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    JordanWright got a reaction from homestar_kevin in Lenses   
    More Tokina 28-70 2.6-2.8
  2. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Nikkor in Lenses   
    Mamiya Sekor N 35mm 3,5

  3. Like
    JordanWright reacted to IronFilm in Idolise Trump? Goodbye!   
    You do realize that HALF of the population in American voted for Trump? (and the other half voted for Clinton)

    And very likely during this year's election we're going to have "roughly" (give or take a few percent in either direction) half of people vote for Trump again, and half vote for Biden. (assuming Biden wins the nomination? I still have my fingers crossed for Sanders)
    Those are truly massive numbers who supported Trump, it might be really hard for us outside the USA to understand (heck, is hard for people even inside the USA to understand! If they live somewhere such as California), but that's the facts. You want to drive out half of your biggest source in the world of contributions to EOSHD? I think that would make EOSHD a much poorer place. 

    I feel a bit of tolerance and compassion towards a diversity of views would go a long way in this time of crisis. We're all one. I don't think anybody here is fundamentally evil, everyone stills wants the best for humanity and for good outcomes, they just have differing perspectives of how to get there and different lived live experiences they grew up with which shapes that. 

    Two suggestions I'd have:
    1) just ban discussions of politics, it's a too prickly topic?
    2) have an "off topic" forum, so any thread which goes off the rails can be moved to there and the discussions can carry on away from the main front page forum. 

    Personally I think #2 is the best approach, as it is extremely hard and a lot of effort to police what is and what isn't "political", the grey zone is very large and very blurry! (heck, as Paul Krugman and many many others have said: "EVERYTHING is political"! Now, that truly makes it impossible to judge what is and isn't!)

    While we are on this topic, I don't at all understand why that thread got locked?

    I think it is a really interesting discussion to go into what (perhaps previous unattainable items for us!) in this coming recession are going to come down in price fastest? 

    Perhaps the FS7 is facing a massive drop soon due to its age and the new FX9? Or maybe the FX9 isn't a big enough leap forward, and the FS7 is still a solid workhorse for everyone, perhaps it won't drop as much as I think/hope. 

    Will the ARRI ALEXA Classic plunge even further in price due to it being non-4K and too big / heavy? Or is that top notch sensor inside going to see a limit in how far it will fall and no further? Perhaps if the new S35 4K ARRI sensor had came out this year as promised instead of next year, then it would have got a serious drop. 

    Will premium luxury branded cameras (such as the Leica X Vario, which @BTM_Pix would love to see become affordable) see massive plunges in price due to people who were only credit card funded rich needing to sell them off at any price during the recession? 

    Certainly in my particular scenario, I had a perfect storm of 600MHz being banned just a few weeks ago *AND* the coronavirus shut down, meant I got a latest generation Lectrosonics digital hybrid transmitter for an outrageously cheap price. Win!

    That thread has no mention of Trump whatsoever, so why was it locked? 

    There was one mention of POTUS, but in a generic way I thought that didn't really matter who held that position. Which was generating a side conversation which only went for a couple of posts before the thread was locked, but I think it was a point started that would be really interesting to discuss for us filmmakers. 

    How long is this shut down going to last? How long for the recession, when and how will work be picking back up again?

    These are CRUCIAL questions we as business owners (as if you're doing this filmmaking lark professional, then that is what you are, a business owner! Even if just an employer of one: yourself) need to ask. 

    They're also extremely tough questions to wrestle with, as there is so much uncertainty. But they matter. As if work will pick up again once the martial law lockdown is over for us in NZ, then expenses such as buying a new Lectrosonics this week doesn't matter, heck, even if I'd bought it at a 50% higher price (heck, got three of them even at a higher price!) then that doesn't matter.  And gee, if I saw a cheap FS7 and I've got the cash I should probably scoop that up asap too!

    My brother leans towards that perspective (he does have $200K outstanding in invoices currently, so understandably he hopes so!):
    That it is going to be a four week shutdown but afterwards things will pick up again (but perhaps gradually, while the chaos gets sorted out first).
    And he reckons advertising/marketing will be one of the first to take off. 

    Personally I'm more pessimistic. What if someone perhaps thinks it could be a two year long recession for the advertising / film industry? In that case, not even if I got offered a Lectro LMb for a hundred bucks should I buy it! Neither should I buy any camera gear! Nothing should be spent on anything that isn't rent or food! Pennies must be saved. 
    (obviously I don't take this stance, as I took that LMb deal! But a little part of me wonders... the odds of that outcome isn't so slim? Might happen, but I desperately hope not)

    Of course not only do we have questions of timing, which matter for business planning, but also how can we approach what is going to be "the new normal" for many of us for the near term future? 

    How do we work under this? How can we get work? What new opportunities might there be?

    Obviously streaming is a new opportunity! A lot of streaming equipment is sold out and massively back ordered, and even secondhand gear on eBay is selling for shocking prices ABOVE what they're usually for brand new! Wow. 
    (classic case of the economic law of Demand vs Supply!)

    For myself, I think I'm in a unique position as the only ENG Soundie in the entire country who owns a Cedar DNS-2 (which paired with a Sanken CS-3e is a fearsome combo!), this not only is useful for live streaming, but in this new reality of not being able to use lavs due to the Coronavirus means I can still capture great audio without resorting to a lav track like many small budget productions would (who can't/won't do audio post processing with a skilled dialogue editor for NR).
  4. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Mike Mgee in Idolise Trump? Goodbye!   
    @Andrew Reid Instead of creating a list and banning people who don't have the same behavior, characters, and values as you.....how about you have a blanket ban against all political discussion?
  5. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Palanza87 in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    So having shot with the bmpcc4k now for most of 2019 figured I'd share a finished video if anyone is thinking about doing wedding work with one. 
  6. Like
    JordanWright reacted to mercer in How Can I Be A Young Director?   
    No worries. Sometimes I wonder if ZachGoodwin is a real boy or a character someone has created. With that said, I'll play along... I think the point of the "hometown" documentary was supposed to be a simple assignment to get you working on a quick and small film. So, I wouldn't worry too much about the demise of the project. But if there is a business or even an interesting person that would allow you to make a film about them and it intrigues you, then go for it.
    I think the greater point you need to think about is that a filmmaker needs a film to make to be a filmmaker.
    I always thought you wanted to be a narrative filmmaker, so why not spend your time making 60 second short films? Write it, cast it, shoot it and edit it. Then wash, rinse, repeat.
    Good luck.
  7. Like
    JordanWright reacted to kaylee in How to receive a BAFTA as ungraciously as possible   
    ppl who are against socialism in america are 100% cool with being called racists for no reason now, nice work guys: you blew it — your favorite insult has lost its power. bernie sanders has just won the iowa primary by a wide margin. yes, really
    the actor at the baftas is a profoundly insecure, virtue signaling fool. he wants attention for no real reason, and now hes getting it, so credit him for that!
  8. Like
    JordanWright reacted to jonprimo1 in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Hey I know this for the 4K camera but I wanted to post some 6k camera stuff and get your thoughts. First is a music video I shot last year I thought was ok and the 2nd video was a shoot I did with my DP and model and I really pushed it. It’s just a test currently my editor is editing it and I will get it colored. Enjoy!
  9. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Andrew Reid in How to receive a BAFTA as ungraciously as possible   
    I don't think many white men feel the so called privilege.
    Which is why we end up with protest votes at election time.
    The whole political correct thing doesn't connect with ordinary people.
    Politics is obsessed with skin colour, not the gaffer on a film set who just happens to be born in a country where white people are a majority.
    Why should he feel ashamed just for being part of an industry?
    I don't think anybody who works in the film industry should be shamed into believing they are part of an institutionally racist conspiracy.
    Some of the most incredible countries in the world are monocultural. Japan is about as close to a monocultural society as it gets and where is no shame in it. In fact Japan is arguably all the more unique and special for it. Are we suggesting Japan should now be reduced to 40% to 50% native Japanese people, in order to represent a greater number of skin colours and cultures? No.
    Discrimination against majorities is as wrong as discrimination against minorities.
    This constant shaming of talented hard working creative people for being white males has gotta stop.
  10. Haha
    JordanWright reacted to Kisaha in How to receive a BAFTA as ungraciously as possible   
    That was a better performance than Joker.
  11. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Andrew Reid in How to receive a BAFTA as ungraciously as possible   
    Joaquin P in full on weird mode.
    Does he really have to insinuate that most of the audience are racist?
    Just accept the award, be thankful and fuck off.
  12. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Turboguard in Blackmagic Pocket 4K media & power thread -- the best alternatives   
    I don't know if I can add anything useful here but this is my set up and I can run a full day on 3 Sony batteries. I also use the black 1TB T5's for consistent look.
    I LOVE this set up!
    (don't mind the apple plug, I took this for my instagram back in december for my Instagram)
    (Also, I know the cog is on the zoom, so no need to point that out 😂)

  13. Haha
    JordanWright reacted to IronFilm in Why is the Sigma 18-35 f1.8 still not surpassed?   
    Because an unnatural and unhealthy obsession with sensor size?
    *something* *something* compensating for *something* *something* *something* 
  14. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Geoff CB in Voigtlander Lenses   
    One of my favorite lens brands, metal, clean focusing! Feel free to post tons of images from multiple mounts!
    Voigtlander 40mm f2 SLII on Nikon Z6

    Voightlander 20mm 3.5 SLII on A7rII

    Voigtlander 28mm 2.8 SLII on URSA Mini 4.6K

    Voigtlander 90mm 3.5 SL on URSA Mini 4.6K

  15. Like
    JordanWright reacted to BTM_Pix in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K   
    Maybe she is using one of those fiendish pocket size remote controls for it that give her full control of all the camera's functions?
    I understand that they begin shipping next Friday.
  16. Like
    JordanWright reacted to MurtlandPhoto in Black Magic Pocket OG 2019   
    I used my P4K and OG Pocket together over the weekend. I used the Super Scale feature in Resolve to bring the OG's footage up to 4K. It's not quite as detailed, but can easily intercut with true 4K stuff in the eyes of the client. Very happy with the results.

  17. Like
    JordanWright reacted to mercer in Sigma Fp review and interview / Cinema DNG RAW   
    Great lens. I briefly had it a couple years ago but had to sell it. I've been looking for another good copy ever since. @JordanWright has some great work with it shot on his P4K.
  18. Like
    JordanWright reacted to rawshooter in Sigma Fp review and interview / Cinema DNG RAW   
    I can also warmly recommend the Tokina 28-70mm/2.8 which is a bought-up and continued Angenieux design:
  19. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Video Hummus in Canon EOS 1D MKIII specs revealed   
    McKinnons video was not a very good demonstration of the 1D-X Mk3
  20. Like
    JordanWright reacted to mercer in Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K   
    Click the top one and make sure you have "color managed" selected.
  21. Like
    JordanWright reacted to zerocool22 in Why is the Sigma 18-35 f1.8 still not surpassed?   
    physics prolly. I am not a huge fan of the lens though.
  22. Like
    JordanWright reacted to SteveV4D in The video that shows Blackmagic Pocket 4K RAW image quality is same as GH5S 400Mbit   
    I own the GH5, GH5s and Pocket 4K.  Despite the limitations of the Pocket 4K, I shoot with it as my primary camera for various reasons
    Colour Science is better... the image looks superior in the majority of shots.  Blackmagic colour science is better.  Sure there are some shots where it is hard to tell the difference, but equally I find many where the BM is the clear winner.
    BRAW... for me less about pushing the image and more about speed of editing and the flexibility to change ISO and White balance in post.  Sure, I get it right most of the time, but the are moments, where I do not for various reasons and this is such a bonus.  I hate editing H264 files now after editing BRAW.
    Better menus.  
    Punch in focus during recording
    Larger screen.  Even fixed, it's so much easier to shoot with.
    Being able to shoot 75 fps in 2.40 aspect ratio or 60fps in 16.9 without loss of quality. On the GH5s you are stuck with 8 bit 60fps.  
    Being able to record to an SSD.  That has helped a lot when editing at venues I am filming at for a rough cut.  Also on CFast cards, which feel solid to hold.  SD cards are so flimsy and I have had to retire a few for falling apart 
    Application of LUTs is much better.  You can embed and have more to choose from.  
    Mini XLR input.  
    I should point out, I've been using Panasonic for 8 years and have been a huge supporter of their cameras.  The GH5 and GH5s still get used on nearly every jobs I am doing.  Usually as B cameras, though the GH5 steps in if filming in wet weather or where IBIS is needed.  They are great cameras, but I love the Pocket 4K more despite the limitations.  
  23. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Andrew Reid in Super Speed Zeiss cine glass (vs Contax Zeiss)   
    An interesting watch from Media Division:
    Zeiss Super Speeds vs Contax Zeiss
    Literally hours and hours poured into a video like this.
    The total opposite of the Northrups.
  24. Like
    JordanWright reacted to Andrew Reid in The importance of lens rendering / look at slower apertures   
    Shooting with the new Sigma 45mm F2.8 for L-mount, I realised the same thing I did when I first shot anamorphic at F5.6.
    Beautiful rendering matters, not just wide open, but at slower apertures.
    This doesn't get enough attention!
    Sometimes I want to see that background, and not have it completely creamed out, but neither do I want to give up the '3D' look or beautiful out of focus rendering and fall-off.
    What is the best rendering lens at F4? I doubt you'll find answer on Google.
    Let's test.
  25. Like
    JordanWright got a reaction from Emanuel in Speedbooster for BMPC6K   
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