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    andrgl reacted to Ed_David in Ursa Mini Pro - BM will sell 20,000 of these   
    I was wrong.
    I was a fool.
    I bought a Ursa Mini 4.6k EF mount.
    A week before the Ursa Mini Pro came out.
    But, still, this camera is incredible.
    I was an idiot for criticizing them.
    And now with the pro, they have delivered an ideal camera - capable of Raw or log for only $6000.  That looks like an alexa.  That is built well.  That is small.  That seems to not overheat.  A really amazing camera.
    Blackmagic has done what Red had dreamed of.
  2. Like
    andrgl reacted to Andrew Reid in Cinema5D slates the Panasonic GH5, calls V-LOG and 10bit "unusable" - They're wrong   
    Thanks for all the posts asking me not to quit EOSHD.
    It's been a long time running this blog by myself - 7 years now!
    I am completely disillusioned with the industry, the direction it is headed in, the lack of creativity, the focus on pros, the lack of quality online rivals, the bitterness that exists in the blogging community and the amount of clickbate out there.
    It's going to take a miracle for me to get my passion back.
  3. Like
    andrgl reacted to Brian Caldwell in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    Do the experiment properly and you'll find that the perspective is the same.  Surely you must have heard countless times before that perspective depends only on the subject distance.  This is a truth that you shouldn't ignore.  More precisely, perspective depends on the distance from the subject to the entrance pupil of the lens.  For this reason, the entrance pupil is sometimes called the center of perspective.  I suppose you could call it the "point of the wedge" in your language.  FYI, technically, the entrance pupil is the image of the aperture stop as seen from the front of the lens.  So, in your experiment, just put the entrance pupil of both the 24mm and 36mm lenses at 10 feet from the subject, and the perspective will be precisely the same.  There are some easy techniques for finding the entrance pupil location with an accuracy of about +/-1mm that stitched panorama shooters use all the time - if you need help just ask.
    The subject-to-image plane distance is not what matters.  Its the subject-to-entrance pupil distance that does.  So, this notion that full frame will be "further inside of the wedge than in the APS-C format" is just another way of saying:  "oops, I goofed, and didn't keep the subject distance constant".
  4. Like
    andrgl reacted to andy lee in What makes an image cinematic?   
    I'm sure they will , the Arri became industry standard due to the look , work flow and ease of use , with Codex Vault you are a great work flow from set to edit , so a 2.5 K camera with less resolution than some of the cameras here on this forum produced cinematic images in the right cinematographers hands , so resolution and 4k are not essential , its the lenses lighting composition and story ...is it entertaining ! That makes it cinematic . anyone on this forum can produce wonderful cinematic images with a bit of care and thought
  5. Like
    andrgl reacted to jcs in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    @tupp I know you say you're serious however I've been saying it's the optics, and only the optics for this entire thread (this a quote of what I wrote from your post quoting me):
    Are you even reading my posts lol?
    So now we're in agreement that it's not sensor size, great!
    Let's get on with debunking lenses designed for a certain sensor size format have special properties not present in lenses designed for other formats. You're going to need a large format camera vs. Super 16 in order to demonstrate the effect your propose is real? Why not use a cellphone vs. the World's Largest Camera? Yes I'm joking, to demonstrate the absurdity of all this
    There are no significant looks or special properties for lenses designed for a specific format either. With the lens somewhat close to the subject I suppose size could matter, however there are full frame lenses bigger than medium format lenses so that's not it. What is it about medium format lenses (or large format lenses) that make them produce a unique look only available to those lenses? Can you show us examples demonstrating these unique qualities? That also means strapping a focal reducer to a medium format lens captures these special properties and makes them available to a full frame sensor? Any examples to share? (swirly bokeh as shown in this thread is also available with full frame lenses).
    As with the sub-debate with @tupp, I've been saying it's the optics, and only the optics, for this entire thread. The debate was sensor size having an effect, or not.
    Now the debate has moved to lenses designed for a specific format have some kind of unique properties only available to those lenses. What are these special properties, and where is the proof supporting this claim?
  6. Like
    andrgl got a reaction from pablogrollan in New Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro looks great, but where's the new Pocket Cinema Camera?   
    LOL what? So many contradictions.
    You rig the bmpcc, a camera that literally fits in a pocket, and then complain about the size.
    You rig the camera with a third party battery and then complain about the camera when the battery fails.
    You use a camera that's purpose is 100% to produce raw DNG or ProRes, formats that everyone knows are data heavy, and complain about file size.
    You think a production camera around the same size as the FS5 is somehow more portable than the bmpcc.
    Your complaints smack of self inflicted trauma. You picked the wrong camera to shoot with. The gear is fine... you can't blame the camera for your mistakes.
  7. Like
    andrgl reacted to jcs in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    Do you realize that what you are saying is that the lenses are alive and sentient and direct photons differently based on the physical sensor size? Everything that Mattias posted here is a collective hallucination and focal reducers don't actually work? Or are you just messing with us for kicks? If not, I look forward to your equations and examples showing your concepts in action.
  8. Like
    andrgl reacted to jcs in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    @tupp, while we agree the two images are not exact, it was acknowledged that it was not possible to make the settings exact for equivalence. I don't see anything significantly special or magical about the full frame image, and most people cannot even see a difference without a blink test:

    The simulations showed a perfect match, hopefully this simple diagram will show why:

    If we take a movie projector and increase the distance from the projector to the screen, the image grows larger and vice versa. Does the image significantly change other than size? This should make it clear that sensor size by itself does not do anything special for the projected or recorded image. Are we in agreement?
    Now does the size, shape, curvature, and number of lens elements make a difference with respect to DOF, bokeh, and overall image character? Of course, no one has argued that point as these changes occur between lenses designed for the same format, for example the Canon 50mm 1.4 vs the Canon 50mm 1.2. The 1.2 has a much larger lens and of course a larger aperture. What happens when we set both lenses to F1.4, or F2.0? Is there still something 'magical' about the 1.2 lens with the much larger glass?

    Are they different? Sure they are. Is it significant? Does it matter- we're using the same sensor size?
    Much more comparisons here between the 1.8, 1.4, and 1.2: https://www.slrlounge.com/canon-50mm-prime/
    We haven't changed sensor size, only lenses, and the bokeh and character is quite different, right?
    Want crazy/weird/artistic bokeh on full frame? Here you go ( http://allphotolenses.com/gallery/item/c_7319.html ):

    Everyone agrees that lenses make a huge difference and some full frame lenses have bigger optics than some medium format lenses, right? If you still feel that sensor size affects the final projected/captured image, can you provide supporting math, physics, diagrams, and real-world examples supporting your hypothesis?
  9. Like
    andrgl reacted to PabloB in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    The images look so 3D 
  10. Like
    andrgl reacted to Django in How will Canon, Sony, etc. respond to Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro?   
    It isn't so much about "affording decent lighting equipment". if you're shooting run & gun, events, weddings etc.. you don't have time to set up lights on every shot.. that's where Canon/Sony cams come in handy. I don't see those type of shooters switching over. For all the marketing, BMD cams are still mostly cinema cams in their ISO handling. They're trying to compete with Red/Arri on a budget. Amazing for studio & narrative with controlled lighting or sunny california outdoor shoots but for other types of shooting or low light conditions they're far from ideal. You'll get all kinds of noise & block artefacts that Da Vinci for sure can't solve..
    Also I hope they've fixed that magenta cast issue the 4.6K sensor had!
  11. Like
    andrgl got a reaction from Mr.Floppy in New Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro looks great, but where's the new Pocket Cinema Camera?   
    LOL what? So many contradictions.
    You rig the bmpcc, a camera that literally fits in a pocket, and then complain about the size.
    You rig the camera with a third party battery and then complain about the camera when the battery fails.
    You use a camera that's purpose is 100% to produce raw DNG or ProRes, formats that everyone knows are data heavy, and complain about file size.
    You think a production camera around the same size as the FS5 is somehow more portable than the bmpcc.
    Your complaints smack of self inflicted trauma. You picked the wrong camera to shoot with. The gear is fine... you can't blame the camera for your mistakes.
  12. Like
    andrgl reacted to Andrew Reid in 5K RAW video on the Olympus E-M1 II usable for short clips!   
    Just look how close we are to continuous 5K RAW on this $2000 camera...
    Read the full post here
  13. Like
    andrgl got a reaction from Ed_David in Razer Blade - Returned, A Poem   
    People who can't adapt are dinosaurs. Your skills should be platform agnostic.
    I still remember using iMovie on a Bondi Blue Mac. Anyone remember lusting over the XL-1s? <3 MiniDV and so many CCDs!
    Now I couldn't give a shit if I'm using FinalCut, have a rig with RAID SSD scratch discs, or use MS Paint to quickly build a matte for tracking.
    Fuck it, I'll cut a video on my phone.
  14. Like
    andrgl got a reaction from mercer in Canon 77D, the perfect Magic Lantern camera?   
    Egads. This is a great video to show why EIS is terrible for movement. You've got motion blur galore (from excessive camera shake) and yet the software has aggressively locked off the frame. It looks completely unnatural and the human brain can pick it out without any knowledge of why it looks "wrong".
    You should read up on some technical papers on how OIS works. The TLDR implementation of most manufacturers is that it offers 1-2° of correction, which means you have to keep the lenses pointed in the same angle while capturing video. Even excessive handshake will cause the OIS to hunt and create that ping-pong effect you see from most people who complain about OIS not working.
    This shit ain't magic. At the end of the day it's using data from a gyro and some code to predict what should be happening. Plop a clueless human into the equation and you end up with...
  15. Like
    andrgl got a reaction from Phil A in Razer Blade - Returned, A Poem   
    People who can't adapt are dinosaurs. Your skills should be platform agnostic.
    I still remember using iMovie on a Bondi Blue Mac. Anyone remember lusting over the XL-1s? <3 MiniDV and so many CCDs!
    Now I couldn't give a shit if I'm using FinalCut, have a rig with RAID SSD scratch discs, or use MS Paint to quickly build a matte for tracking.
    Fuck it, I'll cut a video on my phone.
  16. Like
    andrgl reacted to Santiago de la Rosa in New Sigma art glass!   
    Mmm 14mm adn 135mm sound interesting
  17. Like
    andrgl reacted to Rinad Amir in New Sigma art glass!   
    Am happy with 18-35 & 50-100 
    love sharpness it gives and colour
  18. Like
    andrgl reacted to alexcosy in The Leica SL as upgrade for Sony A7R II shooters   
    It's not so much about IQ, it's about the overall rendition, pop, texture, bokeh etc... I'm not at all saying the A7s/II is a bad camera with bad IQ, it's a great camera by all means. 
    There's an early Jon Olsonn  vlog where they go on about gear, and they compare the SL and an A7 Marcus used to have, and they clearly state (and you can witness it as they show comparative footage)  that the SL overall rendition is nicer, more appealling to the eye. and it does a great job with skin tones also.That and the Leica glass were a great combo. I just think that when they switched to an A7s + Sony Zoom (and it's a great zoom) the image lacked that extra pop, so it's not about IQ which is still great. 
    Edit: check out Jon's Vlog 22, 10min00 in, there's the comparison, the combo of SL imagery + Leica 35mm 1.4 Summilux ASPH FLE is just great IMHO.
  19. Like
    andrgl reacted to webrunner5 in The Leica SL as upgrade for Sony A7R II shooters   
    Jon's Vlog 22 https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-mozilla-005&hsimp=yhs-005&hspart=mozilla&p=Jon%27s+Vlog+22#id=2&vid=06b517c25802699ee0bf6bb3f4e36981&action=view
  20. Like
    andrgl reacted to sam in What the Berlinale film festival taught me about Cameras   
    If you cant tell, I'll take your F65. Who wants that heavy, expensive old thing anyway. In trade, I'll take you out to Walmart and let ya pick out whatever camera ya want and then I'll buy ya dinner at Applebees.
  21. Like
    andrgl reacted to Ed_David in What the Berlinale film festival taught me about Cameras   
    I saw a film,
    swore to myself it was shot on 16mm
    nope it was shot on the red dragon.
    Then I thought it was shot on zeiss ultraspeeds.
    Nope it was Canon K35s, which I think are similar to Canon FD glass.
    I saw another film,
    swore to myself it was shot on the alexa,
    nope it was shot on the c300 mark i
    I was sitting 30 rows in the back, in the front, all over the place.
    I couldn't tell anything
    After all that,
    after everything we do, and say,
    at the end of the day,
    none of us can tell.
  22. Like
    andrgl reacted to Liszon in Razer Blade - Returned, A Poem   
    I have been using windows for exactly 20 years now, and the secret is I believe to get a monster hardware under it. Especially because of that I would never judge OS performance if it runs on a laptop. They have all sorts of crazy resource management solutions built into them, thermal throttling, shit bios etc. Who knows what trickery they had to employ to get that 18mm thick Razor Blade 1 degree cooler than lava..
  23. Like
    andrgl reacted to Mattias Burling in My thoughts on the Kipon Medium Format "Speedbooster"   
    When this thing was announced it totally blew my mind.
    And I have been wanting one ever since the first time I read about it.
    If you don’t know what this is all about just think of it as a Speedbooster.
    But instead of turning an APS-C into Full Frame it turns a Full Frame into a Medium Format Camera.
    And as you may know, medium format in digital is pricy to say the least.

    I will have more info and go deeper into this later on, this is just my first impressions.
    Opened the box literally just a few hours ago.

    Its very sturdy and all metal. It balances well after putting on a hefty lens.

    The lens I tested tonight was a 80mm f4 Macro. I have others but wanted to see some closeups to check sharpness.
    Its much sharper than I expected. Sharp enough I guess...
    Also Ive seen no excessive vignette. Any vignette in the samples are added in post.
    I also added grain.
    Portrait of GP



    Closest Focus

    With vignette and grain.

    Without vignette, still grain.

  24. Like
    andrgl reacted to funkyou86 in Cinemorph filter - Anamorphic bokeh on the cheap   
    Here are some screen grabs. I did not bother to cut it to cinemascope, you get the feel. Note the bokeh on the last picture.
    All shot with Sigma 18-35, Lens Turbo 0,72x and GH4.
    I tried to cut a vertical line in to the front filter but it did not work as expected, than I tried to sandpaper it, but it was visible on this short focal length. I thought that faking anamorphic will be easier, but it is not

  25. Like
    andrgl reacted to funkyou86 in Cinemorph filter - Anamorphic bokeh on the cheap   
    I made one from black cardboard and used a fishing line. Obviously, the oval shape could be nicer, but at least I know that this anafake does not worth 50 bucks. You get the fishing line in your bokeh, the lights will be clearly divided in to two and the "waterfall bokeh" will have a fishing line like horizontal line. You can get rid of this by using a thiner line, but it will kill the flares. Check the cinemorphs characteristics, it's the same, anyway, the cardboard will definatelywork with your speedbooster  

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