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Posts posted by kaylee

  1. 8 minutes ago, fuzzynormal said:

    I'm also certainly curious about digital films shot and projected @120, for example

    i feel like hfr stuff speaks to the same principle – more is not more, less is more when it comes to people talking for hours. the failed experiment of the hobbit comes to mind. tbh fuzzy, youre so old school (which i like), i thought youd hate high frame rates?

    on the other hand i support high frame rates for other stuff – vr, videogames, etc. but, as an inverse to my point above, i think that high frame rates are most at home with super visually iconic content, like this


  2. ive given this a lot of thought, and, imho:

    film grain, as we know it, adds a lot to a certain kind of motion picture filmmaking. would it add a lot to gopro drone footage of a beach? no, and heres why

    youre looking at the beach. watching a movie is like looking though a window as opposed to looking at a window

    a huge amount of narrative filmmaking is just footage of people talking. when we experience a conversation in real life, we dont look AT the person we're talking to the same way we look AT the beach video.

    this is one of the reasons that super shallow depth of field can be effective – im not looking at the tip of your nose while im talking to you. scott mccloud explains it like this


    film grain provides a visually soothing abstraction of reality that is particularly useful for movies where people are talking to each other for 2 hours. its organic rhythm gives us a sort of translucent repeating pattern to look through that we perceive on a conscious as well as an unconscious level. it relaxes us, to listen to a story – its subliminal; hypnotic. and it feels more like real life when we're interacting with people, as illustrated above

    although film grain is great at doing all this, what im describing should apply to any kind of subtle pattern noise – which is something im going to experiment with.

    im not suggesting that a film image is empirically better than a noiseless alexa image, but for reservoir dogs, i think it is. a new purely digital patterned noise that does not seek to emulate film grain would prolly work pretty well too – as long as its not distracting or hideous, obviously. id like to develop that idea

    and now, back to your regularly scheduled programming 

  3. 2 hours ago, mercer said:

    I'm with Mattias on this one. There is more than enough with the Mkiv that will get still photographers to upgrade and that means they will need to sell their mkiiis 

    oh i agree, there was some irony in my rant. and im shopping for a deal on a mk3 too ?

    44 minutes ago, squig said:

    The crop's about the same as the BMMCC with a speed booster. The crop alone gives the MkIV a 2 stop low light improvement over the MkIII. Where I'd normally be shooting at f/5.6 on the MkIII, I'd be shooting at f/2.8 on the MkIV to get the same DOF. It could compliment the 5D MkIII raw well, depends on Andrew's log profile and noise. I've already got a Tokina 11-16mm and a Sigma 20mm, so the wide end is covered.

    i hear ya. sounds like a plan. tbh a big part of my complainyness comes from learning stills shooting 35mm film, im one of those many legacy photographers who likes ff as much for aesthetic reasons as because it reminds me of my childhood ? 

  4. On 8/25/2016 at 3:15 PM, Sam232 said:


    this is hilarious, @Sam232 congratulations on your first post. i would quit now while youre ahead to maintain the best possible honor points ratio


    oh snap! im not done complaining about this camera yet!!!




  5. 30 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    A) it won't happen any time soon. Expect 2017 minimum before it is out and solidly working great. 

    agree. or longer. or never

    30 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    B) the price is insane if you're getting it just for raw, you're creeping up close to KineFinity Terra 5K or URSA Mini 4.6K pricing! 

    fair enough, but to me the ml 5d3 raw is a ~unique~ video image. one of a kind. its not those other cameras, great as they may be. those who dont feel that way – of whom there are many – are obviously not interested in hacking an existing canon slr, let alone a brand new one

    for me a 5d4 is extremely attractive with a raw video hack, even at an improved 1080p, but thats in addition to its features as a stills camera. i want a camera that does both, one thats stealthy enough to not attract attention

    im sure there are others on this board who always post about video and never about stills, like me, who have just as much interest in a "hybrid" camera

    sorry i dont mean to come off as didactic, its just that i forget that myself sometimes lol. cuz if i didnt give an f about video and i just shot stills with a 5d3 id prolly look at a 5d4 as a great upgrade

  6. you guysll be happy to know that there is talk of the rock wrestling vin diesel at next years wrestlemania. for real

    and guess what else... hes gonna be a governor or even president one day. hes been talking about it for years. again – for real. arnold schwarzenegger was governor of california

    i predicted his success as an actor a loooong time ago so mark my words. and he deserves to make the most money in hollywood – hes the biggest draw, biggest name, puts asses in seats, kills it on social media, hes the hardest working guy in show business

    that has nothing to do with the fact that hollywood is at an all time low in terms of serious content creation, but dont blame dwayne for his success in the world we share. hes all over the moment we live in

    also the rock is a god hes a man and a half. hes HUGE. hes super athletic, he has more charisma in his little finger than most of these guys have in their entire bodies

    and now john cenas getting over in hollywood and with audiences as an actor thanks to some huge behind the scenes push.... i can only dream of having agents like that. and cena will do it... he'll become a movie star. at one time i said no (hes tried this before to a lesser degree) but audiences like him now

    but cenas no rock. of course, you guys already know that


  7. 14 minutes ago, IronFilm said:

    ML is possible with CF and SD, don't know what you mean??

    Probably wouldn't get 4K raw without CFast though. 

    thats exactly what i meant, thank you

    any chance of ml turning their attention towards the 1dxii? maybe the 5d mark v will have cfast 2.0 when it comes out in 2020 ?

  8. interesting discussion

    is watching 17 hours of one show nonstop a fad? absolutely not: its the new way, people love it, its a normal part of media consumption now

    when i first heard of this phenomenon, i was actually surprised that people have the attention span to watch, say, an entire season of a show at one time. as a content creator who might want to make some abnormally long content in the future, and just in general, i find this encouraging. i think it will allow more options for people like me

    be that as it may, theres something to be said for the empty time between installments of a serialized product

    when im into a show, i spend that time with the characters, even though theyre not on tv. so when the sopranos comes back after a season break, im like Whats been going on in their lives the past X number of months. additionally, the sopranos wasnt meant to be watched back to back for 6 seasons – it wasnt designed that way. but thats not to say that one could take binge watchers into consideration during the early stages of conception for a product, in order to produce a show that can be watched in 44 min episodes or in 7 hour chunks at a time

    waiting is also good. hell waiting is the best. whats better than anticipation? that time is significant

    getting a show over that people HAVE to watch live is really hard these days.... live tv used to be a thing, now i think most would prefer watching at their convenience. for narrative its a tough sell. i watched the main event of UFC 202 live the other night because it wouldnt have been the same later (i was rooting for nate diaz btw #stocktonstrong #frownyface)

    the times are changing thats for sure

  9. hmmmm...



    Dual Pixel RAW: One of the RAW file recording both the normal image and the parallax information. Digital Photo Professional of the “Dual Pixel RAW Optimizer” in the can: three of image processing

    Image Micro-adjustment: by using the depth information, fine adjustment enables the position of the maximum sharpness and resolution

    Bokeh Shift: to change the position of the previous blur (original: repositions the viewpoint of foreground bokeh for a more pleasing result)

    Ghosting Reduction: reduces the ghost and flare

    edit: whoops sorry if someone already posted this

  10. good responses here

    i would say it totally depends on what youre doing... what are you producing? a doc? a kubrick-like feature?

    even though im a fine artist, im literally working on a 14 foot drawing right now, i came kicking and screaming to the crushing realization that to make my first feature the way i want, i have to storyboard every shot. that epiphany came some time ago, and im a lot more knowledgable now, so the very idea that i even though it was optional is laughable today, its ironic. but thats for me

    the SIMPLEST storyboards can be amazingly useful, a quick sketch that anyone can do can show lens choice, character movement, camera movement, etc. hell, look at this guy these suck and his films have worked out ok


  11. Hey whatsup guys!!! this is world famous superstar taylor swift!!!!!! im gonna be sharing this account with my friend taylor who u know as kaylee –– omg i didnt mention we both have the EXACT same name TAYLOR SWIFT can u believe that!!!!!! but our middle names are different lolol

    we're like sisters ❤️❤️❤️ and sometimes we TOTALLY...... FINISH EACH OTHERS SENTENCES OMG so you never really know WHO is using this account lol!!!!

    anyway 1.7x crop factor wth??? what am i buying a full frame camera for even duh lol


  12. a p p l e has a great return policy which their salespeople promote

    "Youve got two weeks to make sure you love it, if you dont no worries just bring it back"

    whether that mac pro was used for "professional" "paid" work or not, believe me, literally no one at the company cares.... i assure you lol 

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