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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2015 in all areas

  1. Well that took a bloody long time! But I've just this minute completed my new reel and site. It's not "announced" until Monday.... social media campaigns etc blah blah. But it's live! Check them here: View my new showreel and website! Some info Each and every image - I shot, lit, edited, graded. A little directing. Very involved in creative ideas. Core crew was mostly 4-5 regular people in these productions (Director, DOP, Production Manager, Spark, Make Up Artist). For the geeks - cameras used are Sony F55, FS7, FS700, RED Epic, GH3, BM Pocket. All images are music videos, but going for commercial/corporate work aggressively into the next year. (and still many music videos). The aim is to have 100% new material for Showreel 2016. Max creativity required. Anyway, if you like it or don't like it, whatever. Just thought I'd share.
    2 points
  2. yup, you can find them all day long at about two thousand dollars secondhand, and if you hunt hard it isn't impossible to get it even cheaper. That would be me you're referring to :-) And yes mine does come with 444!! But even so, I think you're over stating this point. As I think most people like myself who are buying it up now in 2015 on the ultra cheap, are not going to pair it with an ultra expensive 444 recorder but will instead use it with an affordable 10 bit 422 recorder. (Although, this is changing and improving too! As now the PIX-E5 offers a very affordable option for 444 recording) So keep an eye out for if a camera comes with 444 or not, but in the end I think what matters more is getting a good bargain on its price. I'd still buy one again even if it didn't have 444 as the price is great. Don't think you can reasonably compare an FS100 over an F3 (unless you *really want* that lighter weight, or the E mount). No NDs, no s-log, no SDI, no 10 bit, and the list goes on. These are serious commissions vs an F3. However, if you can pick one up cheap enough..... I wouldn't say now. Would have to be somewhere well south of a thousand dollars however before I'd consider a Sony FS100, otherwise it simply doesn't offer enough value vs an F3. Quite pleased in how it is in low light, I shot a music video a couple of weeks ago with the F3 and 2x Sony A7s alongside it, in a cave lit by nothing but the flaming torch in the ogre's hand. When I can, I'll post it here and see if people can identify which shots are A7s vs F3 ;-)
    2 points
  3. Very nice Aaron. And thanks for your support with the purchase. Nice that people are experimenting with different in-camera profiles before taking it to the EOSHD LOG Converter. Curious to see the results of that as well!
    2 points
  4. I didn't have any Cine V footage at hand, but here is Portrait > EOSHD LOG converter > Kodak Elite Chrome LOG LUT
    2 points
  5. Quick Test of the Rode Stereo Videomic X. Make sure to use headphones or good speakers. The unboxing is about a minute long if you want to jump ahead. (excuse the "grade", didn't have time so I just slapped some Osiris on it)
    2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. Rich, sorry to keep pestering you...did you use anything else from the front assembly? The part I outlined above sort of looks like the part from your photo below that I've highlighted. Or is that the rubber o-ring you used: I'm trying to determine what I need for securing the element to the helicoid because there is a lot of open space. Also, by your pictures it looks like you used something like electrician's tape for securing the helicoid to the anamorphic section. Is that correct?
    1 point
  8. Heating it up did the trick.
    1 point
  9. Been in this situation quite a few times. Generally it's not going to be Branson who decides. Thanks. As said, the whole thing is going through tests. We'll work it out. Currently it's inly accessible on the site through Vimeo until tomorrow. Thanks Andrew - "one of Manchesters finest"... That's quite a statement! I'll just keep going and hope more people enjoy my work.
    1 point
  10. Great job One of Manchester's finest
    1 point
  11. Hi Guys, I have tested the LUTs and I think they are great and I will definitely be using this for an upcoming travel shoot. I recently shot with the 1dc and GH4 as B cam for an interview and even though at the time (a few weeks ago) I was using a different profile setup I just tried throwing the input and output LUTs on to it to see what would happen and it was great. Surprised how close it came to the 1dc. Just a few minor tweaks and they intercut amazingly well. I tried the EOSHD recommended profile setup as well as the Naomkroll LUT and also a third variation where I changed the EOSHD recommended from Cine V to Cine D keeping everything the same. I felt the Cine D variation had more detail in the shadows although it was a lot noisier than the recommended profile which was silky smooth in my blacks. But after I ran NeatVideo the noise was gone and the picture had a bit more detail in the blacks which I prefer. This is all just my opinion. Be interesting to hear how other people are getting on. Now I want to try it with Supertone profile setup, I wonder how that will work out.
    1 point
  12. It's probably mainly the theme itself, nothing much you can do about that, depends on how it's coded. The ajax-heavy stuff is oftentimes problematic.
    1 point
  13. When I get the funds this will be my new A-camera, and a6000 will be the B-cam. Thanks for the feedback everybody
    1 point
  14. My RX10 II's are from DigitalRev and they are fine. Took one out for a quick spin as needed some pick up shots for a simple narrative in a music video. First Impressions: Good Stuff - A lot of fun to shoot with! - Steady in the hand, even at 200mm. - Easy to use and change settings quickly. - Lens is the best feature! - Slo mo is great upto 240fps. - Amazing "shot-getter", could be used as an A-cam on low budget stuff. - Not too difficult to get some nice shallow shots. - Very compact. - Motion cadence is better than expected. - Stills are good enough. Areas to Improve - Peaking and zebras seem to need a bit of firmware tweaking for accuracy. - Zoom is slow when recording. And noisy. - Screen is very flimsy, needs looking after! - 2 seconds is not long enough for 240fps. - Video thumbnails are pixelated in preview mode. - Menu button placement is awkward. - Should be able to use shutter button as record. (come on Sony!!) - Battery life is terrible. (Sony should do better here!!!) - No MLUT for Slog2 (judging light is hard in this mode without MLUT). - Not good in low light. - Difficult to seperate subject from background on mid-shots. (cant have it all). - Can look sterile in 4k out the box (incredibly sharp!) For the money.... it's a fantastic litttle camera.
    1 point
  15. looks great! took forever to load tho
    1 point
  16. The bmpc and bmpcc are native iso 800. Unlike a stills camera, when you change the iso the sensor does not change its analogue gain. Instead, they apply a pre compression digital boost or pull. Indeed, when you record raw the iso changes nothing but metadata. So by shooting at 200 iso you are loosing 2 stops of highlight clipping lattitude over middle grey. If you are clipped at 800 you will still be clipped at 200. You need to lower the physical exposure to solve the clipping.
    1 point
  17. the retainer ring is unlikely to have been threadlocked. its more that it will have been tightened a little too much. be more vicious with the tapping of the outer rim. the element is a singlet so there is no balsam to sheer - or be damaged by heat/acetone applied to the lock ring to break any possible threadlock down. you will definitely need to put some serious force onto the ring for it to unscrew. lock the lens opening tool so it cant close down and slip, and put some serious force onto it if required. it'll come away with enough force, wear some rubber gloves so you have some good grip on the housing and the tool.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. The difference: The in-camera picture profile is extremely basic and not designed to deliver results compatible with professional colour grading methods. It has a few sliders - contrast, saturation, tone, that is about it. Resolve it isn't!! A LUT applied to the image in post is much more advanced than the Photo Style. This is a 3D matrix of a huge amount of numbers. Look at the complexity of DaVinci Resolve's entire user interface and compact it into a LUT file. As Hene1 pointed out above, the Rec.709 image out of the GH4 is not LOG and needs to be made compatible with this 3D LUT for you to benefit from that kind of control over colour and mood. If you dial contrast all the way down and try to make it too flat in-camera it looks terrible. Contrast -5 is a big no-no because it kills tonality, skin tones and colour. It is better to use the optimised EOSHD Cinema settings for this and keep as much colour information as possible, then the LOG conversion uses a very sophisticated 3D LUT to convert the file into a gamma curve and overall Canon-LOG style profile that is compatible with the final Output LUT. The final output LUT is whatever you want it to be. It could be one of James Miller's excellent DELUTS for example, or you can use the beautiful 1D C LUT which I included with the download. That really does wonders for warmer skin, healthier looking actors, no more weird yellow casts, and highlights look more cinematic, colours have more impact, it overall looks more stylistic than without. It sounds complicated but in practice it is easy, as the guide that comes with the files will show you. Aside from the advantage of basically being able to choose your "Photo Style" in post (rather than being stuck with the crappy ones in-camera) from a range of thousands and share your own "styles" online, you really are getting a drastically more cinematic image out of the camera by using this workflow.
    1 point
  20. sunyata

    Blue Color Clipping

    Yea, I tried to help Kristopher with this issue, but the problem was basically unrecoverable. I did make him a LUT though, which just turned the blue spot down to look less saturated while trying not to affect skin tones. Others have suggested avoiding the problem by shooting white balance higher than 5000k and turning PP off. Assuming you were also using SGamut, my best guess is that your problem lies there, specifically it being too wide in the blue corner when scaling into sRGB, and with a lot of blue LED light in your signal -- see image below -- If you look at the problem with a scope, it's not actually clipping blue, it's red and green that are dropping to zero past a certain threshold; blue still has data. That makes sense if you consider how wide SGamut is in B. I also suspect it's the reason people are having other color problems shooting log with the A7s. Another more analog solution could be to use a blue blocker (orange) filter to avoid triggering or overrunning the threshold and then color correcting for the orange in post.
    1 point
  21. agolex

    RX10 II Dynamic Range

    Thank me again when your house is on fire and your kids and wife (if there are any) dead! Charger really makes sense, charging in camera sucks.
    1 point
  22. Hello all, Finally sony replied about recording limit. its 29min in 4K. Web site was mistake. I got mine delivered yesterday. with 29min recording..
    1 point
  23. Thanks Aaron, but I just had a thought (like in Batman when he used to say "Robin that plan might just work"): I could get the weather sealed, longer battery, more video controls and future V Log in the behemoth GH4 and get it with the cheap kit lens: 14-42 F3.5-5.6 MKII for a very similar price to the G7 with the 12-35. I know you are supposed to favor glass but it doesn't sound like a terrible lens, for now. At least I will have the proper camera and can upgrade to the 12-35 when I can? GH4 with cheap kit lens (14-42) or G7 with better lens (12-35)? edit: Case closed. I went for the 14-45 which was better reviewed than the 14-42 and the GH f-king 4. Got a G1 in the mix too, no idea if that is any good but it was free with the lens. What a relief, the search is over
    1 point
  24. And now the cheapest from ebay is $1525.
    1 point
  25. I'm hoping for a precipitous fall for f5 prices soon.
    1 point
  26. For 800 dollar its a very very good deal, i edit nex 7 AVCHD on my macbook air with 4gb ram with no problems.
    1 point
  27. So much choices it's crazy f3 for peanuts, bmcc 2.5k is sub $1000, C100 sub $2000 and still everything is dropping. In Sweden a c100 is cheaper than a 5dmkiii. A few years ago it was what, 4 5Diii on one C100?... Crazy I say
    1 point
  28. There is one for $1500 (current bid, ends tomorrow) over at ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sony-PMW-F3L-Super-35mm-XDCAM-EX-Full-HD-Compact-Camcorder-/111737756631?hash=item1a0416dbd7
    1 point
  29. I think I would rather shoot HD
    1 point
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