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  1. Like
    IronFilm reacted to DevonChris in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Unfortunately, Ebrahim, when you chose to steal from other people, you risked ruining your reputation.
    I think this thread should remain on the forum, but locked, onced the matter is resolved. You are only refunding these people (if you actually do) because of the pressure brought upon you by this thread. If the OP had not started it, you might have been tempted to scam more people, given your previous success.
    You are a criminal because you have stolen from (at least) three people and you are a liar because you have lied repeatedly and continuously. These are not desirable characteristics for a Dentist starting out on his career and now future employers will be able to see how untrustworthy you are.
    You brought this upon yourself and risked a huge amount.
  2. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Yea the cops are real, good honest guys.  They would never take a bribe in Egypt, especially when they make $100 a month!
    Squig, good to hear you got Anonymous's ear.  
    Come on guys, let's do it for the lulz.
    Unless ES delivers the goods by tomorrow.
    Also, again, you guys are really, really, really bad at negotiating.  You don't take the side of the person you are negotiating with during a negotiation.  Haven't you ever seen Die Hard?
  3. Like
    IronFilm reacted to j.f.r. in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    One thing is not paying back a credit card company, loan office etc. due to money lack of wages etc. and another is to STEAL and DECEIVE someone of their money with no intent of repaying them back. I see two options here, jail and fines or you repay everyone back immediately and be gone forever.
    It doesn't matter if you have to work 2 jobs, sell things you own etc. Also the thought of you not paying anyone back is really beyond amazing, especially when you stole form them. They have a place for people like you and it's called Jail, I would not hesitate to give you 6 months in jail and several 100's of hours of community service........
    Hope people such as yourself will learn from this mistake and do good for the rest of your life.... Do Good from this day forward!
  4. Like
    IronFilm reacted to M Carter in Good Camera for Stills (m43 or Nikon)?   
    I've shot retail product (primarily apparel and jewelry, with various consumer and tech products) for close to 20 years, back to the film days with 4x5" Ektachrome. Done stuff for Neiman-Marcus, JCPenney, Blockbuster video, all sorts of manufacturers and wholesalers, and on and on. My thoughts:
    Even if "just for the web", shoot full rez and raw. Doing minor fixes or going pure-white on the BG is easier at big sizes. In your bid, note that you'll shoot full print size and archive for future use. You never know when someone will decide to do a flyer or a print ad. With a modern 20+ MP stills cam, you can shoot for billboards.
    Having shift and tilt is nice for product shooting. If this is a one-off deal, I wouldn't worry about it. I don't do as much product as I did in the past and haven't needed it - I still have a big camera stand which to me is more important, esp. in the digital days. Lighting is more important. A soft box, white reflectors, and a7" and 11"  grid head (to "raise" detail in folded soft goods or add sparkle to jewelry) is a basic starting point. If you're doing more of a still-life look or food, grids and even tungsten lights can play a bigger role in sort of a "heightened beauty" look. You really want complete control for each light, either by individual controls or with a symmetrical/asymmetrical pack or nets and ND.
    (As for tilt-shift - I've built a tilt rig to use Mamiya 645 lenses on a Nikon camera... still need to get a lens and complete it...)
    I'm a Nikon fan for this work, especially since Nikkors can go on all sorts of modern cameras for video, and there are decades of classic glass out there used for someone starting. You don't need AF or OIS for this stuff. I'd look at a used/refurbed D7100 - really great stills image and nice video.
    I cite the 7100 since it was the first Nikon to lose the OLPF (low-pass filter). I'd say a camera without OLPF is a primary consideration; as a product and corporate people shooter, it was really a new era in fine detail. To my eyes this was a big game changer - the leap in IQ from the 7000 to the 7100 was pretty astounding to me. (I'm sure there's Canon stuff that's equally good - when Digital first gained acceptance, I delivered many shots from an Olympus P&S for no-rental-budget clients - it was the first full-manual consumer digital with a strobe connection that saved uncompressed TIFFs - six to a card! Each shot took 20 seconds to write to disc... but the IQ was badass). (This when renting a pro digital stills cam was a pricey affair).
    There must be a zillion product shooting tutorials on the web - check them out, but avoid any "light-tent" style setups - you do want a sense of directionality to the light, to make things look three dimensional, vs. just-plain-flat.
    Film, no photoshop:

    Nikon, 50mm lens.
    Silly Olympus P&S:

  5. Like
    IronFilm reacted to mercer in C100 Mark II misc. questions   
    Where are the results of this test? Lots of tests over the years, but the results are nowhere to be found, yet claimed to be proven true?
    Since I am a new XC10 owner, I have been researching proper C-Log exposure. All of my research goes against this theory, yet this post is on the first page of the Google search.
  6. Like
    IronFilm reacted to M Carter in What can Canon be thinking?   
    As far as marketing goes - keep in mind one of the issues that likely killed Samsung's NX line - the strap didn't say "Canon" or "Nikon".
  7. Like
    IronFilm reacted to jase in Sony a7 (the first one)   
    Paired with the right lens there shouldnt be too much difference between m43 and FF, but everyone as he likes  I just would not invest that money into an a7 body if i knew that i also want to use it a lot for video.
  8. Like
    IronFilm reacted to jase in Sony a7 (the first one)   
    Yet if you have 600 bucks to spend for a body, I would go the GX85 route and use the rest (maybe plus a little add) for a cheap focal reducer et voila, you got your background blurs while having a better camera for video.
  9. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Jimmy in Upcoming 'Blair Witch' film shot on Sony A7s?   
    I guess the idea of "found" footage becomes harder to show when kids can now shoot on cameras with 12 stops DR, amazing low light, 5 axis IBIS etc....
    They should have done it all with iphone and a selfie stick, searching the forest for Pokemon.
  10. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Marco Tecno in The 4K Fuji X-T2 is here   
    Nobody is depending on it. Being the best apsc camera (and sensor) around, possibly for years to come, it's nice to see a speedbooster for it. Especially when many were uncorrectly reporting that it was not feasible. Biases are bad things ;-) 
  11. Like
    IronFilm reacted to lucabutera in Petition for Samsung NX1 hack   
    Hallo NX World, the NX Booster it's coming soon! This is the Prototype Mark II. 
    Marco do not worry, if I do not post my progress, is because I have a lot of work in my private life. Next week I start the test with Nx1 camera.

  12. Like
    IronFilm reacted to joema in Camcorders   
    My group has a G30 and XA25. I will be shooting some instructional material with the G30 tomorrow, just because it's easy. We usually use larger-sensor cameras but cameras like these are very nice for certain things. They are straightforward to use, relatively inexpensive, and have superb stabilization. Battery life is good, they don't have a 29 min. recording limit and they don't overheat. An experienced operator can get good looking content.
    When you consider how much material has been shot with the AG-DVX100 tape-based DV camcorder (including Oscar-nominated documentaries) and how superior modern HD camcorders like the G40 are, you might think why would anyone want anything else.
    The answer is despite the advantages it doesn't have that lush cinematic look of a higher-end large sensor camera, and doesn't do well in low light. Unlike a decade ago when DV was a common doc format, today even a well-operated entry-level DSLR can produce cinematic-looking material. Viewers come to expect that, whether they can verbalize it or not.
  13. Like
    IronFilm reacted to mat33 in Camcorders   
    Ah, the good old days...there's nothing like the smell of miniDV tape rolling at the end of a long day :-)  I have been seriously thinking about the XC10 as well, in NZ I can get it for ~$1500 USD so very very tempting.  While I love my lens collection, I think it would be refreshing to have something similar to a camcorder experience, that is 'self contained' and just works without various paraphernalia. 
  14. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from andrgl in Good Camera for Stills (m43 or Nikon)?   
    Why do you need a remote control for product photos?

    Seems like the Nikon D5200 is the obvious choice as you've got those Sigma lenses in a Nikon F mount already. 
    D5200 has the latest 24 megapixel APS-C sensor in it, making it a rather terrific stills camera to start out on. A quite good video camera too for its price (which is almost nothing these days on eBay!):

    I'm still using mine, as recently as yesterday on Sunday and Saturday too, covering a motorsport event. Together with my G6 and BMPCC.
  15. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from vaga in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    My respect and admiration for Saadawi Senior has only gone up from his reply he just made. 
    Is understandable if you feel like you need to take a break for a little while, but please do come back!

    Biggest lesson here: don't use weak passwords! And keep them different. And change them. Don't leave yourself logged in unnecessarily.
  16. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Hanriverprod in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    Do you need 4K? Do you need slow motion (beyond 1080 60fps that is)? 

    No? If so, then get a Sony PMW-F3. Goes for next to nothing secondhand. I own one, will be shooting a feature film this year with it (hopefully with two at once if we can squeeze buying a 2nd F3 into the budget). 

    Get these lenses (all in Nikon F mount of course):
    Tokina 11-20mm f2.8
    Tokina 28-70mm f2.8
    Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 
    Nikon 50mm f1.8D
    (could swap out for the Sigma 18-35mm f.18 & Sigma 50-100mm f1.8 pair, but would cost quite a lot more, but either choice is reasonable)

    You might think you've got plenty left in your $8K budget... but with tripod/recorder/media/accessories/audio/lighting/etc... that will very quickly disappear! 

    If you do "need" 4K or slow motion, then get a secondhand Sony FS700 instead. 
    Third camera I'll mention to consider, is the BMD Micro Cinema Camera, is a wonderful little beast (like a BMPCC v2.0!).
  17. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from mercer in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   

    Hey mercer, is your password "mercer"?
  18. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Geoff CB in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    Do you need 4K? Do you need slow motion (beyond 1080 60fps that is)? 

    No? If so, then get a Sony PMW-F3. Goes for next to nothing secondhand. I own one, will be shooting a feature film this year with it (hopefully with two at once if we can squeeze buying a 2nd F3 into the budget). 

    Get these lenses (all in Nikon F mount of course):
    Tokina 11-20mm f2.8
    Tokina 28-70mm f2.8
    Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 
    Nikon 50mm f1.8D
    (could swap out for the Sigma 18-35mm f.18 & Sigma 50-100mm f1.8 pair, but would cost quite a lot more, but either choice is reasonable)

    You might think you've got plenty left in your $8K budget... but with tripod/recorder/media/accessories/audio/lighting/etc... that will very quickly disappear! 

    If you do "need" 4K or slow motion, then get a secondhand Sony FS700 instead. 
    Third camera I'll mention to consider, is the BMD Micro Cinema Camera, is a wonderful little beast (like a BMPCC v2.0!).
  19. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from The Chris in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Via Western Union?
  20. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Emanuel in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    OK, Ebrahim, you're doing your part now. Thanks.
    Past is past. Only present can stand corrected and you're doing your role to finish and be complied with the refund. It must be, of course.
    This is NOT proper of a scammer, OK?
    Any insult to be posted here is mere abuse and derogatory of the poster behind. I've seen the poster Ebrahim to lie without mention his crime but I've never seen him to insult any one of you, his detractors included. As same as all of his posts I've read for years. There's only a poster from his account, now I firmly believe so.
    This polite attitude has earned my respect and admiration. The humble tone and above all, his most recent posts. Oh yes, I'd feel comfortable to invite him to have dinner at my home now. And I'll be glad to meet him personally if/when there will be a chance for.
    Let him fulfill his word to everyone. A wise community is the one balanced and fair. He deserves a second chance as all of us when we are wrong. Who didn't commit a mistake in life? There are different grades for sure. To accept the difference is also a proof of decency. I'd even dare to write: M-A-N-D-A-T-O-R-Y. Don't ask what you can't give back.
  21. Like
    IronFilm reacted to Nikkor in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    What happened to the 28-70 2.8 ai-s  guys? I would also like some info about that lens, I might even buy it from you if you have photos of it, 700$ for an ultra rare prototype is a bargain.
    The three guys obviously are acting nice because they still have some hope they will see the money, but the eoshd sharia district attornies expext some hard evidence this is happening in , let's say, two weeks (open for alternative suggestions about the timeline).
    Peace be upon you, god is the greatest, brother.
  22. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from Liam in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    Do you need 4K? Do you need slow motion (beyond 1080 60fps that is)? 

    No? If so, then get a Sony PMW-F3. Goes for next to nothing secondhand. I own one, will be shooting a feature film this year with it (hopefully with two at once if we can squeeze buying a 2nd F3 into the budget). 

    Get these lenses (all in Nikon F mount of course):
    Tokina 11-20mm f2.8
    Tokina 28-70mm f2.8
    Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 
    Nikon 50mm f1.8D
    (could swap out for the Sigma 18-35mm f.18 & Sigma 50-100mm f1.8 pair, but would cost quite a lot more, but either choice is reasonable)

    You might think you've got plenty left in your $8K budget... but with tripod/recorder/media/accessories/audio/lighting/etc... that will very quickly disappear! 

    If you do "need" 4K or slow motion, then get a secondhand Sony FS700 instead. 
    Third camera I'll mention to consider, is the BMD Micro Cinema Camera, is a wonderful little beast (like a BMPCC v2.0!).
  23. Like
    IronFilm reacted to mercer in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Hey Ebrahim, listen I have been a fan of your posts for the past couple years. They made me look at tech and craft in a new light. I never even knew there were supposedly two of you. I appreciate you are making attempts to right this wrong with the 3 people directly affected by your actions, but you must understand that your words had a lot of credibility on this site... so you cannot blame the forum for being interested and invested with these events. So, in a lot of ways we are all victims of this scam. There is an unwritten trust in these forums and unfortunately you have yet to answer the basic of questions. I think if you were to answer, HONESTLY, the following couple questions, it may clear up some things for some of the members...
    1. Does your grandfather exist in the capacity he was represented in this forum?
    2. Does you or your grandfather have the first hand knowledge with all of these cameras, or was it theoretical at best and in some instances just a lot copy and pasting?
    3. Do you truly admit to scamming these people, or are you just admitting to it, because you feel bullied and you are just telling the forum what it wants to hear to end the ridicule?
    4. If you did perform this scam, then why? Your last excuse does not add up, in fact, almost everything you have said since the beginning of this does not add up, so what is the REAL TRUTH?
    5. What gives you the right to believe that you can con hundreds of people into believing you are something that you are not and then steal money from members of this forum and other forums and then think that we should just drop it because all of the sudden you are claiming to do the right thing?
    Answer these questions and I will stop posting in this thread... honestly your stories are getting quite boring now anyway but I believe we deserve the right to know the truth.
  24. Like
    IronFilm got a reaction from PannySVHS in Which Camera Today for Indie Feature?   
    Do you need 4K? Do you need slow motion (beyond 1080 60fps that is)? 

    No? If so, then get a Sony PMW-F3. Goes for next to nothing secondhand. I own one, will be shooting a feature film this year with it (hopefully with two at once if we can squeeze buying a 2nd F3 into the budget). 

    Get these lenses (all in Nikon F mount of course):
    Tokina 11-20mm f2.8
    Tokina 28-70mm f2.8
    Tokina 80-200mm f2.8 
    Nikon 50mm f1.8D
    (could swap out for the Sigma 18-35mm f.18 & Sigma 50-100mm f1.8 pair, but would cost quite a lot more, but either choice is reasonable)

    You might think you've got plenty left in your $8K budget... but with tripod/recorder/media/accessories/audio/lighting/etc... that will very quickly disappear! 

    If you do "need" 4K or slow motion, then get a secondhand Sony FS700 instead. 
    Third camera I'll mention to consider, is the BMD Micro Cinema Camera, is a wonderful little beast (like a BMPCC v2.0!).
  25. Like
    IronFilm reacted to AaronChicago in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    "-Parentification: Reversed role of a child with the role of a parent"
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