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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2015 in all areas

  1. The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed I've been taking over a month off from EOSHD. Here are my views on what happened whilst I was away. I am selling up... After over 5 years of EOSHD I must admit to needing a break from gear. I'm going to completely wipe the slate clean later this month. I will clean out my studio and move. I am selling almost everything I have, but rather than putting it on eBay I will be offering it to EOSHD readers first. Almost everything is going including my Sony A7R II and Canon 1D C. Email me now if you're interested. EOSHD will continue, but more like in the earlier days. A focus on an artistic approach to cheap gear and lenses. What is the point of me buying a $8k camera and as a result never being interested in the next GH5 or cheap $600 killer camera that kicks way above its station? So although I won't be buying a Raven or Sony FS5 then, I will continue to offer my views on the higher end kit at EOSHD... Read the full article
    7 points
  2. Hi, All! Here are some screen grabs, from my first UHD video test with the new SLR Magic Rangefinder/Kowa 16-H/Konica 40mm/Samsung NX1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/68917223@N05/albums/72157659802564846/with/22182848755 I've done only small, simple corrections to these images, nothing drastic beyond a tiny bit of sharpening and levels tweak. This is more-or-less how this setup renders things straight to the camera. Hopefully some video will come soon, showcasing wonderful, easy focus pulls! I did one test previous, (right out of the box of course, and it was not properly executed.) With some careful tuning of the "taking" prime lens' focus, I was able to get sharper results in this second test. The Kowa and the Rangefinder are nowhere near their max resolving power, that much is clear. The small Konica Hexanon 40mm pancake is unfortunately the culprit. Even at f4 (which all of these were taken at), it just isn't tack-sharp in the fine details. It's good enough to warrant UHD instead of HD, but it doesn't quite "pop" in the sharpness department (an attribute of good 4K that I've found very appealing.) The Rangefinder is what is creating the prominent (large) blue "bokeh" flares, and in doing so, it robs the Kowa of some of its flare intensity. Not sure how I feel about that. Other than the change to flare characteristics, the Rangefinder leaves the image pretty much identical to what the Kowa and Konica do without it on front. It does breathe, but only a little bit, and I happen to like a touch of breathing on anamorphic.
    4 points
  3. The Sony RX100 IV review is done and it is a camera I’ve found myself using a lot… but not for the 4K. Read the full review
    3 points
  4. Rokinon 85 is not just amazing for the price, but in general.
    3 points
  5. Hi All - I'm selling a B&H Projection Lens which I've had modded at SK Grimes to allow for smooth rack focusing. £750 including insured delivery in the UK. It is a single focus lens. Here's the pics: SK Grimes rehoused the front element diopter so now it can close focus to at least 20 inches and it would be simple to attach a follow focus gear. Focus from near to far is approx 400 degrees, leaving lots of room for subtle focus pulls. It has a 58mm front thread for filters etc and I'll throw in the pictured Redstan XL clamp and step up rings I've been using to attach it to my Nikons. Quick n dirty rack focus here - password: olaf (5D II Raw 1344x1120, Nikon 105mm 2.5 @5.6, no grading) The Good Pretty pretty pretty image. Like, really pretty. It has a lovely look to the defocus areas and is as sharp as the taking lens you throw at it. In terms of usability, it is the real deal. It is single focus, it just works. Optics are clean and good on the front and rear anamorphic block. There is a very small cleaning mark on the diopter which I can't see effecting image quality and I certainly can't photograph it.Flares are controllable, but cool and blue if you want to force it.In terms of value, if you are looking to get started straight away with a 2x single focus unit then this is a solid alternative to Iscos or adding a Rangefinder etc to something else.The Bad The widest taking lens I've been able to use with these is a 105mm on a FF cam, which gives you a horizontal FOV roughly the same as a 50mm on a 5D, A7S etc. You still do get a vignette if you shoot 16x9 but you can either crop off the sides or shoot in a windowed RAW mode (hint: do this) to solve this. Alternatively, you can use a wide-angle adapter to get a wider image.Couple Notes on Usage The sweet spot on this lens seems to be 85mm or 105mm on APS-C sensors. My 7D (RIP) in raw gave a brilliant portraity / close-up shot through this lens. FF anamorphic is a BIG look but to be honest, the depth of field is so shallow that I'd rather use a smaller sensor cam.On some lenses you get better results in terms of focus from backing the taking lens a little off of infinity. Not exactly sure why this is but I assume it is to do with the distance between the taking lens and anamorphic, which is always slightly different with different lenses. If I had time I'd have looked more closely at this, but as it is no big deal in practice I left it as an enigma.Two Final Things I am not the guy selling disguised versions of these on eBay, he is in the US and I'm in the UK. His mod results in a push-pull focus, whereas the work I've had done gives you a standard rotate-to-focus system.I totally love Bold's DIY mod that he is doing on his lens, so this is not an attempt to steal his thunder or bogart on his hard work. But at the same time, I can't leave this hanging around on the shelf doing nothing when I'm basically going to be shooting BTS stills and run and gun doc stuff all next year. I love DIY projects but I had neither the time or expertise to do what he is doing, hence I sent it off to have it done professionally and to a far higher standard than I could ever do. If it doesn't sell at this price I'm going to keep it for a rainy day. Let me know if you have any questions or if you want me to shoot something specific!
    2 points
  6. awesome!!! great to hear andrew, glad youre well
    2 points
  7. For my upcoming zero dollar horror short. I learned that making trailers is really hard! What do I add, what do I not add etc. Let me know what you guys think. Also, color is not final, it's not even started! And if someone has some good tips on how to save the footage while she's jogging from being so extremely shaky (as you can see warp stabilizer is really fucking up the image) please let me know! Thanks y'all!
    2 points
  8. Apologies for the rather shoddy quality, just fired this together in a spare moment. A quick video running through some of the adapters I've just picked up, including the FotoDiox EF to NX adapter (thanks for the recommendation Ebrahim!) .
    2 points
  9. I was one or two of those 43 views on the eos-m video. Great stuff. I just recently uploaded ML onto my eos-m and have been having a blast with it... Even though it infuriates me almost every 5 and a half minutes.
    2 points
  10. Dibs on your Centavision! hahahahahahahaha. I know you said you would be buried with it in your coffin, so I suggest you arrange for a two man coffin, I'll be buried alive with your corpse, so I can spend a few hours with the lens (before the air runs out)
    2 points
  11. I'd recommend the Rokinon / Samyang too, the cine versions are excellent for video for the price. I've just got an EF lens adapter for my NX and I am using EF Samyangs on it. Might be worth getting the EF version instead of the NX, will hold its value better I reckon and more adaptable to other systems,
    1 point
  12. i had the opteka, its not a very sharp lens at all. I would recommend the nikkor 85mm f2.0 ai, its a very nice and sharp lens for not so much money.
    1 point
  13. I'm certainly going to be using a matte box next time in order to avoid the flares, as I agree with you completely. Again, this was a test. Better to be aware of the flares so I can take measures to avoid them when they're unwanted. It's a shame, really. The Kowa has wonderful horizontal flares, but there's no way to get them without also introducing the big blue blobs. Flynn, the Kowas are from the 80s (most of them), so they're pretty much on par with lenses from that era. IMO they're the most versatile projection anamorphic. Not as "Zeiss clinical" as a Schneider, not as vintage as a Moller, but they can go the widest and tend to take on the character of whatever prime lens you use them with. KOWA FTW. The trick is finding a prime lens that they work well with. Pancakes and lenses with simple optics tend to work the best. Obviously, the Rangefinder is brand spankin new, and other than the blue flares, it really is wonderful. I'm also using a SmallHD AC-7, so I can now focus and de squeeze anamorphic as I capture it. Whole different ballgame and really, really gratifying setup to work with. Yes, there are a few other "variable diopter" systems available right now, and I'm sure some of them have a slight edge over the Rangefinder. But pre-ordered for $400 with focus scale, this sucker is hard to beat bang-for-buck. I did find myself using the focus scale to rack focus consistently over multiple takes. With a better follow focus that might not be necessary, but I'm personally glad I got one with marks.
    1 point
  14. Cool. I had a similar approach a few monts back when the A7rii was released. I looked at the price and thought "why". Bought two 16mm film cameras and a bunch of film instead. And still had over $2000 left before reaching the cost of the Sony. Thats why I have the G7. But now Im back to DSLR + BMPCC.
    1 point
  15. I think anyone who buys in to this post is mmisinformed or naive. Its all classic "taking the easy route" imo.
    1 point
  16. I really hope the A6000 successor gets as good HFR modes as this. Very tempted on this camera, but I'd really want interchangeable lenses and all these features in an APS-C sensor...
    1 point
  17. Can't wait to run over it with a tire, and then jump in a lake with it.
    1 point
  18. Killer pink lens cap.
    1 point
  19. Nice one. I think you might end up using it for more than that
    1 point
  20. I think the creative side is a very personal thing. I don't really get a lot of creative value about reading articles about other people's processes or ideas, which is why I don't ready NoFilmSchool very often for example... EOSHD as a gear blog will remain focussed on the equipment because it is useful for people trying to decide between cam A and B to know which one suits them before they lay down the money. Creativity is quite instinctual and life-experienced based, requires a strong personal voice I think.
    1 point
  21. I just bought one used based on your review - thanks Andrew! Going to use it as a crash cam and underwater camera.
    1 point
  22. Good decision Andrew. Looking forward to new blogs about great cheap gear.
    1 point
  23. Way better quality than 96fps on the GH4. No moire or aliasing and much more detailed. LOG better than Cine-D. Not sure if it is better than V-LOG L yet, I still haven't got round to trying that. Battery life is pretty good, no worries there. Though GH4 obviously being a much bigger camera with large battery goes longer. Thanks man. I was pleasantly surprised how good the colour and low light was from it too. Was easy to grade... did minimal tweaks after putting the DELUT on.
    1 point
  24. I feel like the people in this thread that are in denial about worker exploitation are the same people that gave Philip Bloom the benefit of the doubt over his domestic abuse. The world doesn't always adhere to your majority view. It's a deeply unjust place.
    1 point
  25. I've been running various Hackintoshes, along side actual Macs, since Snow Leopard and I've yet to have a really unpleasant experience. If you go into it I recommend starting with a desktop build, rather than converting a laptop. Its much harder to get compatible laptop components wise, but it can fun, I have a Surface Pro that runs Yosemite really well. The installation process is so easy these days and websites like TonyMac have excellent guides.
    1 point
  26. Haha. Not much to shoot in a coffin!! By everything I mean... not quite everything I'm working on a list with pics, next week will start blogging the gear I am selling. There's a ton of it.
    1 point
  27. Glad to hear you're getting back to your core genius! There continues to be a huge need out there for people who want to do cool things with consumer cameras. I posted a video on how to run Magic Lantern on an EOS-M two years ago and it has 10,000 views. It got 43 last week. A quick NEX7 video I did has 15,000 views. I bought a Canon 50D a few months ago, and run ML on it again, the same camera that brought me to EOSHD in the first place. For the money, it is STILL a very powerful creative tool, which I'm sure you'll agree. Lately, I've been playing around with the LX100. The 4K photo mode is very interesting, not a lot of work has been done on that, or on other cameras. Davinici Resolve, I've given up on it because it's just too complicated. Gimbals are another complex gadget that will need guidance as they get cheaper and better. Or the Panasonic G6. I finally bought one and Andy Lee is right, a perfect camera in its way, timeless. And yes, the BMPCC is a very creative camera but many people don't understand why. In short, the original reason for EOSHD is as relevant as ever! I've learned a lot here at EOSHD and I look forward to the old Andrew
    1 point
  28. ~ Larry Jordan / values by Alexis Van Hurkman; Encyclopedia of Color Correction
    1 point
  29. Personally, I love reading reviews of expensive cameras and equipment as the Raven or Blackmagic URSA, but I would be more interested in small devices like the LX100, Canon HDSLR + Magic Lantern hacks or the future GH5. So this change of direction makes me happy ! Thanks Andrew for the great EOSHD forum
    1 point
  30. Cinegain

    LED light advice

    Those are just Aputure rebrands. Aputure in general is decent-to-great value. No experience with the Amaran 528-panels though. Pretty interested myself in the Aputure Light Storm LS.
    1 point
  31. Regarding the saying that they didn't mention this is a Jewish owned store, Aljazeera do that it in a much smarter way, they just put a front photo with a Jew standing there. Bang, target accomplished.
    1 point
  32. B&H: A camera is manufactured in China by a person that needs food and energy. It is flown to America by a plane and pilot and then offloaded by some people who all need energy. It is transported and then packaged into a warehouse in Brooklyn by people and trucks that use energy. After I have placed my order it is transported back to the airport by people and trucks consuming energy. Flown to Sweden by planes and people. Delivered by a truck to my town by trucks and people. I walk to the post and pick it up. LOCALY: A camera is manufactured in China by a person that needs food and energy.It is flown to Sweden by a plane and pilot and then offloaded by some people who all need energy.It is transported and then packaged into a Store in my town.I walk to the store and pick it up.
    1 point
  33. BenQ ,Samsung and Dell have monitors capable of high-end editing work This is a good site for reading reviews: http://pc4u.org/best-monitor-for-photo-editing-and-photography/
    1 point
  34. One is made for 77mm or smaller thread and the other is made for 72mm or smaller thread. Same coating and optics. One has witness markings for focus puller and the other does not. The 72mm version was made for those who want to pull focus but do not need to see focus markings when doing so. For those with a Vid-Atlantic or Redstan 72mm front filter clamp the 72mm version would work directly on it.
    1 point
  35. Liam

    grading feedback?

    I tried bumping the bit rate up just a little, but it crashed pretty fast, and I didn't feel safe with it. I have fairly cheap cards, so that could be the only issue. I didn't really notice a huge difference in quality in the footage I was able to get. not sure at all about it bouncing around by itself
    1 point
  36. This is a quick test showing flaring of every 50mm (or 'normal' focal length) I have in my arsenal, and in stock at the moment, some have been supplied to me for optical work. I'm not going to go an list each lens in order, but upload this to illustrate how much variation there is between 50mm lenses despite being almost all consisting of 6 elements in 4 groups, or double gauss designs. Though anamorphic lenses are often seen as flare makers I think some of the results here are magical enough to warrant pairing them with anamorphics which don;t have particualy exciting flaring like an MC 'Rama 54, or a cinelux and an FM- just for the defocus and aspect ration alone. with some of these flares from the prime alone, why add more!
    1 point
  37. You could buy the Rangefinder with Imperial markings with 77mm thread at Adorama already http://www.adorama.com/SLRRCA.html The Rangefinder without Imperial markings is 72mm thread only and not compatible with the SLR Magic Anamorphot 1.33x-50 with 77mm thread and will not be offered to avoid confusion.
    1 point
  38. Thank you! I did an assembly cut of half of the shots and it was already 12min, I'm just very slow in my story telling I think, the script was five pages! It's so hard to work on something personal all alone from pre to post, but you guys are really making me wanna finish this now, so thanks!
    1 point
  39. Is there any optical difference between the two? When should we expect $299 version on sale in US?
    1 point
  40. I am a die-hard Moeller fan... For me nothing comes close in terms of sharpness, imagequality, color, flare. These are so versatile and wonderful built. They have so much character. Maybe the difference is they were made for filming and the 16mm version could work on FF like any Kowa. I would definately go for Moeller 16/32 with Rangefinder if I had the money. On the other way they are so easy to handle... you don't need a rangefinder
    1 point
  41. I'm wondering why these charges aren't being handled via the US Federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), or the office of the NY Attorney General (which dictates guidelines regarding shift break and mealtime requirements.) The fact that the United Steelworkers Union is already involved suggests this is more about conventional Big Union pushing its own agenda than it is about anything unique to B&H. As for eBaying your way to a clear conscience: how do you know you're not buying from a homophobic racist in Back-creek County, USA?
    1 point
  42. IMO, its the consumers that need to learn how it works. They have done it 4 years in a row. But still we have these never ending amount of posts and threads, "When?", "Im angry!", "If its not here by..", bla bla bla It will ship when its done and all there is to do is wait or buy something else. Bumping or starting threads like this wont make shipp any faster or make Blackmagic change their way. Its the price we pay for the best image produced by a CMOS in the world
    1 point
  43. Now that the NYTimes supports the story and AJA - we now know it's not as biased and there are videos of it. So now where does everyone stand? I'm off to ebay and adorama for most of my needs. Good bye B&H! They just lost about 10 grand of business a year. Not much, but if everyone does it - it all adds up
    1 point
  44. Islamic site? Aljazeera is one of the least biased news corporations worldwide. http://www.democracynow.org/2015/10/12/headlines/nyc_warehouse_workers_launch_campaign_to_unionize_b_h_photo_video https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%26H_Photo_Video Its not about religion. Its about companies abusing workers.
    1 point
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