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Everything posted by BenEricson

  1. It does 60p, you just need the 7Q recorder. The 444 model does 60p to the black magic video assist tho.
  2. Yep. I use this for sharing projects with mixed versions on Premiere Pro.
  3. This dude shot a feature length doc with the bmpcc and the bmmcc. I think it had a festival release in 2018, but now available online. The colors out of the original bmpcc and micro have a point like quality and texture. Really beautiful.
  4. So true. The higher end web cams have also gone way up in price. Everywhere is sold out and eBay is marked way up. New York Times worked with the webcam footage in a cool way. https://www.nytimes.com/video/health/100000007056651/covid-ards-acute-respiratory-distress-syndrome.html?smid=pl-share
  5. Pastel land. Reminds me of the default camera on the new iPhones.
  6. This is really excellent content. Thank you for posting!
  7. Agreed. Even if you have loads of time, it is nearly impossible to get the same color and texture that you get with the high end scanners. This scanner is really good but only does 35mm. I’ve heard a lot of people swear by it. The output really simulates what a 35mm print should look like. Correct colors etc. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202603055965 I personally would rather support a local lab and get my scans back in 2/3 days via email. I’m shooting 120 and 35 so the price for high end scanners would be too costly for it to make sense.
  8. Gotta keep up. They're not sure if it will go away. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/03/11/coronavirus-may-have-seasonal-cycle-that-doesnt-mean-it-will-go-away-this-summer-experts-warn/
  9. I have an in house contract for a tech company in Seattle. We were told to work from home for the next 3 weeks. Not sure what happens then... Besides that, I have been hanging around the house mostly. Catching up on personal projects. Weren’t there rumors that China was under reporting death tolls? I would guess that non lethal cases in the US is currently very underreported.
  10. And I am saying, Canon won’t make that camera because it basically already exists.
  11. 15 million per episode. The episodes are like 22 minutes long.
  12. There's clearly an issue building a sensor to have both beautiful color science and extreme low light sensitivity. Canon 1DXii would do well in these scenarios too. It is also 5 times the price.
  13. Interesting. I work with the C300ii quite a bit. CLog2 is closest to the Alexa. It creates very soft and filmic looking highlights. That being said, Clog3 is a lot cleaner and generally easier to work with, unless you’re shooting into bright sources.
  14. What is the raw footage curve then? Can’t you select your desired log curve? I’ve never used the C200 but I thought there was an option to export out Clog2 or 3 from the raw files?
  15. "UHD 4K (3840 x 2160) at 23.976p [120 Mb/s] " https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1546030-REG/canon_3924c001_eos_rebel_t8i_dslr.html/specs Low bit rate, but the 35mps codec on the C100 still looks better than the Sony cameras. It's probably a great little camera but lacks spec wise. I absolutely loved the 60d back in the day. Probably also takes great stills, but better than a GH5 in that regard.
  16. I own the iPhone XS ( model previous to the 11 Pro.) I have noticed the same thing. The Halide app kind of fixes the problems with highlights, but still not as good as the older phones. There is some sort of HDR look that cannot he totally disabled. There’s also this plastic / noise reduction look. Skin tones and color in general are worse. The phone seemed to have a less warm and more neutral look than the iPhone 6/7.
  17. I've shot with this same setup before and had great results. Where is the noise located? On the skin / subject or the background. I think you will need to post a still for anyone to give you any real advice. I've had good results with the updated color key filter in Premiere CC.
  18. Well, don’t forget the locations, wardrobe, and cast. That trailer would look like a YouTube camera tests without those. It looks really good but I am not shocked it was shot on a GH5, those cameras are clearly super capable. Interesting they went with a super fast shutter. Seems extremely budget to make that call based on a broken filter?
  19. Depends on your market. The C300 is way more popular in Seattle. Lots of corporate work with Amazon and Microsoft. I would imagine FS7 is really popular for TV.
  20. Just curious, have you ever shot with one? The C300ii produces beautiful images with ease. The reason the C300ii is so popular in mid range production is because it is a single operator operator camera. The Alexa or Red in that situation can be a burden. At the end of the day, the canon images at least hold up next to the red or arri in color space. The FS7 can’t compete in that space. The new FX9 looks better but the color is still not better than the original C300.
  21. And everyone wants icing on their cake. The F3 is a great camera. It really does have an extremely rich color output. The slog files also really handle over and under exposure very well. Like the other Sony’s I have used. It looks amazing outdoors and okay in mixed lighting. (From my experience.) I was using a Sony Swit with a dtap to power the Black Magic video assist. This was a super compact setup that worked really well.
  22. Really interesting stuff. I would be curious what this would do with cameras like the HPX or older VHS-C cameras. Maybe a way to sharpen up those older cameras with really organic looking images.
  23. I would have to disagree. “The kids” are the ones shooting tons of actual film right now. Largely driven by millennials it seems. There is so much 16mm and 35mm being shot right now, I would imagine 10 times more than what was being shot 5 years ago. Nothing beats the real deal if you can afford it.
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