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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2016 in Posts

  1. I hate hacks and respect them at the same time. They are super intelligent people that know how to push buttons of segments of society. A word here and there, and they are repeating facts, but molding your opinion at the same time with adjectives, word placement and headlines for these facts. Edit: I always look at the Drudge Report everyday before I look at the BBC, because I find it so fascinating how Drudge molds opinions with a single headline or omission. BBC says the Trump did something insane, a black man gets shot in the back, or next to his girlfriend and dies on mobile video, and no mention on Drudge or even an acknowledgement... but his followers believe he is reporting the 'truth'. Fascinating. But I am old enough to know that even the BBC is anti-trump, which in itself is not great. They constantly add stuff like his exact dialogue in quotes and of course that makes him look dumb because he is not a public speaker. I can hear the journalist chuckling to himself. I consider someone writing for the Sun, Daily Mail, Daily News, NY Post, the Mirror, etc... hacks. But they all have Master's degrees or excelled in school and they know what they are doing. In the UK you would be hard pressed to find a journalist on Fleet Street who did not go to Cambridge or Oxford. Even at the tabloids. These are professional (and the original) trolls. Piers Morgan for example. Documentary has the same.
    3 points
  2. I have a story for you all: I work in a small non-profit independent movie theater. We saw a trailer for documentary on the economy that was well reviewed and booked it. Not thinking anything was amiss, just booking the documentary because it was well reviewed. What followed was a certain political party in town going absolutely ballistic. Calls came in that they would boycott our theater, one of our employees walked out (they came back, but would only work for us, but would never see a movie in the theater again...way to hold to you principles.), the leader of the party said in a public email to all their members that we were in cahoots with the other political party, that we had talked to party leaders and we should have our non-profit status revoked. Emergency board meeting was called, to give them credit, everyone on the board took a stand "Fuck em', show the film!" It was attended by every single board member and they told all their friends to go, it was the highest grossing documentary we have ever shown. It did far better than it would have if no fuss had been made. We threatened to take the party representative to court for slander unless he retracted his statement. They agreed, but only if we showed a political film from their side! During which a political candidate spent 20 minutes talking about the bad things the other party had done before the film started. Now when people come in asking for documentaries that have even the slightest political ties (most requests come from this party) we tell them we are never showing political documentaries ever again. People are no longer rational about these things, cannot take critism, and have created a us vs. them mentality. It's going to get really ugly before it gets better.
    2 points
  3. Is 10bit. And got the great news last night I'll be shooting the Feature Film with both a F5 and my F3! :-D
    2 points
  4. mercer

    Lighting question

    Can you get cars back there? Or use car batteries and rig some headlights to them. Or as Tupp suggested, shoot Day for Night... If it was good enough for Jaws...
    2 points
  5. I hate talking politics because its a zero-sum game. Nobody wins. Every ideology is flawed, because we as humans are flawed. A liberal management unchecked will exploit capitalism and everyone suffers when free trade consumes their daily bread - like Uber to taxi drivers and AirBnB to hotel workers, or China and Mexico to automobile factory workers. A conservative management unchecked will end up exterminating... well anything that walks funny. But everybody embodies both ideologies at different times and in different situations. As a whole, people are stupid en-masse and selfish, but as Bronn said in Game of Thrones about Geofrey: There is no cure for being a cun*
    2 points
  6. tupp

    Lighting question

    If the scene just has to look like night time, shoot day-for-night. Use NDs to get a wide aperture, and try not to show the sky.
    2 points
  7. Glad to hear it. New blog posts coming soon!
    2 points
  8. I wasn't threatened for showing the Hillary film. It was Inequality for All: See above. I honestly think it is getting worse than previous elections, the volume of insults being thrown around by everybody is insane. "Hey did you hear about the ground war in Syria in which the U.S. is funding a democratic based uprising and the Russian government is offering ground support to the country leaders?" 9/10 people that I interact with on a daily basis don't know about this at all. Because actual political talking points no longer matter.
    1 point
  9. we figured out you have to have studio version for h265 support. Same on Linux and windows. I have studio version of 12.5.1 on windows 10.
    1 point
  10. I spent the entire day testing 0-255 vs 16-235 vs 16-255 and thanks to the tip for "brightness -3 and contrast -15" that I can for sure use 0-255 in premiere cc 2015 and wont have any clipping, while maintaining the full color for exporting in DNXHD and also maintain the Legal color for Youtube and Vimeo. when I used 16-235 I did a test while reducing exposure and it looked very nasty in premiere with banding everywhere, looked very clean in 0-255. with 0-255 you can recover superwhites, like clouds for example, the detail in shadows is much more and the blocking, artifacts is not there "when using bitrate hack" when using 16-255, this was better than 16-235 but still not as good as 0-255. I did notice that VLC plays the 0-255 while all other players didn't read the superwhites in 0-255 so that could be an issue. so my advice is use 0-255 with -3 brightness and -15 contrast but export 2 versions, one Legal for web players and TV and keep the original for the future.
    1 point
  11. jcs

    Red Dragon? Anyone?

    With good DPs, ARRI and Red can cut together no problem. When someone goofs somewhere or weather changes rapidly (it happens ;)), ARRI tends to recover better in post. Their totally custom Alev III sensor is still peerless, as is their IP for digital film emulation (from their years of building film scanners). They may hold the lead until there's another breakthrough in sensor design (and probably film emulation too). I like what Black Magic is doing and some of the footage looks really, really good. For personal or hobby hobby work, it makes sense. For paid work, I'd spend more for something bulletproof in production (they're still going through growing pains, just like Red did (they are now pretty reliable)). Sony is headed in the right direction for skintones and color- I would expect their next camera releases to be closer to Canon (F65 can already produce amazing color- up there with the best, even ARRI; not clear how much work in post that requires though (very few examples showing this kind of color quality (Lucy, Oblivion)).
    1 point
  12. I've often strategized that I should make a doc or two and pander to a specific ideological market. It's not a bad way to make a living. You can exploit people that are eager to hear the choir sing. But, I guess I just can't be so cynical to do that. It would feel too gross. I'm always trying to see things from all sides. For instance, my best friend is sort of a hard core right-wing religious socially ultraconservative dude, but he's still an awesome guy with a lot of love in his heart. So I don't care for caricatures that refuse to see people as whole. FWIW, I consider myself to be in the middle of the ideological spectrum, leaning left. (by USA standards) We're a wonderfully weird and messy nation. Corrupt and noble simultaneously. Prejudiced and fair. Violent and compassionate. Hey, we're human. And we're not homogenized, so it's never going to be easy. People are people after all. Tribal. There's comfort in in being tribal, so I get that desire even though I like to think I can avoid it. As things like this D'souza documentary continue to polarize opinion, I don't see it as a healthy shift in American culture. But, we've always been a bit nuts in that regard. Lot's of pundits tend to be incredulous about the current level of discourse, but it doesn't seem any more vexed than previous elections; it's just that those wildly contentious elections took place before any of our lifetimes. We've even had weirdos like Trump on major party tickets before too. Those guys tend to be forgotten as time passes. This year the GOP is in disarray. (has been for awhile) It's pretty much like a retired guy that's upset kids are playing on his lawn; loud, cranky, attracts a lot of attention, but wildly outnumbered. What's happening this year is just a fever. It'll eventually break and then we'll be inoculated for awhile until the next virus hits. In the meantime, the only cure is more cowbell. An economics movie that was so ideologically loaded it caused that sort of uproar? Can't think of anything mainstream that came down the pipe recently which would cause such a reaction, unless you're in a really ideologically biased community. Was it more of a fringe movie like "Hillary's America"? And was it more of a righty film or a lefty film?
    1 point
  13. @Lintelfilm what focal length was that shot at and were you still and your son was moving around, or were you both moving. I have noticed the IS struggles with the long end. It's a little better when you use the telephoto IS(forget what they call it) but I also have everything set at manual and use Push AF most of the time, so in the wide end, where I usually stay, there is little background blur. But I'll be on the lookout for it. Honestly, I have been using my XC10 primarily in 1080p because I just adore the 5-Axis and the 1080p in c-log. I think the 1080 downscaled internally from the 4K sensor seems better than most consumer cams 4K with post downscale.
    1 point
  14. Would still love to see a comparision between GX85 and G7 for lowlight and some shadows free of artefacts. My G6 isn´nt the best performer shadow wise, otherwise beautiful cam. A friend of mine and me did a lighting setup, kinda @andy lee style with beautiful gels, Orange Glow and Deep Blue, two 850w tungsten and one LED. We compared her 600D and my G6. Canon color is still something, even when lit. But loving my G6. Starting to really love black wrap, flags and gels. Great stuff for filming with the lower end bunch of cams. Very exited about the promises of Gx85 or G7 or XC10 or veterans such as F3 and such. So again: -GX85 vs G7 shadows would be great, hey throw in some G6 to show the generation gap and for the fun!:) -Also, dual recording confirmation about internal and external recording please for the GX85. -Another one, is there a grip for extending the height of the grip on the GX85? In the store it felt way too short for me. Met a guy with a Oly EM10ii last week with a beautiful extended grip. Awesome handling, really beautiful! Here is a light from our setup to keep my post a little more interesting. I think BTS is a great thing on this forum, so maybe some lumix and canon faces next time. EDIT: This bad mother or bad boy looks really funky!:)
    1 point
  15. So, is it confirmed that there is a new sensor in the GX85, or a tweaked sensor, because from my preliminary tests it seems to play in a different playground than the G7 does. Obviously, it's a whole lot sharper without the OLPF, but the colors seem different. With -5 Con, -5 Sharp, -5 NR and -2,-3 Sat, the results are almost perfect out of camera with still just enough room for some mild grading. I even tested my Canon FL 35mm 3.5 with the poorly reviewed Fotodiox Excel+1 focal reducer, and it's sharp as a tack with gorgeous rendering. If this is any preview of the GH5...
    1 point
  16. So, Dali´s mustache anybody? Anybody has it? Liam, did you get your hands on it? Nobody seems to be interested enough to participate in the discussion. I think this looks like a beautiful oddity of software! With benefit for smaller and older hardware and laptops. And, it´s free. The inofficial name "Dali´s mustache" couldn´t be any cooler! Common people, let´s get the odd gem mining started!!
    1 point
  17. Geoff CB

    Your ideal NX1 Settings

    It's useless unless your holding the camera steady. Wish they had a menu item for how intense the effect is. Or that you could set the focal length like with the a7r 2
    1 point
  18. The GH4 can record internally while outputting over HDMI, but only in 8bit mode, not 10bit.
    1 point
  19. Has anyone else noticed weird ghosting/banding with the XC10? It's most visible in out of focus areas (hence blurred images below). I've noticed it most in 4K though not sure about HD. My best guess is it's something to do with IS but I really have no idea. I've never seen anything like it before. Images below (look at the skin/face in the first two, and to the right of the face in profile on the last image for a "ghost profile" in the shadow). Very weird.). The XC10 manual says "ghosting, artefacts and/or dark areas may appear when using Dynamic IS" --- however Dynamic IS isn't available in 4K mode (which the frame grabs above are from). I'll do some tests with/without IS but if anyone has experienced this too I'd like to hear about it.
    1 point
  20. One of my friend has one, at f2 its nothing to boost about. I would personally get the Nikon ai 35mm f2 instead.
    1 point
  21. IronFilm

    Lighting question

    Various options: 1) ignore stupid laws, use generator 2) beg/borrow/steal more LED lights & batteries 3) beg/borrow/steal a7S 4) shoot day-for-night 5) ditch the wide shot, and shoot around it
    1 point
  22. Well said Aaron, whoever was married to Ann Coulter must had something bad in his brain/soul, these people are so full of hate and b... sh...t......, I will not watch this movie that I know is pure right wing propaganda full of lies...even though Hillary is not perfect I prefer her over the crazy scam Drumpf!!
    1 point
  23. You're welcome. I've got the Amaran M9 and it's more use as a bedside light than anything else. These Lumecubes punch considerably above their weight.
    1 point
  24. My goodness, it just gets worse. Whilst I was Italy I did read some of what went on and thought the community handled it brilliantly and thanks to my mods too like Andy Lee. Hopefully we can move on from this guy and get back to sanity.
    1 point
  25. Ebrahim is active on http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?348423-BE-CAREFUL-Sadly-Ebrahim-Saadawi-or-another-people-using-his-account-is-a-scammer/page3
    1 point
  26. Thanks Ikslim, you're right, in your experience, but technically the "SpeedBooster" is a focal reducer. I have always worked with full aperture lens, my tests are done all at f1.4 and maximum 2.8. it does not add distortion or loss of detail to the edges. (From f4 forward, any bottle bottom works!). I am a detail maniac and that's what the NX1 does best. I have no intention of filters or iris in the adapter NXL, this is a stupid thing to do, also no one has figured large working miracles with Canon EF mount. There is no space between the sensor and lenses, is all filled to the tenth of a millimeter from glasses! My hope is that this adapter, can turn on a headlamp on Samsung NX camera system and resume production, so if sales go well, I'll invest my time and my money to create a smart adapter NX / EF. Best
    1 point
  27. I couldn't decide and bought both the GX85 and A6300. I ended up keeping the A6300. The key issue wiht the A6300, overheating, has essentially been resolved. Rolling shutter is slightly worse with the A6300 but still very evident with the GX85. The GX85 records shockingly poor audio, the worst I've ever come across, due in part to the constant background noise generated by the IBIS. AF tracking with the GX85's contrast detect system is also useless. The A6300's hybrid phase/contrast detect AF, on the other hand, is sensational and only falters in difficult conditions (e.g. strong backlighting). I like to shoot with shutter priority (1/50s) letting the camera adjust exposure on the run. In this mode, the GX85 changes the aperture in discrete (annoying) steps. The A6300 makes stepless aperture adjustments resulting in seamless transitions when shooting in varying lighting conditions. The IBIS is great with the GX85 but this, on it's own, did not compensate for these major shortcomings.
    1 point
  28. That guy is a hack. He's one of the biggest trolls in politics.
    1 point
  29. This is my first attempt with ricardo's settings. However I didn't use delut cause I wasn't able to make it work, instead I used Premiere's SL GOLD RUSH LDR with personal tweaks (no input LUT). I'm satisfied with the result expect for sky banding present on the original footage. Maybe a higher bitrate would been useful. I used the stock 80Mbit 120p. Anyway I'm impressed by the amount of details this sensor deliver at 1080p from 28MP at 120fps. Samsung really made a beast. I could only imagine what a NX2 could have been like!
    1 point
  30. Teflon replacement collars for the guide screws is a good start. (Replacing the brass collars with Teflon ones will reduce friction noise when focusing) - I also reworked the internal focus mechanism to have a better strength and tolerance - that eliminated wobble. A bit too many other details and tweaks to list here without hijacking the thread topic.
    1 point
  31. thats not what i meant - i didnt discover any relationship between NR and sharpness, i just like it a tad sharper, while -5 gives me already at iso's like 800+ a fine grain, but thats by no means a scientific test.
    1 point
  32. Matt Kieley


    Sigma 30mm 1.4 with T2i
    1 point
  33. Laugh. But this is what your next movie will look like to the rest of us. But it will be in 4K.
    1 point
  34. jgharding


    Don't suppose you're interested in a 1970s 35mm one are you? Complete with EF adapter!
    1 point
  35. Canon have the colour-path and codec nailed to perfection on the XC10. I am also impressed with the dynamic range of the sensor, even in the most contrasty picture profile it rarely struggles no matter the light thrown at it. I have also been enjoying the stabilisation, very impressive. Shot for 3 weeks in Italy with it and editing now.
    1 point
  36. guys, this applies to engines, whiskey, amplifiers, blu-ray players, vfx, lenses, monitor panels.. it's your job as DIY'ers, to find these imbalances, take the labels off, solder off the capacitors, hack the firmware, de-restrict the exhaust, snap the aperture rings... and keep it a secret: it's a good thing.
    1 point
  37. Just like the previous post from Ben said. Do you have any idea how much time was spent developing your product? If you feel it's unethical to differentiate products solely based on software, then that means you feel that software has no value. Software is intellectual property that breathes life into the silicon your camera is made up of. Also look at it this way, do you have any idea how expensive it would be to bring a product to market without the substantial leveraging of previous hardware? The price of the F55 was set at is based off of the quantity of F5 units they hope to sell so they can leverage quantity buying power (+20 points of cream for their troubles). In other words, if they couldn't make the low end camera off of the high end one, they would have never made the high end one, because there's just not enough buyers to get an ROI. Companies do this all the time, they just aren't stupid enough to leave the workaround accessible in cleartext!
    1 point
  38. I'm a full-time software engineer -- and this is what you guys are missing: That one line of magic code that turns the F5 into a 4k beast -- probably took thousands of man-hours of engineering to get it working properly. Sony has the right to make a ROI on the costs of hundreds of engineers hours.
    1 point
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