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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2017 in Posts

  1. I was able to visit the Nashville TN area and took a few images. There was on and off light pockets of cloud veiling, but I took these as it was getting dark, then darker and when it was emerging.
    8 points
  2. I've spent a day converting the existing GX80 Cinelike-D hack html file into an Android APK. There's an added color temperature function. This app should yield some usability advantages as it allows on the fly changes to the various picture profile settings and contains all settings on a single page. It also saves your last selected settings. Notes on installation: -Allow installation of apps from unknown sources Instructions for use: 1. Connect to your camera's wifi network 2. Start the app 3. Click handshake (ignore any update warnings) 4. Click recmode 5. Change settings before or while filming Other notes: 1. The app may erase existing settings saved in your various picture profiles 2. Camera IP selection is not yet implemented, apologies to those who do not connect to their cameras directly 3. Tested on a G7 Download link: https://github.com/lippyt/lumixlib/raw/master/lumix.apk
    5 points
  3. We filmed Sammy the dog touring around Asheville, NC. Filming a dog is a crazy man's work. So difficult, but working with the cutest actor makes up for it haha... Let me know if you have any comments or questions!
    4 points
  4. Hi, Wanted to make something new so I worked on this video for several month. Most of the tilt-shift effect is simulated in post (masking in AE), it's not as good as the real out of focus blur created by TL lenses but much more practical than having a huge drone carrying a DSLR camera. I also modded a GoPro lens that was mounted on a custom made drone (TBS Discovery with Pixhawk FC) to get the "native" effect. The inspiration for this project came from Keith Loutit, the god of tilt-shift timelpase.
    4 points
  5. Nothing at all. Just stirring the pot by tossing around some vague platitudes. Political art should inspire healthy debate. Debating with people like him is like reasoning with a black hole.
    3 points
  6. Nicholson Ruiz

    A little test

    Hope everyone is well.
    2 points
  7. The couple of ISO400 test shots I did for Ed above were from the DP0. These are a couple that I've done with it in the 21:9 ratio in both orientations.
    2 points
  8. The audience shifts over time and keeps evolving with the site. NFS have written pretty much nothing but articles designed to reel in clicks so their audience has shifted to the lowest common denominator of people. It's what you get if you have to pay for your visitors or entice them with headlines, rather than building a community around real content and real filmmakers / enthusiasts. The people left online overall are the same as ever, not just trolls but real people - pros and artists still use the internet, they have not gone away! It's just that maybe they don't want to read or engage with a shit website. The problem is that there are too many shit websites around and it's hurting the internet generally. Most sites are completely under the spell of clickbate and bad content for hits and ad revenue... I have completely lost faith in pretty much all of the photographic / video sites to be honest.
    2 points
  9. salim

    Nikon D850 4K no crop factor

    Nikon D850 press release is leaked: https://nikonrumors.com/2017/08/22/nikon-d850-press-release-leaked.aspx/ looks like 4K (only UHD) but with no crop factor. Official press release is in 30 hours and we can learn more about its video capabilities.
    1 point
  10. What, nobody expressing their exitement verbally? Anbody tried this yet without getting their phones burned? Sorry, LippyLee, no offense meant. Sorry, guys, for not testin it myself with a friend´s phone, but waiting for your braveness:) @BTM_Pix, you should set up a donation box for your efforts and achievement. And so should LippyLee.
    1 point
  11. I think Nikon has already hinted at a mirrorless camera and promising it will be a category killer. But the current UI of D810 is very good (far better than my Sony a6000). With the consumer market, the mobile phones are just destroying it. I think for that reason Nikon and others have to go after prosumers and pros. Probably why Fuji had to expand into MF line. The other thing I wish nikon will focus on, while doing their mirrorless is to provide IBIS. The stuff I'm hearing people are doing with the 5-axis stabilization out of Olympus is crazy and make the ergonomics of not having to think about a tripod more enticing.
    1 point
  12. But Max, I dare you!:) Browsing through the Merrill pictures on Flickr reveals some breathtaking images. A Merrill in combination with its fixed lens is a winner in price image ratio, you cannot reach with a D810. But speed, easy of use, flexibility and high iso are fair trade offs, of course. I think Merrills are putting out a nicer image than the Quattros.
    1 point
  13. Nikon needs to address ergonomics, ecosystem, and UI, or their market share will continue to decline. Canon does, too, but less pressingly. Mirrorless cameras need to reach iPhone-level convenience before the iPhone reaches A7R-level image quality if the prosumer market is to survive. This focus on specs will only get Nikon so far. Which is sort of a shame because those specs are monstrous and the Nikon ecosystem is great. I'd love this camera for stills and video, assuming the video is decent in practice. (The D5 and 1DXII are fine for what they are, but; they're pro tools specifically for sports. That's not going away, but it's a tiny market. The prosumer market is in danger of going the way of point and shoots though.) Anyhow, awesome specs. Likely an awesome camera. Hoping it keeps Nikon in the game a while longer (and that the tech trickles down to Canon's ecosystem five years later lol).
    1 point
  14. No. You can take great photographs with any camera. But almost all serious "model" photographers use Nikon or Canon full-frame, if not medium format if they can afford it. Not Sigma, they're too slow. That's a fact, take from it what you will Sigmas appeal to two types of photographer in my experience. 1) The ones who come from film and are very fussy about color (though Foveon has trouble with red). 2) photographers who are super picky about printing and deplore bayer color artifacts. The question for you would be is full-frame good enough that you don't need that extra clarity of a Sigma? So, I suggest you borrow/rent a full-frame and try it out. Even an old one. If you don't see a difference between that and your GH5 then I'm fairly certain you'd find the Sigma camera a complete frustration. As much as I love the Sigma look, if size/weight isn't a factor, a Nikon D810 is close enough for me. IF I want something small with the best look possible, and I can take my time, then Sigma is the way to go.
    1 point
  15. mercer

    Magic Lantern Raw Video

    Also here are a few more screengrabs from my film.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. I apologize - I was reading this thread on my cell phone, and it's hard to get past the negative commentors and address all the great responses and ideas I see from so many, Yea but I didn't address you. I don't honestly understand why you are a moderator here and yet are into using harassment against a user. Whether or not you agree with me, you should uphold a level of decency as a moderator of a forum. Calling me a girl is a form of immaturity. Andrew trusts you and depends on you for keeping the peace on this forum. Maybe he should reevaluate that. And how am I whining? I stated my belief that you should not be liking posts that encourage harassment and use profanity? Is that whining? How have I complained that, woe is me? Remember, you are the guy who defended a corporation for discriminating against women and black people, and then when I said it was against the law in American since the civil rights act of 1968, you deleted the POST! You deleted a post because it revealed something you may not want other people to see? Or what was your reasoning for deleting the post? Talk about whining. As to my ego, no I'm not here to stroke it entirely even though isn't that what we do when we post a video - we want constructive critism? But mostly on this stuff I'm here to defend my viewpoints, because unlike you User, or Jonesy Jones, or whomever the rest of you are, hiding behind your anonymonity - this is my real name - and my real name and actions have consequences, as you guys pointed out, in the real world for me. For you, User, you may as well be Ebrahim or gosh knows who else. And you can say whatever you want. If you want to actually have some clout, use your real name. And again, the end goal, which is fairly futile, is to do social activism online and in the real world - in places that don't always expect it - because if I get one person out there to start to think about what it means for a company to discriminate against women, that may be a good thing. And all that maybe worth it. But of course, I doubt it. And for the question on a the wide-angle adapter for a helious 52mm lens - why not use a full frame camera instead of a GH5? Or at least the speed booster ultra - and see where that takes you in widening the field of view. I know panasonic made wide-angle adapters back in the dvx100 era - maybe that could work as well.
    1 point
  18. Looks like a Russian lens. The Communists have eaten the sun!
    1 point
  19. And he did post two videos.
    1 point
  20. I don't know, looks like he was hitting his marks better than a lot of the actors I've dealt with...
    1 point
  21. I am not sure I'd leave my girlfriend to hook up with you Panny By the way I found some very nice deals on wide angle adapters at Visual Impact but they are in the UK. I am sure they ship to Berlin though! Fuji, Optex, Sony, all pro stuff and high quality between £70 to 300 http://www.visuals.co.uk/used-items/used/lenses-used.html?___SID=U&dir=desc&order=price&p=3 I saw the Soligor at Foto Braune, he also had a nice Pentax mount 28mm F2 which he let me take home to try out... for free. I didn't go for it as it doesn't fit Speed Booster due to the aperture lever sticking out, but it's ok on a Sony A7 body. Nice optics but the build was as the price tag! There is a Distagon 28mm F2.0, the famous "Hollywood" Zeiss at Foto Mayer for 700 euros if you're feeling rich!
    1 point
  22. He's a good cheat sheet for DCP sizes http://unravel.com.au/files/Unravel_Resolution_CheatSheet.pdf You should be able to make a custom sized timeline - if you don't want black bars in a box. Also, if you've been looking at squeezed footage it can look a bit weird when you de-squeeze. But more importantly, as someone has mentioned, the stretch factor can change slightly, since the x2 is taken from when the lens is at infinity - this tends to be a real problem with x2 anamorphics rather than say x1.5 etc. The best way to know what you've got is to film a circle (on a piece of paper) and then de-squeeze it to your taste. Doesn't matter how you filmed it, 16:9, 4:3 or 6:5 - you'll still end up de-squeezing it by the same factor.
    1 point
  23. Good wide angle adapters are quite rare but it's always worth checking the usual places in Berlin like Foto Braune, Foto Mayer and others who stock used stuff. The only good one I have ever used (unless you count anamorphic Panasonic LA7200!) has been the Dog Schnidt Optiks FF38. You might want to contact Rich Gale and see if he can sell you one. It's very good Schott glass. http://www.eoshd.com/2015/02/dog-schidt-optiks-ff58-flare-factory-58-pl-mount-review/ I shot this footage with it on the front of his FF58 which is based on the Helios 44-M 58mm F2 I have it in Berlin but since I've only got one and I don't want to sell it as it was a gift from Richard, you're out of luck there Panny
    1 point
  24. It is not a 4x3 mode, it's a 6x5, so maybe that's where you are having it wrong. The timeline for 2.40:1 in hd is 1920x800, for 2.35:1 1920x816. With the focus module you should be getting the 2x stretch as you are on infinity on your Schneider.
    1 point
  25. Ignore all sides who preach hate and division, brothers and sisters. They are all coming from the same source, the same people pulling the strings, a layer above and invisible to most. Their goal is to create division and civil war, WW3, to consolidate their global power. DC is locked in self-destructive corruption, so we need to manifest miracles to bring about peaceful change. Perhaps best case scenario is to pardon them all if they'll all leave peacefully. They have most people looking down at minutiae, when we really need to be looking up at our rulers and working together in unity to create real change, at the root source of all the world's manufactured problems. Spread the message of love and unity. Think in terms of what you want, as opposed to what you don't want. What we think becomes reality.
    1 point
  26. Inazuma


    So today I received the Nikon mount Vivitar 28mm f2. I'm using it on my Metabones Speed Booster on the Panasonic G80. Bought it for £80. So far I'm really surprised by the quality. I expected loads of softness and flaring but I'm getting neither. I'm almost disappointed! Nice character to the bokeh though. Sorry just a boring plant shot from my back garden. Haven't had a chance to test it anywhere else yet. Tomorrow I'm going to a bbq so will be able to test it out better then. Two unforeseen downsides to the lens are its long focus throw (about 270 degrees) and the front element rotates with the focus. It is otherwise very well made and really quite small!
    1 point
  27. Yeah, no problem! This is a 30 second teaser. We're saving the actual trailer for much closer to the release date. This film was shot on a GH4, by the way.
    1 point
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