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Posts posted by kaylee

  1. 12 hours ago, ricardo_sousa11 said:

    What do you guys do when you're stuck and cant come up with something for a specific job..?

    hang on one second......



    ...lol seriously tho, a catchy gimmick is greater than literally everything else. just pick something and put it over with confidence

    theres been a recent wave of non sequitur commercials here in the states with absurdist jokes/narratives that have literally nothing to do with the product advertised (geico?).  so apparently thats ok now

    search youtube for tire commercials. @M Carter makes some good points too

    also, what are some of your favorite commercials, the most memorable ones? what makes them stand out in your mind?

    heres mine.... i remember seeing this as a kid... and being like... wow. that took some balls


  2. ugh the image out of this camera is GORGEOUS. the clip in the op is SO BEAUTIFUL

    i remember when i first saw this i thought the motion was really something... and it is. she has so much physical presence 

    whats the story with this camera as far as people actually shooting with it? anyone here have any personal experience? whats it like to use? would you use it on an indie film?

  3. 23 minutes ago, karoliina said:

    Yes she is Savannah. Not F2 though but F6 SBT. We are breeding Savannahs and she is our queen.

    I am obsessed with getting a serval too. Unfortunately we now have some buraucratic obstacles to overcome on that matter as suddenly from nowhere the ministry imposed new regulation (not law) that prohibits ownership, import and reselling of any other animal than cat (felis catus) or dog. This is against the EU-law, but the guys in Finland thought they know better, "we have to put stop to it" -kind of thing and they imposed probably the strictest regulation in whole EU.

    Best Regards,


    omg that is awesome thanks for letting me know!!!! wow a Savannah breeder, i guess im not too surprised tho after seeing that picture~! shes beautiful :) 

    unfortunately im dealing with something similar here in california ?  truth is, if servals were legal here as pets, id already have one~! i found this amazing breeder and everything.... ive done YEARS of research, like, i know what im getting into...

    more than one of my smart friends has pointed out that literally no one (besides us lol) knows the difference between an f1 savannah and a serval walking down the street... so i could just lie, which is becoming an increasingly appealing proposition. mind you, it is 100% legal to keep seven pit bulls in a 400 sq ft apartment... thats ok here

    i wonder what people told salvador dali when he went places with his ocelot...?



    "One of the most popular accounts of Dalí and Babou is that of the painter bringing the wild cat into a Manhattan restaurant and tethering it to his table, causing great alarm to a fellow diner. To appease the woman's fear, Dalí told her that Babou was nothing more than a normal cat which he had 'painted over in an op art design.'"


  4. 37 minutes ago, Ebrahim Saadawi said:

    This would help my buying decision enormously seeing 100% frames from the camera at different sharpening levels and if it's close to the organic 1DC.

    hear hear

    /regarding the poll and ebrahim's original question (What's a better buy?), im divided, and the [electronic looking] sharpening mentioned above IS a big factor to me. is dpaf sicc as heck? yes but ill take the image quality im looking for over "new" bells and whistles seven days of the week

    i keep seeing 1dxii footage that makes me have feelings like:

    • this is canon h264 mush on steroids

    • ykno why people take steroids? because they WORK

    • damn those highlights are clipping hard

    • wait this looks nicer~! dynamic range is not that great tho...

    lets get to the bottom of this. for all the people who want a high dynamic range nonsharpened logish image with great color, lets determine the limits of the 1dxii. if thats not what youre after, and youre happy delivering footage that looks a little bit more, uhm, ~contemporary~? then its a great camera already. which it should be for six thousand f------ dollars 

    1 hour ago, Kino said:

    [a bunch of smart stuff]

    welcome dude! im gonna check out that boring thread on dvxuser lol 

  5. 5 hours ago, karoliina said:

    Easy choice. I did it already and bought 1DX mark II. 

    I use Technicolor Cinestyle profile in the 1DX2 and it works just fine. Check my other post about those.

    Cinestyle flat cat frame is attached.




    hello friend, thank you for sharing~!

    if you dont mind me asking... what kind of cat is this?? i recently became obsessed with getting a serval so anytime i see a cat on a leash im curious! is that an F2 Savannah or something similar? ?

  6. On 5/16/2016 at 2:57 PM, sudopera said:

    It just crossed my mind a few days ago that maybe I should shoot monochrome in my spare time as much as possible, so I could train myself to frame better and maybe see better compositions without the distraction of colors. Sometimes when there is some fast and spontaneus shooting involved, my mind simply blocks and I hate my average framing/composition in those scenarios, and I find myself thinking if I just had a few more seconds to let my brain to catch up. It seems to me that with b&w I could force myself to pay more attention to composition and contrast, and simply see the details that are important for my framing more clearly.

    It certainly won't help over night, but I feel it could pay off in the long term.

    an interesting proposition~!

    my first thought is: to improve your abilities in this department, i would highly recommend a two-dimensional design class~!

    for the uninitiated, the vast majority of what you would learn in such an environment applies to all two-dimensional imagery. a good teacher will demonstrate that fact with visual aids from throughout art history and contemporary work including painting, illustration, graphic design, photography, etc., in order to illuminate design elements and principles.

    thats my best ever advice for ALL photographers/filmmakers who havent been forced to do shit like that in art school already lol. seriously tho, many find the experience transformative

    not that i dont love black and white photography........

    21 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    I'm fighting the urge every day not to buy a Leica Monochrome, and have been since release. If their new screenless camera comes in a monochrome model... The fight would be lost.

    lol omg same. when im rich youll know it because ill have an outrageously expensive screenless monochrome rangefinder ? 

  7. 6 hours ago, andrgl said:

    I haven't been able to stream 4K since January from vimeo. Just shy of gigabit service, I'm at 940 Mbps down. lol Glad I didn't renew my pro account back in October.

    hmm interesting

    so this link wont play in 4k at all? 


    vimeos been through some issues lately lol but atm that clip streams fine for me (in 4k) with my humble 35Mbps/down

    great to hear that things are looking better. havent been on vimeo much lately ill haveta check it out

  8. 53 minutes ago, Jimmy said:

    What I would like to see manufacturers do is add a paid "pro" firmware upgrade, that would assume certain minumum specs on your media

    two words: app store

    its been brought up before, years ago by @EOSHD_Twitter himself, and others, time and again

    > why have literally zero manufacturers capitalized on this. dont they like money?

    the "app store" is keeping apple alive right now. u kno whats great about my 13" ipad pro? app store. nothing else. apples software implementation of their pencil stylus is hot garbage – but an app like procreate changes everything – and it shows what the future of photoshop could be with a touch interface. its great

    but you dont have to download apps on your ipad!!! and 98% of people who buy an ipad download few if any apps, beyond social media/etc, that actually expand the depth of functionality of their device. perfect analogy!

    if there was a 1dxii app store id be downright sympathetic about that $6k pricetag smh. instead, please forgive me for being very critical of that image vs 5diii raw

  9. @Jonesy Jones dude thanks for your time and effort in posting all this interesting information and feedback, its a great perspective

    ill prolly never go to NAB because i hate las vegas, but id love to go, but thats kinda bullshit bc even if their show came to LA id be useless as a voice from the floor..... id just be walking around the whole time super high like "Wow..... oh man......so many Ks for so few Ks..."



  10. @squig i love all your posts in this thread

    so cool that youre shooting your film (a feature??) on 5d3raw. to be honest ive been thinking for a while about doing the same thing for my first feature...old lenses, anamorphic maybe. so, thats inspiring for me, v cool...

    do you know of any features that have been shot on 5d3raw? something ive wondered about...

  11. 7 hours ago, HelsinkiZim said:

    i think you meant the new RED® NUCLEAR WARHEAD w/ VIAGRA-X SENSOR™® - 8K (6.5K 400p cropped)

    thats honestly awesome i was searching for overtly masculine/aggressive terms but i just kept coming up with pro wrestling moves

    my example might be funnier but yours is more accurate satire lol

    seriously tho, just for the record:

    i supported RED since before day one. im not a hater

    i want them to do better

    hell, id be the first person to (partially) defend a camera called "RAPE-X MYSTERIONGYNY®™" if i was in love with the image. id be like "I kno the name is problematic but...!!!!"

    when i was brand new to filmmaking before the red one even came out and "old people" [translation = cynical assholes] were like 'Whaaat lmao an actual digital movie camera pffttfttt no way impossible" and i was like Uhmm what why...~? Ive been shooting STILLS for years and it seems like things are trending in that direction...? I mean im no scientist but pretty sure that If you think that pure technology is going to be a barrier in the near future then youre an idiot...???

    many ::sigh:: years later here we are with a violence party of specs from red cameras, but how much better are their latest/greatest vs their earlier cameras? to me, in some ways, there may have been a regression...

    p.s. i love "specs", im renting a 5ds soon to shoot some special purpose stills that a d810 couldnt ~quite~ resolve, i did tests. but in cinema, more than any other medium in the arts imo, the whole is more than the sum of its parts

    2 minutes ago, jgharding said:


    lmaoooo ?

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