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My cameras and kit

Found 8 results

  1. I was on a vacation at Berlin. Wanted to capture some moments from that lovely city by day and night time. Sidenote for myself: don't shoot anythingat the underground stations with a camera, because almost got arrested about that. :l Please check and comment, Thanks!
  2. This is a remake of the opening scene of BLITZ. (a movie of Jason Statham) In the near future we will make more remakes and other stuff like this, to test out how cameras react in different illumination, how much noise it produces and how much we can push it without adding light in the scene. http://youtu.be/yroJP9uT5DE so if you liked this please "LIKE" and "SHARE' (the movie was shot in 1 night and edited afterwards in 3-4 hours / Location: Belgium) Shot with the: SONY AX-2000
  3. https://vimeo.com/77332920   This video is really three parts - lens test (taking and anamorphic), people in shots and atmosphere on location.  BTW the set is for the TV show "Person of Interest".   Sorry no music on this one.
  4. Fair warning, there's some lens flaring in here but that wasn't the reason I shot this. Honest ;) http://vimeo.com/52214451 [color=#71767A][font=sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(244, 245, 247)]I was about to pack it in because I just didn't find anything interesting to shoot this night, testing out the Century Precision Optics anamorphic adapter with my F2 Nikkor 24mm taking lens, the widest, fastest prime I currently own. I was looking for suitable "horror movie" settings. Then I heard a noise by the front door.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#71767A][font=sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(244, 245, 247)]Originally I thought it was a bat, since they're all over the Austin area at night. Well, that seemed interesting, though it took me a few moments to decide if getting a rare shot was worth the risk of getting bit and/or dropping my GH2. Just as I worked up the nerve to creep up to where I thought it was at I realized it was a bird.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=#71767A][font=sans-serif][size=4][background=rgb(244, 245, 247)]No post enhancement besides aspect ratio correction. Shot at F2.8 so I didn't have to also equip the Tokina.[/background][/size][/font][/color]
  5. Take a look at my last work to date. Lot of work on this one ! I shot 720p50 with shutter 1/100 with voigtlander 25mm and olympus 12mm. [media]http://vimeo.com/50419773[/media] Thanks for watching.
  6. Just bought a Sony RX100 (two, actually) and have been trying them out in challenging environments. Here's a quick vid that takes a poetic look at the Hollywood party scene. [media]http://vimeo.com/49147544[/media]
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