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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2016 in Posts

  1. Nice sentiment but I am little bit confused why you think the problem revolves around money and monetizing the blog. The reason I haven't been writing as many blog posts recently is because I'm demotivated to do so. Slapping some ads up won't change that. The whole internet culture needs to change. Due to the sheer amount of content out there, slung out in a rush, completely taking away any motivation for me to add to the pile, for people to ignore the long-form content in favour of all the small bitesized chunks of shit. I haven't stopped blogging due to a lack of advertising revenue!! Never sought it in the first place. I am glad the forum is growing. In many ways, it's a good stand-in for the blog whilst I take a break. Got the first GX85 article coming soon BTW Yes I know that feeling. I believe that guys like me and Mattias are more of the cinematographer mould than the writer-director. Our strength is our feel for mood and our eye for the aesthetics of atmosphere, so when you're more of a cinematographer than an all-out filmmaker you're in need of good content to shoot, an interesting mood to create. Sometimes you might not have that content. Also I take a lot of inspiration from shooting the world immediately around me, which is why I live in an exciting capital city, however it's not inspirational to shoot the same location again and again over 5 years, especially not when that city (Berlin) has chosen to change into an ugly homogeneous gentrified hipster hell hole since when I moved here 5 years ago, and the light has been appalling due to climate change for the past 3, rarely any interesting light, weather or sunny afternoons for huge chunks of the year. What I need to get interested in cameras and blogging again is to take my ass out of Germany and go somewhere more interesting and more inspiring, perhaps back to Asia where I did my best work with the GH2 all those years ago. Sadly the blogging I want to do isn't as easy as just filming cats for YouTube and raving about image quality... if it was, I'd have an article ready by the end of every single day. It doesn't interest me. When I'm not feeling it as an artist, there's no point me blogging, it would just be shit! Call it cinematographer's block?!
    7 points
  2. That film is damned talented, a great find, pressing all the right emotional buttons with just images and sound alone, no words, just really nice audio/visual poetry. Loved it. The Digital Bolex also has one of the most 'emotional' images in the same sense... incredible colour, dynamic range and a sensor size perfectly matched to pre-1980's Super 16mm vintage lenses. I just wish the D16 cost $999 and was available in great quantity... but that in a way is not the point of it. It is a camera that has a habit of getting into a disproportionately high number of talented hands, which means they're building a really special community around it. Also, it's one of the few cameras you can shoot jerky handheld footage with and it still looks great, for whatever reason - the CCD and global shutter having a hand in that magic motion candace of course.
    6 points
  3. Hey Michal. I am glad someone has noticed this. I have all the rumors sites in my news feed and I visit some of the other blogs, the truth is these are majorly demotivating for me. It seems the general direction of the internet is going away from long form reviews and articles, into quickly thrown up deals and clickbate, along 2-3 minute quickly knocked up youtube video which are nice to have on in the background as you have a cup of tea in the morning, but contain very little actual useful information. If all the attention is going into the wrong content, so what motivation do I have to carry on with EOSHD? There's still some great stuff out there but it's few and far between, and getting worse. So I actually share your depression with the state of affairs. EOSHD articles I used to do are almost unviable today... the formula is broken... the amount of effort required versus the lack of reward in putting so much information out there for free. Geez. Thanks for the support... not. Facebook and Instagram content is where it's at, sadly. A finger swipe, 2 seconds, next. In the end the audience will regret allowing the internet to dissolve into a trivial social network where appearances are valued above substance.
    6 points
  4. I got mine on Tuesday Here are some test shots Tests of: 1) 1080p to 4k crop 2) Face tracking AF, colour science, colour correction & grade 3) 4k and 1080p rolling shutter 4) Handheld @ 32mm, iDynamic, colour science, colour correction & grade 5) Flare test with difference lenses (NOTE: 5-axis stabilisation is enabled on all shots) See video description for download link. BTW did you know that you can now set Auto ISO in manual stills mode?
    4 points
  5. Full 4K max quality JPG: http://www.brightland.com/t/JacquiTree2b4K.jpg
    3 points
  6. The camera which Panasonic can't decide what to call (GX80 in Europe, GX85 in the US and GX7 Mark II in Japan!) really excites me. It's the first time that anyone has put 5 axis in-body stabilisation in a 4K camera which exceeds the performance of the stunningly good Olympus 5 axis system. It's not quite as effective as a gimbal for sweeping handheld movement, but that pain-in-the-ass tripod you can certainly dispense with now, along with that Olympus 1080p mush too!! GRAB A CUP OF TEA, PUT DOWN YOUR F***ING IPHONE AND READ THE LONG ARTICLE!!
    2 points
  7. Here is a video of my first weekend out with the GX80. Yeah, it isn't that artistic, and it features some ducks, but it is the type of stuff I shoot and I think it shows a bit how it performs hand-held run-and-gun. All the shots were using Natural 0,-3,-4,0 at 4k/25fps except for some of the duck shots that were 1080p/50fps as I was playing with the ETC. The playground and beach/kite surfer shots were using the Olympus 9-18. I was kicking myself for not having a telephoto zoom once I saw the surfers out there. I cropped in once or twice just to see how it would look. The duck/hospital shots were all using the Panasonic 35-100/2.8. (Jitter finally gone!) The pier and park shots were with the Panasonic 12-35/2.8. I really like the colour and the picture that this camera produces and the skin tones are not all funky like with my LX100 (although I need to do some more testing). I only adjusted exposure before uploading, but I checked some of the skin tones with a vectorscope and they looked pretty good. I just used sunny or cloudy white balance when filming. You can see the stabilisation challenges (wobble) when I was doing more ambitious movements with the 9-18 lens, but I think overall steadiness with the Panasonic OIS zooms, including panning works really good. I need tai chi training from @fuzzynormal to reproduce what he does with his EM-5. My Olympus cameras are going on eBay as soon as I finish something I'm working on and I'll probably sell my G7 too as I like the smaller size of the GX80. I still haven't decided if I'll sell my LX100. I love the little LX100 zoom lens and it is a great pocket/travel camera but I'm not sure about some of the funky colour. I think that @Inazuma had a good idea of using the pancake 12-32 zoom with the 20mm/1.7 pancake for travel. Just not sure how the zoom with work without manual focus. I do use back button AF-S a fair bit - especially when chasing my kids. This works while recording on the GX80/G7 but not on the LX100.
    2 points
  8. Now that's what the Magic Lantern team should do. Hack the APS-H M8 or the FF M9 CCD cameras and give them video with Leica/Kodak/DB Mojo I would pay anything I'm very pleased with the colors straight from my M8s sensor. I know it won't happen and is probably impossible, but still....
    2 points
  9. Guest posts by email or proxy, no, because there are plenty of other blogs that do this and sitting at my emails all day isn't my idea of filmmaking fun.... but moving out of Berlin and getting a real team of talent around me, shooting stuff and producing EOSHD content together for YouTube... YES to that. One of the issues I've found in doing this though, is that nobody has the time or money, or the willingness to exit their day jobs to commit to doing so, because we're all slaves in an oligarchy.
    2 points
  10. Actually Andrew got busy trying to save the site from the sex toys and chinese viagra ADs. hehehe I think another review is around the corner, and I suspect its the Panasonic GX85/ 80/ 7 Mark ii. Also, I realised after Andrew mentioned, that since most people in Film and Video think of things mostly from their perspective, other could chip in, and maybe (if it sounds good to other people too), EOSHD could become a Platform for Collaborating/ Crowd Sourcing. The actors, director, cinematographer, sound guy etc could be in the same city, and the Writer, Musician etc could be in another city (or country or continent). It could be a interesting collaborative effort. What do you guys think?
    2 points
  11. Yes the bargain super specced equipment can be a motivation, but without anything decent to film, that soon fades. Like I say, I need to get out of Berlin and start a new chapter... try to capture some magic somehow. Until then, I'll continue to update the blog, there's no chance of me stopping because this stuff is my life-long passion. I can't tell you how much I appreciate those who appreciate the blog and forum. Let's hope that the ugly competition to EOSHD and boring corporate mentality of other blogs and 'managed communities', as well as the sheer lack of good content out there doesn't bury the whole endeavour along with my motivation with it. Not a single day doesn't go by without emails in my inbox offering sponsored content and gear for review... it's soul destroying and debases the entire internet.
    2 points
  12. I can imagine how you feel. A big reason I dont put the same effort into review videos these days is also the toxic atmosphere that now have reached the video gear sites. It used to be a thing among smartphone and computer geeks. I remember Griffin on Indy Mogul saying "a great thing about filmmakers is that they don't bash each others camera choices, like other tech crowds". Well, that time has certainly passed. If a reviewer critique or praise a camera there are 500 people there calling him/her an asshole (speaking of Huffs SL review). There is not one single filmmaker commenting on NFS. There are just trolls. My little theory based on prior experiences with smartphone forums and computer forums is this, The DSLR boom created a fad. All of a sudden every man and woman was a still or video shooter. The industry exploded and so did the community. Like all fads it ended. Most people went on to the next like cooking, cross fit, micro brewery or what ever. The true talent are out there shooting and couldn't give to shits and a popsicle about minor updates in cameras. Left in the community are mostly the assburgers. You know, the peepers who only really cared about having "the best" camera so they could roam the internet and go on about it. You all know the kind. For me EOSHD was a sanctuary where those types often got their ass handed to them. Here most users are hybrids. We enjoy shooting, creating, art but also gear without being blinded by numbers. They also kept away because Andrew is a gear junky like most of us but also an artist who understand that higher number on a spec doesn't mean "better". He is one of only a handfull reviewers I know that don't get side tracked by the specs. The unfortunate part is that I've always been aware that when eoshd grows, the assburgers come lurking. So I've always known its a story with an end. I just hope it doesn't happen to soon. (BTW I'm in a bit of a creative hole when it comes to video. I'm just not feeling it right now. My tip to still keeping the creative flow is stills. Shooting stills is pretty much the same thing but with less stress IMO.)
    2 points
  13. Buy my books if you'd like to help Money isn't the problem though. As Eric said above, this isn't the internet any more. It's celebritynet. You just watch from now, things are going to go dark. Meaningful and independent long-form content is going to be an endangered species. If you want proof, then see what happened to DigitalRev TV's audience when they put the camera guy with no presenting talent (or even English talent) in front of the camera on their YouTube channel, with Kai seemingly moving to the UK and not appearing as much. Lok's a nice guy but sorry, this video was pure dogshit. So what happened to the audience? They stayed. Didn't go anywhere. Millions of views continue to roll in. The quality of online content is truly a race to the bottom in 2016... zero benefit from quality. It's celebritynet now. I don't think ads are the answer to helping my motivation to write more blog posts either... if anything that is a full time job in itself, I am sure Tony Northup has employees working behind the scenes on that kind of thing. As soon as EOSHD becomes "work" I am stopping it.
    2 points
  14. Bright Tangerine. If money isn't an issue. I've used their normal rail matteboxes, and just got the Misfit Atom for Xeen lenses. Very well made.
    2 points
  15. 4K 60p frame grab using my CLog emulation, colored in PP CC, then enhanced as I would a still in PS when going for max saturation/pop.
    2 points
  16. I personally preferred the situation where nx1 was abandonware, since...it's abandonware even today, but more closed. They'll never start nx again, unless someone buys the mount. They could release a fw with some of the 50+ requests we did in the last year and half, but they preferred not to listen and instead to lock the mods. Just like they did in the past, they go their own route, never listening to customers. That's why they failed with nx and why most pros never took them seriously.
    2 points
  17. I'd go for the 1D C. The only thing the 1D X II has in its favour is the AF. The 4K/60fps produces unmanageably large files and will be extremely difficult to edit on any current CPU, besides I'd rather shoot 120fps 2K if it were slow-mo I was after. 60fps doesn't really look that dramatic and there are a ton of cameras that can do 60fps at lower resolutions for a fraction of the cost. Moving onto the 120fps mush on the 1D X II, obviously just about any other cheaper camera shooting 120fps is a better choice for that, there's nothing special about the image in comparison to the A7S II's 120fps that I can make out so far. Any other advantages over the 1D C apart from the AF? Nope.
    2 points
  18. They are evil and selfish. Dark side. Vasile, otto, kino are our team of Jedi.
    2 points
  19. One still frame from unedited video shot in Cinestyle: Flat cat and two grade attempts. More frames Cinestyle ungraded and graded, 1DX mark II frame capture.
    2 points
  20. So let me get this straight... Samsung brought their firmware team out of retirement to make sure the NX1 was definitely dead, they don't like the idea of mods bringing it to life again!
    2 points
  21. Hi Eoshd forum community and Mr. Reid I remember days when there were new articles at least two times a week. What happened ? I miss those days. Mr. Reid please continue, I am confident there are many who are eagerly waiting for anything you publish. Don't get demotivated by trolls and jerks, they just need to do something with their free time and jealousy. Don't leave us hanging. Thanks
    1 point
  22. The D16 was already feature jammed compared to the BMPCC, etc. And today it got some more tools in the box. Full list of features: Display color gamuts Display gammas Accurate display color tuning False color exposure view mode Improvements to image encoding Improvements to ISO accuracy http://www.digitalbolex.com/firmware-1-5-elf-released/ And in case someone forgot what the camera can do.
    1 point
  23. Hey Andrew. Couldn't agree more with what you said about the FB and instagram franzy. The rush to be the first over quality, the frequency of publication over depth of content, etc. For what it's worth I really appreciate your work and honesty. It becomes very rare on internet these days with all the informercials BS so please keep trashing the products that must be trashed without any preference or loyalty to any brand. I found DigRev to be one of the most overrated and useless piece of "reviewers". They make long video for nothing, fail to be fun and eventually dedicate 2% of the time to talk about the gears. I'm still surprised they have so much viewers. Same goes for many other internet celebrities. So keep your style and let the fanboys whine. We are not running for celebrity here and if I can help regarding drones and timelapse (my area of expertise), I'll be glad to do so. Cheers
    1 point
  24. Thanks sgreszcz, that was really great. I'll be running around with my kid and I appreciate you showing all the wobbles-induced stabilization that I'll have to try and cope with! I was impressed by the stable pannings and by the overall quality that you can squeeze out of this small camera. Good job, most helpful bits of footage about the GX80 that I have seen yet.
    1 point
  25. I'm Canadian (but living in UK) and my brother lives in Calgary (Olympic skeleton program) - I was just kidding. Even got a couple of cameras from the Camera Store at 7% tax before the Canadian Dollar adjusted and companies adjusted their prices . One of the best trips I ever did was camping/hiking between Banff/Jasper in late June. A lot of snow was still on the ground and I saw so many black and grizzly bear, even a mother with a few cubs playing near the road. I'd been in the rockies before but never saw wildlife like that.
    1 point
  26. richg101

    Lenses to Invest In

    Leica R - f2 or faster.. native e-,ount and m4/3 lenses will depreciate in value since they'll always be less adaptable than slr lenses. personally I feel if a lens requires electronic contacts to allow it to be used, it's almost certainly gonna devalue rather than increase.
    1 point
  27. BrorSvensson

    Lenses to Invest In

    I doubt many new electronic lenses will keep the value in the future but im sure manual lenses like the zeiss and leica lenses with always have their value.
    1 point
  28. Damn I miss those high end CCD sensors... magic. F35, M8, Kodak (Digital Bolex) was probably the shortest lived golden era of digital there ever was!
    1 point
  29. The crux of it is this - We are a community, a part of the larger photography city, inspired by cinema and hollywood. The DSLR revolution was truly a moment of magic, unleashing all kinds of passion. Passion is a motivation, it gets things done. What has happened to this community is that Corporate America and Corporate Japan have segmented it in half, like slicing a neighbourhood in half with a wall. We have the NewsShooter and Cinema5D managed communities on one side with their C300 Mark IIs and paid work, NoFilmSchool with their venture capitalist funding and team of staffers. On the other side we have the artists. Yes, artists sometimes make bank commercials!!! (Disclaimer) Anyway the point is, that EOSHD and the forum is a great community but it's really up against it now. The premise that anyone can publish gear-orientated opinion pieces has lead to an over-supply of content, much of it rushed, in order to make it timely, because on the internet and Facebook timeliness is everything and a 2 day old post is trash. The internet started as a resource base, a researcher's tool which acts like a big encyclopaedia. For better or worse, since it became mass market, the internet changed and evolved into an entertainment platform and a social network "CelebrityNet" In order to combine the two - entertainment and information, you need to present the information in an entertaining way, no shit huh!? But you also need passion to drive it. I'd like to think that in the DSLR video world myself and Philip Bloom have succeeded in doing this. But eventually I lose my passion and Philip dedicates himself to work. It's a shame, but it's on that path. What needs to happen is that EOSHD becomes a team of people rather than just me, and that it puts on a good show for YouTube, in the mould of Top Gear or The Grand Tour where presenters travel the world and shoot really beautifully entertaining short films, with the latest camera kit. It's exactly like driving a car through spectacular scenery and presenting the information with wit. I'm amazed nobody has done this yet, however when you consider this... This is one of the most expensive and time consuming form of content there is. I'm up for doing it. It's very difficult though and I don't yet have a team, I don't have the enormous amount of money and I don't have the platform behind me (like Amazon). Yet! Until then there's Lok at Digital Rev. I agree with you completely. Actually when EOSHD began, it was more of a 7 posts a week site and a few rumours too, sometimes from good sources, and it grabbed attention and inspired me to build the community and put interesting stuff out there, like a band of GH2 pirates fighting the Canon flagship. When you want to increase the quality of the content by yourself you have to spend weeks or months on it and then your 1 article per month gets buried under a ton of shit. The internet is just like that. You may have noticed some of my recent articles have also been shit, or lacking in inspiration. That's what happens when you try to compete with the internet.
    1 point
  30. OK so great value in shooting 30-90 second demo with new camera, I get your point now... Well isn't that similar to what I've done many times on EOSHD blog posts over the last 5 years, actually 4 minute videos rather than 30 seconds, so far too long for modern audiences!! I did enjoy doing this but it depends on having something interesting and instantly accessible to film, otherwise it is going to be ducks and cats Every.Single.Time. Also what I loved to do was to create mood pieces for any music of my choosing, but the whole Vimeo copyright match bullshit put paid to that 'artform'. No more haunting Radiohead music videos of Buddhist temples thanks to that. So now what you have to appreciate is that 1 - I live in probably one of the dullest cities in the world to shoot, my own fault I guess and 2 - the effort required to find actors and interesting subjects in Berlin at short notice for free to make a 30-90 second demo reel shot with a hot new cameras and published in a matter of days whilst still newsworthy just after the camera comes into EOSHD HQ.... well that effort is tricky to maintain for one person, not to mention overkill given that this time and effort would be better spent actually making a proper film? So I either maintain a passion somehow for continuing to walk into a shop, buying a GH5 or whatever, then using it in my work, shooting music videos for the bands here in Berlin and my own artistic projects, or shooting whatever is available on the day in order to get the YouTube video out before the competition does.... but if you are late in releasing the content even by a matter of a day or 2, nobody really notices it or shares it, due to it being buried under a thousand other videos about the same thing but made more quickly with less effort, which have now taken pride of place on the entire internet thanks to Facebook and Instagram. It's a race to be first to the bottom my friends. In fact, I don't know why anyone bothers to create anything these days, the internet just makes it a waste of time. Whatever you do, someone else will do it first
    1 point
  31. Whahahahahaha :D we did some good work in here today
    1 point
  32. I wasn't talking about unboxing videos at all. I mean taking a new camera the day you get it, and filming a "short film" of footage edited to music (which you've done a lot in the past.) Whenever a new camera is out the most popular examples are people in their house with a cat or a flower. I just mean you could shoot something substantial with a new camera, share it, sell the camera, move to the next one. EDIT: To add to this. You could make a raw file available for people to download and view/grade for themselves. I really don't see anywhere that does this online other than specific brand forums.
    1 point
  33. Andrew, just a small note as a sort of modest reminder... New people are popping up in a daily basis everyday. Reviewers of all kinds, you are actually the earlier one. Don't let yourself going blackout. We'd all be losing something worthy, (y)our lunch for these last years. Just my 2 cents :-)
    1 point
  34. I think you might be getting the videos I made confused with the 30 second buzz unboxing video for YouTube there, which is what Aaron was referring to. As I said, people are pathetic They seek comfort and justification in material objects by watching other people buy the camera, open the box and say on YouTube "look isn't it great!" I am not in that market.
    1 point
  35. yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Thanks a Ton Andrew
    1 point
  36. If there aren't many blogs like yours, that seems like more reason to keep doing your thing. I've read your longest articles like 8 times each. To me that means you're one of the best sources out there now, if no one is doing it right. I've missed your blog posts, but not whining about it seemed more like a courtesy. Please don't take it as lack of support
    1 point
  37. Hey Andrew, I agree with you that long form reviews are getting few and far between, but I think there's great value in shooting a 30 second - 90 second demo with a new camera. People are constantly searching for well shot videos with new camera releases. Purely my opinion, but I think you could create good buzz with this approach.
    1 point
  38. Yo Andrew. Don't be put off by the huge influx of unemployed people who've recently gone into blogging/vlogging in an attempt to make a commercial name for themselves. The days of celebrities like Philip Bloom are gone - gear nerds literally looked upon him as a god 3 years ago. Personally I'd like to see you in a permanent product development position at Sony, while still keeping this blog running with details like your beautifully carefully written and informative articles. I've been hoping to see your response to the Leica SL - I'm amazed you weren;t sent one before the rest of the hopeless 'brand ambassadors' who would sell their mother if it gave them a little more online respect from gear heads. Lots and lots of readers here can focus on things for longer than 5 seconds. Even a few millenials might be able to keep reading to the end of the article. Your depth is why eoshd is the best of the lot. One problem is that since the A7S arriaved, we literally got everything we always wanted. most of those who are willing to learn how to use a tool are no longer looking for anything else. I think the acquisition of a a7s and a 1dc makes one less interested in looking for and reporting on better gear - the improvements are so small the other bloggers need to resort to click bait titles. finally, I think a few adverts wouldn;t do much hard to the site. rather than brands, maybe partner with a retailer?
    1 point
  39. its not Internet anymore, its Celebritynet. %90 of the content in social media is made by %1 of the users. its tough to keep dedicating your time, money, and energy, and yet stay ignored. the "latest post" of many blogs I used to follow are dated 2014 or 2013! many of them are gone, without saying Bye to their readers (which sometimes make me thinking "maybe he is killed in a car accident and no relative inherited his passwords". lol). but EOSHD is different, or can be. its a brand right now, and Andrew is well known in video community.
    1 point
  40. Thanks very much for your kind words. Our debate on this topic was spread out over several threads, but it's not too difficult to find. Some of the members who post here also post there so you will find at least some overlap.
    1 point
  41. The D3 is an interference tube "shotgun" mic, regardless of what they compare it to - Aputure calls it a shotgun as well. Where did I "write it off"? My comment is that there's been a lot of fairly affordable (even cheap as hell) shotguns out there, but it's interesting we're finally seeing hypers get democratized. ADK A-51s are under $200 and a pretty spectacular value, so I won't write it off til I hear it. There's no "video mic" that has some magic wind-proof power - you need wind protection. A blimp has an internal shockmount, a shell that has some wind cut properties, and (the Rode for instance) comes with a "dead cat" - the fur cover. None of that will allow you to shoot in wind over 20mph or so with total quiet, but they go a long way. My son does some on-set audio - his blimp doesn't have a removable front cell. The Rode does - I use that indoors if there's AC we just can't shut off (big office buildings) and remove just the front - that does seem to help deaden room noise even more. In fact, I never take my mic out of the blimp and transport it that way (I have sort of a foam rubber "donut" that I stick in there to keep the shock mount cords from having to "work" in storage). Another good trick - if your blimp is designed for shotguns, it may be hard to get a hyper all the way up to the front - so essentially you're sacrificing 2 or 3 inches of mic placement. Get one of the XLR barrel on-off switches, tape the switch to "on" and plug it onto your mic and stick the whole thing in the shockmount - basically makes your mic about 3 or 4" longer. The Rode NTG 2 and 3 are shotgun mics. Unless all you do is shoot outdoors, I'd start with a hyper. Shotguns can really pick up a lot of room reverberance and noise - their design makes the pickup from the rear of the mic very strong, it's a problem inherent to the interference design that makes the front more directional.
    1 point
  42. This feature really made my day. You press af on, then shutter does not focus anymore and simply takes pictures. Best feature ever for sport shooting where you take many pics at a given (same) distance or where you want to keep a subject in fucus by keeping af on pressed (with caf) and take pics when you are ready.
    1 point
  43. For the external shots, remember to have something to fight wind. Put that in your budget! The Rode mics are great. I have a NTG3 and is great!
    1 point
  44. Looks absolutely nice. Beats GH4 down to under ground.
    1 point
  45. I second kidzrevil. Shows perfectly the BMPCC's excellent colors. Because all three images are good, the first one, rather flat, looks cold and misty and could work as well to transport that mood. I had the FC trial once but didn't buy it. Yes, I see the idea behind it, but there's nothing that can't be accomplished manually within, say, Resolve. But that's just me, and I don't want to argue.
    1 point
  46. Two packages arrived today After touching the focus ring I really found out how i missed a real manual focus lens. This fly-by-wire stuff is just not real. Quick shot @f0.95 using the natural settings from @sgreszcz with film convert applied and some basic corrections: The whole cam just feels good. However, I found the white balance settings pretty inaccurate for now. I had to dial in the Kelvin setting for tungsten to get appropriate colors.
    1 point
  47. The reason is that dvxuser has to many subforums. Ive seen it again and again. To many subforums kills forums. Most people, me included, only visit one section of a forum. I'm one of the biggest Blackmagic nerds online and have visited the Blackmagic section of Eoshd less than 10 times. On bmcuser 90% only checks into the general discussion. Have as many sub forums as you like, doesn't matter to me. But I suggest checking with experts first. I know I wouldn't bluntly create sections on a clients forum without analyzing if there are numbers to support it. Its not a decision to be made based on 10 regulars thinking its a great idea. Ask the hundreds of visitors that lurk, they are equally important.
    1 point
  48. It just crossed my mind a few days ago that maybe I should shoot monochrome in my spare time as much as possible, so I could train myself to frame better and maybe see better compositions without the distraction of colors. Sometimes when there is some fast and spontaneus shooting involved, my mind simply blocks and I hate my average framing/composition in those scenarios, and I find myself thinking if I just had a few more seconds to let my brain to catch up. It seems to me that with b&w I could force myself to pay more attention to composition and contrast, and simply see the details that are important for my framing more clearly. It certainly won't help over night, but I feel it could pay off in the long term. Just a tought, what do you guys think?... and don't laugh at me you naturally gifted people
    1 point
  49. MountneerMan

    new fw nx1 and nx500

    lol, is this going to become a game of cat and mouse with samsung trying to stop people from hacking their FW? Witch is made a quite a bit of GPL code by the way. They should embrace the movement and release the full source code and all their development tools
    1 point
  50. richg101

    One Lens?

    if I was limited to one lens from here on, it would be the helios 44. There are plenty of lenses I love. but only one that I couldn;t do without and that's the 58mm/2. for a 'working lens' that will deliver almost every conceivable shot I'd go for the summicron-r 35mm/2 on a full frame sensor. shooting full frame 4k on an a7rii gives you the ability to use full sensor for your wide, aps-c for your normal and crop in a bit more with clear image zoom for a tele. a lot will wonder why the summicron vs any other 35mm/2.. it's because very few other full frame 35mm/2's deliver good enough resolution and image quality wide open. with a summicron-r the iq is good enough to use wide open on full frame. using sensor crop of a nice clean 4k full frame area gives similar look to a 50mm at 2.8 when at aps-c and an 85mm/4 when windowed in to just under fullhd's worth of pixels.
    1 point
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