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My cameras and kit

  1. https://vimeo.com/55892502   I posted this over in the screening room, but I wanted to show all the anamorphic guys and gals as well.    Lots of fun and really easy to make this one:)   Trey
  2. https://vimeo.com/55892502   My city has been very foggy lately, so I've been happy to take my 2x Kowa anamorphic off the shelf.    Thanks for introducing me to this lens, Andrew.   And thanks to Nick Driftwood for all the cool hacks he puts out.   Trey
  3. I have started doing documentary work in China, which requires a small form factor. This is why I am reluctantly parting with my rather nice anamorphic set.    The total price for all components together is £1300, excluding shipping. While the price is negotiable please note that I am only selling the whole set, not the individual components.    Panasonic AG-LA 7200 (£700); in mint condition. For serious buyers I am happy to provide a link to two password protected anamorphic videos which I shot with this set on the GH2 in May 2012.   I have attached the Cinetactics Matteblox Anamorphic (£150) onto the AG-LA 7200, it is rock solid and includes the lens shade, carrying case and carabiner.   I have used velcro to fit a Panasonic 138mm filter retainer (£50) into the Cinetactics Matteblox. Those familiar with diopter size issues will know that this amazing size is unique and very hard to come by.    It is fairly easy to fit one of the three Tiffen 138mm +0,5, +1, +2 diopters (£400 for all three) into the Panasonic 138mm filter retainer.   If I do not find a buyer by the end of December 2012 the whole set will go on offer on ebay in January 2013.    Contact: a_fulda@yahoo.com
  4. Hey!   I’m selling my beloved ISCO-Göttingen - Iscorama 36 (1.5x).   Here are some shots taken with this exact lens:   https://vimeo.com/55304524   - comes with the original box (shabby condition) - Lens optics are clear with no scratches or fungus - Focusing is firm and smooth in operation - comes with 3 close-up diopters: +1,+2,+4   [attachment=319:IMG_0979n.jpg] [attachment=320:IMG_0970n.jpg]   give me an offer!   jonaslodahl@hotmail.com
  5. Or so it would seem. I just ordered a set of these for my Iscos: [url="http://www.xumeadapters.com/"]http://www.xumeadapters.com/[/url]   It should make swapping and combining diopters a snap.   I will let you know my thoughts when I receive them.
  6. I have been dismissing this issue as a symptom of my aging home computer and its occasional inability to play 1080P files smoothly (a replacement is on the way), but now I am starting to think otherwise. Judder (also called "studder" or "stutter") seems to be a known issue with the GH2 ([url="http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/526/gh2-stutterjudderstrobe-issues-discussion"]http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/526/gh2-stutterjudderstrobe-issues-discussion[/url]), perhaps moreso than other cameras that shoot 24 frames, and it looks like shooting in anamorphic magnifies the problem. Here's an example of what I am talking about, shot with a GH2 and Iscomorphot 8 2x:    [url="http://youtu.be/2FBUue1-6Lk"]http://youtu.be/2FBUue1-6Lk[/url]   If you aren't sure what you are looking for, watch the edge of the monitor and note the smoothness of movement (or lack of it) as I pan the camera.   Does anyone have a solution in post?
  7. Hi, All! This is just some of my "practice footage" from late night (early morning) walks around NYC with my trusty GH2, 37mm Mir, Kowa, Redstan clamps and Tokina 0.4 diopter. Hope you like it. [url="http://vimeo.com/55186577"]http://vimeo.com/55186577[/url]
  8. In the Tim Burton tradition, here's some Halloween fun at Christmas time...   [url="http://vimeo.com/55190441"]http://vimeo.com/55190441[/url]   Stuff used:  GH2 + Century Optics + Nikkor 24mm F2 + FilmConvert
  9. Hello all,   Like to say hello as I am a new member here.   My first post is explained in the title. I have seen some suggestions that shooting 4:3 is best for 2.66:1 with a 2x Ana, because it does not waste pixels, compared with shooting 16:9 which 'wastes' a third of the horizontal for 2.35:1     I am puzzled by this since 1080p 4:3 format would be 1440 horizontal pixels, which is 480 less than 1920.   Seems like no matter which way, expect some losses.  
  10. Many people find that a 2x (3.55:1) aspect ratio is just too narrow for their liking. The good news is that if you are using a 2x lens and you have a DP4 monitor, you can compose and shoot in 1.5x. This allows us to enjoy all the benefits of 2x glass (greater availability, lower prices, more dramatically stretched bokeh) with none of the headache. Here's how to do it:[list=1] [*]Choose a Preset number so that you don't have to make these adjustments every time (just scroll back to the Preset). [*]Under the [i]Advanced Menu[/i], go to [i]Scale[/i] and select [i]2.35:1[/i]. [*]Go to [i]Custom Scale[/i] and input the following values: [/list] [indent=1]HSTART: 706[/indent] [indent=1]HSIZE: 94[/indent] [indent=1]VSTART: 500[/indent] [indent=1]VSIZE: 600[/indent] Now you are set to monitor in 1.5x. I have created an Apple Compressor setting that I just drag-and-drop onto incoming footage that squeezes AND crops the footage to 1.5x before I even begin my edit. It helps keep my render time down and I don't even have to deal with the trimmed footage area if I don't want to. These values [i]may[/i] also work on the DP6, but I haven't tried it.
  11. Hey all, Finally scored a Bolex 8/19/1.5 anamorphic lens, and I'm curious as to my mounting options. Hopefully, someone who has one of these can clue me in. Any help would be greatly appreciated! -0z-
  12. Hello everybody, Redstan is out of stock right now and I don't know that they'll be restocking. I'd prefer one of the red clamps if possible. Also, I'm looking for a red front clamp and and a diopter to get a closer minimum focus. The closer and more clear the better. Thanks for helping if you can! Trey treyvollmer3@gmail.com
  13. There's alot of talk about the GH3 sensor size: whether it's multi aspect ratio or not and whether this matters at all. So, since I didn't see this posted anywhere else, I ask the only question that should matter to members of this forum: Is the gh3 sensor size still good for 2.66/ 2.35/ normal anamorphic and does it need to be hacked to shoot video in 4:3?
  14. [color=#282828][size=4] Shot out in the Hoh Rainforest. Heavily used the Kenko .3 105mm diopter. Edited in Adobe Premiere. [url="https://vimeo.com/52401060"]https://vimeo.com/52401060[/url][/size][/color] [color=#282828][size=4] Posted in the anamorphic forum and then realized it should have gone here (sorry!)[/size][/color][list] [*][url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/index.php?app=core&module=global&section=reputation&do=add_rating&app_rate=forums&type=pid&type_id=21071&rating=1&secure_key=a51532603e8789088ec14d15e07a0338&post_return=21071"]Like This[/url] [/list][list] [*][url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=5&t=1526&qpid=21071"]Quote[/url] [*][url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=reply_post&f=5&t=1526&qpid=21071"]MultiQuote[/url] [*][url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=edit_post&f=5&t=1526&p=21071&st="]Edit[/url] [/list]
  15. I'm on the hunt for an Iscorama 36 or 42. I have an original model Iscorama (serial number) and an Iscorama 54 to trade with if that is helpful (I'll obviously offer a good chunk of change along with either of those in exchange). I'm on a deadline to source these for an upcoming production, so I'm willing to pay a premium. Anyone interested please PM me.
  16. Here's a short longboarding video that my friends asked me to film for them earlier this summer. As always, I'd love some feedback! I'm still working on my grading skills with Resolve Lite, and on my grain effect, which Vimeo still doesn't seem to be capable of encoding properly. Panasonic Lumix GH2 | Standard Firmware | Mir-1B 37mm f2.8 | Kowa 16-H Anamorphic Lens | 72mm Lightcraft Workshop Fader ND MKII | Anamorphic front and rear clamps by Redstan
  17. We are about to start a small 0$ project that I'm going to shoot it on anamorphic adapters and GH2. Although the Kowa B&H is mostly good for exteriors there are quite a few interior shots ( car interior, rural gas station bathroom, ... ) in this project. Test are showing even Tokina 11-16 set at 11mm won't provide the POV the script is asking for. My options are narrowing down to either rewrite or shoot on FishEye for most of interiors and rewrite to explain the the visuals - re-modeling spaces are out of budget/question . There is one more last option and that is LA-7200 or century optics anamorphic that I don't know much about. Before I start the bid fighting the pirates on the Bay I need to know if there are any other viable options out there for really wide scopes within the low budget access. Any help is appreciated.
  18. Fair warning, there's some lens flaring in here but that wasn't the reason I shot this. Honest ;) http://vimeo.com/52214451 [color=#71767A][font=sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(244, 245, 247)]I was about to pack it in because I just didn't find anything interesting to shoot this night, testing out the Century Precision Optics anamorphic adapter with my F2 Nikkor 24mm taking lens, the widest, fastest prime I currently own. I was looking for suitable "horror movie" settings. Then I heard a noise by the front door.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#71767A][font=sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(244, 245, 247)]Originally I thought it was a bat, since they're all over the Austin area at night. Well, that seemed interesting, though it took me a few moments to decide if getting a rare shot was worth the risk of getting bit and/or dropping my GH2. Just as I worked up the nerve to creep up to where I thought it was at I realized it was a bird.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#71767A][font=sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(244, 245, 247)]No post enhancement besides aspect ratio correction. Shot at F2.8 so I didn't have to also equip the Tokina.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
  19. [color=#222222][font=Helvetica Neue', Arial, Verdana, sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I'd like to propose a collaboration: If forum members (or forum watchers) are able to submit clips shot with ten or more different anamorphic lenses, we'd have the most comprehensive anamorphic shootout on Vimeo. If we are able to put together shots from twenty or more anamorphics, this thing would be a definitive one-stop video for anamorphic footage comparisons [i]anywhere[/i]. To keep things cohesive, we need a common element. Something standardized, readily available around the world (as this is a very international community) and inexpensive:[/background][/size][/font][/color] [center][img]http://www.longislandpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/41GrnPg_1.jpg[/img][/center] So start shooting those Coca-Cola cans! Close ups, wides, dutch angles; portrait shots, action shots, landscape shots; people drinking from it, spitting in it, playing with it, crushing it, recycling it, putting out cigarettes in it -- anything you want. I'll try to include something from every clip that I receive, but please keep it clean (i.e. suitable for work). Some guidelines:[list] [*]Please make sure to use a standard 12 fl ounces/355 ml Coca Cola Classic aluminum can like the one above (or as close to it as you can get) [*]Limit the footage to one minute or less per anamorphic [*]Include original audio (no music, please) [*]No grading [*]White balance for "Shade" (or 7000 Kelvin) [*]Please stretch them to the correct aspect ratio [*]ProRes 422 codec is preferred [/list] So that proper credit can be given, please also note:[list] [*]Your name (or your handle if you'd prefer) & location [*]Camera used [*]Taking lens used (with aperture) [*]Anamorphic lens used [*]Any diopters used [*]Vimeo page (if you'd like me to link to it) [/list] Send me a private message if you have a clip to submit, and I will tell you how best to get it to me. [b]Please submit by 12pm (New York time) on November 1st[/b] so that I can start the edit. This could be a neat little collaboration and I hope that it is, but it's really up to you guys. I hope to get a lot of messages!
  20. I'm looking into purchasing a set of lomo primes in oct-18 mount. I noticed that to directly mount the lens to a canon camera you have to buy either a oct-18 to oct-19 adaptor, and then an oct-19 to EF. They also make oct-18 to pl, and then pl to EF. Anyways, with either of these adaptor setups, I noticed that the oct-18 versions of the lomo anamorphic primes rear lens barrel rotates when focusing. Does anyone have any insight or experience using or converting oct-18 lomo anamorphic primes to any kind of canon EF setup???? And if so how does the focus work, or ways around it??? Any help is greatly appreciated!!
  21. [media]http://vimeo.com/50739351[/media] Celebrating SOMA Magazine's Fall Fashion Issue for 2012. Filmed on Thursday, September 27th 2012 at Temple Nightclub in San Francisco, CA. Filmed entirely on the 2x Anamorphic Kowa Prominar 16H (8Z) on 2 lenses: 58mm Helios 44m 35mm Canon FD Thorium Graded with Cineform Firstlight ----- [media]http://vimeo.com/50591113[/media] Behind the Scenes look at the launch party for new Ustream app called "Broadcast For Friends". Its basically Instagram for live video streaming. Download the app on iPhone here: [url="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/broadcast-for-friends-bff/id551019882?mt=8"]itunes.apple.com/us/app/broadcast-for-friends-bff/id551019882?mt=8[/url] Shot in both 2x Anamophic and regular 16:9 with crop. --- Lessons learned: 1. MUST use Tokina Diopter and +1 diopter closer than 5 feet! (was getting too close to the models and they came out blurry!) 2. Can't go completely handheld - MUST use cowboy rig at least. Tripod is best. 3. run-n-gun is hard to focus both anamophic and taking lens 4. almost NO light loss from Kowa :)
  22. This last weekend I shot some footage at a local import tuner car show. Because I haven't got my lens splint yet I went with the 14-42mm kit as my taking lens. I have a nice set of Nikkors adapted to my GH2 but walking around in a crowded place with that much weight stressing the camera body didn't seem like a good idea. All but maybe two shots were at 18mm and roughly F4 which meant I didn't need to attach my Tokina. It's also worth noting I haven't enhanced the footage and this was with currently un-hacked firmware. The very slight softness and chromatic aberration at the edges of frame actually looks quite nice to me. In many ways the results remind me of Panavision films from the '70s and '80s (ie. John Carpenter). [media]http://vimeo.com/50594617[/media] ...I love, love, love this lens.
  23. Hi everybody, Here I'm with another question. I shot with my anamorphic and GH2 in 4:3 mode with jpg mov codec in black and white. I shot with nostalgia mode. I would like to convert to prores to work on FCP7, so with prores will be better option to handle post, more speed, etc... The problem is that I saw on my test a gamma shift after the process from conversion with Compressor. The black gone down a little. My expose on camera is already a little down so I really don't want to get lower on these issue. What do you think about these? Maybe is better to work with the native codec. Or maybe someone knows a better app to convert without gamma problems. Best regards. Francisco.
  24. Hi, Can anyone help me with these question? Now we can have the option to use BMCC with M4/3 mount,isn't that right? If that's right, can I use my anamorphic lens on BMCC? On GH2 ,with a sankor for example, I have to use at least a 50 mm lens to avoid vignette. How will be these issue with BMCC sensor? Best regards. Francisco.
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