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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Slow zoom and all! http://www.engadget.com/2015/08/20/vhs-quality-videos-ios-app/
    3 points
  2. A video we just completed with NX1/NX500 for a label this week https://vimeo.com/brainstem/review/136679800/daa914d0aa
    3 points
  3. Hi Chaps. I decided to take my FORBES70 camera out to play last weekend. I'm happy with the results but wanted to ask for some honest critique. I'd love to hear opinions on the image quality - resolution, perceived dynamic range / highlight/shadow rolloff, colour, and general 'look' of the images. Please bear in mind that the current maximum res is full hd, but in terms of full hd res, how is the image looking? I'd also love to hear some views on the large format aesthetic the camera exhibits. Maybe in comparison with the recent trailers for Hateful Eight and The Revenant. Is the added expense over say a full frame camera and fast lenses justifiable? is the current resolution cap of full hd a real issue? curious for your thoughts! - ps. larger file available for download (and detailed info about the system) on the vimeo page
    2 points
  4. It's simply a dof adaptor on steroids. a modified bmpcc inside a larger camera body, capturing an image from medium format lenses on n oversized medium format rear projection screen (made from ground glass) through a relay lens array and prism. think of it as a macro lens filming a medium format focusing screen. Before the 5Dmk2 came round, people were using similar things to get a 35mm format look. it would appear even the best options back then were pretty bad quality, and there was a lot of diy stuff too. It would appear not one of them were refined to the level they could have been. i decided to go mental and make an ultra refined one. its taken about 2 years of back and fourth, improving each element of the design. the most complicated part was the relay lens design getting resolution and even exposure accross such a huge area. i think the next version will be the final unit with the final refinements to make it a system suitable for dry hire use.
    2 points
  5. This was a nice read http://www.4kshooters.net/2015/08/20/new-footage-from-the-canon-xc10-4k-hybrid-camera/
    2 points
  6. Thanks for the tip on Ardour, it looks decent and so is Reaper (more on the midi/recording side; not quite free but almost). However my working professional colleagues won't give up Protools (and can't really- required for high-end features). If Ardour was as good as or better than Protools they'd drop Protools immediately and start saving money. If Libre Office was better than MS Office, the same thing- anyone in business would save money and stop paying MS. That hasn't happened. If GIMP was in the same league as Photoshop, all the professionals would save the now monthly fees and stop paying Adobe. That hasn't happened. Open source hasn't taken over solely due to FUD? Can you share a double-blind study showing that is a statistically significant hypothesis? When I work in Ubuntu, the UI looks like something designed by non-professionals. It works, but it's clunky and was clearly designed by folks with little or no cognitive science background. OSX has issues as well; Windows surprisingly is looking the best these days. As a developer I use them all, and call the best the best based on design and functionality, no agenda or religious attachment; as close to the scientific method as possible. OSX and XCode development tools are far advanced compared to Android Studio (mobile Linux). Android Studio's emulator is so slow it's necessary to use a third party solution (Genymotion, etc.). Linux is great for backend (webservers, etc.) and tools (ffmpeg etc.), OSX and Windows are currently better than Linux for desktop apps. If that changes, I'll stop paying Adobe and switch too. Who wouldn't? When debating the merits of open source and free software vs. commercial software, the topic of content piracy comes up frequently. Many folks who are ardent supporters of free software don't believe in paying for any content either, and happily pirate everything. Especially as a software developer and content creator, I believe it's important to pay for software as well as content. Do you believe it's important to pay for content or should that be free too? How do you propose independent software developers and content creators make money to pay for food and shelter? The little guys putting out quality software and content without any bloat? The simple answer was if open source software was better than commercial software, everyone would immediately stop buying commercial software and there would only be open source software. This may happen someday, but as of 8/20/15 it's not even close.
    2 points
  7. right? so i finally saw The Master last night and that happens... a lot lol have you guys seen this? v interesting photographically speaking great work rich love the forbes 70 project!!!! wishing you all the best
    2 points
  8. Nikkor

    FS: Icorama 36

    2 points
  9. After shooting the NX1 for a while and shooting a bunch yesterday with the 1dc, I would describe it best as high resolution 5d3 raw quality, without any quirks. The footage is just magic. I realize there are cameras out there with better options on paper, and while I love my NX1 for 120fps 1080 and casual shooting, the 1dc paired with the 16-35 F/4 IS is really an unbeatable combination. Just stunning footage. It's enough that I may not even look for anything else to shoot with for quite a while. No idea why I'm posting this. Just inspired. Shawn And I'm not even shooting C-log. Just regular standard profile with the contrast, sharpness and saturation knocked down. I don't even add sharpness in post (0 in camera) with this 16-35 @ F/8. It's just really sharp 4k.
    1 point
  10. It's great for adding an array of LOG LUTs to give the GH4 different looks. I was skeptical at first but I'm really enjoying it. Here is LOG converter with an Alexa LOGtoREC709 LUT.
    1 point
  11. The songs name is memories the birds eye shots were the 4K GoPro. Not the most ideal to color, at least for me ( I'm no colorist). The budget was limited so I had to color myself. The cameras were mostly a breeze to work with. Their screens are darker than your actual recorded image so you really need to pay attention to histogram when shooting. It's a bit of a pain hooking up converter boxes to get the image to client monitor, but that's me being a bit spoiled and nit picky. Post was pretty simple... Converted everything to prores422. The images were fairly gradeable but for sure fall apart faster than red or arri. Overall though these little cameras are a hell of a bang for your buck
    1 point
  12. One of the things that's gonna make medium format cinematography a real issue is focus-pulling. Obviously, at the low-end, we're all gonna be using vintage Mamiya, Schneider and Hasselblad glass. While we've been been getting away with using DSLR glass on Super 35 and full frame sensors, once you step up to that 6x6 format, it's gonna be necessary to do constant focus tweaks, even on wide shots where we could've once just set it and forget it. Because when your wide angle lenses are 40mm or 50mm, even wide shots have shallow depth of field, which of course has been demonstrated above. It's one of my favorite things about seeing movies like The Master and Interstellar. That amazing depth and focus separation. But it will be challenging as fuck. Better start saving up to rent that Panavision 70 glass!
    1 point
  13. You have to use something like LUTutility for that, or you can try ColorFinale.
    1 point
  14. There should be a camera with Samsung's processor know-how, Sony's sensor know-how and Olympus' IBIS know-how
    1 point
  15. mercer

    It looks like "video"

    Not sure, but I'll definitely check. Thanks. I'm a big horror, thriller fan and obviously sound mixes are so important, but I find myself lowering the volume because I think someone is gonna call the cops on me, thinking I'm murdering my gf.
    1 point
  16. Perfect, this was exactly what I needed to know. Thanks to all of you, you've been incredibly helpful!
    1 point
  17. the high end speed boosters actually improve image quality to a degree. for instance, very few full frame lenses can actually resolve the detail needed for the 24mpx aps-c sensor of the a6000 - and even less that will do it when you only use the centre of the image circle. i suppose since the optical resolution hitting the sensor is better, you also gain a better separation of in and out of focus areas of the frame, and a more 3d look. also, yes the speed booster feeds the aps-c sensor with more optical information that would normally just be cropped away by the aps-c crop. edge distortions etc. that could be percived as either good or bad depending on whether you like distortion or not. a speed booster doesnt really effect depth of field, but simply widens fov and increases light transmission. the ultra (0.71x) changes a 50mm f2.0 full frame lens into a 35mm f1.4 lens for aps-c. a 35mm/1.4 has a similar dof to a 50mm f2.0.
    1 point
  18. Can't argue against that... It was just a suggestion for the OP if he wants the best 1080p signal.
    1 point
  19. I've already seen a big difference in color integrity between 8-bit and 10-bit recording with a LUT applied. https://vimeo.com/101350338
    1 point
  20. It's an attempt to mitigate the fact that unlike DLP and Plasma, LCD and OLED suck at handling motion. The pixels can't change fast enough to keep up with even 24p, so they're constantly in a state of transition, also known as motion blur (not to be confused with the normal motion blur from camera movement--this blur comes purely from the display). Watch a plasma and an LCD side by side and you'll see what I'm talking about. The only way they've found to mitigate the issue is BFI, black frame insertion, which "resets" your eyes to each frame by inserting a moment of black between each. It helps, but still doesn't look as good as plasma/DLP. BFI also takes a huge toll on image brightness, making my Sony W800B so dim it's nearly unwatchable. Sorry...you're opening the floodgates. I have a lot of opinions on display technology.
    1 point
  21. DOF is amazing. Are you sure the blown red channel is just your grading - and not an exaggeration of the BMPCC's infrared problem in some way?
    1 point
  22. You said it! Looking forward to your new site! I'm happy to be even the smallest part of your process. I now live vicariously through my young filmmaker friends
    1 point
  23. Just submitted a request for a return at B&H on this guy. I knew it was going to overheat after continuous use but WOW, not like this. I know its summer, but literally within seconds of being outside an 30 seconds of a single take in 4K, it overheats and shuts off. Same story in 1080p 120FPS. Even in 1080p 24p I've got the overheating indicator on the screen, this is just after minutes of use. Even indoors in close proximity to photoflood tungsten lights it gave me an overheat warning, and shut off in 4K mode. Battery life is also ridiculous. I had 3 batteries and still found myself wondering if I would make it through an evening of shooting. This is incredible disappointing since the image is really incredible in the right conditions.
    1 point
  24. Not really. Yes. This is the typical FUD scenario -- early adopter of Red Hat, then got disinterested. I've never used Red Hat. That's fine. I would rather have open source and free software. Disagree wholeheartedly. With open source and free software, I can do almost anything that can be done with proprietary software. Furthermore, open source software often can do more than proprietary software, as a lot of the innovation occurs in open-source code. I would rather use software from a coder who is enthusiastic than from one who is merely drawing a paycheck.
    1 point
  25. A Linux beta of Resolve 12 is available as a free download.
    1 point
  26. I've had luck with Andrew's LOG converter with Portrait and Natural. You'll then be able to use LOG LUTs. Yes it is 10 bit. I'm curious to see 8 bit flexibility as well, but if it's anything like the C100 it won't be much different.
    1 point
  27. Been doing these little film exercises with an actress and a composer. Collaboration to practice camera work, acting, sound design, anamorphic workflow etc. Great way to build relationships with new people with similar interests who can mutually benefit from eachother. Doesn't cost any money and not too time consuming either. Thinking of using these exercises as a tool to build teams, ideas and work ethics before diving into bigger, more costly projects like shortfilms.
    1 point
  28. As you may have noticed by now, there's only Cine 1 and 2 on the RX10 II.
    1 point
  29. Bold. if you pull this off, let me know! I'd love to make a video explaining the process! Let's put these B&Hs to good use!
    1 point
  30. I have a question, what the hell are you guys all shooting that's so significant that you'll sit here and split hairs over DR, gamma, this, that, and the other thing? Are you producing a multi-million dollar blockbuster, or, rather is it something like some shots of a trash can, may be the sky and a few trees posted on Vimeo? You take one persons findings and opinion of a camera and suddenly you're all high ranking DP's of the world, trash talking this and that because it isn't 10 bit, it doesn't have enough DR, it doesn't compare to this camera or that camera. Who cares? Show me something you've done that's so significant that I should care. I'll be waiting!
    1 point
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