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Dave Maze

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Posts posted by Dave Maze

  1. I didn’t realize Resolve had a pixel fixer! Cool! 


    I edit in FCPX and it doesn’t like MJPEG. Plus ProRes LT is slightly smaller file size so I don’t mind it. I like converting to ProRes LT because when I hand off files to people I work with, they all seem to really like how it looks and plays back. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Dogtown said:

    Dave, and Olly, You both bought your Canon 1DC used, have either of you had any noticeable pixel issues at any ISO? the only thing that ever put me off the 1DC was some of the nightmares some owners had with pixel problems and repair of them as the 1DC doesn't have a way to remove those pixels when they show up. Just would be such a pain to spend close to $3k and have this problem come up. It sure does put out a lovely image.

    I had a pixel issue but then it went away. 

  3. Edit Ready 2.0 is best. I’ve also just imported MJPG footage straight into FCPX and turned on “convert to proxy” and just edit using proxy files. But still my computer gets jumpy doing that when I switch back to “original” codec. 

  4. I have had mine for over a year now, and rented it back when it first came out for a documentary in haiti. I had to get insurance because it was so expensive at the time. Crazy how things change. 

    I think there is a lot to talk about with it. The Super35 mode is great for when you just need quick and easy, and the 4k on it is better than any of the other 4k dslrs from canon. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, Mattias Burling said:

    Any source showing how the GH5 is cutting into others?

    Nothing in print, but at NAB this year I spoke directly with a Panasonic rep who gave me some juicy stuff.

    I recall him saying this to me: “Most years when all of the reps bump into eachother on the airplane or at the airport the Canon and Nikon guys act as if they are the elite and look down on us (Panasonic reps). This year (2017) is the first year that they told me that we along with Sony are eating their lunch when it comes to video and mirrorless and Canon corporate has taken notice.”

    Also, I remember when I was at NAB was when Casey Neistat announced that he was shooting his vlogs on the GH5. The Panasonic rep told me that the amazon orders went up 20% within those 24hrs when Casey announced that.

  6. @Ollywood88 yes. I use edit ready 2.0 to transcode everything to ProRes LT. For fancy projects I do just standard 422. I edit on a base model MacBook Pro 13” so I usually start the transcode at night and wake up with it finished. 

    @Ty Harper I used to shoot 5d3 raw but it’s been several years so I don’t think I can speak to it. You’d want to I guess go from BMD film to Canon Log LUT or something in resolve. That’s what I would try. Or just use film convert. I’ll make some extensive 1DC reviews for you guys. It’ll be fun. 

  7. Soooo here’s my experience. I actually own the gratical but I don’t like using it with the 1DC. I bought a loop for the screen and it’s SO much better. You can have a rode mic on screen and the way you hold the camera along with holding the lens for focus. 


    So I recommend the focus monitor, and the Zacuto Z Finder type of thing. I bought a cheap off brand one and it works well. 

    Side note, I haven’t seen anyone really talk about this camera much recently. It was a forgotten camera really. Much like the Digital Bolex. Would you or anyone else on this forum like to see a thorough 1DC review/ tutorial? 

  8. 15 hours ago, jonpais said:

    You edit with FCP, don’t you? Up until recently I was editing using a 4 year-old iMac and never had it ‘choke’ on 4K footage. At the moment, wifi is as slow as it’s ever been here in Vietnam, and it still only took 35 minutes to upload a 2.5GB file to YT. 

    Depends on codec. Same here. I used a MacBook Air for over a year and FCPX worked great on it with 4k from compressed footage. My 1DC footage was not good. But gh4/ GH5 8 bit handles great

  9. I mean if we are saying “one camera to rule them all forever” cmon guys... Arri Alexa!? Duhhhhh ?

    its been the one camera to rule them all for the last 8 years and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere even in this 4k world we live in. Crazy ness. 

    But I guess if the question is, which camera THAT YOU CAN AFFORD would I pick... I guess I’d go with Digital Bolex :))))

  10. I was director and DP for a small budget commercial shoot yesterday and I chose the Digital Bolex as my camera of choice over the 1DC sitting in my bag. 

    I put it on the MoVI M5 for the first time and it was a ton of fun having a sexy global shutter while getting gimbal shots! 

    I honestly believe that if you light for it, the D16 creates some of the most stunning, rich colored footage I’ve ever seen. 

    I had the option to rent a full RED Dragon kit, but I CHOSE Bolex with MFT mount. Shot using the rokinon 12mm MFT lens on the gimbal to keep the weight down, and the rest shot on old Super 16 Zeiss Super Speeds PL’s. The 9mm and 25mm were my favorites. 

    I’m excited to put the edit together and show you what I got. All I can say after shooting with it all day yesterday is, it’s still a relevant camera for 2017 and creates stunning images that are truly unique. 







  11. With iOS 11 Apple opened up the dual camera depth data API to developers. I’ve been using the built in portrait mode on my iPhone 7 Plus for a while now and love it. 

    However, today I downloaded a new app that takes full advantage of the depth sensing technology and it’s blowing my mind!! 

    The app is called Anamorphic and it was $2.99 and it may be the best app I’ve ever purchased. The app allows you to take an image, and then adjust where you want the blur to happen in 3D space. You can then feather the blur in the same way you would feather a Luma Key, but it feathers it in Z space. It then applies the most realistic and gorgeous anamorphic bokeh and aberration. Export it out and put VSCO Cam on it and it looks like you took an image with a film camera with a T1.4 vintage Cooke anamorphic lens on it!!!

    Just testing this app out today has made me giddy and it really feels like magic when you use it. I’m so excited to experiment more with this and even more excited about getting an iPhone X with the faster telephoto lens and OIS! 

    This excites me about the future of cinematography. It’s going to be computational! Imagine shooting on a $100,000 cinema lens that has been profiled that you can simulate in post. Lytro is working on it on the high end, but the fact that my tiny cheap iPhone can do it blows my mind  

    Below you’ll see the normal image that was taken and then the “Anamorphic” with VSCO one. 

    Download the app here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/anamorphic/id1247287369?mt=8

    I would love for this thread to become a place where we all can share our shots taken with computational photography methods if the admins allow it. If you have an iPhone 7 Plus or 8 now, get the anamorphic app and start shooting!!





  12. 16 hours ago, Cinegain said:

    @DaveAltizer Uh, prolly '200D' like '550D' rather than 'D200' (Nikon-style), no? And is that how you pronounce the show's name? It sounds a little funky compared to traditional '-tica' words: https://findwords.info/ends/tica (I figured at first it would be 'Key-not-teak-ka', like 'kinetic' and 'electronica' not like 'key-noo-tea-ka'; might just be me tho, lol).

    - neways, otherwise, good luck with the new gig! :D You're a cool host. Still doesn't get me excited for a DSLR like that tho.

    -- it's interesting to see that quite a few vloggers opt for the quality, stability and reliability over the convenience over dualpixel AF and/or 'pretty straight out of camera Canon colors'... although, too little convenience is another roadblock... like getting a RED EPIC-Weapon and in the end finding it too much hassle to shoot with...


    Yes! So sorry. Typo there with 200D. My bad. 

    Absolutley. With vlogs the key is speed. And shooting baked in at 1080p is more than enough. I don’t want my computer to choke as I use the footage. 

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