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Posts posted by Bozzie

  1. On 1/24/2018 at 10:37 PM, Stathman said:


    Did you use any filter to reduce moire?

    Thank you kindly, @Stathman

    No, didn't use any filters. I find that moire generally appears in brickwork, patterned/striped material and metal edges. Shallower depth of usually helps with these kind of issues :thumbsup:

  2. On 11/20/2017 at 2:08 AM, mercer said:

    Thank you, this is so well done. I love how you used practical, in camera effects for the scares. The zipper was brilliant.

    My only criticism is that I wish you used a different doll instead of Elmo because I think you could have a real winner with this short... similar to what happened with the Lights Out short, but due to legalities, the Elmo doll may hamper that.

    Either way, awesome work as usual. 

    Thanks, @mercer! Much appreciated! Practical is always the best :)

    The short you see is actually a very, very stripped down version of a story the director had intended to tell. And you're right about using Elmo. He was never intended to be used! There was a super cool doll the director was working on (he made the zipper effect). This thing was seriously bad ass. A real nasty little thing. Due to unforeseen circumstances the doll and some equipment he wanted wasn't completed/didn't arrive on time. I pushed for us to shoot anyways and sold it as a 'Bonus' day. Whatever happens, happens. We reworked/improvised as we went along and this was the final result. The way I like to look at the creative process is that something is always better than nothing. This was our 'something' :smiley: :thumbsup:

    Thanks again, man.

  3. I've always enjoyed Matt's work and he's always come across as a genuine guy who loves what he does. I find it hard to think of another person who's shared so much usable information  about cameras, lighting and techniques with downloadable files for FREE. He doesn't need to do that. It sounds like a genuine mistake on his behalf. It's just a shame that there are so many people/creatives out there who are ready to be Judge & Executioner at a drop of a hat. Maybe they should concentrate on working on their own issues rather than projecting it onto someone like Matt. - B.

  4. 2 hours ago, jbCinC_12 said:

    What lens setup did you use, both anamorphic/taking?  Good shots you did.  How did you manage to get it to pop in low light (f-stop)?  Thanks for sharing.

    Hey, Jay. Sankor 16c Anamorphic Adapter paired with a Carl Zeiss 25mm Prime. Shot at T2.8. The key is to shoot at ISO 800 which really is the "sweet spot" for these cams, especially in low light. The LUT is a huge help too :thumbsup:  Best - B.

  5. 20 hours ago, mercer said:

    Looks great. Just bought a GH2.

    Btw, I watched a few of your older shorts and you have some great work. I loved the look of the B&W short... so well done.

    Thanks, @mercer and congrats! Such a great little cam and even better when hacked.

    Ah man, that's kind of you. Thanks for checking them out. Much appreciated!

  6. Recently created a new (one-off) LUT for the Panasonic GH2 because like me, I know there are people out there who still use (or would love to get back into using) this soon to be forgotten gem of a camera for video. Though it's not free, it's still cheaper than a Golden Arches Meal and worth checking out the page even if it's just out of curiosity. Thank you.

    Download Page: https://bulentozdemirfilms.wordpress.com/downloads/bozgh2pana-gt-film-lut/


  7. 22 hours ago, Fifty said:

    Bozzie very nice. Can you explain your lighting? Was it just 2 (blue filter left and tungsten right) or was there a 3rd overhead as fill?

    Thanks, @Fifty. 2 LED's. One camera left, up top with Blue Filter. Second, camera right (on ground) with Tungsten filter. :thumbsup:

  8. On 23/04/2017 at 8:36 AM, enny said:

    really good work man still first gen BM cameras bmcc and bmpc have best color science out there i thought you shoot it on alexa

    Thanks man, appreciate the kind words. Absolutely. I remember reading an article by the DP of American Sniper somewhere who said that the color science of the BMPCC was very close to that of an Alexa (he used them as 'B' Cams in the movie). Or as another article put it "the poor mans Alexa" :blush: 

  9. On 14/04/2017 at 4:20 AM, jbCinC_12 said:

    That's really cool.  Mind my asking, what lens did you use?

    Thanks, man. Sigma 18-35mm :thumbsup:

    16 hours ago, webrunner5 said:

    Quit showing me this stuff! I will have to go out a re buy a BMPCC! I am poor. :grimace:

    :lol: Gotta stop torturing yourself, man. Do it, go out there and get your BMPCC! It'll make you feel 10yrs younger!

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