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  1. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Andrew Reid in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    Canon should introduce local weather reports with a column dedicated to expected R5 runtime before overheating.  😄
  2. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Daai in Canon EOS R6 shoots 10bit 4K/60 (but NO RAW) - How it compares to the EOS R5   
    Doesn't look too great for 60p to be honest.  However, they're quite extreme pans.  At some point, we'll get proper measurements.  Comparisons to say the S1 would be useful when they arrive.
  3. Haha
    SteveV4D reacted to Trek of Joy in A closer look at the Canon EOS R5 lower quality 4K mode to avoid thermal cut-off   
    I'm sure this will make the R5 popular with porn directors.
  4. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to BTM_Pix in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    Its not far off £1300 cheaper in some places.
    And thats just for a brand new one.
    By the time travel opens up again you'll be able to go and get a used one that has only minor internal smoke damage for a lot less.
  5. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to Benjamin Hilton in Panasonic interview - question suggestions   
    These are some stills from a recent GH5 doc project

  6. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Daai in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    Canon should introduce local weather reports with a column dedicated to expected R5 runtime before overheating.  😄
  7. Thanks
    SteveV4D got a reaction from MrSMW in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    My phone can take a photo and a video at the same location.  So can nearly the majority of DLSRs and mirrorless cameras out there.  That function isn't new.  We've had it for years. 🤣
    I'm curious, what exactly are the creative possibilities that shooting 8K will unlock for you?  Will it make you a better storyteller, a better editor, will it turn you into Vincent Foret?  
    So far that I can see, you have excessive rolling shutter and a camera that could shut down at any given moment.  Doesn't sound creative inspiring to me.  Do you own an 8K TV? That would be a clincher.  When 4K came out on 2014, I was shooting and watching 4K content by Christmas.  What's the appeal in shooting 8K  if you can't watch it back in 8K?
    I've been shooting exclusively 4K since 2014, yet the vast majority of my clients and family have only ever seen my work in HD.  The idea of shooting 8K, only to have them watch badly compressed HD on YouTube from my masters would be soul destroying.
    Don't get me wrong, like any film nerd, the idea of shooting 8K and watching it back on an 8K screen has a certain appeal.  
    But I feel the only change for now will be that instead of us watching other peoples boring travel, family and cat videos in HD that was shot in 4K, I'll be watching boring travel, family and cat videos in HD shot in 8K.
  8. Thanks
    SteveV4D reacted to Yannick Willox in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    The info says they will fit any camera using the lp-e6, which does not mean the p4k will actually use more than 50% of the capacity without a firmware update. But maybe that is a pessimistic view ...
  9. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from newfoundmass in Canon R6 overheats as well.   
    Or many other mirrorless hybrid cameras that aren't the R5 and R6. 😂😂
  10. Downvote
    SteveV4D reacted to Jtdiddy in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    I'm not sure what the big complaints are.  Really, any camera in this form factor having these insane specs is probably going to suffer some overheating issues if you push it to the limits.  If you need to record 8k or 4k/120 for more than  20 min, then you should be getting a different dedicated cinema style camera and not a hybrid.  Also, it should be noted, that these were all pre-production R5's that people have been testing so overheating issues could be much improved in final versions.
    Also at this level, people typically record to external recorders like the Atomos Ninja V (for 4k only), which resolves the 30 min recording limit and could also help with the overheating issue. 
  11. Downvote
    SteveV4D reacted to Jtdiddy in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    but who's to say the R5 is not reliable?  if u looks there are alot of early reviews saying that they had no overheating issues with the R5. 
    in this form factor, do u really think a little fan is gonna improve overheating that much?  if u do, then you're just not being realistic. 
    I for one, are grateful for these overheat limitations and warnings to protect the camera.  
    Those who understand the R5, its meant for short bursts of high end 8k, 4k/120 video not elongated usage at these specs.  
    We'll see what happens when the production models roll out but I have a hunch, that the R5 will do 4k/60 or less with no major overheating issues 
  12. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to newfoundmass in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    You know what Panasonic did when they released a camera that needed active cooling to prevent it from overheating? 
    They added a fan and vents. 
    Why? Because it made no sense to offer all the features of the S1H if it couldn't handle it. 
    It was a choice to go this route. 
  13. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Emanuel in Canon 9th July "Reimagine" event for EOS R5 and R6 unveiling   
    Probably they did.  Thats why they waited this long to release such info.
  14. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from newfoundmass in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    The funny side of all this is to take a peak at the DpReview forum of Canon users supporting the R5.  The same users who not so long ago were saying we don't need 4K when Canon were giving us badly cropped 4K are now saying how great 8K is.  The same users who attacked Sony for chasing specs and delivering unreliable cameras that shut down due to overheating are trying to justify the overheating of the R5 and saying it doesnt matter.  Hypocrisy, thigh name are Canon users.  🤣🤣🤣
  15. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to anonim in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    Oh, there's really no reason for childish fan generalization sort of like/dislike - most of us don't complain at all, nor anything here deserves any such emotion (at least from me). It is quit possible at the same time to enjoy in coming of advanced technology and to note some common sense problem in real world usage... what exactly motivated this thread, as far as I understand.
    After all arguments, critics and applause for effort or step further in technology, the question, I believe, for most of us interested in matter will be simple: to spend sum of 4-5000 euro here or somewhere else? Judging from my humble criteria of projected opportunities (and zero interest in photography) - at the moment I'd spend this sum just for one really video/indiemovie workhorse, which R5 apparently is not if overheating danger/distraction exists even at base 4k raw shooting level. Someone else (probably with more free money at disposal) will greatly enjoy in different aspects of R5 offer, and it's apparently also well founded choice.
  16. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Neumann Films in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    I agree and don't get me wrong, I am very happy the R5 has been released.  The camera industry is richer because of it.  Anyone who can think outside the box and release a camera that tries to push what is possible is a good thing.  Take the Pocket 4K, first to bring 4K RAW to the masses.  Okay, no flip screen, poor battery life, no IBIS or AF, no weather sealant, but it still did it.  And many like me struggle through the issues to make it work for us.
    The fact the R5 isn't for me, is neither here nor there.  I'm not freaked out about the limitations, but am happy to discuss and ponder on them.  It shows where technology currently sits.  Forums tend to exaggerate feelings.  If we were chatting face to face, you'd get a better reflection as to where I feel on this matter.
    My only concern is hiring 2nd shooters who buy the hype and get the camera and think innovation will see them through a 90 minute Ceremony.  I've had one guy I hired go wrong thanks to using a Sony camera.  One long 25 minute clip, followed by dozens of 20 seconds to 1 minute clips that I had to work with to form the end of the Ceremony. 
    Not good, and down to overheating.  I'm afraid for my work, it's not a small issue.  Its not like bad AF.  This is consistent and you know where you stand with it.  Problem with over heating is that you don't know.  It could run before shutdown for an hour or just 15 mins.  For my work, that uncertainty would cripple me.
  17. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from ajay in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    I agree and don't get me wrong, I am very happy the R5 has been released.  The camera industry is richer because of it.  Anyone who can think outside the box and release a camera that tries to push what is possible is a good thing.  Take the Pocket 4K, first to bring 4K RAW to the masses.  Okay, no flip screen, poor battery life, no IBIS or AF, no weather sealant, but it still did it.  And many like me struggle through the issues to make it work for us.
    The fact the R5 isn't for me, is neither here nor there.  I'm not freaked out about the limitations, but am happy to discuss and ponder on them.  It shows where technology currently sits.  Forums tend to exaggerate feelings.  If we were chatting face to face, you'd get a better reflection as to where I feel on this matter.
    My only concern is hiring 2nd shooters who buy the hype and get the camera and think innovation will see them through a 90 minute Ceremony.  I've had one guy I hired go wrong thanks to using a Sony camera.  One long 25 minute clip, followed by dozens of 20 seconds to 1 minute clips that I had to work with to form the end of the Ceremony. 
    Not good, and down to overheating.  I'm afraid for my work, it's not a small issue.  Its not like bad AF.  This is consistent and you know where you stand with it.  Problem with over heating is that you don't know.  It could run before shutdown for an hour or just 15 mins.  For my work, that uncertainty would cripple me.
  18. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Neumann Films in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    It wasn't made for anyone in particular.  In fact, it was made more for Photographers than Videographers.  The fact that some video users benefit from it is of course a plus.  The fact that many can't is a negative.  
    Its better to say that the camera isnt usuable for some video shooters rather than made for.  
    Clip limits are a big negative for me.  Not for you clearly.  But the fact that your shooting needs can be met by the R5 doesn't mean those of us that are not, can't at least discuss it.  Don't get me wrong, I would welcome a fullframe camera from Canon with their great AF that would fit my needs.  
    I am still waiting......  
  19. Like
    SteveV4D reacted to Cliff Totten in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    High technology at the cost of reliability and trustworthiness? 
    I suspect that most of us here would have traded 8k technology and given it back in favor of RELIABILITY.
    A Tesla is a very high tech car but what good is all that technology if the car breaks down all the time and leaves you stranded?
    Canon should have used a SIMPLE "low tech" cooling fan. The R5 is going to have a 3-4 year sales life. Now?....the R5 is going to have to live with 3-4 years of hundreds of overheating YouTube video complaints. And rightfully so.
    Canon created this mess and they will have to live with it.....
    This was 100% their choice.
  20. Haha
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Video Hummus in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    Fair enough, you clearly want 8K and you have it, massive file sizes and all.  I hope to one day look forward to watching your 8K videos on my 5" phone screen. 😄
  21. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from PaulUsher in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    I think you'll find others here shoot as a fulltime job too.  😉
    Canon hasn't given people want they want.  I don't recall people asking for 8K RAW.  In fact, 4K RAW is arguably needed far more than 8K RAW.  I don't recall peole asking for clip limits, overheating issues.  In fact, Canon users have always spoken against Sony cameras for overheating, praising Canon for not chasing gimmicks whilst taking their time and releasing a reliable camera to use.  Very few asked to lose that for the sake of 8K.
    I'm not denying this is an innovative camera that is pushing what technology can do.  I've no doubt it will be a great tool for photographers who are also shooting the odd video and videographers who are primarily shooting short clips.  Most cameras has issues of some sort or another.  I use the Pocket 4K a lot.  No flip screen,  no IBIS, no AF to speak of and no weather sealant.  Its not a perfect camera.  Neither is the R5.  
  22. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from ade towell in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    I think you'll find others here shoot as a fulltime job too.  😉
    Canon hasn't given people want they want.  I don't recall people asking for 8K RAW.  In fact, 4K RAW is arguably needed far more than 8K RAW.  I don't recall peole asking for clip limits, overheating issues.  In fact, Canon users have always spoken against Sony cameras for overheating, praising Canon for not chasing gimmicks whilst taking their time and releasing a reliable camera to use.  Very few asked to lose that for the sake of 8K.
    I'm not denying this is an innovative camera that is pushing what technology can do.  I've no doubt it will be a great tool for photographers who are also shooting the odd video and videographers who are primarily shooting short clips.  Most cameras has issues of some sort or another.  I use the Pocket 4K a lot.  No flip screen,  no IBIS, no AF to speak of and no weather sealant.  Its not a perfect camera.  Neither is the R5.  
  23. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from ajay in Canon EOS R5 has serious overheating issues – in both 4K and 8K   
    I think you'll find others here shoot as a fulltime job too.  😉
    Canon hasn't given people want they want.  I don't recall people asking for 8K RAW.  In fact, 4K RAW is arguably needed far more than 8K RAW.  I don't recall peole asking for clip limits, overheating issues.  In fact, Canon users have always spoken against Sony cameras for overheating, praising Canon for not chasing gimmicks whilst taking their time and releasing a reliable camera to use.  Very few asked to lose that for the sake of 8K.
    I'm not denying this is an innovative camera that is pushing what technology can do.  I've no doubt it will be a great tool for photographers who are also shooting the odd video and videographers who are primarily shooting short clips.  Most cameras has issues of some sort or another.  I use the Pocket 4K a lot.  No flip screen,  no IBIS, no AF to speak of and no weather sealant.  Its not a perfect camera.  Neither is the R5.  
  24. Haha
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Danyyyel in My thoughts on the Canon EOS R5 8K monstrosity - 1TB footage per 50 minutes   
    I've done rolling interviews, one after another for over an hour.  Plus I've done at least one interview that lasted nearly 30 mins due to various reasons.  But you're right, I can work around the R5 limitation.  I just use another camera. 😄
  25. Like
    SteveV4D got a reaction from Matt James Smith ? in My thoughts on the Canon EOS R5 8K monstrosity - 1TB footage per 50 minutes   
    I tend to shoot with 3 cameras, one of each person talking and a wide on both, for 2 person interviews  For logistics reasons, I'd prefer all 3 are continously recording.  I don't want one to stop partway and be pandered to.   
    Besides if the R5 shut down and needed 10 mins rest, then I stand to lose 10 mins of footage.  Its not like the old 30 min clip limit, though those were annoying as well. 
    It would depend on how quickly or frequently the problem manifested itself.  Something we don't yet really know.
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