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Posts posted by kaylee

  1. 32 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Tamron 24-70mm f2.8 VC?

    oh yeah mattias its coming back to me now~! ? i did some research on that tamron and there was some kind of disconnect... mediocre reviews...? let me see...


    edit: ahh now i remember i was looking for 50mm IS lenses... oops by bad!

    edit 2: ooo that tamron has p good reviews~! anyone used it? ? 

  2. 1 hour ago, photographer-at-large said:

    I didn't realize Art 24-70mm has stabilization?

    yeah! isnt that like... a big deal...? CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG PLEASE ❤️ : i havent done a lot of shopping yet but is there a lens like that, similar focal length, zoom with constant aperture, and IS, from another manufacturer? last time i looked i feel like i couldnt find one...?

  3. 15 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    He shot it on the 5D Mark II with Magic Lantern RAW... apparently looked just like film on the big screen.

    nice, whats it called?

    6 hours ago, sam said:

    By the way, you happen to know anyone in town who has a F35?  I wanna swap my new F65 for it and some cash.

    Hello friend sam I have an F35 Sony Cinema Camera in sale in Perfect condition but I am currently overseas performing my medical duties in Cairo. I am willing to sell it for a very low price to honorable board members such as yourself. Please PM me for details. Hakuna matata

  4. 44 minutes ago, tellure said:

    I couldn't believe how bad it was

    good to kno~!

    44 minutes ago, tellure said:

    Apparently Mac has a scaling

    wait do u mean the pixel doubling/whatever that apples retina display computers have or a UI scaling for macOS?

    if i could get macOS (formerly OSX) to do that on a 4k tv i would be STOKED. there may be a 3d party software solution, i havent even looked i prolly should...

    btw the new(ish) apple LG displays suck, imo. if you guys havent seen them in person theyre ugly, and additionally super cheap and plasticy feeling. my friend (who knows nothing about computers) said "They look like the fake stuff in model homes" ?  also, HIGHLY reflective... no bueno

  5. yaaaa thanks for the feedback guys!!

    16 hours ago, AaronChicago said:

    I would just denoise your plate footage, then add grain on top of the composition.

    For grain overlays I like this one: http://rgrain.com/

    im with ya

    i guess my question is: if i want my final image to be in the bolex neighborhood in terms of noise, but im gonna do vfx on 90% of the frames, isnt it counterproductive to shoot such a noisy camera to begin with?

    14 hours ago, mercer said:

    First... are you thinking of unloading your Mark iii to get a D16?

    no way i might keep this 5d forever lol. we've bonded. seriously tho, regarding my film, im prepared to rent *whatever camera is necessary* to get what i want and make post as easy as possible. this shoot wont happen for prolly a few years still so my options may change. if i had to do it tomorrow? id prolly go alexa and add grain in post

    14 hours ago, mercer said:

    What kind of budget are you looking at for your film... is it self financed, or do you have help?

    oh *I* have no money, pretty soon im going to go pitch all my fine art stuff ive made the last couple years to big time galleries... the kind of galleries that could and would support a long term vision, making my film with me, etc. so im gonna tell them i need $200k for my feature (but id be happy enough with $175k, and i think i could *squeak* by with $150k). the idea of course being that this is for a *finished* film, not a half finished half assed piece of shit with no direction... like i spent all your money and now ive got nothing bc im an idiot. lol anyway thats the budget zone

    14 hours ago, mercer said:

    Personally, I would be very cautious with location scouting and preproduction to make sure you don't have logos, and such, ever filmed. If your story requires specific logos or street signs then make them a physical, filmable entity rather than something you "fix" in post... unless you are planning to do some green screen work and are either very proficient in After Effects or are paying someone who is.

    yeah i agree, "logos" isnt what i meant, bad choice of words, i mean like... a random car on the street drives by behind a character, the car has a huge yellow and black bumper sticker which is really distracting – removing stuff like that. and some set extension/alteration. and beauty retouching on some characters. and god knows what else lol

    12 hours ago, fuzzynormal said:

    Certainly very common back in the day of indies shooting on videotape.  Does FotoKhem in Burbank do it?  Anyway, I think the cost was somewhere around $200 a minute... but this was 15 years ago.

    thats exactly what i remember! sounds about right lol, at least it was back then

    12 hours ago, fuzzynormal said:

    The cool thing, for your inner hipster, is that you'll get a can(s) of a 35mm print to show off.  So, a "real" film, you know?

    i kno, and i would love that, but i just cant justify the expense if its not going to add anything to what people see on their ipads smh. but *I* think its hot lol

    8 hours ago, Hans Punk said:

    [a bunch of great stuff]


    8 hours ago, Hans Punk said:

    Here is an example of a 'cheap' telecine from 2 perf 35mm...still looks better than most digital cinema footage IMHO so if you can afford to shoot film, go for it!

    ugh omg i love that!! looks sooo nice. ...ykno what i REALLY want to do? shoot film and pick up shots when its impractical for my shoestring budget with 5d3 raw. if i could do whatever i wanted i would.... BUT?? im scared there i said it i admit it ? im scared of shooting film in general and not having instant playback and data copied in triplicate on set

    this is the part where i should tell myself to face my fear? i guess? hmm maybe ill have a beer instead...

  6. Shooting Digital and Printing on Film – what do you think?

    Guys one of these days I'm gonna make a feature film – a simple, indie feature. Lately I've been wondering if printing the final digital product on film – only to scan it back to digital – is worth the effort or how it would come out... do people do this? is this a thing in 2017? idk!! i never hear about it

    some of the d16 footage posted on this board recently got me thinking about how lovely that bolex grain is, but, *please correct me if im wrong*, i would have to remove that noise as part of my vfx process... yes?

    my film has virtually no vfx "in the script", but ill prolly do some set extension/god only knows what, in addition to fussy art director things like changing a problematic sign in the background or removing a logo or whatever... lots of that. skin retouching, maybe some age reduction... hell theres kind of a lot now that i think about it lol

    anyway, > is it correct that in working with almost any video footage, denoising and renoising is part of the vfx process? i mean i know that exists, but if youre shooting d16 lets say, thats a heck of a lot of messing with the integrity of your source material in post, am i rite??

    so then i started thinking about creating a noiseless digital product and adding some authentic analog feel by printing on film grain... only to scan it back to digital for distribution

    what do you guys think, any experience with this stuff?? imagine that someone else is 100% paying for this

  7. On 2/8/2017 at 11:11 AM, Geoff CB said:

    I second an ultrawide 34".  I find it the best balance of detail/screen size. They are expensive, but very much worth it.

    i keep talking to more and more people who have gone ultrawide~! im thinkin about it. my friends have said, 'You wont get it until you try it, then youll love it'

    @UnclePau the one you have looks pretty kewl, how are the viewing angles? 

  8. 21 hours ago, jase said:

    Educational - does this mean you have to be a student? I mean, does Apple check for that?

    good question – i highly doubt it.

    if you want education pricing on apple products you just go here (in the US) http://www.apple.com/us-hed/shop and click a box in checkout saying youre a student or educator... theres no checking into that trust me lol. so i would imagine the same kinda thing applies in the mac app store but idk?

  9. 9 hours ago, Don Kotlos said:


    thats a deal!

    9 hours ago, Don Kotlos said:

    PS I have been running FCPX on a Macbook 12" to edit small 4K projects and I am very very happy with the performance with such a low powered machine, so I was eyeing FCPX for quite some time. 

    wow thats really good to kno, idk how the 12" would do with premiere but its nice to see that final cut can still deliver on that machine

    2 hours ago, woozie said:

     is there any way to purchase it through the app store to use gift card credit? 

    yes! in the mac app store!

    there are two types of apple gift cards: one for the "apple store" meaning you can buy MERCHANDISE in person at a brick and mortar store and on apple dot com, and an iTUNES gift card to buy APPS, movies, songs, books, etc – thats the one you want! if you already have an apple store gift card u can use it to buy an itunes gift card ?

  10. im so happy with my 5d3 for raw, i wish ml would develop for more cameras, but as it has been said that feels unlikely right now

    id love a 2k raw mode for the 5div (assuming that 4k is impossible), but what i think id like even more is a body that has a *flippy screen* AND dpaf like the 80d with continuous raw... and just for the record thats coming from someone who is happy with manual focus for video, dpaf is amazing and super useful ?

  11. 5 hours ago, jcs said:

    Globalist Agenda

    omg ?

    5 hours ago, jcs said:

    George Soros

    omg ?

    5 hours ago, jcs said:

    9/11 false flag, the Bin Laden legend


    @jcs i tried soooo hard not to post about that stuff in the many threads that turned political before the election

    19 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    Not sure what any of this has got to do with filmmaking.

    lol well true

    then again, if you want to work on my film and you say "911 was an inside job" when we talk i am 100% hiring you

    @Hans Punk i wish @richg101 would come back to talk to these globalists

  12. 1 hour ago, mercer said:

    You should be getting some nice footage out of that mk iii of yours. Any footage to share?

    aww thank you for asking, not yet! i love the camera tho... ive been busy finishing a ton of artwork that im gonna go pitch to galleries in a few months... i worked ALLLLLL year on art in 2016, up all night, and its finally done!!!! ?????  anyway this spring im gonna spend some real quality time shooting some raw video ?

    my overall reaction to 5d3 raw so far is:

    1) its easy and it actually "just works": ive been getting profoundly satisfactory results since my first day of testing; no endless menus to adjust color, no stress in post

    2) its like film: i dont know what to compare it to besides that, but ive processed quite a few rolls of film and thats what i feel like im dealing with, robust individual frames... it does NOT strike me as "video" like every other camera ive ever shot with. its different

    and the cameras great for stills, of course, using it to shoot some artwork rn ?

  13. @jcs youre so fluent at talking about all this stuff terrance mckenna etc u should be a guest on coast to coast am when youve got more content to promote, you could be really good. im sure youve heard of c2c. also a more accessible platform could be darkness radio, the host dave does c2c on the weekends so u never kno ?

  14. @jcs one of the things i wanna kno is, regarding quantum entanglement: how the heck can something done here on earth effect its "twin" or whatever on the other side of the universe? and how does that fit into a multiverse ??? 

    i mean, i get the concept, but einstein called it spooky for a reason... it is! 

    ...so what does that mean about the nature of reality ?? ? ? ? ? ? this thread has rlly gotten good btw

  15. 5 hours ago, jcs said:

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carla-schesser/the-extraordinary-scienti_b_8353068.html (same point regarding quantum physics- if it doesn't make sense that an observer causes the environment (quantum effects) to change, and you don't see how that can effect your reality at the macroscopic level, then no worries.

    good article, this is EXACTLY what im talking about when i tell people how profound this is. i fundamentally agree with what youre saying tbh


    HuffPo: "[The scientists] discovered that the fundamental building blocks became waves or particles depending on the expectations of the scientist doing the experimenting. If the scientist expected them to be particles, that’s what they appeared as; if the scientist expected them to be waves, that’s what they appeared as."

    we might not know HOW that changes our day to day reality in a literal way, but it MUST, right? i say yes but i am not richard feynman

    11 hours ago, iamoui said:

    "If you think you understand quantum mechanics then you don't understand quantum mechanics." - Richard Feynman (look him up)

    "look him up" was a little condescending lol. btw id like to recommend a great book to everyone called Feynman's Rainbow. the author Leonard Mlodinow details his time as a postdoctoral student spent under Feynman's wing, and although its a little sad as feynman fights cancer, the author makes a lovely analogy between artists and theoretical physicists, in that both must create a problem to solve, or find one to work on that cant be solved – theres more, its fascinating. good book




    "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." ~ Richard Feynman


    3 hours ago, squig said:

    THIS is woo woo



  16. 1 hour ago, jcs said:

    The latest experiments show that the universe reacts to how we interact with it in bizarre ways, like it's a reactive computer, even intelligent. Crazy but true. Positive, constructive thought results in better outcomes than negative thought. That's both physics and psychology. Fighting with each other reduces our power to get work done and oppose negative forces.

    this is actually true ^^

    im not smart enough to understand those videos, but the philosophical implications of quantum mechanics absolutely fascinates me

  17. 13 hours ago, Don Kotlos said:

    I don't know kaylee, but if I had to edit large projects at remote locations I could see myself using this monster:

    Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 10.01.13 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 10.01.27 AM.png

    i think thats a cool concept tbh!!! im over the idea of a lightweight laptop, i dont care anymore! give me a portable workstation that weighs 15lbs that KICKS ASS!!!

    > in other news, i returned a touchbar mbp today because it failed to restart when connected to an external hard drive (yes thats right). tried different hard drives

  18. 3 hours ago, jonpais said:

    Do my clips look like vomit on your monitors, too?

    the color of your g85 field test looks great on my plasma :) 

    the only nice thing i have to say about the new mbps is that the screens are WAY better - better color, contrast, and the consistency at different viewing angles is dramatically different (it used to be terrible). havent noticed anything bizarre about the color – which i certainly would have if it was horrid – but ill give it another look with a critical eye sometime soon

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