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    ntblowz reacted to DanielVranic in Just in time!   
    He does acknowledge the lenses. I watched it on mute and to make it short, they all do very good jobs within close margins of each other.
  2. Like
    ntblowz reacted to BTM_Pix in FujiFilm X-T3 - Thoughts After One Month   
    So, let me get this straight...
    A forum member (who contributes a lot to this place by the way) makes a cautionary post about having two separate failures of a camera model that many people on here may be looking to buy and the response is to criticise his work ?
    Are you trying to suggest he broke these cameras by virtue of taking photographs that you don't particularly like ?
    Have I got that right?
    That both of these cameras self destructed on the grounds of taste?
    Because if you are not suggesting that then you need to accept that your contribution to this particular thread is as irrelevant as it is mean spirited.
  3. Like
    ntblowz reacted to austinchimp in FujiFilm X-T3 - Thoughts After One Month   
    Jesus, what happened to keeping criticism constructive and supportive? I came to this forum hoping to find a community of likeminded film makers interested in the new possibilities of smaller, cheaper cameras, and I stayed because of the variety and frequency of discussions. This forum always seems to be more on top of new news than others.
    But lately it's all been about attacking other blogs and youtubers, denigrating your peers, and now giving really harsh and insensitive criticism to each other.
    I would never post my own work in this forum now. I wouldn't expect to receive any useful criticism from a place where there are so many thin-skinned, insecure and defensive people.
    Of course there are many intelligent, experienced and positive people here too, but they increasingly seem to keep their heads down these days.
  4. Like
    ntblowz reacted to Robert Collins in FujiFilm X-T3 - Thoughts After One Month   
    I enjoy travel photography most but I have no doubt that the only stuff I do that will stand some reasonable test of time - is the family stuff.
    Just finished a book of photos of my son’s first 5 years....
  5. Sad
    ntblowz reacted to DBounce in FujiFilm X-T3 - Thoughts After One Month   
    So it's been a little over a month since I purchased my first FujiFilm X-T3 body. About two weeks after purchasing the first body I became convinced that this camera was very special. It was fun to shoot with. It reignited my desire to shoot stills. When it came to video the X-T3 seemed more than capable. I decided to refine my lens collection, adding the 23mm F2, 35mm F2, 16mm F1.4 and 56mm F1.2. Later I add the magnificent MKX18-55mm T2.9. All of these lenses performed to my highest expectations. 
    I can tell you after this short period of owning these cameras that they can capture some truly lovely images. The in camera profiles are great and very inspiring to work with. The whole experience is really quite wonderful... well, that is it was. I am getting rid of the whole system. 
    Why? Well, the second body decided to quit. The screen froze up and would just blink. A quick call to Fuji tech support revealed that the hardware had failed. I called to get a return authorization, which was granted. I decided not to go for an exchange, instead opting to wait and see how the first body held up. Today, I went out to shoot some pictures for a project we are doing. Upon arriving at the location I grabbed the X-T3 out of my bag and flipped the switch to power it on... NOTHING! Absolutely nothing. No lights, no screen lighting up, no power up at all. I tried different batteries. Still nothing. I tried pulling the battery and holding down power, then re-inserting the battery and attempting to power up again. Still nothing. Finally I tried the one thing I knew would work. This technique has never failed me.... I went home and grabbed my Canon 1DXMk2. Needless to say the shoot was completed. But the Fuji's are paper weights. 
    I'm done with FujiFilm. It's all going back. It's packed up... I will not buy another one. In my experience they are not fit for serious use. Heck, they are not fit for even casual use. I had spoken highly of them in the past, but this experience with not one... but two bodies failing is enough for me. Lesson learned.

  6. Haha
    ntblowz reacted to Cinegain in What Do Y'all Think of The Kinefinity Mavo LF?   
    I think it would be a great upgrade from your (albeit amazing of course) T2i.
  7. Like
    ntblowz reacted to graphicnatured in GoPro Hero 7 with Hypersmooth stabilization   
    Been too slammed to finish this, but finally able to put something together. All vanilla settings: 2.7k, 100iso, GoPro color, Sharpness low. Double mount to Handler grip. This was meant to test Hypersmooth in Hero7 Black. No audio as it is pulled from a much longer video I'm working on.
  8. Haha
    ntblowz reacted to Nikkor in Panasonic announcing a full frame camera on Sept. 25???   
    My Japanese cousin who's father in law is president of Panasonic Camcorder division confirms this. He told me that he needs to bribe higher instances to make this happen (even raw internal).
    Since this is not exactly legal I can't start a kickstarter but if we can all agree on sending money to one western union account I think we could make this happen. Goal would be 100.000$ US (nothing if you ask me, I mean, full frame raw)
    I'm currently based in Egypt, I hope that's not a problem.
  9. Like
    ntblowz reacted to mojo43 in A Series on How to Make a Good Travel Video... Vid #1   
    I just created the first video of hopefully more about how to create a Good Travel Video. All based on my experiences and past, but wanted to see if you guys/gals had any thoughts around things that you would want to see and if you are even interested at all??
  10. Like
    ntblowz reacted to IronFilm in Canon EOS R first impressions - INSANE split personality camera   
    The EOS R AF seems quite bad during portions of that vlog?

    As one of the top rated comments said:


  11. Haha
    ntblowz reacted to wolf33d in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    Lol. We can clearly see this is  @jonpais 
  12. Haha
    ntblowz got a reaction from tonysss in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    So much for SAR's A7SIII and A7000 gonna be released anytime sooon before the photokina stuff, now pretty much everything will be released from next year.  There wont be major Sony announcement for the reminder of this year for sure.
    and wolf33d's A7SIII gonna be released one month after GH5 release thread is a good laugh for me everytime ?
  13. Haha
    ntblowz got a reaction from Kisaha in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    So much for SAR's A7SIII and A7000 gonna be released anytime sooon before the photokina stuff, now pretty much everything will be released from next year.  There wont be major Sony announcement for the reminder of this year for sure.
    and wolf33d's A7SIII gonna be released one month after GH5 release thread is a good laugh for me everytime ?
  14. Haha
    ntblowz got a reaction from IronFilm in There will be a Sony A7S II successor. The bad news is - "it will take time"   
    So much for SAR's A7SIII and A7000 gonna be released anytime sooon before the photokina stuff, now pretty much everything will be released from next year.  There wont be major Sony announcement for the reminder of this year for sure.
    and wolf33d's A7SIII gonna be released one month after GH5 release thread is a good laugh for me everytime ?
  15. Like
    ntblowz reacted to Yurolov in Canon EOS R full frame mirrorless talk hots up   
    @DaveAltizer has done a very nice test. 
    I habe to disagree though after viewing the footage that the color science is largely irrelevant. I still think the Canon looked much better. If all you care about is image pick the Canon. Clog is so easy to work with and looks so nice. I can't say the same for the Sony. The skintones were off and all you have to do is look at the color of the grass in the background to see who has the more sophisticated image. Too bad for the Canon that the RS makes it unusable for everything but static shots. 
  16. Like
    ntblowz reacted to Grimor in Cinemartin Fran 8K Global Shutter Camera   
  17. Like
    ntblowz reacted to Andrew Reid in Canon EOS R full frame mirrorless talk hots up   
    I have mine. Made sure it has a return policy
    Since the 80D and 6DII have some of the worst 1080p images on the market that wouldn't even have impressed vs a GH2 6-7 years ago, it's not hard to kick one in the nuts.
    I do like Canon's colour science and sure, not everybody will notice how soft the full frame 1080p is. It's no better than a 5D Mark III (again of 6 years ago).
    The 4K is where it gets interesting. It's actually a very nice result when paired with the Sigma 18-35mm F1.8, but the major reservation I have is the rolling shutter. I don't know if it's because I'm use to the newer cameras but it feels DREADFUL, worse than anything in my memory of all cameras, worse than A6500 and worse than NX1. It's going to be a deal breaker for a lot of people in 4K. Even with a 50mm on there handheld, the jello was intolerable. Hate to think what it's like at telephoto.
    The ergonomics are ok broadly but in detail, there's some serious fuck-ups. You can't shoot Canon LOG in Aperture Priority mode or Programme Auto. You can only shoot Programme Auto 4K in stills mode. You cannot just hit record and have it keep the same manual settings as for stills. To access movie mode is tricky as well. It takes 3 button presses of 3 different buttons all widely spaced out on the camera. One on top and two on the back. It's very time consuming.
    If you use an EF-S lens, the camera won't let you shoot 1.6x APS-C 1080p. It changes the crop of 1080p to 1.8x!
    The Sigma 18-35mm thankfully is an EF mount lens so not affected.
    The M-fn touch bar is a disaster. Unusable. Complete jack-pot what setting your swipes end up at. Better to use it not at all, or with button-like tapping motion. Then imagine it as the most easy to accidentally knock two buttons on a camera ever.
    In movie mode you can't take a still.
    What I do like - Codec, colour, AF (not perfect though), EVF is nice. Back screen nice and detailed. The 4k is a little soft but I actually prefer less sharpening in 4K, easier on the eye and more cinematic. The 1080p is pretty shit and the 120p is atrocious!
    I think for all but the most die-hard canon STILLS shooters, for video there are better deals out there. A LOT of better deals out there.
    That said, I don't HATE it. I think the system has potential in the future once they bring out a higher-end model.
    I think the end-results can still be nice, if you have the fast aperture / nice lenses to match that 1.8x crop and do a locked-down shooting style, little movement.
    Canon's colour science and motion cadence are the best. It has decent AF. It has a flippy screen. The GH5 falls short on all 3 of those aspects. Also as Mattias pointed out to me, you can use the different digital IS modes like a digital-telephoto feature. The most extreme crop (looks like 2.4x) IS does produce very soft 4K though. The other mode seems to be a nice compromise, but still no replacement for proper IBIS like on the Z6 and Z7.
    I'd take the X-T3 over this camera any day, with Fuji's wonderful lens line-up and 4K/60p.
    The EOS R, if I keep it, will only get used for stills. It's a good stills camera, and Mattias will enjoy it for that.

  18. Like
    ntblowz reacted to Jordan Drake in Canon EOS R full frame mirrorless talk hots up   
    As mentioned in the episode, when we switched to shooting 1080P I also switched to the RF 24-105mm F4 L IS. The EF-S 17-55mm was only used for the 4K sequences.
  19. Thanks
    ntblowz got a reaction from IronFilm in Best 120p camera 2019   
    E2 is probably the best since it does 4K 120P.
  20. Haha
    ntblowz reacted to BTM_Pix in ID Theft - A Reminder   
    Scary stuff.
    Glad you got it sorted.
    I was a victim of something mysteriously draining my bank account recently myself and here I am on my to tell my wife that our account must have been hacked.

  21. Like
    ntblowz got a reaction from Emanuel in Best 120p camera 2019   
    E2 is probably the best since it does 4K 120P.
  22. Like
    ntblowz reacted to heart0less in Film Halation - Resolve How-To   
    Stumbled upon this reddit post today.
    Love the results - definitely worth looking at if you crave for an analogue feel.
  23. Like
    ntblowz reacted to Andrew Reid in EOSHD TV - Episode 1 - Photokina 2018   
    It was a great occasion to enjoy some of Photokina with Dave Altizer. This video was an experiment in many ways, to plant a seed for more EOSHD YouTube content. I hope you enjoy the start of EOSHD TV - let's see how this goes in the future when I rope more unlucky people in front of the camera and come up with more content (the channel won't just be interviews).
    We talk about a range of camera-nerd stuff in the video, not least of all that's on the table in front of us.
    The Fuji X-T3, the Hasselblad X1D and Fuji GFX 50S medium format cameras, along with the other interesting finds at the show.
    Warning: contains controversial opinions!!
  24. Like
    ntblowz got a reaction from arson519 in The absolutely mega Olympus E-M10 III - Oversampled 4.6K no crop 5 axis IBIS for $500!   
    Yeah who need FF and those fancy new camera if you just can do everything on a phone, you shouldnt be even this forum apparently phone is good enough for you, stick to GSMArena mate!
  25. Haha
    ntblowz got a reaction from lucabutera in The absolutely mega Olympus E-M10 III - Oversampled 4.6K no crop 5 axis IBIS for $500!   
    Yeah who need FF and those fancy new camera if you just can do everything on a phone, you shouldnt be even this forum apparently phone is good enough for you, stick to GSMArena mate!
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