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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2017 in all areas

  1. As I watched Aronofsky's Mother!, I noted how soft and noisy it was, figured 16mm film (it was: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5109784/technical?ref_=tt_dt_spec). Lots of handheld, close follow shots, POV pan-reveals, and overall genius-level unnerving camera motion and editing. This is probably his best film to date: A+, 5/5 etc. Camera, color, editing, acting, story, lighting, music, sound, VFX, all top level work. He digs deep into the human psyche / ego / control / fear and doesn't let up 'once it starts' (you'll know what I mean when you see the film). For those who haven't studied psychology, it might seem incomprehensible. However while it works as an amazing horror movie even if it doesn't make sense, it's genius on so many other levels! Worth repeat watching to learn more, it's that good. Recommend not reading any reviews beforehand, and hopefully no spoilers are leaked in this thread. [edit: removed the trailer link, best to see it without any fore knowledge!]
    2 points
  2. By the way, one good site to go to for documentary tips is http://doculink.org/ The Doculink "mailing list" is their forum.
    2 points
  3. Also check out something like speed scriber if you are in a Mac as it uses AI voice recognition to transcribe to text with markers. It can also import into most NLE and with FCPX you can search for words and find the clips when the people said those words. Also you can export to PDF or SRT for subtitles. the latest FCPX grill podcast talks with the guy who made speed scriber.
    2 points
  4. :-) my wedding "combo" GH5 Sigma 18-35 and spot shoot GX80 - Pan 42,5 f1.7
    2 points
  5. Did my first attempt to create a wedding movie since my cousin asked me to do so. Technically speaking, the thing has many flaws: no tripod, crappy in-camera mic of the GX80, .. you name it. Also i was a bit intimidated since the official wedding photographer told me not to get in his way, which is kind of understandable. In the end, the compact form factor of the GX80 really made it easy to wander arround and sneak some shots and i was suprised about the quality of the standard 45-200m zoom which I never used before. However, it becomes more and more apparent to me that I need a camera with mic-in. Since I am happy with my GX80 the G85 would be the logical step, but the GH5 looks also amazing...
    2 points
  6. GH5 => 16mm Patina Recipe: Reduce DR, esp. highlights. Nothing will be very bright Down-res to 720p or so, then perhaps scale back to 2K or 4K to add noise (via Nesting, etc.) Apply really chunky monochrome-ish organic noise (FilmConvert or 16mm film scans etc.). FilmConvert LUT for appropriate Kodak etc. film stock could also help (could then skip (1) & perhaps (2) above) https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/achieving-a-super-16mm-film-look-when-shooting-digitally/
    2 points
  7. It looks like it works pretty well, when you stay within the realm of reasonable. I'll never understand the jumping completely in and out of frame tests, Honestly who shoots that way.
    2 points
  8. Kisaha

    One Camera - For Life?

    Video is my profession, but photography is my hobby, so I would choose a true hybrid. Samsung NX1 ticks the most boxes for me. H265 video, 4K/30p, 1080p/120frames, DIS, a nice collection of native lenses (10mm fish eye, 30mm pancake, 45mm, 16-50S the ones I most use). 28mpxls BSI APS-C sensor, 15frames, great ergonomics (if not best in class), a modern AF system (even for video, but it starts to getting old now, still relevant though), great battery life, great touch screen, UI. That's why I have two!
    2 points
  9. Make transcription text files with time code references to all spoken lines in your footage/audio. Then, edit "on paper" before you even get close to sitting down at the edit bay. It makes the process exceedingly easier and much more thorough. You can add b-roll/cut-aways during the paper edit and/or during the NLE session. If you have a lot of footage/audio (more than ~20-30 minutes), hire a cheap transcription service to make the text files with time code reference. The least expensive transcription services are probably in India and, perhaps, in the Philippines, and they can often transcribe most languages. These services are worth every penny you spend on them.
    1 point
  10. Not my candidate But no, while the result was legal it was not democratic. Most Americans voted for the person that lost. I could argue that there is no single democratic country in the strict sense of the word. Or the "spirit of it" that the "elected" clown likes to use. Any country can make up laws that bypass the spirit of a democratic process. Gerrymandering is a prime example.
    1 point
  11. Liam

    One Camera - For Life?

    So, for image quality for the most common type of film, I guess, it's very near its peak. We don't need more resolution, nor dynamic range, if you shoot it right. Film was plenty good more than 70 years ago I don't know how hdr will change things. I haven't been loving the hdr stuff i've seen, but tech for that will get better in other areas too. And plenty of current cameras work alright for hdr. 360 video and vr will advance quite a bit clearly, but it's something I don't care about. Multiple uses is just a different way to interpret the question, but a good point. Fitting in your pocket is a nice feature, but the lens you like most wouldn't fit in your pocket on its own, not including the large sensor camera. So that's 2 cameras I'm hoping for a revolution in work flow, I guess. Immediate cloud transfer and teeny files is something that could make us look back and scoff
    1 point
  12. Cant go wrong with a Gh5 + Zoom! I use the sigma 18-35 but the Pana 12-35 is significantly smaller and lighter.
    1 point
  13. No screen grab its buried somewhere in the nether realms of one of my hard drives and quite uncompelling "Dynamic range depends on the situation and your exposure, and whether you shoot raw or Prores. Shooting raw, for normal as well as lower light/lower contrast situations I expose for ISO 400. In very low light you might even expose for ISO 200. By doing so, you basically assign more stops of the dynamic range to the left from middle grey, towards the shadows, and less to the right of middle grey, the highlights. On the contrary, in bright sunlight for example you might want to expose for ISO 800, to have more stops of dynamic range right from middle grey to protect highlights. I rarely shoot Prores so someone else might have an advice there." http://www.bmcuser.com/showthread.php?20634-Dynamic-Range-BMPCC&highlight=bmpcc+light This is the thread
    1 point
  14. Lucky me, just bought a nx1+16-50s combo for 1.350 euro, including a good UV Hoya filter, Patona charger pack, 2 more Patona batteries and still some warranty on body and lens. I'm really enjoying my purchase, after having had a nx300 (broken) and a nx500 (replacement of the previous one). Now that i have finally the combo, i'm thinking of selling all my prime lenses. I really feel myself complete with this combo. Maybe the 30mm for street can still stay with me.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I think we can move on from random AFC comments/tests. What is more interesting is "I really wanted such and such shot for this scene and here is what happened". I did 20 minutes of blog style and it was terrific for that. Have noted the Vlog assist dropping. Am investigating. Really happy with the ease that it edits. Very tempting to use it a lot despite the size.
    1 point
  18. meudig

    Minimalistic Filmmaking

    @PannySVHS The G80/85 body just dipped close enough to 800 dollar where I live. I was about to jump on it when I got an offer to buy a GH4 in great condition at 750. IBIS must win over the Headphone jack, I am however currently trying to make sense of the different recording formats... but at least I will be a Panasonic shooter by the end of next week. Cheers!
    1 point
  19. Emanuel

    GH5 2.0 firmware bugs

    Simo, have you seen these?
    1 point
  20. Interesting... would love to see a screengrab if you have one?
    1 point
  21. I really dislike all these people doing auto focus tests, as it seems like some don't know what they are doing, and others are just posting click bait to get views/subscribers. At 25p you are giving the processor very little data to work with. The higher the frame rate the more data points the processor has to work with and the better that auto focus will be. f/1.6 at 42.5mm and the distance he is is sitting from the camera, is again making the sensors job as hard as possible. if I had to guess He has a working DOF of about 3 to 7cm.
    1 point
  22. @Oliver Daniel We use 2 GH5 on a TV series right now (I do sound, but me and the DP were responsible for equipment choices) and we had the opportunity to rent or use a lot of different set ups. Finally we decided on the GH5 with the Olympus 12-100 4f, Varavon Zeus cages, and the Olympus fish eye. It is a "street" show with famous(famous here) chefs involved, so there is a lot of walking and run n gun type of shooting, so the overall size/weight ratio, the 24-200mm equivelent with just one lens, and the ok (for the type of show) 10 bit format were deciding factors. Also, instead of renting something else, the production company bought the whole setup. A6500 is a typical Sony "jack of all trades, master of none" machine. There is almost nothing that does best (low light performance maybe, but Fuji uses the same sensor anyway) and in some very important aspects is worst in class (ergonomics, battery, thermal management, native lenses = Canon M is worst here though, etc). I would never consider the A6500 as a real pro tool, even in weddings most of the people I know, after the enthusiasm of the beginning, are starting to stop using them (some even use GH4s speed boosted as a B cam). The 18-105 is amazing for the money though.
    1 point
  23. While I agree with you, its still significantly better than I Sony's I previously shot with!
    1 point
  24. Because Panasonic does it much much less so (arguably to a reasonable extent), while Canon doesn't.
    1 point
  25. This camera has detail to spare. I upscale to 4k upload to YouTube it looks much better at all rezes And I was cruising the BMCuser forms and there is some discussion about the black art of shooting low light some say shoot raw @ 400 in low light and there is room to bring it back in resolve if you import it right. I tried it with my bedroom w/ Canon FD 1.4 and it did look pretty good
    1 point
  26. That is still less than HALF the price of a GH5. And you got a lens for that $900 with the G85? Which the $2K GH5 doesn't come with. If it follows the trends of GH3/G6 and GH4/G7 then the G90 will probably have a few little areas where it is better than the GH5 ;-) (but not in all ways) I know for me at least, I preferred the G6 over the GH3, and is one reason why I purchased the G6.
    1 point
  27. What you're asking is unreasonable by any yardstick. Why would Panasonic or anyone else in the Camera or any other industry give you too end features at low end ILC or mid-range Mirrorless or camera prices. It's like demanding C300ii features at 800D prices. The only thing I think may be a possibility is that Panasonic should allow users in the GX85 range buy ($99?) Cineline D and other G85 type of features IF they can be implemented via firmware. Though Vlog would not come within that ambit, obviously. And no 180fps or even 96fps.
    1 point
  28. The G85 is a year old now, the GX85 about 1.5yrs. I'm not sure it's fair to compare them to the 6mo-old GH5, rather than the GH4, which they outclassed in some ways. The G90 and GX90 (or whatever the next generation are called) will certainly get some trickle-down features from the GH5. Personally, all I feel I can reasonably ask to be improved on my G85 would be higher-bitrate 1080p. 25mbps is a bit too skimpy when things start moving. Outside of that, it's been a great upgrade/sidegrade from the GH4 for me. Better color, better lowlight, and most importantly, IBIS. I paid $550 for the camera, I don't expect it to share everything with the quadruply-expensive GH5- even if it technically could (i.e. "artificial" marketing segmentation) share some things. Panasonic has every right to do this, both legally, and I even feel, "morally"- Panasonic is by far the most responsive to our segment of the market, and even if their cameras are "artificially" limited, they're still by far the best value on the DSLR/DSLM market for shooting video. If I was going to expend energy bitching at/about a camera company, Panasonic certainly wouldn't be my first choice. The way I see it, get busy switching, or get busy hacking, because I don't see much coming of the angst otherwise. Will it, though, actually? The last Panasonic to be hacked was the GH2. Vitaliy hasn't had any luck with the GH3 onwards, and Magic Lantern's work is all Canon-based, I don't see them starting from square one when they have their hands full with the Canons. I think holding out hope for a hack is a complete pipe dream at this point.
    1 point
  29. Saddam, I can collaborate tugela's point. I live in Vancouver Canada and I went into two different Samsung stores back before the NX1 was dead and neither of them sold any cameras and the people working there never heard of the NX1. I also went into this "pop-up" Samsung tech demonstration in the summer of 2015 and they were showing off all there new high-tech gear (phones, TV's, smartwatches, VR, high-end appliances) and there was no sign of any cameras.
    1 point
  30. A little short film I've literally just released online! Shot on a BMCC and graded with my BozBMDFilm to Rec709 LUT. Download HERE: https://bulentozdemirfilms.wordpress.com/downloads/bmcc-bmpcc-bozbmdfilm-to-rec709-lut/. Hope you like
    1 point
  31. Hey, I've been lurking for a while now, and now it's time to post something. I have a GX80 for a few months now. Last week I found the following video about a DIY windbreaker for the built in MIC. Now I thought that I could design something similar that could be 3D printed. So I did tonight. I still need to find some fabric to test it, but if it works I'll share the files.
    1 point
  32. How is the 3,5K compared to the 1080 RAW? Is it more detailed. 1080p is enough resolution for me, but It always lacked detail in my experience(besides DR). Not sure if the the 3,5K is a detail improvement over the 1080p. If not, then I would just use the 1080p.
    1 point
  33. I think you guys should debate this in a new topic, because it's killing this one for the rest of us.... title of the topic is "What Magic Lantern reveals - 5D Mark III capable of 4K all along" I really mean it will all the good will in the world, please for the love of all that is holy open a new thread instead of using this one... I've nothing against you guys arguing about the science of dynamic range over 20 pages.... Just put it in the proper place so this one can stay on the topic of Magic Lantern and the 5D Mark III raw. PLEEEASE!
    1 point
  34. Check out this little Video i shot on the GH5, Metabones Adapter and the old Sigma 30mm 1.4. (that kendy one :-) ) and the Panasonic 20mm pancake. Most of the Grafitti stuff was Shot at HD at 120 FPS. I should have used the 4k 60 FPS instead to keep the Quality with the digital zooms and reframes... Editing in Premiere. Just a fast Grading with Lumetri Looks.
    1 point
  35. So, slot 1 of the SD card inputs died today.
    0 points
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