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ade towell

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  1. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from Jimbo in What REALLY prompted Canon suddenly to get their act together with video?   
    Colour is subjective (I actually prefer Panasonic colour science since EVA, S1 etc), the rest of these you're just guessing, IBIS and DR of the S1, SH1 are going to be hard to beat.
    Hope you're right as progress benefits all of us but your Canon love in and trashing of the BM Pocket is a little OTT
  2. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from IronFilm in What REALLY prompted Canon suddenly to get their act together with video?   
    Colour is subjective (I actually prefer Panasonic colour science since EVA, S1 etc), the rest of these you're just guessing, IBIS and DR of the S1, SH1 are going to be hard to beat.
    Hope you're right as progress benefits all of us but your Canon love in and trashing of the BM Pocket is a little OTT
  3. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from Mako Sports in What REALLY prompted Canon suddenly to get their act together with video?   
    Colour is subjective (I actually prefer Panasonic colour science since EVA, S1 etc), the rest of these you're just guessing, IBIS and DR of the S1, SH1 are going to be hard to beat.
    Hope you're right as progress benefits all of us but your Canon love in and trashing of the BM Pocket is a little OTT
  4. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from Super8 in What REALLY prompted Canon suddenly to get their act together with video?   
    Colour is subjective (I actually prefer Panasonic colour science since EVA, S1 etc), the rest of these you're just guessing, IBIS and DR of the S1, SH1 are going to be hard to beat.
    Hope you're right as progress benefits all of us but your Canon love in and trashing of the BM Pocket is a little OTT
  5. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from Jimbo in What REALLY prompted Canon suddenly to get their act together with video?   
    This would be a great move and I think create a whole new buzz about the C200, at £5800 new it is still too high for a camera without a middle codec and I would prefer the Panasonic EVA - but 10 bit would make a return to Canon more interesting for me. I have no interest in 8k of the R5 but would spend that kind of money on a used proper cine/video camera
  6. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from Mako Sports in What REALLY prompted Canon suddenly to get their act together with video?   
    That would work for me. Be interesting to see what the Sony fx6 offers
  7. Like
    ade towell reacted to currensheldon in Panasonic S1H review / hands-on - a true 6K full frame cinema camera   
    I recently started a web series about Quarantine Life and shoot it mostly on the Panasonic S1H (some shot on the EOS R). Thought you'd like to see some real world footage of the S1H and maybe have a laugh as well. Like most of you, I had almost all of my work for 3-months canceled, so this is based on a very true story.
  8. Thanks
    ade towell got a reaction from IronFilm in Has Canon planned a Formidable Attack   
    I'm hoping the Sony announcement is for the fx6. That camera intrigues me more, and if it keeps the colour science and AF from the fx9 and prices itself under £5k it could be a winner 
  9. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from Mako Sports in Has Canon planned a Formidable Attack   
    I'm hoping the Sony announcement is for the fx6. That camera intrigues me more, and if it keeps the colour science and AF from the fx9 and prices itself under £5k it could be a winner 
  10. Thanks
    ade towell got a reaction from Andrew Reid in EOSHD in lockdown in Barcelona - photos from Coronavirus ghost town   
    Wonder if he'll self isolate in the fridge again
  11. Haha
    ade towell got a reaction from BTM_Pix in EOSHD in lockdown in Barcelona - photos from Coronavirus ghost town   
    Wonder if he'll self isolate in the fridge again
  12. Downvote
    ade towell reacted to hijodeibn in How Pandemics Change History   
    New Yorker is a Left Biased magazine, you can not expect objectiveness from a media like that, obviously nobody except Left Biased people will believe on it.
  13. Haha
    ade towell reacted to EphraimP in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Don't worry, not all of us 'mericans are drinking the oddly orange colored Kool Aid currently being served up by the Cheeto in Chief, along with his usual sides of confusion, baseless self-aggrandizement, ruthless politicizing and swindling the gullible. But those who are drinking it... well you've read the results of that right here.
  14. Like
    ade towell reacted to Video Hummus in COVID19 Kibosh   
    There is always some dumb mf that has to make a global calamity into some political shit throwing contest. So. Sick. Of. It.
  15. Like
    ade towell reacted to FranciscoB in NAB 2020 is CANCELLED!! What now?   
    Lol, you seriously believe this?  The only country? You americans trully live in another world.
    Your president just had dinner with an infected minister from Brazil. Good luck.
  16. Like
    ade towell reacted to Geoff_L in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Yeah right ! 
    Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Hiro & Tasaka, Von Behring, Shibasaburo Kitasato, Albert Calmette, Camille Guerin, Charles Nicolle, Vieusseux, Guy Henry Faget, Jules Bordet,  Octave Gengou, Michiaki Takahashi... those good ol' Yankees from Merica !
  17. Haha
    ade towell got a reaction from IronFilm in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Trump has golf courses in the UK and US, doesn't want to lose business...
  18. Haha
    ade towell got a reaction from Emanuel in COVID19 Kibosh   
    Trump has golf courses in the UK and US, doesn't want to lose business...
  19. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from matthere in Panasonic GH6   
    Yes eleison I'm not really sure what point you are actually making and to be honest lost interest a long time ago. You say technology waits for no man etc... and as anonim has pointed out, the cutting edge comes to m43 a long time before it does full frame - we're still waiting for that to catch up with much of what the gh5 has been offering for years. And you also say let's wait for the unicorn that is the A7s3 and lets not go chasing the latest and greatest. Am confused...
    Anyway always excited to see where a possible gh6 could push what's possible for mirrorless video, Panasonic are always trying to provide the best they can as opposed to Sony's recent regurgitation of 8 bit overheating jello vision
  20. Like
    ade towell reacted to BrooklynDan in Canon will be announcing a new Cinema EOS camera ahead of NAB in April   
    I work (and have worked) in multiple rental houses that have rented to all types of productions. Easyrigs get rented a lot, but mostly to commercials and branded content. They work great for getting that spontaneous, free-floating handheld look, shot-from-the-hip style that's prevalent now in ads, both on TV and stuff that get's aired on Youtube. It's also great for documentary work, since it allows to hold the camera for much longer periods of time. 20, 30, 40 minute handheld takes become much easier with an Easyrig.
    For actual dramatic, narrative material, easyrigs are used much less. Dramatic cinematography relies on the ability to control your frame and land precisely on marks. This is really hard to do with an Easyrig because it tends to swing the camera when you turn. Also, extended handheld tracking shots are impossible because when you walk with an Easyrig, the motion from your hips gets transmitted through the arm and is visible in the footage. There is a use for the Easyrig for helping with low-angle handheld shots with really heavy rigs (such as Alexa 65, or Venice with certain anamorphic lenses), but the standard in handheld cinematography is a well-balanced camera on the shoulder and a pair of strong hands either holding grips, or the mattebox.
  21. Like
    ade towell reacted to Snowfun in Understanding color   
    Sometimes it helps to comment on or discuss the content you introduce. Using the forum as a repository for videos which you have found (and, let’s be honest, others could find too) doesn’t develop a topic. Even providing something as simple as a justification of why you selected those particular videos would be interesting. 
    Just my observation.
  22. Like
    ade towell reacted to heart0less in Understanding color   
    Even though many of these videos are helpful and I'd miss them if it weren't for you @Emanuel, I'm with @Snowfun on this one.
    It almost feels like I opened YouTube and was greeted by my 'Recommended' section.
    Some videos there are on point, some are random, some cover the same topic again and again. And how do I know, which are worth my time?
    One could spend his whole life browsing through what YouTube offers us.
    It's not that I don't appreciate your contribution - I really do. You keep quite a few threads afloat and try to arouse some discussion and that's awesome.
    But if I could ask for only one thing, this would be some sort of a short commentary. What can we expect in the video, what did you find helpful / interesting, why did you choose to share it in the first place.
    No need to be defensive (at least that's what I felt reading your post above), since nobody here tries to attack / offend you in any way.
  23. Haha
    ade towell reacted to MrSMW in Photokina 2020 - victim of coronavirus?   
    Oh that's easy. There is a spray you can get that swimmers use for inside their goggles.
    Anyway, she's doing it wrong because she needs a canary in there.
    If the canary falls off it's perch, basically you are fucked.
  24. Like
    ade towell got a reaction from newfoundmass in Panasonic GH6   
    Yes eleison I'm not really sure what point you are actually making and to be honest lost interest a long time ago. You say technology waits for no man etc... and as anonim has pointed out, the cutting edge comes to m43 a long time before it does full frame - we're still waiting for that to catch up with much of what the gh5 has been offering for years. And you also say let's wait for the unicorn that is the A7s3 and lets not go chasing the latest and greatest. Am confused...
    Anyway always excited to see where a possible gh6 could push what's possible for mirrorless video, Panasonic are always trying to provide the best they can as opposed to Sony's recent regurgitation of 8 bit overheating jello vision
  25. Like
    ade towell reacted to anonim in Panasonic GH6   
    But as far as I notice, cutting edge technology nowadays in respective field (and market) is always coming  first to m43 format and just with delaying time (not so non significant) to FF? Aren't you quite obviously in a proper or best topic - so not by chance - for such quoted preference - because of well founded expectation that GH6 will be first camera from some future best technology offer? Or, in another words - it seems to me that exactly weighting leading technology as particular aspect of interest, in last decade m43 is The system that regularly leads in that sphere and has to be in special favor for such primarily preference. That's why we are in GH6 topic, expecting that it will be the again the first with some combination (not just one isolated spec) of new technology offer with higher level of usability?
    (And btw, just because of mentioning of usage of vinyl recording as retro in the same time with cutting edge quality - in term of high(est)end quality (that was idea of quoting), vinyl recording is not surpassed with digital (at least at classic music field that I was sometimes called to judge)... Unfortunately I have no similar opportunity and experience with highest quality film based camera vs digital to suggest if it could be the same case, at least in some spec.
    Imho there are some limit in creative art that solely technology can reach because of nature of human perception, and after that limit it becomes obtrusive and need self-establishing propagandist ideology to be really accepted.
    At the end of the day there's no modern manufacturer that can approach near close to quality of Stradivarius or Guarneri violins. Even Steinway's pianos have been perfected about 15-20 years ago (to the last little drop, but actually much earlier) and there's no necessity nor expecting regarding further developing  without impossible destroying innate human audio perception. So, as far as I can see, we are in the middle of trend of serious democratizing creative opportunity, and it is at least one reason to feel privilege to leave today and to read such greatly elaborate research contributions as Kye's - that discussed how close we are in approaching natural perceptive limit for truly artistic usage - in topic about 3000e cameras.
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