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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2015 in Posts

  1. I recently released a short film I shot entirely on a Canon T3i. I feel like the era of 1080p h.264 DSLR's are over but thought it'd be cool to share how they can still create great images. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjOk5-aeTzQ
    2 points
  2. At the end of the day, the video IQ from the EM5II is inferior to similar cameras from companies like Sony and Panasonic. The thing is, it's not a disaster. It's got moiré, that's kind of the worst thing to say about it. And if you want to minimize moire and roll off those higher frequencies in your image, there are very simple ways to do it. Just read what that Brawley guy advises. Easy. Do I think the EM5II should have better IQ in 2015? Yes. Is it going to stop me from being productive with it? No. I'll do just fine and so will thousands of other owners. The Canon T3i has moire too. Didn't stop this guy: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/8116-short-film-shot-on-canon-t3i/ Ah, perhaps I'm pissing in the wind here. Arguing about IQ seems to be many a camera hobbyist's dedicated pastime. Actually using the camera in creative ways? Maybe not so much.
    2 points
  3. I can't understand how anyone can justify what Clarkson did. Assaulting a co-worker and calling them a "lazy Irish cunt" should not be tolerated. As an Irish person who works below the line I'm pleased to see how the BBC have responded. Film and TV crews work long hard hours, there's no way they should be subjected to abuse.
    2 points
  4. Lens will be out this summer and there will be a front attachment too making it a single focus anamorphic. I shot this short with the SLR Magic anamorphot 2X. Different taking lenses. Voitlander 17.5mm, SLR Magic 35mm, Canon FD 50mm 1.2, Helios 58mm. Diopters used.
    2 points
  5. ​Probably News Shooter http://www.newsshooter.com/
    2 points
  6. ​Really praying for H265 support in Adobe for my NX1
    2 points
  7. ​Ok Inquisitive, it time to fess up. We know that you are the head of the global Olympus video fan boy club -the Olympinati, who is engaged in a global conspiracy to secretly convince the film making world that Olympus is the king of video with the same if not better resolution than the GH2/3/4 but with much superior stabilisation that they just can't live without. If you succeed, Panasonic and other companies will have no choice but to put IBIS into all their cameras and in the process they will throw away their highly detailed, moire-free images and will plunge the world into the next video dark age.......
    2 points
  8. I'd love to see 4K, s35 BMPCC, with 1080/60p Maybe slightly bigger body to allow for a small SSD and better battery. Also hope Adobe allow H265, they usually do a good upgrade around NAB time.
    2 points
  9. The irony is Clarkson told the producer he was going to have him fired. He can make offensive class, gender, sexuality and race based jokes and statements (in and out of character), verbally abuse a co-worker, psychologically threaten a co-worker but it's ok because some people think he is funny. But if someone can't supply the dinner he wants they should get there matching orders. No wonder he looks so sheepish about this given all the second chances he's had. The BBC probably spend a fortune trying to keep him out of trouble and scooping up when he does make a mess. I don't think anyone is abusing the site owner or JC, it's not like anyone has made the 'joke' of having you or him shot in front of your family, or suggested your sexuality is questionable, or your place of birth makes you inferior, etc etc etc. This is run of the mill material for this hero of free speech and authenticity.
    1 point
  10. Like I said before, I have shot with the BMCC, F55, FS700 and in some instances the Alexa, and I have seen moire galore. I have learnt to avoid it by not shooting contrasty lines (in controlled environments) having art directors avoid sharp lines and patterns on actors and sets and or shoot with soft lenses. To me is no big deal IF its only for couple of seconds. Don't know much about it but I believe its an electronic malady. As far as the little camera, awesome for stills, great for video, but as always, is NOT the camera is the creative eye, you may have a FS700 and shoot crap or a OMD EM5 2 and shoot beautifully like John Brawley did with it. So its all very subjective. Thanks John for the insight.
    1 point
  11. Agreed, this article and its comments have been a bit of a revelation.
    1 point
  12. "It's justified because Clarkson makes a lot of money. He was drunk and stressed, who hasn't messed up? BBC owe me my beloved Top Gear! PS: Political correctness fault, just a laugh guys eh lolool! " I like Andrew's camera reviews. Saved me lots of money, I'm grateful thanks. Just gonna disagree with the article and the ethics here though.
    1 point
  13. Maybe no need to quit this site and Andrew's good work. I also don't agree with his tolerance for racist remarks, but there's nothing wrong with a good argument. Having a good argument is one of the good old English virtues we should uphold at any cost, I think.
    1 point
  14. ​That's what you made it into, to justify someone else's racism. I'm done with this site.
    1 point
  15. Interesting! While we share the history of slave trade and colonization, in our society it is not so consciously associated to the upper class. Maybe the social divisions within England were a bit more outspoken. Elitism seems to be a dreaded notion, nowadays, but there were times when also the idealists among socialist movements strived for education, enlightment and good behaviour. I guess your remark on the oxbridge society has some truth, but does it validate the strive for vulgarity and bad taste so evidentl in display in programs like Top Smear?
    1 point
  16. ​Two things: 1) Your assertion that the upper classes are superior to the lower classes is some quite open classism and eliteism. 2) Those lovely polite old English gentlemen who upheld these Oxbridge ideals traded in slaves and colonised a third of the world causing repercussions from their rampant and destructive racism that echos today in organisations like ISIS, the IRA and Al Qaeda. I'm going to make a bold statement: That they queued politely at the post office does not make up for the atrocities they committed.
    1 point
  17. IronFilm

    Speed Booster?

    I recommend RJ Lens Turbo, it costs a mere fraction of the Metabones standard 0.7x focal reducer. And yes, it comes in C/Y mount (or you could use a dumb EF, which they sell too). RJ Lens Turbo is what I use myself on my BMPCC (RJ Lens Turbo is really the only good Chinese alternative focal reducer for m4/3. as I'll agree all the others are rubbish! Except for Mitakon if you're looking for one for Sony E mount). Otherwise, splurge out and get the dedicated BMPCC Metabones speedbooster, but just remember you won't be able to use it on a GH4 (or GH5...) if you get one of those in the future.
    1 point
  18. ​Hello... Moire...Well, I don't get offended by it as much as others... but for some reason, I don't tend to get it happening to me a lot....It's something I put down to my shooting style.....It's one of those things we all face as DOP's to varying degrees. Right now I'm shooting principally with Sony F55's and have done for the last two TV series I've done ( Party Tricks and Hiding ) And despite the fact they have OLPF's they can moire pretty easily. More so when shooting 2K RAW but even in 4K RAW. Sony actually have another OLPF they suggest you can use for 4K RAW for HD delivery, but I found it was wayyyyy to soft... In fact, another peer DOP on a fairly mainstream show that shoots here had huge big problems with a particular set that they had on the series. He had been shooting both F65 and F55 and had almost no problems at all in the same conditions with the F65. We spoke at length about moiré minimisation strategies. It's very hard to remove in post as I'm sure we all know. The last two shows I did were with vintage / film lenses which are a bit softer and I tended to shoot pretty shallow so I only had a few shots across the whole eight episodes that were problems. He had problem shots a lot more frequently... I've found anecdotally it's moires less than a 5DMK2, which is my benchmark for borderline unusable for moire. I do turn the sharpness down in the EM5MKII though so I think that probably helps a little. I also tend to use older film era style cine lenses which again, help a little too I think. Having the sharpness turned down on the camera also gives, to me, a more pleasant less "processed" look. Kind of like what happens when you over use the clarity slider in PS. A lot of consumer cameras like these tend to do a lot of processing under the hood (things like detail, coring, noise reduction etc). There's also a lot of things that affect sharpness perception and I'm not much one for the hyper sharp 60 FPS look so I like my motion blur at 24 fps please and I think that helps too..I used to to exactly the same thing on 5DMK2's and turn the sharpness all the way down... I've also been working through it on the Blackmagic cameras, none of which have OLPFs and all of which to some degree are fairly prone to moire. Again, it hasn't stopped me form putting many many shots to air, and it rarely bites me in a way that makes something unusable. Usually I can spot it when we're shooting and it's usually rpetty easy to make a small adjustment to avoid it.... I still get bitten though. There are a couple of shots in Curiosity that are bad. Personally, as I said, It has to be pretty obvious for me to find it offensive, but I have a higher threshold than others I think. I know many many DP's hate seeing it at all. I think if it's something you're really averse to seeing, then it's probably not for you. JB
    1 point
  19. Brian Caldwell

    Speed Booster?

    BMPCC-specific Speed Boosters have a magnification of 0.58x, and are only available in Canon-EF, Nikon-F, and Leica-R lens mounts. You could mount Yashica lenses to the Canon-EF BMPCC Speed Booster via a EF-C/Y adapter ring. Another possibility is to use the normal 0.71x m4/3 Speed Booster, which is available in a C/Y mount. However, you lose the extra speed increase and focal length reduction you get with the BMPCC-specific version. Also, the BMPCC version is optimized to work with the non-standard filter thickness of the BMPCC camera, which makes a difference if you are shooting with fast optics (e.g. f/1.4).
    1 point
  20. If you want/need a new camera I couldn't think of a any other camera to get!
    1 point
  21. Clarkson is someone who realised quite early on that you could talk about cars (or maybe cameras, or lenses) for a thousand years and not get the same coverage as the odd 'non PC' remark and so has built a career on this. The downside of this strategy is obvious. Most of us learn in the playground that if you wind people up all the time to get a reaction you get hit eventually. I don't watch Top Gear because it isn't really a car show, the way Masterchef isn't really a food programme or X-factor isn't really a search for new original talent. They are TV shows, edited and stage managed to buggery. I visit EOSHD because it is a proper camera/video and gear site with useful real world opinions about gear I might actually own and use. This particular instance sounds different and more like workplace bullying - there was no food available because the presenters had stayed in the pub for two hours and the hotel chef had gone home by the time they got back - but then I don't really know the facts and neither do you. All I know is that Clarkson has got where he is (for good and bad) by himself and doesn't really merit or need your support.
    1 point
  22. Nope, as I have said, everyone does something that everyone doesn't like. So there would be literally zero communication, because if all tv was gone what next? Get rid of all the people who have once in private said something I don't like from acting in movies. Bang, no movies because we have no actors. Then what, stop them from writing. Bang, no writing ever again. Then ban them from speaking in public and singing. Bang, no-one can use their voice in front of anyone, because literally every human who has ever existed, in their brief, fleeting time on this earth, including your own past self, have said things and done things that you at this instant in time don't like. I think you exist in this "Mr Tumble" type space where everyone is either Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil, with no nuance, no reasons, no expatiation and no grey areas. It must be nice to have such a simplistic, ignorant view of the world, but I wouldn't want to go back to that.
    1 point
  23. Well the one on the left is the EM5 and the GH2 on the right. I only did what I wrote which was not much. Here is the file out of camera for both. I did discover the EM5 is very flat and the GH2 has a lot of contrast in comparison check the tree trunk in the shadows towards the end and than look at it after my changes. You should be able to view it at 1080. http://youtu.be/XUEjQOIHvIU
    1 point
  24. ​Yes, you have - to some people in this world, not using derogatory terms for black people absolutely is "that reprehensible". But to move away from extremes, how do you drive on your way to work? Yesterday I mortally offended a group of cyclists because I dared pull over to use my phone, causing them to have to go in single file past me. He screamed through my window that the "fucking road is empty, why couldn't I take my call while driving like every one else". But when I see people on mobiles while driving, I get angry. So which do you do? Answer your mobile while driving, or pull over safely to answer it? Either way, you're going to piss someone off, to the point of screaming abuse at you through your car window. And yes, I did scream abuse at someone through their car window once as they were on a mobile driving. They had clipped me with their wing mirror. We're all different, what makes you such a special little flower that your sensibilities are the ones we have to adhere to? You're trying to be objective about subjective stuff, and while I admire that on a shallow level, you believe you are trying to make the world a better place, what you are really doing is trying to make the world a better place for you, fuck everyone else. Trust me, your own parents have said and done things you would find disgusting. I promise it's true, and you know what? It's OK. Some people find the idea that white people can say the word "nigger" a problem, some people do not. This is a matter of personal opinion and while you've made yours perfectly clear, you really do seem to be trying desperately to tell others who believe differently that their opinion is wrong. People who tell other people that the opinion their brain has formed based on chemistry and the release of hormones that a person is unable to control or influence in any way what so ever are trying to censor freedom of expression. You're asking them to say things that they do not believe to satisfy your own hormones, which is why this behaviour is so ridiculous. The brain chemistry will not change unless that person changes the nodal link pattern in their neural net. One way that can happen is through saying words that prompt an "epiphany" in a person. (If the epiphany is caused by a fundamentalist who convinced someone that murder is a good thing, we don't call it an ephiphany, we call it brainwashing.) If your words are not doing that, then that is not the targets deficiency, it's your inadequacy. Maybe you can explain what harm a white middle aged man saying the word in a private context, that is not meant to be seen by anyone but his cronies and deleted promptly actually does. Me, I'm saying the person who actually caused the harm was the person who published that white man saying the word to a global audience. You publish it, you take the responsibility, simple as that in my world. Us of all people know how you can edit the same data to tell two wildly different stories. I can never watch any video of anyone and assume that I know anything about that person. I can make judgements as to what the person who published the video wanted me to think, however, which tends to make me ask questions like "Why do you want me to think Clarkson is racist". When people try to control what you think, it's usually down to them trying to use you to get more power, money or make themselves more attractive to a potential partner. By the way, why do Clarksons detractors constantly bring up his personal wealth and reference their own in a negative way, this isn't all rooted in jealousy, is it?
    1 point
  25. That was incredible. Not just how it looked but the writing, music, acting, and so on was just suburb! Visually the cinematography was fantastic!! Love the use of colors and dark contrasted shadows as well. Seriously great job on this.
    1 point
  26. ​Throwing a drunk temper tantrum is not an industry standard nor is it justified.
    1 point
  27. Ditto on the h265 from adobe. I've been hounding them on twitter and they conveniently ignore me every time
    1 point
  28. ​You still have a very problematic relationship with fiction and reality don't you. Being an asshole in character, is different to be an asshole in real life. And being an asshole during some kind of nervous breakdown after filming a very long and tiring TV series is perfectly justified.
    1 point
  29. I've done another test and have come to a conclusion I think. I think the EM5 mk ii settings in the camera are just a beginning and it shows it stuff when tweaked in grading. The odd thing was I did my test and on looking what came out of the camera I considered the GH2 the winner. When I was editing I could see the side by side the EM5 looked better than it was showing. So I tried to simply grade them to make them more similar. After my grade I liked the EM5 better go figure. I think it comes down to a flatter file on the EM5 where the GH2 has more contrast. This all kinds of makes sense because sometimes what came out of the EM5 looked great to me and sometimes not! Same with other peoples videos. As far as the settings on the EM5 mk ii I was using natural -2 contrast +1 sharpness and -1 saturation. As for the GH2 smooth -2 all except saturation -1. Side note the EM5 files was 2,382,642 KB to the GH2 878,028 KB. Both were auto WB and constant focus. Both were set to 1/50th and auto exposure Iso was set to 200 on GH2 and the Em5 did what it thought best so no clue probably 200. I ran them side by side the GH2 using the 14-140 and the Olympus the 12-40 which does give the EM5 a little help. I should also add I zoomed out to about 50 vs the EM5 40 to make up for the crop factor. The very basic grade was for the EM5 -10 satuation -20 brightness 4 contrast WB and a slight hue adj. The GH2 was saturation 5 brightness 19 contrast 7 WB and a slight hue adj. I'm sure someone better versed in grading could get better on both cameras. For me it was to see if they were in the neighborhood and after some tweaking I now do not share Mr Goldbergs opinion at least as far as the GH2 goes. It's by no means perfect and I have big gripes manual control, moire, and crop that being said it is a great stills camera and not to embarrassing as a video camera I now discovered so it works for me I think?? A firmware update with a few tweaks could put it over the top.
    1 point
  30. I find that people who complain about politcal correctness are usually the ones who want free reign to be racist, sexist or derogatory with no repercussions. Whenever I see someone bemoaning our PC world on Facebook, it's usually right after they've been called out for saying something along the lines of 'let's bomb the whole middle east.' If you need to put down others for the sake of 'comedy,' you're probably not a very inventive comedian. You can be still be edgy and controversial without being an asshole.
    1 point
  31. ​Very enlightening to read this from you, the administrator and owner of this site. I completely and wholeheartedly disagree with you. If you don't see the problem with any white person saying that word (yes : WHO says the word DOES matter), then there's very little to say. Even behind closed doors or without a black person in sight. Apparently to you it's OK to say it when there's no fear for the consequences. If Clarkson is the big guy you claim him to be, let him say it for comic effect in Brixton. And see what big guy he really is. You can't use a derogatory term like that like it's nothing and then be surprised people react when you try to laugh it off. This has nothing to do with political correctness, which seems to have become the cluster term to justify all kinds of bigotry.
    1 point
  32. Maybe because we in New Zealand are in a timezone ahead of everyone else, reports have now come in describing the specifics of the Top Gear fracas. For those interested and to end continued speculation please read below: Jeremy Clarkson reportedly lashed out at a Top Gear producer because he could not have a steak at the end of a day of filming - even though his lateness caused their dinner service to be cancelled. The controversial Top Gear motoring show host was suspended on Wednesday after what was described as a "fracas" with a BBC producer. That producer was later revealed to be Oisin Tymon and the Telegraph reported the drama unfolded when Clarkson arrived at the crew's hotel about 10pm and requested some hot food. He reportedly asked Tymon to arrange a sirloin steak with fondant potatoes, pan-fried wild mushrooms, grilled cherry tomatoes and peppercorn sauce. But Tymon told him the kitchen was closed and suggested a platter of cold meats and cheeses instead, which made the presenter very angry. Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson is not one to shy away from trouble, with various comments offending lorry drivers, Americans and races. Witnesses told The Sun that staff knew the show would arrive late so organised cold meat and cheese platters for their arrival. "The chef had already gone home," one witness said. "Clarkson didn't like the idea. He wanted his own way. "The producer was being blamed. Clarkson didn't hit him — but he did use every possible swear word you can imagine. He had to be held back." Another witness also said no punches were thrown and Tymon stood quietly, looking embarrassed. "He was being blamed for not arranging hot food. The general manager ended up cooking for the presenters." Clarkson eventually got his own way, eating an eight ounce steak in his own room. To make matters worse, reports have suggested it was Clarkson's fault the crew had arrived so late at the hotel. Channel 4 reported they were meant to arrive at 8pm but Clarkson had kept them waiting while he sat in a pub drinking. A dinner service had been planned but had to be cancelled as they were two hours late. I must say I tend to agree with James May's assessment that Clarkson does seem a bit of a 'knob'. Counter to most people's assumptions on this thread though, it appears there was no physical altercation, merely verbal. In this case I completely agree with Andrew, this affair should have been dealt with internally by the BBC. It now appears the BBC want to be seen to be 'doing the right thing', pandering to a vocal minority. It would also seem that somebody high-up at the BBC holds a target on Clarkson's back and is looking for any opportunity to 'put him out to pasture'.
    1 point
  33. Geoff CB

    good afordable 1080p?

    ​You can get the Mir 24n and Helios 44 in nikon mount, or you can do an exchange them online with someone willing to switch mount types.
    1 point
  34. ​It's a storm in a yorkshire teacup! It goes without saying bullying and fist fighting are unacceptable. You're absolutely right, if the producer had hit Clarkson he would be dead and buried. Career over. But if the Queen smacks Prince Philip in the mouth if he hasn't cooked he goose properly, you don't throw out the entire royal family. The producer and Clarkson until last week had had a happy working relationship for a decade. James May says he can't remember what happened because he was "blind drunk" as a result of that drink in the pub on an empty stomach. In the 70's and 80's we had professional snooker players swigging beer on TV during the world championship. In the modern professional climate, a hellraiser or firebrand is considered someone who pops outside for a cig break occasionally. The BBC needs its hellraisers like Clarkson. Otherwise blandness will ensue. I'm tempted to say it already has looking at 99% of their presenters. The BBC are indeed between a rock and a hard place politically on this one, they had to act. Agree 100% for them to turn a blind eye to bad behaviour now would be political suicide given the current climate. However you have to give creative license to your hellraisers and some leeway morally, as inevitably they occasionally throw a wobbly or cause a fracas. He's not the pope. He's not an Ambassador for Good Manners. Clarkson's responsibility to us is to entertain us, not morally reinforce our values. He should absolutely 100% apologise to his producer, take him out for a lunch and have a hug in front of the cameras on the next episode as well. It really should be that simple. Otherwise, he will be off to Sky like half the BBC F1 team. Jobs will go. Extreme Facilities supply Top Gear with GH2 / GH4 drones for example and their contract is with the BBC. Sad to kill such a consistently creative and popular show over a bit of bad behaviour. If Clarkson is not bigger than the show, as the BBC claim, then pulling the show because of Clarkson implies the opposite. Also I was really looking forward to the Ferrari vs McLaren vs Audi shootout I'm not even a petrol head. I like the humour. I like the bravado and the journeys. It's a travel adventure and spectacularly filmed in parts. Of course some of the blog post is speculation, none of us are truly a first party to what went on. We get our info through the papers and the internet. Therefore we have to remember that there's a whole section of the left wing political spectrum out to get Clarkson because he's a buddy of Cameron. Most of the earlier Top Gear controversies were hyped in just the same way, in order to damage Clarkson and Cameron's popularity with the public. In some ways, Clarkson actually doesn't deserve the reputation of oaf. In real life I expect he's a caring dad. He's playing it up for the cameras in the same way an actor would play a character. At this rate we'll be hanging Eastenders characters in the street when they murder someone! Occasionally a flippant remark will be attributed to him rather than to the script. Nobody is going to be pitch perfect over a thousand hours of scripted television especially when it's also improvised on top of that. You are going to have a joke go wrong or cross a line or go creatively wrong and it's simply unreasonable for the BBC to have no tolerance and to pander to every person who might be offended because they claim "Clarkson's a racist dickhead". That isn't a sustainable way to run a broadcaster. They had 150,000 complaints over the way a dog was handled on Crufts! A bloody dog show!! Looking at the numbers, you have to say Crufts is cruel and should be taken off the air. At this rate the BBC will have a lot of empty spaces in their schedules....
    1 point
  35. ​There's a big difference between the narrow definition of something and the affects the manifestation of that thinking has upon society. I see it as beginning to mimic what George Orwell wrote about in 1984 regarding acceptable and unacceptable language with what he called 'Newspeak'. Certain words were deemed unacceptable so as to limit freedom of thought. In a similar way today certain 'memes' are considered unacceptable by the 'politically correct' middle classes in their attempts to not offend anybody. To talk of some of the 'memes' is pretty much social and political suicide. For instance mentioning a meme regarding 'victim mentality' and race will get you labelled a 'racist'. Mentioning the meme 'doubting the validity of Anthropogenic Climate Change' will have you labelled a 'denier'. Being identified with anything like that is political suicide for a politician and so they naturally fall in line with what's 'politically correct' because after all they need to be seen as reasonable, fair and caring individuals to win our votes. Thus you have the crazy situation of spending all that money on changing our flag, not for the benefit of the indigenous minority that supposedly this is about, but actually to satisfy the political correctness of the guilt-ridden white majority in order to win votes. If you were to ask Maori I'm sure most would want that money better spent by feeding their children. I hope that makes things a little clearer. Regarding Andrew, how can you say that when he states things such as: "In an effort to be transparent and impartial the BBC and other companies have opened their doors to any life-form on earth who happens to be offended by any-thing. This is creating a culture in the TV and film industry which is anti-creativity and anti-risk but most damagingly it’s anti-personality." and "Giving people something to laugh at and bringing some fun onto the screen is where Top Gear’s remit should end, but management everywhere now have ideas way beyond their station. Apparently, if you’re making a magazine show about high performance cars, you have to cure global warming too. If you run a sport called Formula One for 40 years, suddenly you need to put eco friendly engines in the cars. If you produce a long-running comedy panel show or quiz, now you need to equally balance the number of male and female guests in every episode to reflect society itself. If you produce a program about politics you need to give as much air time to racist skinhead candidates as you do to the prime minster. It’s all for the sake of ‘balance’ and ‘impartiality’ and ‘curing society of all its ills’. Strangely, I thought it was just entertainment. It seems middle-management pursue a moral crusade and a message in every single piece of content in our homes. I am sick of it."
    1 point
  36. I'll make a specific post regarding the Top Gear incident. Like others I can understand the need to suspend Clarkson if he's actually punched a Producer. Having said this though I can find no news report stating a punch up, they state a fracas which may have been just verbal. What I do not understand though are the incidents leading up to this sad state of affairs - the bad comments, racial slurs etc. In these circumstances one must surely question the good taste and competency of the Producer and Director involved because these shows are highly scripted and set up with multiple takes. If Clarkson said something offensive why didn't the Producer or Director call him up on this in the field and do another take leaving out the offensive words. Even if this wasn't picked up in the field, why was it left in the edit that was broadcast - one can always cut around such things and as a last resort even completely remove the offending piece. Clarkson himself stated with the 'eeny meeny miny moe' piece there were other takes without the 'n' word and he emailed the Producer asking them to swap it out. This all sounds to me like a bit of a stitch up with a Producer trying to make an edgy controversial show. Perhaps some of the source of friction between Clarkson and him?
    1 point
  37. ​ ‘Political correctness’ can be very bad especially if it flies in the face of common sense. To give you an example, I live in New Zealand which like many western nations is suffering from ‘nanny state’ malaise. I recently read an article about a Northland school that decided to ignore the ‘politically correct’ compliance laws regarding child playground safety because they simply couldn’t afford it anymore. This became an interesting social experiment. The children were allowed to play in the type of school playground that used to exist when I was at school, without extreme safety padding and measures, and without constant adult supervision. They were allowed to explore and make mistakes, challenge one another and sort out their own social hierarchy. Sure it produced a few more scraped knees and bruises but what was interesting was that bullying became almost nonexistent (before they had a very high incidence of bullying). What is more, vandalism at the school dramatically dropped, students became far more engaged and academic achievement skyrocketed! Having said all this, I’ve been amazed by many of the children in Indonesia while on film shoots there. They are like 'mini-me' adults. They do chores, wield knives, hunt, haggle, take responsibility and enter conversations with adults much like an equal (many of the things we wouldn’t allow our children to do in the west because we’d consider them incapable and some of the tasks too dangerous). They do all this because it’s expected of them since they could walk. No wrapping in cotton wool like many of our children, yet they grow up to be socially well adjusted adults. Also in the name of political correctness my country will be spending billions to change our flag (removing the Union Jack so as not to acknowledge our colonial past) and changing all the mapping so that the North and South Islands are named by both their English and their Maori names - the North Island being ‘Te Ika-a-Māui’ and the South Island being ‘Te Waipounamu’. This is at a time when the aforementioned school has between 60-70% of primary kids being sent to school without breakfast and the school having to provide food for hungry children. This is what I mean by political correctness flying in the face of common sense. In the case of the renaming, while they are lovely names, they are expected to be in common use and used interchangeably with the English. What a source of confusion! How many of you overseas people would understand if you asked me where I was from and I told you “I’m from Te Waipounamu, in Aoteoroa”? Imagine the potential confusion in the postal service, especially with letters or parcels from the US! We’ve already had Americans arrive in Auckland from LA thinking they were on a domestic flight to Oakland! “Goddamn, I never realised it was such a long flight to Oakland! And haven’t our domestic airlines really gone to the dogs, employing so many illegal immigrants with such goddamn strange accents!”
    1 point
  38. ​By minorities Andrew isn't meaning racial minorities, he's talking about minority opinions - at least that's the way I took it.
    1 point
  39. ​Because as I said in my first post, I have worked with him. When I worked with him, he was pleasant. He was hard working. These are things I know. I also know that the character he plays on top gear is fictional, he is not that person, he is acting, in the same way that Brad Pit is not Tyler Durden.
    1 point
  40. ​John, I promise I will try for sure and do my best. The Moeller headquarter is as I mentioned on my usual cycling route but I am cycling right now (only indoors). But as soon as it gets warmer I'll have a visit. Or maybe I try it by phone first to make an appointment I am looking very forward for the tests of the rectilux and hopefully owning one togehter with my Moellers. If I had more cash I would have ordered one already but unfortunately I have spent too much on my hobbies.
    1 point
  41. hey guys i have my beautiful DSO and i love the brand, and its unique style lenses. i also love the fact that the lens is made by people that love the art themselves and not by some big corp. i used it in weddings i used it to take pics of my family both for photography and video. very distinct style. if i had money i would buy one of each tint and style.
    1 point
  42. Yea, quality work there all round. Shows that script, acting, good lighting, camera movement and sound design are far more important than the next big camera spec that we all need.
    1 point
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