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Posts posted by kaylee

  1. 13 hours ago, Emanuel said:

    The point is no matter how worthy Sanders' proposals are, no one can build up a whole wall / world against Trump's voters. People tend to forget it. World can't be saved. Neither the people.

    Only a bit less worse than it really and actually is. And always will :-(


    Thank you so much! yeah lol im always right about US politics in terms of predicting the future –– even this year

    anyway please send my dollar to:

    Kaylee Fabian

    1234 Anystreet

    Cario Egypt 11311


    P.S. @Ed_David i also bet myself a dollar that you would start this thread

  2. @Liam i feel your pain my friend. ive been there

    id like to help, and respond at length, but im on mobile rn, so first please tell me this so i can get the temperature of the situation:


    so you want to be a filmmaker. what are you willing to do to get what you want?

    how long are you willing to work for it? how hard?

    i would guess that youre in your early 20s. what if i told you that youre going to exceed your creative goals by leaps and bounds one day, and that people all over the whole world will see your work, but its going to take 15 years?

    is that ok with you?

    why or why not

  3. 13 hours ago, Ricardo Constantino said:

    Please guys, give me at least one good reason not to sell my G7 and buy a 5D Mark III for RAW shooting. I'm going nuts here! :(

    im afraid i cant do that Ricardo!!! I LOVE SHOOTING 5d3 RAW VIDEO. and its a KILLER STILLS CAMERA ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    this morning i loaded the latest nightly build of magic lantern (ive been busy smh) and went out for the day to shoot... with no problems whatsoever!!! magic lantern recorded continuous 1080p 24fps raw until my cf card ran out of space

    its really not hard at all once you get used to it!!! you just have to jump in the pool

    the color is stunning. what this camera does with its 12 stops is one of a kind... im thrilled with the way all of my clips look so far. i havent even figured out a workflow, but the results are ALREADY worth investing in. im SUPER STOKED 

    BUT SPEAKING OF CARDS!!!! i clearly need some!!! ?  64GB goes by really fast – what should i get???

  4. 3 hours ago, Mattias Burling said:

    A mistake Ive done a few times is that I accidentally record to the SD, which of course is only there to contain the firmware and can only record 10 seconds or so.

    i did that too lol

    2 hours ago, hyalinejim said:

    Yes, and very occasionally for me ML tries to record to SD even though CF is inserted and set to "preferred card" in ML menu. You know this is happening if the bit rate in the upper right corner of the screen is lower than 86 to 90.

    A reboot solves this one, but it's had me scratching my head more than once.

    this is exactly the stuff i need to hear. thanks so much guys


    OK!!! so ive been shooting a lil bit trynna figure a workflow thatll be ok for my computer!!! im so busy with work i havent had much time to play with my new camera but i have accomplished the shooting of quite a few raw clips.... and ALL of them look better than any of the video ive ever shot... so im stoked!! v happy!!!


    i drove out to the country on my day off to do some ml raw testing and, of course, once im in the middle of nowhere ml started crashing during raw shooting. this hadnt happened before, and it *didnt happen later that evening when i tried shooting again*.... recorded fine, longer clips that i had before actually, 30 sec+, and i did NOT change ANY settings inbetween it working and not working

    what happened earlier in the day was this: i started recording and anywhere from 4-20 seconds in the green camera icon turned yellow and then red. being smart i was like "uh oh thats bad". then the recording stopped with a message like "Recording stopped automagically", it did that a handful of times, and one time the message said something brief about a "bug" - i dont remember exactly cuz it was only on the screen for like a half second (!!!). i tried taking out the battery and the cards, the only thing i know how to do lol, none of that worked. same errors when recording, recording stops. then, like i said, later that night its fine! oh and also it was not hot at all during the day - nice cool weather

    anyway, im using old ml firmware that came on the card with my used camera, since ive been advised to use the latest nightly build, do you think that would solve my problem? i mean ill definitely update to it once i have a chance to figure out how to do so, im just trynna to troubleshoot the issue... could it be the 64GB komputerbay card that came with the camera? might be 3+ years old. does the canon firmware matter beyond the fact that its old enough to run ml? what should i know here?

    i reached my like limit but im spiritually liking all the posts in this thread rn ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  6. awww awesome ? ? ? ? ?  thats so helpful

    1 hour ago, squig said:

    raw doesn't have audio and is a little less processor intensive than MLV without audio

    dope thank you. so theres no reason to avoid .raw if im not trynna record audio?

    1 hour ago, squig said:

    In Resolve select BMD flim for grading (not REC709) to get the most latitude and switch on highlight recovery.

    yes i read about this thank you for confirming

    1 hour ago, squig said:

    You have full raw controls in Resolve like in ACR except no denoise in Resolve lite

    i kno i already like it so much paying for the noise reduction sounds reasonable lol 

    1 hour ago, squig said:

    I find LUTs very tedious and annoying, I've got too many of them, it's like when I got a reverb unit with 200 presets, drove me nuts. Better to just start with a film profile, then build on it.

    yeah im personally not into luts but i think people have done some beautiful stuff with film convert etc. im tryin to get a workflow going where i can nuance parts of my image as much as possible... ykno everything resolve does lol. im coming from a stills/photoshop background so after effects is almost kind of familiar although i havent used it much. i want the footage in my feature to look really naturalistic like i didnt key everything when in fact i did lol. depending on the shot, but i might decide that a character whos in half my movie wearing a green jacket needs to be just a bit more pale, and his jacket needs to be more yellow. stuff like that. not that im shooting my film with 5d3 raw....... but you are ?

    1 hour ago, squig said:

    The 40mm pancake lens is pretty good, I've got one too. I'm a vintage glass freak, no love for L glass, but the 40mm looks kinda oldschool;

    yeah it does. its so light and tiny i pick up the camera and think its the body only. im so glad you mentioned it because....... vignetting?? wth am i doing something wrong? i mean i read the reviews and i kno its there but its severe. i kno its easy to fix in acr/lightroom but what the heck is it that bad??

    1 hour ago, squig said:

    I'm a vintage glass freak, no love for L glass

    yeah i cant wait to get my collection of old ff lenses started!!! i enjoy some weird old glass lol. im gonna ebay some helios glass first #weird ?

    1 hour ago, squig said:

    it's gonna be my DPAF gimbal lens when the Mark IV does raw

    i so hope this happens itll be a great upgrade once i figure out what im doing ?


    ///hi @hyalinejim!

    31 minutes ago, hyalinejim said:

    If you value the ACR image quality

    i kinda do. ive done enough reading on the topic to know that thats a thing. but idk. im extremely familiar with canon color + acr from stills and the footage ive shot so far looks EXACTLY the way i expected it to look in acr.... which counts a lot for me

    33 minutes ago, hyalinejim said:

    it might be worth investing in Cinelog

    ooooo! nice

    37 minutes ago, hyalinejim said:

    Luckily the RAW histogram option shows the noise floor. Try to stay out of it.

    sweet i will investigate

    38 minutes ago, hyalinejim said:

    Finally, check out the new crop.rec module (not to be confused with the older greyscale crop mode). It turns your camera into a superzoom!

    whoa awesome! #module is one of the words that was scaring me like #node but im working thru it


    ///Hi @garethw!!! welcome

    i made this account to inspire new posters when zachgoodwin was first getting out of control. glad to see its working lol

    19 minutes ago, garethw said:

    2) If you are not careful you get vertical banding on the DNG conversions... MLVviewer has button to fix this for the MLV's and raw2dng in its lastest edition also fixes it. BUT I got tripped up on my first shoot and failed to notice the lines until it was too late.

    holy shit ? yeah ive heard about the dreaded vertical banding but i dont know anything about it. i checked the vertical stripes correction box in rawmagic lite because it seemed like a fun box to check and i havent seen problems yet (???) is this just if youre pushing the footage or is it obvious all the time?

    23 minutes ago, garethw said:

    4) You need to be careful of your shadow details... with a raw photo in camrearaw you can boost the shadow visibility if you start to lighten them in raw video the noise becomes apparent very quickly.. You have lass possiblities as far as I can see than with a raw photo.

    ive gathered that. sometimes i think that im just used to creating more noise in lifted shadows in stills because that noise is WAY less noticeable/distracting when its not moving. and although thats true i keep hearing ETTR so ill do that lol


    14 minutes ago, Nikkor said:

    Congrats, but here in sweden it goes for 250$ ;)


    i kno i was gonna fly to sweden to buy one (still wouldve saved money) but im too busy with work


    9 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Definitely use something like Rawmagic

    hi @Mattias Burling thank u!! youll be happy to kno that i already came across that exact tutorial when searching this out ???  youre internet famous

    i downloaded rawmagic lite!!! im p happy with rawmagic to resolve i think im gonna try that first ?



    the first short clips ive shot have some weird jerky motion here and there, looks like dropped frames to me but i have no idea what im talking about. i went .raw > rawmagic > dngs > acr > export as numerically named jpgs > import image sequence in premiere > render out. could be a file naming thing i guess but it doesnt seem like frames are out of place?

    im just tryin to make sure everythings working ok before i get too deep into this. could it be the komputerbay cf card that came with the camera? might be 3 years old. what memory cards are best to use for performance? im fine with buying whatever is best


    this gives me a ton of stuff to research when im at work all week

  7. UPDATE: OMG I MADE A RAW VIDEO!!!! I AM RAWING!!!!!!!!! ?????

    i just exported jpgs from acr to premiere for immediate gratification lol

    whats the difference between raw and mlv... audio?

    i used rawmagic lite to concert .raw to dngs

    3 minutes ago, squig said:

    If your mac is up to it you can play/edit/grade the raw files realtime in Resolve with MLVFS. http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=13152.0

    If your mac isn't up to it you can still use MLVFS and transcode to ProRes (preferably 4444) in After Effects, or make proxys. You can't use the sliders on the first screen in ACR, they cause flickering, but you can use the sliders on the second ACR screen  (curves) instead to adjust shadows and highlights.

    Expose to the right to keep the noise down, you can recover the highlights in post. Use the histogram with ETTR hint and experiment to find the sweet spot.

    Set FPS to exact.

    Use the latest build, there's a lot of builds with a pink frame bug which was recently fixed.

    Just gimme a yell if you get stuck, there's a lot to absorb because ML is so customized, but once you get your head around it it's really easy to use. Once you get your config how you want it it's saved to the card. Backup the ML files to your mac so you can easily reload them when you reformat cards.

    Most of the ML crew are really friendly but there's one fascist there that made me lose interest in being a mod. They do tend to hassle people for asking questions before doing a search, but are helpful if you can't find something. I don't use any of the photographic features but I can help with any video stuff.

    aww yisss just what i needed youre the greatest @squig!!!! wow this is gonna be fun i have the day off tomorrow to play around woo hoo

    yeah the ml board is too intimidating for me to post on ? thanks so much for your help. i promise not to pm you unless im super stuck ?

    1 hour ago, fuzzynormal said:

    I couldn't get optimized media to work reliably with h.264 footage in Resolve. Maybe with raw it's better. I'd like to know your experience with it once you give it a shot. 

    ill definitely let you know! ?

  8. OMGZ GUYS I FINALLY GOT A 5D3!!!!! ??????

    for those interested i need it now for stills so i bought it used off craigslist here in california for $1800 - came with 4 batteries, battery grip, 2 chargers, sd card, cf card, and 40mm pancake. its still under the resellers warranty (not canon, local shop) for another month, two small marks on the bottom of the body otherwise in great condition, and 12k on the shutter.

    the seller was legit and he already had magic lantern on the sd card! so....


    Whats the easy way to do things in terms of workflow? Mind you i am brand new to this so dont spare the details. I have a mac with the adobe suite, fcpx and resolve lite. speaking of which...


    i really have to thank you all for teaching me so much over the years ive read this board. when i first downloaded and opened resolve i had NO idea what was going on. thanks to a lot of learning i am now able to get into it a bit and i love it - resolve is AWESOME. and ykno what? it wasnt nearly as hard to get started as i thought it was going to be

    so this is a special message for anyone who has had the ambition to try resolve but is too intimidated, or someone who tried in the past and gave up almost immediately (me lol). its really not that hard at all, for me the big disconnect was never using a node based app before and being terrified of that for some reason, but nodes are kinda like a tree of adjustment layers - its just weird looking at first ?

    /anyway please prescribe me a raw workflow!!! id like to use resolve cuz i wanna learn it anyway but im open to whatever. any tips/tricks/pitfalls to avoid also much appreciated!!!!!!

    thanks for the inspiration and all the knowledge guys!!! i really might not have bought this camera if not for eoshd ?

  9. wow i love animation what a fun topic!!

    2 hours ago, Liam said:

    Satoshi Kon

    so awesome this is some of my favorite stuff ever – btw im discussing all of this in a purely visual sense rn

    just gorgeous 2d design what a genius

    2 hours ago, Liam said:

    having never even drawn much before

    ive drawn a lot, and thought about drawing a lot more, but i just dont have the talent of these illustrators in any way shape or form – im good at copying. whenever i look at animators sketchbooks im just like wtf. they amaze me

    99% of the drawing i do is based on photographic imagery that i create, not unlike whats going on below. classic disney animation is some of the most lyrical, beautiful work of its kind to me, just delightful

    so, since youre already a cinematographer, you could make that work for you in all kinds of ways. and im not saying start drawing like those disney dudes... i certainly cant... you can abstract photo derived imagery almost to oblivion as an animator with powerful results that retain the gestalt of what youve shot

    then again

    2 hours ago, Liam said:

    Don Hertzfeldt

    something completely different

    i was gonna make an analogy about dons work with the simplicity of the simpsons and then i was like OH SNAP MY FAVORITE COUCH GAG (simpsons intro)

    this is disturbing and beautiful


    "When simplicity goes head to head with complexity, simplicity will win every time"


    ^ example

    the more iconic your work, the weirder you can get. i mean this is a dog and a cat..... a dog and a cat


    im working on my own take on animation... its coming along but unfortunately ive failed at inventing a technique thats easy lol

    anyway animation +/-

    + beloved by people of all ages, transcends race and culture

    + can be done by one person

    + easy to be unique

    - hard

    - time consuming

    and as always, the age old saying "if its not on the page its not on the stage" holds true – write something you love first! thatll get you through the long nights slaving over a hot computer ?


    this was way ahead of its time


  10. 3 hours ago, Shield3 said:

    Original receipt from where he paid $14999 in 2014 for it

    so crazy. im gonna buy one out of principle just to have a $15k slr

    if it was me id prolly keep it, although i might feel a little betrayed by the seller – then again thats a little irrational since hes willing to take the return. ive been shopping for a used 5d3 and a lot of people have "forgotten" to tell me stuff (like theyre lying)

    anyway $3100 is a great deal. does the cosmetic damage bother you? are you definitely gonna have the screen replaced? if that damage was in the middle of the screen id say take way more off the price, but because of where it is maybe i could live with it. then again how much is a new screen from canon? $400? $900? i have more questions than answers lol im the worst sorry

  11. are you using a mac or a pc? ipad/tablet? you prolly already have software thatll work fine, not quite as simple as drag and drop, although Pages on a mac is pretty close

    anyway, this stuff is super simple. i bet if you tried using ~any~ word processing app you could do this just fine... its just some text and photos! dont be intimidated i promise its super simple



  12. 14 minutes ago, MattH said:

    Lackluster HD when viewed on a HD monitor. In 2016.  Come on man. They've got dual pixel going for it, but for me its so close yet so far.

    i was gonna make an ironic comment about how the video sucks but the music is great and then i was like Hmm some people might miss my sarcasm and... sure enough there it is second comment on the youtube page "Great video! What's the title of the music, thanks!"

  13. 11 minutes ago, mercer said:

    Place your link on a new line, wait a sec and it will embed itself. But yeah, that is a pretty nice image, the shadows are clean. And apparently the in camera audio can make any singer/songwriter rhyme "sausages on the fire..."

    lol oh thank you i meant that it just says watch on vimeo when its embedded bc its private ?

    that flippy screen tho

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