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  1. http://vimeo.com/70264199 I had all but given up on ever finding the perfect 8mm anamorphic lens, but I recently got my hands on what I think is the most rare anamorphic lens that I have ever owned -- the Zeiss Ikon Anamorphot 22/1.5x. It is almost impossible to find any information on this lens. I could not find any pictures of the lens, nor any test footage. In fact, the only reason that I knew that it existed was a tip from anamorphic Godfather Kostas Petsas, who also has one. He compares his Ikon to the Iscomorphot 8/1.5x. Like the Iscomorphot 8/1.5x, it's an 8mm "baby" lens that is fully rack-focusable. The helicoid is smooth and has a very manageable throw, so focusing is no problem at all as you will see in the test video above. The slightly wider diameter actually makes the lens easier to focus the baby Isco, and of course it is much more focus-friendly than the strenuous focus throw of the Iscorama. It's a little bigger than the Iscomorphot 1.5x (front filter thread is about 43mm, and rear diameter is about 32mm) but still much smaller and lighter than the Iscomorphot 2x or the Iscorama. It's nice not to have to add in a support system to hold the weight of the additional lens. Coupled with a DSLR, a taking lens with a silver finish and a silver clamp from Redstan, this could be a great stealth anamorphic setup. I think that perhaps the most substantial difference between the Ikon and the Iscomorphot is that the Ikon is usable when the taking lens is wide open (at least at f/1.8). Though it is not razor sharp like the Iscorama, I don't see a limitation here. The minimum focus distance is impressive. I've been able to focus as close as 22" wide open without any diopters. I haven't really put it through the paces yet, but from what I've seen, the lens has some nice, understated character. It's a lot less smeary than some of the 8mm anamorphics that I have used. The flares are thinly stretched blue ovals, similar to my Moller 32/2x (but I think that I may like the Zeiss flares even more). I have been able to use it with my FS100 with a 50mm lens, which is usually my go-to lens when I first get an anamorphic lens. I'll have to test it to see if I can get away with using a wider taking lens. I am excited about this lens. It is the easiest, simplest anamorphic lens that I have ever used and the image is very pleasing. I think that this is a winner. If anyone else has one, I'd love to compare notes.
  2. Hi everyone! I wanted to showcase my passion project "The Night Knows No Shore" here on EOSHD. I've been a long time reader of Andrew's blog and it was his footage that inspired me to get an Iscorama a long time ago. After doing tests with it for a while I came up with this idea for a movie. And you can now see the result on youtube: It's a project made by one single actor and one single crew member (me) with one single focal length (a Canon FD 85mm 1.8) and one single focus anamorphic lens ( Iscorama pre-36). Don't expect much action. It's a slow film with lots of monologues and no real plot. It's about one young man's thoughts on society, religion, art, philosophy, life in general. Have a look. If you don't like all the "pretentious" talking, maybe you like the footage. Let me know what you think. If you have any questions, just ask. Enjoy!
  3. Ok so there was a previous forum thread regarding a rehousing project for the LA7200. Based off the video there, I have had this design in my mind for my own rehousing project and improvements as well for close focus and/or marrying the LA7200 with a manual focus lens and making an all in one lens solution for the Canon 5d Mark III.   Progress is starting off well. Getting the hang of AutoCAD and designing as such.   I am planning on first prototyping with a 3d printer I have access to then going to a further manufacturing step from there. Not trying to get too ahead of myself however you can keep track of the progress and id appreciate comments or suggestions regardless as I try to work this out.   Steps:   Design model in AutoCad --- 15% Port model into Google Sketchup 3D print prototype Test Prototype Test again.... Make changes... Probably test again.... Use AutoCad model for CNC machining Produce final model.   Planned features...   Close Focus and far focus at a twist of the ring. Easy to handle enclosure Focus ring easy lens adjustment Standard housing to fit Cokin P or other diopters much easier   Possible features   15mm rail mount auto adjusting focus solution Housing combined with Aperture adjustor on a Canon FD manual Lens Direct connection to the 5d Mark III basically making it a hack lens using a custom EF mount or 72mm thread AF confirm chip? (not a bad idea) All the lens flares! (ALL THE LENS FLARES!) Er multicoating removal. Something like that.   Close to exact Measurements via caliper - (short of cutting the existing enclosure in half. I could not get the measurements exactly for how close the back and front lens elements are in terms of distance)   Front Element - Concave Width: 84.90mm Height: 72.96mm Depth: 16.25mm   Rear Element - Convex Width: 52.96mm Height: 40.99mm Depth: 4.13mm   Front Element Holder depth - 17.82mm Outer Hood Depth - 13.14mm   Approx 23.8mm distance between the two lenses. (not entirely sure on this. Like I said, cant figure it out unless i cut the thing in half and really I want to be able to use it until the enclosure is finished at least)   All in all, working pretty well so far. Got the elements into AutoCad, and its time to start designing the enclosure for it.  
  4. Hello! I would like to share my work done with GH5 + FM Lens (Kowa inside) and russian taking lenses. Musicvideo is still under work but here is promo clip for upcoming video. Will post it here soon when it's complete.
  5. I've had my eye on this Schneider-Kreuznach anamorphic projector lens lately: [url="http://ocdepot.com/blackthorne/ebayimages/05-01-12-P1320536.JPG"][img]http://ocdepot.com/blackthorne/ebayimages/05-01-12-P1320536.JPG[/img][/url] [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/SCHNEIDER-KREUZNACH-SUPER-CINELUX-ANAMORPHIC-2X-MC-35MM-FILM-PROJECTOR-LENS-HEAD-/330730198921?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d010e5789"]http://www.ebay.com/...=item4d010e5789[/url] I managed to find a specs PDF here: [url="http://www.schneiderkreuznach.com/pdf/kino/cla_anam_2x.pdf"]http://www.schneider...cla_anam_2x.pdf[/url] The problem is that I don't know enough about anamorphic lenses to know if this lens would even work. It seems nice and compact and kind of cool looking but I realize that's not enough to go on. :-) I noticed that it doesn't have any way to focus it (as far as I can see). I don't know if that prevents it from working or if it just has some kind of fixed distance that gets added to the initial lens focal distance or...?? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ISCO-Gottingen-Animex-S-8-2x-Anamorphic-Lens-/321094089165?pt=AU_Lenses&hash=item4ac2b2f9cd Anyone have any idea what this lens is...
  7. Excuse me for being a hopeless pixel-romantic. This dilemma has kept me awake for a quite some time now and I am hoping your subjective experience, reflection, input, opinions and/or advice potentially could give me some guidance (or potentially more confusion, which I will take full responsibility for). My interest for Raw started when I played with the thought of replacing my a7s for a Digital Bolex D16. While I am usually very trigger happy, I managed to hold my horses when the chance to have a go on it complicated my relationship with it. I realized that, without a second camera (for budget reasons), the 20 minute boot-up and the sacrifice of photography would not make me happy in the long run. While I still want to be a Bolex-owner as I am a sucker for the CCD and its awesome audio features, it is not my time just yet. Nevertheless, the Raw fanboy is still in me and I think the 5D is the (next) best thing (?) and might be a good investment. Maybe I just answered myself, haha. However I specify that I am asking for your subjective experience/opinions. Maybe some of you have been in the same boat or the other way around. I did quick and shamelessly dirty test today, if you find it interesting. The exposure is all over the place (unfair), more info on that in the videos description. Thank you!
  8. Excuse me for my english, I'm from Ukraine! I suggest you test video and some photos of the modified anamorphic adapter 35 NAP 2-2. adapter cost $ 40. used camera Nikon d800 and lens Samyang 85/1.4. focusing is possible from 1.1 meters to infinity (depends on the main lens). later I will make a casing for the adapter and the mechanism of simultaneous focus control and lens adapter. be pleased to answer all your questions! "> "> Download the original video clip and photos of each - http://www.ex.ua/view/75243102, login zeonmaster-seller, password zeonmaster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X39356HgF0k http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkjG8litZ6w http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkI7AsIBYZw
  9. Littlle impro with a comedian during the zombie walk in Paris. Samsung nx1 with shoulder-mount, Kowa for Bell & Howell, Konica-Hexanon 40mm f/1.8
  10. New anamorphic shooting with Samsung nx1 : Anamorphic Lens : Kowa for Bell & Howell Talking Lenses : Konica-Hexanon 40mm f/1.8 & Helios 44-M 58mm f/2
  11. Samsung nx1 Anamorphic Lens : Kowa for Bell & Howell Talking lenses : Konica-Hexanon 40mm f/1.8 & Helios 44-M 58mm f/2
  12. Ultimate test of the Konica-Hexanon 40mm f/1.8 with Kowa B/H on the Samsung nx1. I'm pretty happy with it and think it's gonna be my main lens with this combo...
  13. Hi there anamorphic shooters! I need someone to explain me as clearly as possible how am I going to get right aspect ratio and best result out from Premiere Pro after editing some anamorphic material. Sory if this is stupid question but I am a bit lost all the settings and aspectratios etc. So, I bought Iscomorphot 8/1.5x adapter. Shot with GH4 and now I have edited my video and would like to export it. I have on timeline material that is shot in 1080p and 4k (yes, that was my mistake. Wanted to shoot all 4k but first day shootings came back in 1080p thought I was shooting 4k) 4k is shot in 3840x2160 (after my 1080p mistake thought it would be easier to get these two format to match in edit.) I have bought Andrew's great anamorphic shooters quide but still after reading it I am bit confused. If I now want to export best quality anamorphic video out from my Premiere for web use: 1. Just output 1920x820 (for 2.66:1 ratio) resolution from Premiere? 2. Should I first export the 4k files and bring them back in right resolution (1920x820) and after that render everything out again? Sorry for quite long text. But hope someone could help me with this, thanks! Ps. If I shoot more anamorphic videos in future, should I use GH4 4k UHD (3840x2160) or 4kC (4096x2160)?
  14. Anamorphic nx1 and Konica 40mm Samsung nx1, anamorphic lens : Kowa for Bell & Howell, Konica-Hexanon 40mm f/1.8
  15. Anamorphic Samsung NX1 goes wide with Konica 40mm f/1.8 & Kowa for Bell & Howell
  16. Shot with Panasonic GH4 in cinematic DCI 4K 4096x2160 in ultra wide 3.31:1 anamorphic ratio.. Lens used were the Baby Hypergonar 1.75x anamorphic with MeVis 35mm f1.6 and the Zeiss Ultron 50mm f1.8. Rectilux 3FF-S, Marumi + 3 achromatic diopter and Fujinon ENG 72mm close up lens. Edited in Adobe Premiere and colored in Colorista III and Adobe Lightroom.
  17. Samsung nx1 Talking Lens : SMC Takumar 50mm f/1.4 Anamorphic Lens : Kowa for Bell & Howell
  18. Part of a short movie I´m working. Hope you like it.
  19. Latest work shot on the Sony A7SII in PP5 due to indoor light restrictions. Time-lapse work via the A7II, all with Zeiss E-Mount lenses. Loxia 50mm and 35mm, final time-lapse with the Zeiss Touit 12mm in aps-c crop. Cut and graded in FCPX. Love to know what people think? THFKDLF headed out to Bright Tradeshow, Berlin to showcase their upcoming collections and produce a capsule over the 3 day show. Here is what happened. Bright is an original platform which conveys a snapshot of modern lifestyle within an atmosphere relevant to its target group. Since culture is in constant motion, and the influences of its trends are always evolving, the element of its perception fluctuates between art, sport and music. Above all, authenticity is the leading component. thfkdlf.com / brighttradeshow.com / ae-sewingmachines.co.uk Filmed on the Sony A7SII Rig: Movcam A7SII cage Timelapse: Sony A7II Lenses: Zeiss Loxia 35mm f2 / 50mm f2 4K / 1920 x 1080 HD / 16:9 / 24fps Music: Ember Island - Can't feel my face Album - 3 Roses x Ember Island Cover Label: Non
  20. I just finished my new anamorphic wildlife video. I filmed for three days over the last few months on St. Vincent Island Wildlife Refuge. A very unique and beautiful place. So before you and I get lost in Starwars, The Revenant and The Hateful Eight, please sit back relax and take a journey through this wild island with me. Technical: Filmed on a Panasonic GH4 in 4k Bolex 16/32 1.5x anamorphic lens with Voigtländer 25mm F0.95, Voigtländer 42.5mm F0.95 and Takumar SMC 135mm F2.5 V2 as taking lens. I shot in anamorphic 4:3 mode on GH4.
  21. Hi! I'd like to share some tests I've been doing with my brand new sony a7rII. I used quite a lot of lenses in this video, including some anamorphic set ups. I reeeeally like this camera so far.
  22. Photoshoot Sesion BTS, with GH4 and Optex Anamorphic adapter. Comments are appreciated
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