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andy lee

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About andy lee

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    Lenses, Cinematography

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  1. Been busy Directing a feature film shot on Arri Alexa Plus XR and Panasonic GH5 . I don't use Sony . This is not me !! I'm based in the UK my production company is busy with feature films.
  2. Panasonic I think you mean not Panavision ,
  3. Canon FD lenses are superb , great glass highly recommend , especially on soeedboosters , they are all manual focus , you cannot autofocus these lenses at all. The primes are great and the zooms are also very good, 24-35mm l series , 35-70mm f4 zoom is steller for the money , 35-105mm 3.5 is also very good!!
  4. This is why I don't shoot v log , you get so tweeked up correcting it back to look just normal , them you apply the grade to get the look you want , now you are massively tweeked up , then just say you need to tweek a single colour on a door or wall and next you are now hugely massive tweeked up and you start to break up the image codec ....so I shoot natural profile always , saturation -5 , contrast -5 , and it all works fine for me that way . I always try get it looking good in camera , don't crush the blacks , and I shoot Pannys warmer at 4000k not 3200k , that helps a lot on the skin tones
  5. Here's my trick with Panny cameras I shoot tungsten at 4000k , never 3200k as it looks too pale on skin , I like warm tones , is shot the whole of the Pandora movie at 4000k for the tungsten ( arri Fresnels) and all the exterior day at 6500k not 5600k , and I've used that for the past 3 years on all panny cameras , it just looks nicer on skin tones , just dial in the kelvin manually , don't use presets at all
  6. Yes this is a no excuse camera , you can make very cinematic movies on Panny Cameras with the right setting , lenses and lighting ....let's all get busy
  7. I was with Panasonic UK on Sunday and they said they ship this week ......
  8. It is his forum to do as he wishes, that's the way it goes .
  9. Zak is another great film maker who uses Panny cameras to make films he delivers to platforms . this is precisely the point I'm making ....these cameras in the right talented hands can make great looking movies , the GH5 takes us all to the next level and gives us an even better image we can use to deliver to Netflix Amazon Prime Hulu etc .
  10. This camera is a serious piece of movie making kit Panasonic have jumped leaps ahead of the competition with the GH5 , you can shoot serious movies to deliver to Netflix and Amazon Prime on this camera with out having to go to an Alexa or Red Epic/Dragon , it puts a lot of cinema camera features into the Gh5 at a superb price
  11. Just been with Nick Dirftwood playing around with a GH5 this morning and the IBIS is very very impressive even just in your hand with no rig ..... I do like this feature a lot especially on a shoulder rig for hand held shots , it does get rid of micro jitter and torn frames which I hate on hand held footage , and the rolling shutter is minimal - this is also great news for panning shots they don't lean over!! At last I can do great pans on a hand held rig. You can also upload your own LUTs into the camera , a very useful feature to have. 10 bit 422 looks superb ,we are getting into Alexa type quality looking footage now , the detail and clean blacks are there . I do think this camera is a game changer for Indy film makers . Panasonic are sending me one to use on the next film I'm about to start shooting, so I will share footage so you can see how good it is .PS on a Panny native lens you can programme in focus points on the rear screen and it will pull focus between those two points very useful feature to have . you can actually programme in 3 focus points in all. We all as indie film makers have to thank Nick Driftwood for working closely with Panasonic to get these great new film making tweeks implemented on the GH5 .
  12. Are they weather sealed like HMI lights as I'm looking for LED lights to replace Arri M18s smaller lighter as powerful and weather sealed for out door use for a job
  13. this camera is a game changer , I was shown the prototype GH5 last June in a meeting with Panasonic and the spec was amazing , ( I have had to keep very quite since then) the GH5 is everything we have all wanted in a Pansonic Camera , now its finally coming out its going to revolutionise Indy Film making like no other camera has . I expect to see this on alot of Indy movies over the next few years , it will be my main camera for movies now.
  14. quite why they are not sending you every camera they release to test is beyond me , 25,000 members and the name of the forum is Canon brand ! how much free advertising do they want.
  15. hi Andy, which 50mm lens for sharp night time vids and is the 25mm lens sharp?


    Yashica 50mm F/1.8 AF Lens

    Contax 50mm F/1.7 Planar T* MM C/Y Mount Lens

    Yashica 50mm F/2 ML C/Y Mount Lens

    PENTAX 25mm f1.4 F/1.4 c mount lens

    1. andy lee

      andy lee

      Contax 50mm F/1.7 Planar T* MM C/Y Mount Lens

      Yashica 50mm F/2 ML C/Y Mount Lens

      these two were made in the same factory and I have both and they are optically identical - both superb lenses


      the Pentax 25mm F1.4 is a great little lens and ok  at 1.4 but very sharp and usable at f2 - I use mine at f2 always

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