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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2015 in all areas

  1. Axel

    Ursa mini 4k footage

    I did a lot of weddings. You may detest them, but you hardly find better occasions to test your equipment and your skills - as well as videographer as as storyteller. A wedding is as good a proof of a camera's strengths and shortcomings as any image video or fictional short, imo.
    3 points
  2. all right, i tested it for myself. 10 bit vs 8 bit. internal vs external. v-log vs cinelike and natural. and for me, it's pretty clear now what v-log is and isn't capable of on the gh4. i've got stuff uploading... will write it all up on my blog when it's ready.
    3 points
  3. Seems like 10 bit VLog is alot noisier than 8 bit Cine D.
    2 points
  4. Nothing against folks who shoot weddings (a paycheck's a paycheck) but the couples who participate in these things for their special day are absolutely mad. "Stare into each other's eyes and nuzzle your noses together while I get the exposure right" would have me and my partner bursting into laughter. "Next up, please do a pretend marital fall-n-catch and then have a snog" would be the final straw.
    2 points
  5. CTRT

    CHICAGO - VLog L

    I'm not sure it won't not, but if it doesn't, it might not be because it's not user error. Or the opposite could be true.
    2 points
  6. Here is V-Log L at 8 bit, captured internally. And here it is at 10 bit, captured externally. These are 1:1 extractions from the 4k frame. Wrote more on the subject here... http://zakforsman.com/a-dynamic-range-and-tonality-comparison-of-v-log-l-on-the-gh4/
    1 point
  7. Thanx a lot TheRenaissanceMan! My settings on G6 is -5,-5,-2,-2. The picture is really very flat. I do not use any LUTs or Magic Bullets looks etc. in Sony Vegas, all is graded shot by shot manually. Firstly I decrase colors by "black and white" function then use Color Corector + saturation+gain+gamma+offset, after I play with RGB color curves. I also use the film grain background to make the picture more "organic". The lenses I mostly use are Panasonic 25mm F1,4 then Panasonic 14mm F 2,5, for longer shots Canon FD 85mm F1,8 and also Practicar Pentacon 135mm F 2,8. It is very important to use correct ND, I use only fixed ND 8 and 4 and 12. As G6 and also my lenses are not stabilised it is somertimes hard to make proper shots when climbing the Tepuy or when wading through the swamp in the jungle
    1 point
  8. I don't mind admitting that I cry like a little girl whenever I see The Elephant Man. Whole movie can be found with a YouTube search for those who've not seen before, a wonderful black and white anamorphic film from Mr Lynch. http://youtu.be/WpgeEiHCDaI
    1 point
  9. its less noisy at 400 and gets progressively worse up to 1600.
    1 point
  10. Seems to me that GH4 always had a huge noise problem. I interpreted that as "faking dynamic range". So V-Log just makes that worse :/ But will be curious to see more results, and test some more - especially with the "legit" version (if it really changes anything...)
    1 point
  11. Wow! Awesome work, midloch! Can you share your camera settings and some info on how you graded this? And what lenses did you use? I guess this confirms the old budget filmmaker addage of "buy something cheap and functional, master it completely, then go out and learn to not suck with it."
    1 point
  12. @Blake.H Hey, I wanted to post that! I love movies with strong anamorphic bokeh. So Killing them Softly blew me away. It was shot at T2 T2.5, even during the day! Check out this article if you liked it: http://www.theasc.com/ac_magazine/October2012/KillingThemSoftly/page1.php
    1 point
  13. off-topic, but to save the reputation of the "worst lens of Nikon´s whole AI era":) (last post about the 35mm ai-s f2) 2 flickr sites https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=35mm f2 ais https://www.flickr.com/search/?tags=ais35mm12 It´s a nice lens!
    1 point
  14. Don't Your footage is among the the best I've seen in V-Log. I'm wondering if the super-sharp, super contrasty (& digitally compensated) Lumix lenses (like the 12-35 you used) help with v-log. The BMPCC certainly does best with MFT lenses for this reason IMO. Any other evidence of this out there? I'm not going to purchase the official code until I buy a recorder.
    1 point
  15. Don Kotlos

    Sony A7S II is out!

    It doesn't even record at the highest bitrate if you don't use the proper cards.
    1 point
  16. Couldn't find the scene I wanted on Youtube, this one will do. Part of the eerie build-up before all breaks loose, John Carpenter at the top of his game with The Thing:
    1 point
  17. Don Kotlos

    Sony A7S II is out!

    Rolling shutter: Improved but not a new system. How much we will find out in a month I guess. Overheating: Due to slow cards. What? I call that bullshit.
    1 point
  18. The GH4's internally recorded 4K files can be converted to a chunky 2K 10bit ProRes 4444 image which grades extremely well. To test this theory I call on colourists to have a go at it. Arri Alexa ProRes files are available from their FTP server. Details below. Read the full article here
    1 point
  19. VLOG is going to be a tricky beast to tame. I was shooting some stuff outside the house last night and some looks super clean, and some looks super noisy. My emotions went between disappointment and joy a half dozen times in a half hour! People are going to be so frustrated with this until they wrap their hands around exactly how it all works. I need more time with it.
    1 point
  20. Definitely a steal for $190. Very distinct look wide open. Dreamy & circular . I doubt it is what you are after but you might still like it as a special effects lens. Otherwise we are plenty of people that can take it of your hands in this forum.
    1 point
  21. Good article. I've shot a few more things in the last day or two and realize that scenes with alot of light and minimal shadows really shine. Scenes with alot of dark shadows and bright lights work best when the shadows are brought down to near crushing. Alot of midtones with few shadows and highlights in a scene are the worst.
    1 point
  22. Just got a shipping confirmation for the V Log key. Should be here Friday.
    1 point
  23. This CSTV review made me want a G7 and I already have a GH4!
    1 point
  24. I got my A7 last week and i love it, not the sharpest 1080p but the Dynamic range with portrait -3-3-3 its very good. Get Film convert and you have a lovely image.
    1 point
  25. Yep, you need to take the small ring off to expose the thread (more) and there is a gap where the automatic lens cap grips on to. I spent all summer with just this camera, a 3 and 6 stop ND filter, this ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover 5 bag, a couple of 128GB SD cards, and an extra battery. I use a Heliopan 43-58mm step up ring and 58mm Xume magnetic adaptors to pop on and off the ND (which I sort of use like a lens cap). You can also find a cheap JJC automatic lens cap that is helpful for one-handed shooting (if you aren't using filters). Using the 4k resolution @ 1080p you can get an effective zoom range of 24-150mm, which is good enough for what I shoot. The OIS is quite effective too - much better than I was getting on my Panasonic 35-100/2.8 (although I haven't compared to the P12-35/2.8. I do wish the camera had a better EVF (tilting like GX7/GX8!) and also rear tilt LCD screen. I find the focus peaking very faint in video mode for some reason, especially compared to my E-M5II which is a joy to use and quite visible at all times. It would be useful to have a small mic-in jack and clean HDMI out to use something like the SteadXP device, or the new Rode micros. It would also be good to be able to set the shutter angle (like in the GH4), which would make it easier switching between stills and video, especially in a PAL region where you need to jog the rear wheel to 1/50. When I'm running around, I generally shoot with auto-iso, the aperture dial in auto, the shutter at 1/50 and switch between the two ND filters depending on the light. I'm really glad more people are getting this little camera, as I still have much to learn from others about getting the best out of it. Right now I'm using Natural, -3, -5, -2, 0 as others on the forum have been using with other Panasonic cameras.
    1 point
  26. No problem. It's the least I can do given all your videos that I've enjoyed. Good luck!
    1 point
  27. Thx you so much Reinaissance. Actually a good challenge could be: mft Nocticron f/1.2 vs SpeedBoster + Canon EF 85mm f/1.2 L II. If I'm right, in this case Canon wins in low-light. But as you said Nocticron without SpeedBoster remain sharpest. In your opinion, which between the two set handles better the noise? I mean... Canon is faster but softer with SpeedBooster (and without IS), while Nocticron darker but sharper (and IS). So if I shoot in 4K and then downscale to HD, which lens will give me less noise? Thx a lot.
    1 point
  28. Also from my tests, I haven't got any issue with the noise with ISO 1600 and below. But the real issue is the color falling apart easily when you try to tweak it a bit in resolve. I wish they can have a firmware update to bring 14bit raw external feeding like the A7R II. Everyone would definitely buy their package in order to release the V-log horse power..
    1 point
  29. Yeah the 8-bit 100mbps codec is no match.
    1 point
  30. it's possible they're not related. here's the post about the magenta/cyan thing. i'll do my own test to see if it exists in 10 bit. from my night footage, with the V709 LUT applied, the reds would go berserk with chunky noise and this unevenness looked like a similar/related issue. here's the post I read about the issue in 8 bit. http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?340370-Exposing-V-LOG-L&p=1986577386&viewfull=1#post1986577386 haha, yeah, if I had left the soundtrack intact on the cut video, you would hear me mumbling "jesus fucking christ" every time it revealed itself. but last night I was more interested in color and dynamic range, so i let it slide.
    1 point
  31. RED's 'ugly' graphic design aesthetic has gotten really old. i just hope the 7th grader who's designing this stuff is well paid
    1 point
  32. I think V-LOG really needs an external recorder to shine. 8-bit 4:2:0 just doesn't cut it. I wonder if the camera has enough horsepower to do internal 10-bit with another firmware upgrade.
    1 point
  33. I tried a little, at home, nothing serious, but using my GH4 next to my BlackMagic Pocket, the difference is huge. The GH4 with V-Log gave me far more noise with similar setting and lenses. I normally prefer the easy (and long battery life) GH4 for everyday shooting, reserving the BlackMagic for shorter work or for work with no rush, but this time the GH4 disappointed me a little. The long awaited V-Log looks awful next to the flat Pocket's ProRes HQ.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Did you guys know that there is actually hidden highlight information in the video files? I was playing around with a LUT I made earlier this year and it was revealing information in the highlights that I thought could not possibly be there because when I messed around with the various exposure sliders in Premiere Pro, there was no detail there. But my LUT brought it out. So after discarding the LUT I added the Three Way Color Corrector effect and brought the output level from 255 to 235.. and voila there was the highlight information.
    1 point
  36. Welcome back. It took longer than I thought A G6 is really old hat. I'd have recommended the a6000 for that price. Much better DR/noise. No mic input but you can actually get a decent hot shoe accessory for that
    1 point
  37. The Ursa Mini 4K is using the V2 sensor that is from the Ursa 4K not the BMPC. That's why there's 60fps in 4k and significantly less FPN. Also, the moire is most likely related to the fact that they shot using a Sigma 18 - 35. That lens is capable of resolving somewhere around 25 - 30 MP. That resolution is far beyond the 8.3 on the Ursa Mini. It's best to always use filtration with a lens that is that sharp. I too was surprised how good the sensor was in low light. 60fps in a club scene on a BM global shutter? That's amazing.
    1 point
  38. I have a feeling the 4.6K is going to crush this image and be amazing. That's why they're getting these cameras/footage out first.
    1 point
  39. The anamorphic cinematography in Killing Them Softly is just exquisite!
    1 point
  40. robbing

    "Mercy" Lomo Ana

    Visual concept for future project: BMPCC,Lomo 35 Square front with 14mm and 50mm
    1 point
  41. Hey guys, Not sure if anyone has pointed this out before, but last night I was messing around with my Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 on my Sony A7S. Once attached to the A7S, I reminded myself that I was going to have to switch it to APS-C mode. However, to my surprise, the lens wasn't vignetting, even though the A7S was still in full-frame mode. Eventually, it did vignette, but not until around 24mm. I concluded that between 26-35mm, this lens is absolutely fine for full-frame sensor use. You can even get away with 24mm, which produces a very slight vignette (if you letterbox your footage, it would hide the vignette at 24mm). Anyway, just thought I'd point it out. Enjoy!
    1 point
  42. Just pointed my A7S + Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 at a plain white wall. Shot in 1080P at 24FPS in full-frame mode.
    1 point
  43. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uy5iH56s2is ^about 2 minutes in, dslr video shooter tests what you're saying, and i thought there was still a little vignetting throughout, maybe...
    1 point
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