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Phil A

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    Phil A reacted to Caleb Genheimer in Alexa Bargain   
    Neither is the grip equipment required to support a Classic 😂
  2. Like
    Phil A reacted to KnightsFan in Is anyone else interested in a screen-less (small) external recorder?   
    No, I'm not interested in cameras that can't shoot the format I want internally.
    You won't find measurable differences in quality or usability between ProRes and H264 All-I at the same bitrate, so there are plenty of smaller, cheaper cameras that hit your criteria for a decent codec internally.
  3. Like
    Phil A reacted to BTM_Pix in Lenses   
    Sigma 14mm f4 APS-C Lens *

    * Fixed lens on the Sigma DP0. 
    Shot in 65x24 AR on the DP0 and posted as an FYI for anyone interested in doing Hasselblad XPan style stuff without dropping £4K 😉 
  4. Like
    Phil A reacted to MicahMahaffey in Best affordable camera as of 2021?   
    I dont use autofocus so I forgot about that one. 
    I mean, i use my sony a6300 along side my S1 as a gimbal cam and its negligible once graded. 
    The xt4 being 10bit pretty much means that it can look like any camera with enough adjustments. 
    We're definitely in a time were most cameras can get the job done and nobody will ever notice what camera you used. 
  5. Like
    Phil A reacted to Sage in GH5 to Alexa Conversion   
    Working on it at this very moment (and a raft of updates simultaneously). Its a generational shift rolled in. I rewrote all code since the last 4.2 update; it's been a very technical winter 🙂
  6. Like
    Phil A reacted to Anaconda_ in Black magic 6k reliability question   
    To add to this - The cable that comes with the T5 works flawless for me. I've tried other USBc cables, and they gave me issues. So it's not only the media you should look at, but what you're using to connect it to the camera.
  7. Like
    Phil A reacted to tupp in Thinking of an idea for a new EOSHD Challenge   
    Finding a cheap, fun camera certainly can be part of the fun for those who can afford to buy one.  Another part of the fun is using inexpensive gear to shoot something compelling, which can be done with a camera that one already owns.
    Why exclude those who can't buy a camera, merely because they can't afford to experience one part of the fun?
  8. Like
    Phil A reacted to Snowfun in Thinking of an idea for a new EOSHD Challenge   
    Given the previous thread about the pandemic, why not simply a 5x5 short film (ie 25s comprising 5 scenes of 5 seconds each) on the theme: Perceptions of Pandemic.
    So anyone who feels that they’ve been staring at the same 4 walls for the past 12 months will have to be creative and find a 5th scene.
    Who knows, you could compile the best of the shorts and persuade one of the reputable media outlets to showcase them - a global view of what Covid has meant to a group of creatives.
  9. Like
    Phil A reacted to fuzzynormal in Boring content – is the film industry TOO sane?   
    There's a certain context there.  Personally, I definitely think the implication is "...[used to be free to] say whatever they wanted and be offensive."
    I suppose I could be wrong there, let me know if so.
    But, it seems to me, maybe some people are ticked-off that a certain traditional privilege/entitlement is now being challenged in a more inclusive society.  And since being a rude self-centered person is being called-out more often it kind of makes those people upset?
    If so, I'd ask, is being held accountable to new standards wrong?  Or is it only wrong when folks disagree with the new standards?  How we define these shifts in society is pretty important, I think.
  10. Like
    Phil A got a reaction from KnightsFan in HBO Max streaming controversy - Christopher Nolan versus Warner   
    You must go to very different cinemas than me.
    I would rather see a movie at home than at the cinema, precisely because at home I can focus on it. At the cinema there's a high chance for people to talk during the movie, kick seats, etc. plus as mentioned before, it's a total rip off with the snacks and all. Last time I was at the cinema I paid 50 CHF (47 €, 57$) for two people. That's just not worth it to me tbh. And then chances are your movie isn't even in the best setup (biggest screen, high res, good audio, etc.) unless it's Marvel Avengers or so.
  11. Like
    Phil A reacted to AnthonyBert in HBO Max streaming controversy - Christopher Nolan versus Warner   
    Well they had it coming... WB did not kill anything... Nolan did. as well all the top actors and top director...Movie budget are getting completely out of hand.. Nolan took 20 million salary for tenet. How can that be justified? Top actor are paid tens of millions. Now, the last time I wanted to go to the cinema, probably 18 months ago, the tickets were £15.50 for their so called Imax experience... So 31 quid for my wife and me. imagine if we had the kids!! Well enough said... We simply didn't go. not because we can't afford it but because it's insane to spend such an amount to pay for a below par experience. the last few times I have been to the cinema in the last 5 years they were 10 to 15 people max in a 300 seat cinema... What experience is that? my suggestion... Bring actors and directors back down to earth, pay them decently.. make good film with good script and story for 25 million max, put the cinema ticket around £6-8, and I bet you that they will fill up again... or go on spending 200millions on some crap with high price ticket and the 20th century fox and the others will follow in the footstep of WB...
  12. Like
    Phil A reacted to Paul Cryer in Davinci resolve 17   
    One thing I noticed when I looked into Resolve and tried to use it a few times is the massive lack of third party plugins for transitions, titles and effects and the ones that do exist seem to be such a horrid workaround to get working, that is if you can get them working at all. They need to add easy support for things like this.
  13. Like
    Phil A got a reaction from SteveV4D in Nikon Z6ii and Z7ii are to shoot 4k blackmagic Raw 60 fps   
    But not everyone wants to massively increase the footprint and weight of his camera by adding an external recorder. For many people, the whole point of shooting with a hybrid camera is the size. I couldn't care less what's available via HDMI out, it needs to be in-camera or I'm not going to use it. I'm clearly not in the minority with that opinion. For 90%+ of users, the new Nikons will be 8bit cameras.
  14. Like
    Phil A got a reaction from Geoff CB in Nikon Z6ii and Z7ii are to shoot 4k blackmagic Raw 60 fps   
    But not everyone wants to massively increase the footprint and weight of his camera by adding an external recorder. For many people, the whole point of shooting with a hybrid camera is the size. I couldn't care less what's available via HDMI out, it needs to be in-camera or I'm not going to use it. I'm clearly not in the minority with that opinion. For 90%+ of users, the new Nikons will be 8bit cameras.
  15. Haha
    Phil A reacted to MrSMW in Fuji X-S10   
    I'm not one of those that likes to piss on others parades, but it's about as exciting as the new Nikonzzz
  16. Thanks
    Phil A got a reaction from Emanuel in Panasonic S5 Entry Level Full Frame seems to be real...   
    Found this on YouTube and while it seems to do a somewhat decent job of keeping the lady in focus, the DFD pulsing of the background is a total deal breaker to me when it comes to AF-C in in video. If it completely goes off the rails like on the GH5 where it just runs off to infinity focus, you know you gotta cut at that point or reshoot. But who wants footage where every half second the background juggles between being sharp or blurry (which you probably can't even tell on the EVF/screen)?
    In combination with AF-C during video still being too unreliable and manual focus being the best option, I really am even less happy with the decision to go for such a cost-cutting choice of EVF and not at least the one from GH5.
    We're really at this point where everyone is one step away from the perfect(enough) camera. Panasonic is missing good AF-C, Sony could kill it if they put 10bit codecs into their cameras, Canon needs to get a grip on the thermic limitations, etc. ... "Luckily" the market is still driven by photography and there basically all brands are exceeding what 99% of users need.
  17. Like
    Phil A reacted to kye in Shooting "C-Roll" and mental health   
    YouTuber Christian Maté Grab recently posted this video, which I think is very interesting, is hugely authentic, and quite frankly, brave.
    He talks about shooting footage for yourself, for no pre-defined or pre-imagined purpose, just of things that happen in your normal life.  This is what he's called "C-Roll".
    He talks about how he has recently struggled with quite debilitating mental health issues / depression and the roll that C-Roll played in helping him recover from that state.
    The idea isn't new to those of us old enough to remember film cameras (he's probably not) and to a certain extent he's just discovered home videos, but I think it's an interesting and important point for those of us who may have adapted to only thinking of shooting for commercial purposes or for likes and followers, especially as the world gets crazier with the hype of social media and the slow but inevitable upset of basically the entire film-making and professional video industry.
    Here's the video:
    Do you shoot personal footage?
  18. Thanks
    Phil A got a reaction from Ty Harper in Z97X-UD5H | 4790K | GTX 1080TI/MINI: add another 1080TI?   
    That's not correct. The free version can do 99% the same as the studio version for most users, you're only missing out on resolutions bigger than UHD, it doesn't have the noise reduction and film grain OFX, etc. For normal editing and grading, it's widely the same.
    I don't think it makes sense to invest any money into your system if you haven't actually identified a bottleneck. I would edit/grade a project and run resource monitoring to find out if you every approach a limit regarding CPU, GPU or storage. There's no benefit to increase e.g. GPU performance up to 200% of now when you maybe never reach over 60% currently.
  19. Like
    Phil A got a reaction from Geoff CB in Z97X-UD5H | 4790K | GTX 1080TI/MINI: add another 1080TI?   
    That's not correct. The free version can do 99% the same as the studio version for most users, you're only missing out on resolutions bigger than UHD, it doesn't have the noise reduction and film grain OFX, etc. For normal editing and grading, it's widely the same.
    I don't think it makes sense to invest any money into your system if you haven't actually identified a bottleneck. I would edit/grade a project and run resource monitoring to find out if you every approach a limit regarding CPU, GPU or storage. There's no benefit to increase e.g. GPU performance up to 200% of now when you maybe never reach over 60% currently.
  20. Like
    Phil A reacted to Ty Harper in Z97X-UD5H | 4790K | GTX 1080TI/MINI: add another 1080TI?   
    ASUS PB278Q (2K)
  21. Thanks
    Phil A reacted to Trankilstef in Panasonic S5 Entry Level Full Frame seems to be real...   
    Here are the first pics of the camera :
    To save you a click 😉

  22. Like
    Phil A reacted to IronFilm in Panasonic S5 Entry Level Full Frame seems to be real...   
    I have seen this argument "for" FF35 for many many years, and it is just ridiculous and wrong to say "I need a full frame FoV". 

    All it proves is you made poor lens selections going into the project. 

    Did you have a 12mm? How about a 10mm or 8mm?  All of these are easily accessible and even quite affordable. Don't blame the tools for user errors. 

    Because you can get almost any FoV that you wish with MFT! From the Laowa 7.5mm f/2 (or even wider if not going rectilinear, there is a 2.3mm fisheye lens for MFT!) to the Olympus 150-400mm f/4.5 (or even longer!!). 

    When did one of us last need greater than 800mm FF35 or wider rectilinear than 15mm FF35? (that's the same as 10mm S35!!)
  23. Downvote
    Phil A reacted to Adrian Bacon in I bought a Canon EOS R5 - potential overheating solutions   
    Correction: you bought a seriously expensive stills photography first camera that just happens to have the ability to record pretty high quality video, NOT a video first camera that just happens to record stills. If you intend to use this camera for video first, you shouldn’t be expecting reliable high end cinema performance in a stills camera form factor.  That’s kind of like expecting C700 performance in the price and body of an EOS RP. ?!?! If you need reliable C700 performance, then use a C700, not the RP. I’m using C700/RP as an example.
    in terms of how canon chose to market the R5, yes, it’s unfortunate that they are chose to market it as video first, however reviews are showing that it’s not that camera, at least not in current firmware form, so if anybody is stupid enough to buy anything based solely on manufacturers marketing (Not just Canon), then they kind of deserve to get what they get. This is why independent reviews exist.
  24. Like
    Phil A reacted to MrSMW in Gerald Undone - EOS R5 & EOS R6 Excellent Review   
    Camera, singular. About 10 people worldwide...but their lenses, 10’s of thousands.
  25. Thanks
    Phil A reacted to kye in RED KOMODO 6K | First Footage - WOW   
    I understand what rolling shutter is.
    Let me explain even more clearly.  If I pick up a camera and shake it while recording, I get motion in the footage because the camera is pointing in a different direction when each frame was exposed.  This is called camera motion.  If that motion is caused by something like a smooth pan or tilt or is very gradual and smooth, then the motion will have a certain aesthetic, but if that motion is not smooth, but is very jerky with lots of small motion, then it will have a different aesthetic.
    Engaging a Global Shutter so that the whole frame begins and ends it's exposure at the same time (hey look - I did know what a global shutter is!) does not negate the fact that the camera is facing a slightly different direction each time a frame was exposed.  IBIS, on the other hand, actually does negate the fact that the camera is facing a slightly different direction each time a frame was exposed, and under the right situation, will remove that motion from the footage.
    I get that you dislike the aesthetic of RS, and so switching to GS "fixes" it for you, but I dislike jittery camera motion, which GS does not fix.
    I'd link to a video explaining the differences between IBIS and GS in order to reflect back your level of condescension when you fail to understand what someone is saying and automatically respond by thinking you're smarter than them, but I don't think that anyone would have made a video on the topic because the differences are obvious.  Or so I thought.
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