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Dave Maze

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Posts posted by Dave Maze

  1. I just shot all day with the C200 and man is it a joy to use. I feel like it's the combination of several years of R&D and they really nailed it with the UI and form factor. The AF stuff in it is fabulous and the image is ridiculously clean when viewing on a 5K imac. 

    All that is going to be tough for Panasonic to compete with. Especially since this is a first gen camera. 

  2. Hate to self promote... but I just started vlogging and am also starting a review channel called Kinotika. 



    kinotika reached out to me to be their personality and this partnership has been in the works for a few months. They are buying gear for me to review and will be sending me out to camera events. I've been really excited about it! I'm wanting the channel to be like a version of how DigitalRevTV was. We're putting out new videos twice a week. This week I'll be reviewing the new Canon SL2

  3. 1 hour ago, DBounce said:

    So if it's such a great camera why is it not worth the asking price?

    For the stuff I do, there isn't a ton of return on an investment that high. A bride and groom don't give a crap about the resolution or whatever. YouTube content doesn't need to be perfect either. It's a luxury camera for sure for what I do. I think a C100 mk3 would suit my price range and needs better. Or a 90D with 4k .MP4 or something. With the release of the XF400 I'm hopeful that the same chip in that will carry on to C100 mk3 and potentially a 90D or something. Gonna hold out. In the mean time... I'll continue to rent the C200

  4. Been shooting all day today with the C200 and I love it!!! The ergonomics of it are fantastic handheld and with the SmallHD Focus monitor you can vlog with it! :)

    nice small files in 4k 60fps







    Also, I'm in love with the manual focus aid! Uses dual pixel af to confirm your focus. When it goes green, you're in.



    This camera stripped down like this feels about as light as my 1DC. Maybe lighter once you rig it up with evf and cage and stuff. 


    Is the C200 worth $7500? Nope. 

  5. I posted this on a new thread but I didn't see this one so I'll post this here and delete the one I made:

    Even after the iPhone X launch....this actually excites me more. (Sad I know...) Only because this camera seems to be exactly what I have been looking for as my daily workhorse. 

    Everything I'm about to say only excites me as a"Youtuber"....not a "cinematographer".

    All three of these cameras tick the boxes of what I personally have been searching for for my YouTube content. I'm shooting and editing three vlogs a week now, along with two camera reviews/ tutorials a week for a company called Kinotika. The XF500 in particular seems to be the one for me as it has an XLR input, perfect for my camera reviews in the studio. 

    I have been needing a camera that has all of these attributes:

    1. Great color and out of camera image. 

    2. Exceptional autofocus and tracking.

    3. A flip out screen. (preferably touch screen)

    4. Good audio preamps.

    5. Built in ND's.

    6. 4K at 60fps that is nice and compressed. (for quick turn arounds...i.e. my 1DC MJPEG is a pain in the butt!)

    7. Video features like peaking and waveforms.

    8. Small and light weight.

    9. Large sensor size. (1" being the minimum)

    The XF505, XF500, and GX10 tick EVERY BOX! To respond to the above list in order:

    1. Canon color science...and what's better for out of camera color than wide DR! Gives you enough range to grade off of, but not totally flat so you can use as is if you want.

    2. Canon dual pixel AF! Not only that...but the same implementation from C200. 

    3. Yup. Its a flip out touch screen.

    4. XLR inputs!

    5. 2,4,6 stop built in electronic ND filters!

    6. 4k at 60fps

    7. All the video stuff we love from actual video cameras are there.

    8. Its less than 3lbs!

    9. 1" sensor with f2.8 lens on the wide end! Not bad!!!


    I will still have my 1DC as my "cinema" camera.

    BUT these XF and GX cameras will be PERFECT for vlogging and camera reviews on YouTube. I can see Casey Neistat switching to this...as his YouTube banner shows him using an older similar XA model of this camera from several years ago. 

    They even make some really nice wireless controllers for the camera and they have wifi so I can sit at my desk with my iPad and control all the settings. 

    I will personally buy the XF-400 first, see how I like it..and if I need a second for another angle, buy the GX-10

    This will also be a killer camcorder to film my son's home video with. 

    Also, it'll be fun using a zoom rocker for creativity again. I imagine the lens is par focal too which is a huge plus.

    Also, with the wide angle adapter I can get the lens to 16mm...which is perfect for vlogs.


    Screen Shot 2017-09-12 at 5.56.02 PM.png

  6. I love love love love love my 1DC and will never give it up. Im thankful that it tanked so that I could afford to buy one used for $3999 last year! I have put the camera through the ringer over this last year and it really is a tank and the images off of it are some of the best I have ever seen. ONLY thing that bothers me is that pesky MJPEG codec that I have to convert to ProRes everytime I use it..

  7. Does anyone know if a modified Canon 17-55 IS 2.8 would work in 4k mode on a 1DC? I would imagine a little bit of vignetting but just wondering if it would work. 

  8. On 9/2/2017 at 11:13 AM, mercer said:

    Please post it here if you do. It would be interesting to see how your vision of the video affects the tone of the piece. 

    Btw, did you get a chance to man the camera, or work with the files at all? Would love to hear what shooting with an Alexa is like.

    Also OT: have you done any creative work with the 80D? Little by little my Canon lens collection is growing and I have almost pressed Buy it Now a couple times, but I haven't seen enough creative work done with one to justify it yet. As an events workhorse camera, it's a no brainer for the price, though. 

    I haven't done any big pieces with my 80D yet. Just YT stuff. I use it all the time to shoot weddings though. Kold did a review of the 80D and made it look great. Check it out. 


  9. 10 hours ago, Ed_David said:

    I have always found this thread to be really important in deciding on using certain cameras inside vehicles, with fast motion:


    Thanks to Samuel

    Going to post text as well, in case dvx100's forum goes under:

    RX100 V 250 fps ---- 3.8 ms (3.8-3.8)
    BM 4.6K (2K crop)--- 6.3 ms (official)
    1DX II 1080p 60&120- 6.7 ms (6.6-6.7)
    NX1 1080p ---------- 7.9 ms (7.7-8.0-8.1-7.8)
    NX500 2.5k --------- 8.6 ms (8.2-8.8-8.9)
    a99 II 1080p ------- 8.7 ms (8.8-8.7)
    BM MicroStudio 4K--- 9.9 ms (official)
    a7r II 1080p S35--- 10.5 ms (11.0-10.0)
    a7r II 1080p FF---- 10.8 ms (11.0-10.5)
    1DX II 1080p 24 --- 11.1 ms (11.1-11.2)
    a6000 1080p24&30--- 12.2 ms (13.9-11.1-11.5)
    BM 4.6K (4K crop)-- 12.6 ms (official)
    BMMCC ------------- 13.3 ms (official) my measurement was 13.4 ms (13.7-13.5-12.9)
    GH4 1080p --------- 13.7 ms (13.7-13.5-13.1-14.0-13.9-13.5-13.5-13.9)
    RX100 V 1080p ----- 13.9 ms (14.4-14.0---14.2-13.1) (first 2 with stabilization, last 2 without)
    D750 -------------- 14.5 ms (14.6-14.1-14.6-14.8)
    1DX II 4k 24&60 --- 14.7 ms (14.6-14.9-14.9-14.6)
    RX10 -------------- 14.8 ms (14.5-14.8-15.0)
    GH5 --------------- 15.0 ms (official, preproduction)
    BM 4.6K ----------- 15.2 ms (official) my measurement was 16.3 ms (16.3-15.9-16.8)
    a6300 1080p24 ----- 15.2 ms (15.8-14.6)
    GX85 1080p -------- 15.4 ms (13.8-16.7-15.7)
    GH3 --------------- 15.5 ms (15.4-15.7-15.4)
    G7 1080p ---------- 16.9 ms (17.5-16.3)
    XT2 1080p --------- 16.9 ms (16.9-16.0-17.4-17.3)
    RX100 IV 1080p ---- 16.9 ms (16.5-17.3) (without stabilization it's slightly faster: 16.1)
    RX100 V 4k -------- 17.5 ms (18.1-16.3-17.7---17.7-16.9-18.5) (first 3 with stabilization, last 3 without)
    BMPCC ------------- 17.7 ms (official) my measurement was 17.8 ms (17.7-17.7-20.0-20.0)
    a7s APS-C 1080p --- 19.5 ms (20.3-18.4-19.5-19.5)
    a7R II 4K FF ------ 19.9 ms (19.3-19.6-19.4-21.2)
    5D3 --------------- 20.5 ms (20.7-20.5-20.4)
    D5200 ------------- 22.4 ms (22.5-22.1-22.6)
    GH4 4K/UHD -------- 22.0 ms (official) my measurement was 22.5 ms(23.2-22.3-22.7-22.7-22.4-21.8-22.4-22.8-22.6)
    a99 II 4k --------- 23.4 ms (23.3-23.5)
    BMC --------------- 23.6 ms (official) my measurement was 25.0 ms (26.7-24.8-23.5)
    5D2 --------------- 25.9 ms (25.5-26.4-25.8)
    5Dsr -------------- 27.7 ms (27.5-27.9-27.6)
    G7 4k ------------- 28.1 ms (27.8-28.5)
    GX85 4k ----------- 28.9 ms (30.2-29.0-28.8-27.5)
    NEX-5N ------------ 29.4 ms (28.8-29.6-28.9-29.8-29.8-29.1-29.7)
    a7s II FF 1080p --- 30.3 ms (29.5-31.2)
    a7s II FF 4K ------ 30.4 ms (30.2-30.6)
    a7s FF 1080p ------ 30.5 ms (30.1-32.0-30.5-30.3-29.2-30.9)
    XT2 4k ------------ 30.7 ms (30.5-30.7-31.2-31.2-30.8-29.9)
    NX1 4K ------------ 30.9 ms (30.6-31.6-31.4-30.7-30.2)
    NX1 UHD ----------- 32.6 ms (32.9-32.0-32.9-32.5)
    a7R II 4K S35 ----- 33.3 ms (35.6-32.2-32.8-35.3-32.6-31.1)
    RX100 IV 4K ------- 36.6 ms (36.4-36.7) (without stabilization it's slightly faster: 35.7)
    a6300 4K 24fps ---- 39.0 ms (39.2-38.9)


    Film --------------- 5 ms? (here)
    Scarlet ----------- 14 ms
    F65 --------------- 14 ms
    AF100 ------------- 14.85 ms
    FS100 ------------- 15 ms
    FS7 --------------- 15 ms (here)
    C300 -------------- 16 ms
    Red One MX -------- 16.6 ms
    7D ---------------- 21 ms
    5D MKII ----------- 25 ms
    GH1 --------------- 25 ms
    D90 --------------- 33 ms


    I am curious to see how the sony a9, a99, and canon 1dx ii stack up against each other in rolling shutter.

    I get asked a lot to do crash cameras in cars - and in the past, I have used the a7s ii in 1080p mode.  But these guys now seem like a better option to prevent jello.

    Same Ed...I have that forum post bookmarked and check it regularly! Thanks for sharing here..

  10. 2 hours ago, mercer said:

    Nice work, Dave! Loved the choice of focus points in the shots... great blend of craft and storytelling. Why 4:3 though?


    I directed this but didn't have much say in the edit and post. If I were fully involved in that process I would have done either just 16:9 or 2.35:1.

    Also, the color grade...not a huge fan. Would have made the intro shots more moody and dark. 

    Just my thoughts. Wish I had more involvement, but dealing with the artist, label, and producer wasn't easy and they kinda took over the project after the shoot day. 

    I may put together a "directors cut" and post that on Vimeo with the changes I mentioned. 

  11. Music video I directed just went live! Shot on Arri Alexa Mini with Cooke S4/i glass and it was a pleasure to use! I'm always taken by the Alexa image every time I work with it. Wish I could afford to use one every time I shoot! 


    directed by Dave Altizer

    produced by Jarad Clement 

    director of photography Chris Adams

    edited and color graded by Jarad Clement 


    here are some BTS shots 




  12. 1 hour ago, EthanAlexander said:

    I'd like to add to the great points everyone's made:

    I've learned a ton from forums and youtube videos, (and it's quite a privilege for us to live in a world where all this info is available so readily) BUT, none of that knowledge has been a replacement for the MISTAKES I've made and what I've learned from them. 

    Working through the issues that arise on set even on one day's shoot is worth 100 hours of online information, I'd say. This includes dealing with technical problems, working around location limitations, dealing with difficult talent or coworkers, leadership qualities, etc. 

    Also, and I have no reason for this other than personal experience and going with my gut, I've found that taking some time to do other creative things like playing guitar actually help tremendously with my main craft.

    Looking at your avatar pic while reading what you wrote makes it even better.

  13. Absolutely. Hard work is the secret sauce.

    I personally believe that all humans are "creative". Its just in our nature.

    Some of us have been able to tap into that and have worked hard at making that their career. 


    "Career" is man made. The 9-5 "job" is a recent innovation. Man kind has been creative and scrappy their entire existence to survive and to entertain. 

    What a fascinating species we are :)

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