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Found 7 results

  1. Just to be very clear... not shot by me!! I wish it was! It looks great. But I just happened to come across it, and had to share it, as it is a nice example of what can be shot with GH2 in capable hands.
  2. There is a Pentax SMC Takumar 50mm f1.4 i have my eyes on for my Panny GH2. it has a has a 42mm Screw fr micro 4/3. I wanted to know whether this lens will fit any of these adapters with no issues?   http://www.ebay.in/itm/281067558863?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649     http://cgi.ebay.in/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=271159243669&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:IN:1123#ht_2128wt_1139     i have heard that these adapters with a a "rim" inside do not work with the SMC Tak and the ones without it work well. Does these adapter have a rim inside? If not i dont want to end up wasting money buying this lens and this adapter as i dont have any M 4/2 lenses. Thanks
  3. Hi, An excavation into the attic unearthed an old TOSHIBA COLOR VIDEO CAMERA ik-1900 (http://www.ebay.com/itm/Owners-Manual-Toshiba-IK-1900-Color-Video-Camera-/230389930914) It has a Nikon TV-nikkor zoom macro 12.5-100mm 1:1.6 lens which i have unscrewed out of the camera and wish to use it on my Panny GH2 but have no clue what mount to use to do the same. I tried asking all the DP's and techies i know but they have no clue on the lens. Even google hasnt been able to help at all. Can someone who knows their lenses well share any info on this and recommend me a mount for this lens for my GH2? Links to the right mount or names will be much appreciated.  
  4. I know there are many lens flare tests on Vimeo & YouTube, but I was impressed with how the Proskar did with the Auto Takumar and I wanted to share my short test.     http://vimeo.com/62594566
  5. Hi everybody, Here I'm with another question. I shot with my anamorphic and GH2 in 4:3 mode with jpg mov codec in black and white. I shot with nostalgia mode. I would like to convert to prores to work on FCP7, so with prores will be better option to handle post, more speed, etc... The problem is that I saw on my test a gamma shift after the process from conversion with Compressor. The black gone down a little. My expose on camera is already a little down so I really don't want to get lower on these issue. What do you think about these? Maybe is better to work with the native codec. Or maybe someone knows a better app to convert without gamma problems. Best regards. Francisco.
  6. Hi dudes, I've been a long time reader here and this is my first proper comment. Recently me and my colleague set up a production company for narrative projects and our first project was a music video. We tried to offer a band we know (signed to an independent label) something different, with a plotline of a cagefighter to cut back to back to them playing in an abandoned industrial location we've rented for the day. We asked for a decent budget of £800, which in the end left about £100 for me and £100 for my producer/ 1st AD. It was just us two on the crew. They think we've ripped them off. They're not being grumpy, just generally dissatisfied with the end result. So I was wondering if I could get some feedback from the GH2 community and see if you guys think we've charged too much for this: https://vimeo.com/48942536 Video details/ camera settings in the vimeo description Lucas
  7. Could anyone tell me please if compatible batteries will work ok with the Panasonic GH2 with the latest firmware installed? I heard somewhere that Panasonic blocked the use of third party batteries with one of their firmware upgrades and I wondered if this information is correct? Is anyone using the compatible batteries from 7dayshop.com?
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