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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2016 in Posts

  1. I have monitored this every day read every post and I have left it all running while Andrew has been away filming, I think the forum handled it very well , we have all been lied to over a long period of time by the highest rated member on the forum , A crime has been comitted with a web of lies and forum member are victims of this crime. ES has no loyalty to EOSHD or its members we are all pawns to his game , he didn't care who he scammed the money from. I would ban him with out hesitation. everyone scammed MUST be refunded asap. An example must be shown we will not tolerate this on the forum we all love and contribute so much to. ES fate lies in Andrew's hands its his forum.
    9 points
  2. I doubt he's been planning the scam for years. It's far more likely in my opinion that he's been on the forum as a contributor and realized one day recently that he'd be able to get some money. A few thousand dollars is a lot of money to a young person in Egypt, as he's already admitted. Just a dumb guy trying to make a fast buck.
    4 points
  3. Okay the 0 is a 5... He told the truth. Does he have another lens I can buy?
    3 points
  4. Yeah all you guys should exchange emails and passwords... You know to keep in touch...
    3 points
  5. Sister single mom living alone yet there are pictures from her wedding.
    3 points
  6. Hey Ebrahim, listen I have been a fan of your posts for the past couple years. They made me look at tech and craft in a new light. I never even knew there were supposedly two of you. I appreciate you are making attempts to right this wrong with the 3 people directly affected by your actions, but you must understand that your words had a lot of credibility on this site... so you cannot blame the forum for being interested and invested with these events. So, in a lot of ways we are all victims of this scam. There is an unwritten trust in these forums and unfortunately you have yet to answer the basic of questions. I think if you were to answer, HONESTLY, the following couple questions, it may clear up some things for some of the members... 1. Does your grandfather exist in the capacity he was represented in this forum? 2. Does you or your grandfather have the first hand knowledge with all of these cameras, or was it theoretical at best and in some instances just a lot copy and pasting? 3. Do you truly admit to scamming these people, or are you just admitting to it, because you feel bullied and you are just telling the forum what it wants to hear to end the ridicule? 4. If you did perform this scam, then why? Your last excuse does not add up, in fact, almost everything you have said since the beginning of this does not add up, so what is the REAL TRUTH? 5. What gives you the right to believe that you can con hundreds of people into believing you are something that you are not and then steal money from members of this forum and other forums and then think that we should just drop it because all of the sudden you are claiming to do the right thing? Answer these questions and I will stop posting in this thread... honestly your stories are getting quite boring now anyway but I believe we deserve the right to know the truth.
    3 points
  7. I think there are valuable lessons that have been learnt in this thread and that it should not be deleted when the items have been refunded. ES deserves for his name to be immortalised as a scammer because it is very likely that he will find other ways to scam people in the future and hopefully the presence of this thread in the search engines may protect his potential victims in the future.
    3 points
  8. You don't have to earn the money, just return it. You still have it, and if not, return what you bought wih it. We all know that your sisters abortion is a lie. You wanted to scam people, but you were soooooo stupid to use your actual name having photos all over the internet. I mean, its so retarded it doesn't even seem real. Return the money, you will have to find another way to be respected. You made the wrong bet, reading camera specs for two years instead of reading your textbooks. There are no tricks, scam artists, rappers, lottery, basketball, drug selling, it's all a lie, no shortcut for the poor.
    3 points
  9. I'm with you on this Bioskop.Inc , this is International criminal activity with no regard what so ever for EOSHD members , not to mention 3 years of lies on this forum , and suddenly everyone is friends again and all is ok . come on guys Its not OK ! wake up ! ES is a very sophisticated criminal who stole from EOSHD members and they need paying back asap. We have to wait and see if that EVER happens. Be very very cautious about anything said by ES its not all of a sudden all true.
    2 points
  10. But imagine, if he stays, once in a while we can pull the western union joke, and Mattias Butterling would reply "this is not funny", then someone makes fun of butterlings absent sense of humor,etc... Forum meme
    2 points
  11. They're Trolls & they did it for 3yrs (is that a record?), the scam just happened. And yes, if this guy/s are allowed to stay here & carry on trolling us, then fucking idiots is about right! Don't like like it, boohoo....I call them how I see them. Is this epic thread the Trolls final victory? Probably.....
    2 points
  12. I doubt a group of scammers would have even bothered to comment on this thread at all or try to make good with the victims. They would just pack up and move on laughing all the way as you said. Your attitute and insults to others are out of place and totally uneccessary. They have your oppinion and you have yours but probably none of them are going to call you a fucking idiot, either.
    2 points
  13. What the fuck are you guys on! The guy/s (probably more than one hence the up'n'down English) scammed people, shall I say it again SCAMMED PEOPLE! He got caught out & now you want to make friends with this piece of shit again? You're a bunch of fucking idiots. A thief comes into your home, steals from you & your solution is to let him back in? This guy & his friends are laughing so hard - welcome to the wonderful world of being scammed & trolled. The guy should be banned & the thread should stay as a permanent record, for us & everyone that might google this piece of shits name. When you get convicted of a crime it stays on your permanent record & you have to admit that you're a criminal everytime you apply for a job or whatever you might have to do for the rest of your life! The same should apply for this idiot - he committed a crime & this should forever be his grave..
    2 points
  14. The maximum gain we can have on the EMCCD register is 40x at 0°C (threshold of diminishing return) which is about a 5.3 stop boost. The problem with going that far is that we'd likely end up getting more noise in the midtones since we'd have to use more of the low gain signal. We would technically extend our dynamic range by a stop and get better SNR in the deep shadows, but that gives way to noise in the middle. So at default it'd be a 4.3 stop boost on the EMCCD at normal operating temperature. And we'd be able to get around 14.8 stops (based on well cap and read noise RMS) without any highlight reconstruction. You'll be able to see pretty far into the dark with this sensor (it is designed with surveillance in mind after all). There's also the EMCCD only mode, where we could use high gain and get around the same dynamic range as the current D16, but cleaner. My main thing with this is that we haven't had any FPN. So on a sensor with 14+ stops (without HR) that doesn't have FPN I also forgot to mention that the sensor can switch to "Normal mode" (11+ EV DR) instead of the intra-scene switchable gain to achieve 60fps at 1080p.
    2 points
  15. How about come back when everyone is paid back, and ask then?
    2 points
  16. BTW, In this is the same image accept its moving. (sorry about the annoying song, didn't have time to find a good one.)
    2 points
  17. My go at it, but only after I read "I'm trying to push some cold-blue colors (to the shadows) at the girls footage, and some warm colours to the band." Top two have the same grade, lower one slightly different.
    2 points
  18. Guys. A few deep breaths might be helpful. Believe me, I am as angry as anyone here and I want to be compensated. Ebrahim has committed himself to do something about that in the coming day, and providing evidence of it. We shall see about that quickly enough. Regardless, there is the issue of proportionality one how one should respond, certainly if you're not directly affected. Who decides what the 'punishment' should be and who should deliver it? I think @dhessel made some similar remarks. I feel this community (and it's administrators) can decide how to deal with the situation here. Whether that means a ban or keeping this thread on the site can be debated. Reaching out to a large pool of strangers (Ebrahim's contacts) and dragging them into this mess might be a bit much at this point, though. But that's just my 2 cents ... (or actually $275...blegh).
    2 points
  19. Which will likely never happen. Thus the thread should remain. And as many people have pointed out, it is best to keep the thread up to help prevent future such scams from occurring.
    2 points
  20. If I've learnt anything from this situation it's that I think I like Ed.
    2 points
  21. .. just caught up with the entire thread.. here are my thoughts having the whole thing fresh into perspective: "ES" is a troll. He's a narcissistic kid with borderline multiple personality syndrome. as someone else pointed this isn't too surprising or even uncommon in the film making realm (having multiple characters, drama, plot twists, improvisation). "ES" at some point even said something like "gotta admit this would make a good film script". well except not. i knew from post #1 the "grandson" did it (actually that was OP's assertion as well). "ES" probably got a huge kick at the people lynching him but also defending him.. hence the troll. FWIW i always knew from day one here this character was fishy. as other also noticed, his signature. the whole 19-year old noob & wise old grandpa under the same account screamed bi-polar syndrome. maybe this guy forgot to take his meds hence the meltdown. and i say this because the oddest thing is that from the little i've interacted with "ES" he does seem to really know his shit concerning a thing or two (usually evolving around Canon EOS cams). That being said the obsession with the 1DC and long winded monologues about filmic properties always appeared quite odd from a mental state. If i were to guess, this guy is neither 19 or 80.. probably somewhere in between. Oh and guys, do not believe a word he's said in this thread, including the heartfelt confession. it's all an act IMO. the guy is a compulsive liar. there is no grandpa and definitely no prego sister. what is real though is the scam, and I really hope the people affected will get compensated. I would definitely report this to police authorities. And one more thing, having been to Africa and having actually dealt with Western Union there, i can confirm it's quite shady. Basically operated by your corner store owner. In between corruption, prominence of fake IDs, lack of enforcement etc.. it's no wonder why these types of "419 scams" thrive in that region... i mean if this guy really used his real name to scam all those people then he really is the dumbest kid on earth lol..
    2 points
  22. Luca, I'm so happy that you could get in touch with ihkim as I sugested earlier! I hope you'll do the marvel!
    2 points
  23. kaylee

    New Camera

    i smoked weed out of a potato one time
    2 points
  24. 10 bucks for that Brooklyn one that puts you buy the shake shack.
    2 points
  25. iight tools are the film standard: http://www.lighttools.com/content/lighttools/soft-eggcrates-basic-eggcrates-do.html call or email them - they make them in tons of shapes and sizes - I've used them on set on 4x4 frames, 6' and 8' - and on rifa lights and other soft boxes. eggcrates are extremely useful at controlling spill
    2 points
  26. Almost. A6300, BMPCC, gx80/85. Used a Voigtlander 28mm with IR Cut. Used the same type LUT on all but the correct one for each, meaning for slog2, bmdfilm and a Rec709 generic. After the LUT I set the contrast and lifted the mids. ISO 800 on a6300 and bmpcc, 600 on the gx80. Will do a side by side shootout tomorrow. Trying to decide on which to keep as a small grab n shoot for my camera bag when shooting stills.
    2 points
  27. If he didn't do it he could just tell his friends that it was a hack. I'm pretty sure he knew the hammer was coming down when Andrew got involved and was going to see the evidence that we don't have access to.
    2 points
  28. If anyone on this forum donates a single penny to the people who were scammed then you are the biggest fools and are doing nothing to help this situation. This kid is hitting refresh every 5 seconds and every bleeding heart, call for forgiveness, and donation promised turns this piece of shits frown a little more upside down... And his hand further and further from his wallet.
    2 points
  29. The breathtaking part of this though is how consistent, knowledgable and prolific "Ebrahim Jnr" has been. Quite stunning really. Crazy achievement. I'm disappointed to see though, despite everything, this entire thread contains aliasing and moire. Can't have everything.
    2 points
  30. Jeez man, Ed, get out of this situation. It all just stinks. There is a seat for you here on the sidelines. These messages sound crazy, seriously. Extract yourself and rest easy. The male version of the Lolita scam is going on now. You just gotta open your eyes.
    1 point
  31. The minimum wage in Egypt - well for a housekeeper is $150 a month. A kid in college probably makes around $50 a month. http://sites.miis.edu/educationinegypt/files/2013/05/CIEsalaryEgypt.pdf So the "scam artist" made at least $750, which is 5 months salary for say, someone working at McDonalds in Egypt. That's a lot of money for a scam. And it's possibly more - if there are other victims who haven't come forward yet. In America, monthly minimum wage is $1100. Ten times as much. So with this logic (and correct me if I'm wrong) - the scam artist made about $7,500, based on standard of living in Egypt (rough estimate) That's a lot of money. $7.5k, especially if the scam artist was young and poor. And let's say there are two more victims - that's easily a cool $10,000 USD. For a young kid , damn that's a ton of money. If you had that opportunity, you were really good at English, and smart and tech savy, would you feel the temptation? Especially if you tell yourself that you are ripping off greedy rich Americans who should know better? I can see the motive. Especially if I was young and needing money. My final question is: 1. The SLR magic rangefinder? It was from SLR Magic or someone says that wasn't true?
    1 point
  32. So the penny begins to drop for Mr Mercer. The ES poster has a sense of humour at least. It's all fake to them so they are engaging with us. They know their forum credibility is shot. They are just going to drag along this payback story so it doesn't progress to THEIR authorities. But we can all have fun now, no?
    1 point
  33. We will have it all. I am literally making the widescreen hand formation right now. We will have it all! Screw royalties. Those suckers will be paying us for exposure!
    1 point
  34. Dude, you didn't watch it. Shame. Here is is again. It answers all of your questions.
    1 point
  35. PannySVHS

    New Camera

    Hey Fuzzy, what kinda system did you set up? Isn´t the GX7 pretty thick for a consumer 8bit codec already? Asking, because Panny G6 most definately is a pleasing experience to me in that regard. Or is it Resolve seeming to do wonders? cheers Hey Liam, alway loving cheap solutions. So much enjoyment out of the fact to get great results with such cute consumer tech, if one knows what he does. Just felt like responding, sorry, this scamming post is really not an amusing matter, but lowfi tech talk really is. Cheers! Oh Dude, happy to see you in the pleasure zone of EOSHD again!:) What you crazy, first selling that G7- so no more 8bit challtenges anymore, now getting rid off the BMMCC. XC10, wow, cool! I think I gonna rent one and grading the heck out of it! Good to feel this gear related exitement in this post! I will be shooting a short with lighting team and one camera assistent in a theater either end of August of September. September would be better, cuz director wants to change the script and hasnt done any casting yet. Crazy film people:)
    1 point
  36. I just took some calipers to the locking screw of my DS-1609-SB, looks like a 3mm diameter. I would say take it down to Pacific Fasteners on 1st near Boundary maybe. They have a warehouse full of fasteners. I took my Redstan down there a little while ago to get longer nylon screws.
    1 point
  37. I agree, it doesn't look good for him at all but what gives you the right to be judge, jury and executioner? I get what you are saying about moving fast before he can react but you also run the risk of crucifying an innocent victim too. Really this should have all been handled by Andrew, the victims, ES and what ever 3rd party enforcement required. It is too bad that Andrew was not arround to step in earlier.
    1 point
  38. Man that GX85 is a great little image. I would have sworn it would have been the worst of the lot, but it blows away the a6300... IMO. And it's damn close to the BMPCC. Interesting. Was the BMPCC in raw or ProRes?
    1 point
  39. So wait, you were badgering him on Instagram and that's what led to his confession today? But even though he said he would confess, he still held strong to the story that he didn't do it but agreed to do it because you were extorting him? Do you know what you just admitted to?
    1 point
  40. That's what I'm saying. This guy is a pro scammer. This obviously isn't his first rodeo so this is why we need to not let this guy go becasue he's supposedly depressed. He just wants us to get off his back so he can clear his name and scam more people.
    1 point
  41. Just curious if I am getting overlooked. I have sent you emails, and responses through the messenger here, and you have not responded to any of them. Of course! Maybe one day I'll sit down and send you a pretty video.
    1 point
  42. Crazy to think that there's never been an Ebrahim Sr on this site. He's probably at home chillin, knowing nothing about bit rates or ETTR.
    1 point
  43. Good for you Ebrahim on confessing. I just want to say that since you're part of this community ,if you were in a tough spot and needed some help we would've done whatever possible to help you out. I know that we could've gathered a group to donate. Same goes to anyone in the future. If you can prove the situation to be real.
    1 point
  44. With those sigma lenses, Nikon all the way.
    1 point
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