even further. I also found that if the lens was fully open it was difficult to get a focus. Not because it was too shallow, but because it wouldn't focus on anything! As you can see I over-cranked the ISO on occasion, but I couldn't set lights up on the banks of the Thames at 3am, as we didn't have permission to be there. I wish I'd got someone to stand close by reflecting a bright torch off a white shirt though. I can only hope that I get away with the graininess in the spirit of low/no budget film making, and it looks like 16mm! Staying close to the subject, using the diopters, gave me a picture I liked the most. The bokeh looks lovely and soft and cinematic. Shots where I had to focus to infinity were difficult - the bokeh is ugly in those shots (in my opinion), taking the shape of a kind of horizontal tear. But I couldn't film the whole video in close ups! It was difficult to shot this as a one-man-band. Having to screw two different diopters on or off every time I wanted to change my proximity to the actors made it quite fiddly. I was also moving lights (I had x3 LED panels). I had some other taking lenses, but it wasn't practical to change during the shoot. Lastly, I know its normal to crop the super-wide picture you get from shooting 2x anamorphic on a 16:9 sensor, but I decided to embrace it. It's fun, and a bit silly, but its a music promo, so why not. Hope you enjoy. The track by Durlston George, his debut single, is lovely.
  3. Iscorama 36 Nikon mount, in excellent condition. + Tokina AT-X Close-up (reduces min distance) + Marumi Close-up Adapter set (+1, +2, +4) + Redstan clamp $3,500 + shipping Here are videos shot with this lens: (whole movie is shot with MARK III + Iscorama)
  4. hi guys, i started a vimeo channel dedicated to my anamorphic test with LA7200 and GH2, speedbooster and CANON FD lens. https://vimeo.com/channels/anamorphictest Do feel free to take a look and comment. Thanks, Chin
  5. selling my gold ultra star close focus at 5 feet, comes with a helios 44-2, +1,+2,+4 diopter set, nd filter, step up rings, vid atlantic clamp. going for $350 or best offer. http://www.ebay.com/itm/anamorphic-lens-bundle-/261587403668?
  6. Hello everyone, I'm looking to buy a clamp for my baby iscorama/iscomorphot 8/1.5x. I've read that the clamp that redstan makes for this lens has been discontinued. So if there is anyone who is selling their redstan clamp for baby anamorphics, I'm looking to buy. I've also looked through all the forums related to anamorphics and I know there are several alternatives to mount that lens (f-adapter, step rings, etc.) However, there seems to mixed impressions on all methods. I've tried looking for a step down ring that steps down to a 24mm thread, but can't seem to find one. If anyone knows of the best alternative, that information would be greatly appreciated :)
  7. Hi my dear anamorphic friends ! here is a "Scarface's like" wedding :) and my brother's wedding :) all this was shot in GH4 4K and 1080p 96fps happy end of the summer ! :)
  8. Hello, I am selling my beloved 2X anamorphic lens, the Kowa 8Z. If you have any questions please ask. Excellent condition! Money Back guarantee. Will miss it. Selling it because of money needs. Worlwide shipping. Can ship as a gift. http://www.ebay.es/itm/Kowa-Prominar-8Z-16H-Anamorphic-Lens-Vid-Atlantic-front-and-rear-Lens-Clamps-/291193973300?
  9. Hello everyone, i just got an Iscorama (pre-36) and tested it with several taking lenses, it seems that the focus is a bit crooked, means sharpness goes a bit from left down to right up - did any of you ever noticed such an issue or heard about something like this?? Thanks for your replies in advance! best regards Fisimatenten
  10. Hey guys. Another short i shot. GH4 Anamorphic. M42 mount taking lenses and a 70's Vivitar zoom. Another model 1 on 1. 70's vibes and shooting. the 2k pro-res looks awesome, one day vimeo should get there shit together!
  11. Hello! I bough this Dylaiscope Junior 16 anamorphic projector lens from ebay last week for $51, I was very surprised No one ever out bid me. Optically it is in pretty good shape, some minor cosmetic scratches on the body. The main problem I have with it is the focus ring is fairly difficult to turn. I basically need to take it off the mount to set focus everytime because Im afraid I will put unneccesary stress on the lens and mount attached to the camera. I was just wondering if anyone has any experince or knowledge about lubricating lenses. I already know it is generally not a good idea for a non profession to take apart an anamorphic lens since all the elements need to stay perfectly alligned, but I was wondering if anyone knows the function of the 3 screws towards the back of the lens seen in the picture. I can sorta see a bar inside the lens that they seem to be holding. I have taken apart old Canon fd mount lenses before and reassembled with no issue but Im sure this is a bit more difficult. What would happen if I were to loosen those screws? It seems to me that this lens has probably been sitting somewhere for a very long time and the original lubricant has become less oily or something. I removed the face plate of the lens with all the writing on it and removed some of the grease and found it was a greenish shade, which I read from other forums is a type of grease known for sticking over time, not sure if it is the same grease used throughout the lens though. From what Ive read Dyaliscope lenses are of pretty good quality but havent been able to really find much about them. Any advice or ideas would be appreciated.
  12. I'm looking for reviews and comparisons of quality and functionality among the many different brands of 2x squeeze anamorphic lenses on the market. I am aware of the LOMO, Kowa Prominar / Kowa Bell & Howell etc... that are listed in the 'Anamorphic Shooters Guide' but was wonering from your experience and research what brand of 2x lens is the best value for money. Thanks.
  13. Went out to play with the Trump before sending it off for a few weeks. Tom was nice enough to demonstrate balancing these Rocks by the beach. Nice guy and I got to shoot into the sun for a bit. Nikon D800 DSO Trump 58 with 2X Oval Anamorphic aperture DSO TERRY NORTON’S FLARESEX MODULE
  14. Hello to everyone, I've been looking for a small anamorphic adapter for a long long time from now, and finally, I got mine. I've been hesitating about which one to take : the search of the perfect adapter that would suit all my needs.. for a reasonnable price ofc.. (Yeah, I know..) :rolleyes: Anyway I'm so happy to tell you that I "may" have found it : The Yashica Scope, 1.5x adapter anamorphic for 8mm ! (Well let's make the things clear, I was looking for a tiny, compact, and light weight adapter, to be paired to some old school c-mount lenses on a BMPCC, I don't claim to have found an awesome setup that'll work for every scenarios ! :) ) I've just received it, that's why I'll only share my first feelings in this post, but later when I'll have time to dig more in the subject I'll come back to this. I still need a proper way to attach it to my taking lens. I gave up on step-down ring because I plan to use it most of the time on my Angenieux C-mount lenses which filter thread is 39mm... The Yashica is 30mm.. And I can't find any 39 to 30mm ring. If anyone has any info about a ring that would work, let me know ! ^_^ Anyway, the best way seems to be a custom clamp, still have to work on that... Here are some screenshots : All of these screenshots have been shot with my Angenieux 25mm f/0.95 at fast aperture (even at 0.95 for the indoor shot) with a +1 diopter from Schneider. Above f2.8 with the Angenieux 25mm, you can notice a little of vignetting on the edges, but It doesn't bother me too much, since I doesn't use the whole image, I prefer to crop in order to get a 2.35 or even a 2.10 aspect ratio. 2.66 is way too wide for most of my tastes ! :P And whatever, I'm mostly after the oval bokeh, flares and the overall look of anamorphic depth of field. So I'm good with that.. And It cleans the edges which seem to be pretty blurry on the Yashica. (By the way, above 25mm I haven't seen any vignetting with my c-mount lenses) So, have you ever experienced this anamorphic lens, what would you recommend to me in order to use it the best way possible ? See you later and have a nice day/night to all. (Oh and I apologize for my pretty weak english !) :P
  15. I've been looking for a suitable zoom lens to work behind an anamorphic. I stumbled upon the Olympus Pen-F 50-90 F3.5, which seems to have the right kind of DNA. Its a half frame lens so is suitable for mirrorless APSC and below. Its relatively fast, not too far away from the F2.8 pro standard and has a front optic about 40mm diameter and of course has a nice range of 50-90mm at constant F3.5 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=olympus+50-90+f3.5&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=no-hU9L-DPSB7Qbds4CICA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg&biw=1057&bih=524 I don't know if its par focal If anyone knows this lens I would appreciate details, and if you have used it behind an anamorphic please report your findings.
  16. Hi guys ! Yes I have just received the GH4 this morning :) 1st test : why not put my 60’s baby Hypergonar anamorphic 1.75X lens in the 4K cinema mode ? :) Fast filming, run and gun documentary style, focusing improvisation Doing 4K is for me like in 2006 when I went from SD to HDV. A huge orgasm ! Viva GH4 ! :) Baby Hypergonar anamorphic 1.75X lens on Qioptiq LINOS Mevis-C C-mount lens 35mm f1.6 (most of the shot were taken at f2) No diopter, no CC, variable Cokin ND filter EOSHD guide cineV preset settings 4KC mode 1080P streaming version on Vimeo, 4K version available for download 180° shutter speed 200 ASA
  17. Earlier in anamorphic forum I asked advice for export options for my first anamorphic material shot with GH4. So here is the result from my shooting: After encoding to Vimeo, material looks a bit darker. Don't know why. Exported master file isn't as dark. Maybe it is because the h.264 encoding? Please comment and share if you like, thanks! :)
  18. Hi there anamorphic shooters! I need someone to explain me as clearly as possible how am I going to get right aspect ratio and best result out from Premiere Pro after editing some anamorphic material. Sory if this is stupid question but I am a bit lost all the settings and aspectratios etc. So, I bought Iscomorphot 8/1.5x adapter. Shot with GH4 and now I have edited my video and would like to export it. I have on timeline material that is shot in 1080p and 4k (yes, that was my mistake. Wanted to shoot all 4k but first day shootings came back in 1080p thought I was shooting 4k) 4k is shot in 3840x2160 (after my 1080p mistake thought it would be easier to get these two format to match in edit.) I have bought Andrew's great anamorphic shooters quide but still after reading it I am bit confused. If I now want to export best quality anamorphic video out from my Premiere for web use: 1. Just output 1920x820 (for 2.66:1 ratio) resolution from Premiere? 2. Should I first export the 4k files and bring them back in right resolution (1920x820) and after that render everything out again? Sorry for quite long text. But hope someone could help me with this, thanks! Ps. If I shoot more anamorphic videos in future, should I use GH4 4k UHD (3840x2160) or 4kC (4096x2160)?
  19. Like to share this one shot acoustic Music Video I created for Arctic Chanteur, North Star Blues singer, ex Madrugada frontman Sivert Hoyem. Shot with a Kowa Anamorphic. Tokina Diopter. Redstan Clamp. Canon 50mm FD 1.2
  20. Here is a movie done with the SLR Magic Anamorphot 50, a 1.33X anamorphic lens. All the details are subtitled in the movie, here are the material : SLR Magic Anamorphot 50, 1.33X anamorphic lens 1-On Sony A7 with Konica Hexanon 40mm f1.8 pancake lens 2-On Olympus OM-D E-M5 with Nikon E Serie 50mm f1.8 pancake lens and Lumix 20mm pancake lens Some of the shots done with the focal reducer TurboLens, a cheaper version of the SpeedBooster Some of the shot done with SLR Magic achromatic diopters (0.33X and 1.3X) and Tokina 0.5X diopter ND variable filter No color correction
  21. Honoring My Father is the story behind Keith Kadoyama attending the Lantern Floating Ceremony every year. The Lantern Floating Ceremony honors our loved ones who have passed away. Keith honors his father Mitsuo Kadoyama, and he tells his story. Thanks to my good friend Keith for doing this. I conceived of the idea when I saw the announcement just 2 days before, and I'm glad he was up for the challenge. I shot all of this myself, so it was a lot of hard work! Shot on a Panasonic GH4, 4K with Panasonic LUMIX 12-35mm X lens and SLR Magic Anamorphot and Tiffen Vari-ND Filter GH4 shot with CinelikeD Contrast -2, Sharpness -5, Noise Reduction -5, Saturation 0, Hue 0 Master Pedestal +15, Highlight -4, Shadow +3, 0-255 F2.8, 1/50 sec, ISO 200 w Vari-ND, ISO 800 without Interview Audio: Rode NTG-2 shotgun mic with Rode Blimp on a Tascam DR-60D Music by Escape Club - "I'll Be There"
  22. I just secured an Iscorama 36 and I want to be able to mount it to rails so I can swap cameras and lenses easily, as well as use a follow focus. I have a vid-atlantic adapter to mount on the back that makes it a 52mm rear thread. But I don't want to screw it onto taking lenses. I'd rather just mount it on rails, makes everything easier. I was thinking of using lens collars like I do with 2x adapters, but the 52mm barrel size is quite small and I'd have to make a spacer of some kind. Any ideas are very welcome thank you!
  23. Just in case anyone is interested I currently have listed my Optex Anamorphic adapter on Ebay. Ending in 2 days on Wednesday at 8pm. Starting price is a very modest £350 so could be a bargain. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=121340539458
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