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My cameras and kit

  1. Hey guys,   This might have come up before, but I seem to be having a strange phenomenon while using any thrid party taking lens with my Iscorama pre 36.  The stock nikkon 2.8 fixed lens that came with the Isco doesn't display these "icicle" like artifacts from flaring. This happens with my Nikkon 50mm  f1.4, and my Helios 58mm 44-2m, and also some weird transparent vignetting happens with the iris blades on both.  I was wondering if anyone knows why this is happening, and or have a possible solution for it.     The picture below is with my Nikkon 50mm f1.4, very simular to the results of the helios.         
  2. Now I realize this probabl isn't the best idea just wondering what everyone's opinion on it was. I was thinking for a better lens flare removing the multicoating on my cheaper canon lens. I found this tutorial although I'm a bit dubious as to how well it would work. http://www.ehow.com/how_7830132_replace-multicoating-camera-lens.html Just using clean wipes? Can it really be that easy?
  3. I have two really nice CinemaScopes for sale. They are super sharp ISCO Ultra Star CinemaScope Anamorphic Anamorphots with 15mm rod rail support included. You can purchase either from me direct from the link in the footer or via my ebay listings. You can purchase with confidence as I am Paypal or Credit Card friendly and include a 14 day return with buyer paying shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/DSLR-ISCO-ULTRA-STAR-2X-CINEMASCOPE-ANAMORPHIC-ANAMORPHOT-15MM-ROD-RAIL-SUPPORT-/130931823192?pt=UK_Lenses_Filters_Lenses&hash=item1e7c251258 http://www.ebay.com/itm/DSLR-ISCO-ULTRA-STAR-2X-CINEMASCOPE-ANAMORPHIC-ANAMORPHOT-15MM-ROD-RAIL-SUPPORT-/130931823124?pt=UK_Lenses_Filters_Lenses&hash=item1e7c251214
  4. presented to Genero.tv contest: Olafur Arnalds "This place was s shelter". Shot with Bolex Moller Anamorphot 16/32/1.5x and Canon 5D Mark II     vimeo.com/68844085
  5. EMKE Hawaii recording new music in the studio!  I tagged along and tested shooting Anamorphic with my Canon 5DMKIII.  Using the different aspect ratios, I used 4:3 1600x1200.  This is perfect for my Sankor 2x Anamorphic Projection lens.  I then used After Effects to make the image fit 1080P.  Music is their original song "Open Eyes" acoustic version.   Canon 5DMKIII w Magic Lantern RAW June 3rd Build Lexar 64GB 1000x CF Card After Effects to Premiere Pro Canon 100mm Macro Sankor 2x Anamorphic Projection Lens   https://vimeo.com/68611134  
  6. What are the honest odds of getting an iscorama 54 non multi coated anywhere at all. Just gotta get lucky? Theres one multicoated one on ebay.   Also wondering if anybody had a picture comparison of the multicoated vs non multicoated?
  7. I am selling a mint AG-LA7200, 1.33 anamorphic. Can send photo's on request. Almost never been used. Just bought it myself but also was lucky to run into a nice iscorama 54 last week. (no, not from this forum) I am not looking for making any money on the lens Euro 1050,- (i even can show you the invoice) is what i payed (call me stupid  :P ) for it so if you think its worth it i can re-sell for that same price. Think this Panny will get dusty sitting on my desk and that would be a real shame    :mellow:
  8. Ok, so after receiving my adaptor a few weeks ago... I've created an unscientific review of the Lens Turbo for Canon FD on my nex 7 http://themartist.com/lens-turbo-canon-fd-review/   If you don't feel like reading the review, the bottom line is I am happy with it... even though It appears that those with more pixel peeping prowess are confirming that its inferior to the speedbooster. I still see many advantages using it for stills,  but I'm sure that the benefits may be even more useful for video purposes. This bring me to two main questions.   1. If there are any specific shots, or methods you'd like me to test either stills or video on the Lens Turbo - please let me know and I'll do my best. I have a canon fd 50mm 1.4 and 20mm 2.8 for the lens turbo.    2. What positive/negative impact will the speedbooster or lens turbo have on going the anamorphic route? What type of setup would be best, and how would one be able to have a nice compact (ish) setup to match the Nex's diminutive benefits. The dream is having an affordable small full-frame in the nex that is easy to travel with and may shoot some awesome anamorphic footage.    Appreciate any input or questions from either Andrew or the rest of you guys. 
  9. I recently shot a teaser video for a feature film I'm developing. I'm aiming for a slightly analog look so I've been using AIS Nikkor lenses with the Bolex Moller 16/32/1.5x adapter lens mounted to them. The Bolex has a 39mm filter thread on the back, so I'm able to attach it with a simple 39mm to 52mm ring. However, the only way I can align the anamorphic lens with this adapter is by keeping the filter thread screwed slightly loose, and rotating it to the right alignment, then sticking it in place with a thin strip of tape.   This works alright, but I'd like to figure out something more stable for purpose of a feature film. I've looked fairly extensively at the clamps available online, but I can't find anything (Redstan or otherwise) that is specifically tailored to fit the somewhat atypically shallow rear element of this lens, and I wondered if anybody else has had experience with this? I just need a solution that won't add a very substantial amount of length/vignetting to the lens, and will allow me to lock its alignment down. The tape solution results in slight, noticeable shifting around every time we refocus the lens.   Thank you!   Here's the teaser, shot it on an NEX-5n with the aforementioned lenses. Looking into filming the feature on a C300 or a Scarlet.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgqLqHZk3-A
  10. I made my first anamorphic purchase with a Kowa 16-H.  I am waiting for Redstan adapters and I wanted to get  some feedback on which taking lens would be ideal with my setup.   I've heard that anything below 80mm will vignetter due to the Kowa's 2x and the mk III sensor size.   For any mk ii / mk iii owners out there... what taking lenses are you using/recommend for your Kowa 2x?
  11. Hey guys,   Made up my mind to sell some of my gear. PM me if interested in any of the following.   Kowa 16H 2X anamorphic adapter - good condition Canon FD 20mm f2.8, 35mm f2, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.2 lenses - all in good condition Canon FD to MFT adapter - new Slr Magic 12mm f1.6 - new Slr Magic 25mm f0.95 - new Voigtlander 17.5mm f0.95 - new   Thanks!
  12. Hey guys,   Made up my mind to sell some of my gear. PM me if interested in any of the following.   Kowa 16H 2X anamorphic adapter - good condition Canon FD 20mm f2.8, 35mm f2, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.2 lenses - all in good condition Canon FD to MFT adapter - new Slr Magic 12mm f1.6 - new Slr Magic 25mm f0.95 - new Voigtlander 17.5mm f0.95 - new   Thanks!
  13. Hello Everybody, i'm new here as new to anamorphic shooting and almost shooting in general, I made this vid during holidays with my son and girlfriend in a friends house in ardeche in france, just to have a trace of it. http://player.vimeo.com/video/66394467   Don't go to hard on me, i know these are "trees and shit" :), but that is all i got to shoot. I would like some advices as i'm really liking to shoot stuff, i made some motion design before and my job is to create websites, but i would like to try to make some music vids (with an idea of course not just shooting random stuff). So go on with questions and comments i'm ready arms spread wide open !      As for the technical part, it was shot on a GH3 with "eclatant" profile so i suppose it's vivid in english, way too sharp... Looks weird and camcoder like to me, stupidly i just forgot to go back on my personalised "flat" setting as i gave the camera to my girlfriend to make some photos and she told me they looked "sad and flat :)". I used a canon FD 50 f1.4. The timelapses are made with the well known stock 14.140. The supercinelux is a pain to focus on such small screen like the one on the gh3, and more when it's all streched, so i was thinking to get a external screen or a loupe with a anamorphic function. You'll see some flare porn, i really like the flares from this lens. It's very sharp when focused properly, and as i see it's works really nice from 2 or 3 meters. So i think that's all. Hope to hear lot's of critics :), i'm happy to finally be on this forum. See you soon bye!
  14. Hello there, Anyone knows, have tested or seen tests of an anamorphic resolution (1440x1080) on the 5D mk2 for use with a 2x adapter? What I´ve read so far is that 5d wont go bigger than 1880x840 but what about other resolutions considering anamorphics. From what you´ve seen so far, would you recommend switching back to the mk2 from a hacked gh2 in terms of image quality, colors, low light etc...? Thanks
  15. I just bought a vistascope (the 16mm version).   I'm wondering what diopters/ close up filters I should get for this anamorphic.   Any suggestions would be great!   Thanks :)
  16. Just put my Elmoscope II up for auction:     http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300905958653   The Elmoscope II is a rebranded Kowa 8z /16H.   Here is a sample video I shot with this lens of me bleaching polaroids,... thought it'd be more interesting than random trees an' shit,... not that there's anything wrong with random trees an' shit,....   This is straight out of the camera,  filmed with the Elmoscope II on a Contax Zeiss Planar 50mm f1.4 set between f2.8 - 5.6, on a Lumix GH2 with the Valkyrie TZ3 Beta2 patch. 100% manual of course. No color correction/ adjustments / leveling / grading / fx other than unsqueezing in post.   http://youtu.be/K8PWJ5XSCVE   more details in the listing, but if you guys have any questions fire away :)   cheers.  
  17. Greetings all, This is my first post here but I've lurked for quite some time, particularly in the anamorphic forum. I recently bought an Iscorama 36mc 1.5x anamorphic lens from another member here (QuickHitRecord) and wanted to share some of the results I've been getting.  This lens has quickly become my favorite lens!  A refreshing change from the perfect/sterile "Canon L glass look". http://vimeo.com/65643270   Camera: 75% Canon 5D Mark III (more towards the beginning) 25% Blackmagic Cinema Camera (more towards the end)   Lenses: Vivitar 28mm 2.5 M42 mount + Iscorama 36mc 1.5x Iscorama 50mm 2.8 M42 mount + Iscorama 36mc 1.5x Canon 85 mm 1.2L + Iscorama 36mc 1.5x   Adapters: Genus 77mm variable ND filter Polaroid 72mm Close-Up +1 filter (only on a few tighter shots toward the end.) More thoughts in the description on Vimeo.  What do you think? Also, I don't know how first posts are supposed to go or what's considered cheesy but I just wanted to say I look forward to becoming a more active member of the community here.  I hope to learn much and contribute where I can. John DuckDuck Collective
  18. Like to share this short film which is part of a larger project. Shot with GH3, slrmagic 35mm and Kowa 8Z. https://vimeo.com/65543988  
  19. I am looking to buy an anamorphic lens. A few caveats, I have done some research however if anyone is selling feel free to reply here or send me a private message.   This is also a sort of feel out post as well see what everyone recommends. I havent used one myself however I have done research including getting the guide so I know what Im dealing with.   No projection lenses. Large and bulky, I dont need anything like that. My arm was damaged a few years back. MRSA took 60% of my deltoid. Need it small hopefully well smaller than a projection lens at least.   Not too picky on the squeeze ratio. Anamorphic is anamorphic, I mean the closer to 2:39:1 the better.   Lens flares are important. Want nice wide ones high quality would be fantastic.   Rack focus, definitely a must. Less adjustment on the lens itself the better. Have hard enough time freehanding while manual focusing one lens much less two XD.   Also in reference to the camera I have a Canon EOS 5d Mark III and a Mark II of the lenses I have 35 1.4L, 50mm 1.2L and a 70-200 2.8L IS II USM   I gather I may need an 85mm lens to take advantage of rack focus and an anamorphic lens with the full frame cameras. No problems there just feeling it out seeing whats available. If i can find the right lens that meets the specifications I need for a competetive price well im looking to buy thats for sure.   In any case let me know. I think I got most of my information correct. I would prefer under $4000. A comfortable range for me is $1000-2000 $3000 if its a top quality lens id say.
  20. If you are looking for anamorphic lenses - you already know this is the holy grail of them all. Covers full frame at 50mm and 100% rack focusable.   Mint condition with both front and rear caps. Includes it's original 50mm f/2.8 taking lens in Nikon mount. This is the original 1968 single coated version.   I am willing to sell it for $x,xxxx.xx cash meetup at a local NYC bank or trade for some 8mm anamorphics + cash on your end. I'd also consider a deal for a 35mm OCT-19 LOMO squarefront in mint shape.   Thanks for your time.
  21. Just a test with one of my anamorphic lens (a beautiful Bolex Moller Anamorphot 16/32/1.5x). Andrew opened my mind reading his useful blog and shooter's guide, and now I love the anamorphics. I am learning, so I hope you understand my limitations in all the areas, included the video edition.   [attachment=477:435717753_295.jpg] Shot on Canon 5D Mark II, the taken lens is a Zeiss C/Y 100mm Makro-Planar f2.8   http://vimeo.com/64893832
  22. Hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows a good(hopefully cheap) place to rent some anamorphic lens in Los Angeles.   thanks!!
  23. Hi Guys! Hey Andrew!    Nice to finally be on EOSHD.    I'm from Sydney, Australia and this is my first post! So we'll see how this goes.    This is my first music video shot on a anamorphic lens (KOWA B&H).   Any constructive feedback, criticism, tips, advice etc or just a chat is welcome and appreciated!    Would be cool to our share knowledge and experiences from all over the world.   Hope you like the video (and hopefully the music aswell loll).   Lana Lyric - S.W.A.G.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzVw6ZcgwbM   Talk soon guys.   Ray Ayos. 
  24. Shot some small tests with the Iscorama on my d800 last week. Shot on D800 with the nikon 50mm 1.4D and Tokina +0.4 diopter and Hoya +1 diopter. I did the edit in premiere, grading in speed grade and second grade in nuke using some custom grading filters I made using filters from on set.   My site www.robbannister.com   Downloads page http://www.robbannister.com/downloads/   videos CC1 http://vimeo.com/64450588   CC2 http://vimeo.com/64464863   Hopefully I'll have some stuff really worth showing soon.   Rob
  25. http://vimeo.com/64229408   ...my niece, Kinley, is not quite 2.5yrs and my nephew Connor is 7 months.  They were pretty fascinated by the big(gish) lens when they saw it, their extensive experience being photographed so far being mostly camera phones.  Kinley got over it pretty quickly though and was able to ham it up with perfect abandon.     GH2 (patch: Flowmotion) Nikkor 24mm f/2 Century Optics anamorphic 5DtoRGB CS6: PPro + AE ColorGHear
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