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My cameras and kit

Found 19 results

  1. yuri

    d5200 hack

    Who is hacking the d5200? Need to change the aperture while shooting!
  2. Now you can have 40mbit/s on the d5200. Make shure to read the instructions and forum before asking. https://nikonhacker.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1985
  3. Hello everyone, We are planning to shoot a very low budget feature film this summer and I have some questions on the camera set we will use and I hope you can help me on some of the following: 1. The 16:9 sensor on the GH2 + a 2x anamorphic adapter produces a final stretched anamorphic aspect of 3.55. Which would result in (1920x1080)*(2)= 3840x1080. Instead of doing the decompression from 2x, I want to interpret the shot as if pixels would be 1.333 or 1.4587. I know it keeps the image still a little deform but I think I like the look. Whats your technical and/or creative take on it? (SEE IMAGES BELOW) 2. We would project it on standard 2k (2048×1080) DCP cinemas and the final cut would fit into it with a 2048x858 (2.39:1) size movie. Am I right? or does it work in another way? 3. I am currently using Sedna AQ1 for max detail against anamorphic softening against big screen projection. Do you think it will hold enough? Would you sharpen in post? Whats you recommend any other hack? Given this 3 points which would be your opinion on this process? Have any of you seen any gh2 anamorphic content projected in 2k dcp? How does it stand? Thanks for your help! P.D. Anyone selling a Kowa 16-h (8z) In order not to be so limited with the 16D in lens minimum mm´s?
  4. Made my own music video to showcase one of my songs. It's electronic music aka melodic dubstep. Anyhow... made this with my GH2 and GH3. All details in the description. If you like the music better alone its available online on the major streaming sites. Enjoy.
  5. Halfway through filming our no-budget feature film on the trusty GH2 with a Driftwood Moon T7 hack. Lenses used are Sigma 30mm 1.4, Canon FD 50mm 1.4, and SLR Magic 12mm. teaser: We're running a kickstarter to finish the film here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1914745614/feature-film-the-act-of-leaving
  6. I've just shot a short film using the ML raw hack for the 5DmkIII. We are using a PC workflow so we transcoded the raw files into Cineform raw using GoPro Studio Premium, RAW2GPCFv113, and RAWinizer. Cineform seems like a much easier workflow than cinemaDNG, so that is what we went with. However, the resulting Cineform .mov files that come out are pretty noisy. I shot almost the entire film at 100 ISO with Canon CN-E lenses so I'm pretty sure the noise is a result of the transcoding process.   Has anyone else worked with Cineform raw? Is the noise typical or am I doing something wrong? We purchased Andrew's 5D raw guide and I didn't see any mention of this, as either a problem to avoid or something typical to expect. I assume Neat Video Pro would be capable of noise reduction while maintaining the high bitrate of Cineform raw, but is this really necessary? As it is some shots almost look unusable "out of the box" so to speak without some noise reduction. I am posting this from work so the only clip I can show, at the moment, is this one I previously uploaded for the director to see. This one isn't particularly noisy but it is more noticeable in other clips.   https://vimeo.com/76398367
  7. Hi guys! I just wanted to give the heads up in case there's anyone interested in this (and I believe there is, considering how big the GH2 user base is here at EOSHD, the site that got me started!)   Here's the link: vimeo.com/ondemand/3737   At $2.99 it's very affordable, I think you should all give it a chance. I've already bought it but haven't watched it yet. "Musgo", in case you happen to be one of those who don't know, is a Spanish feature film shot entirely on the Panasonic GH2 with an early 44Mbps hack and three lenses (Tokina 11-16mm, Nikkor 28mm f2.8 and Nikkor 50mm f1.4 if I remember correctly) over the course of one week. It has awesome cinematography.   Gami Orbegoso (director, cameraman, editor, color timer, etc.) is very kind in sharing all the gear he used and other info on the shoot. There are a couple of behind the scenes that can be seen here, with several answers to many possible questions you might have on the making of the movie: https://vimeo.com/33456753 https://vimeo.com/57277710
  8. Hello EOSHD people :) Here is my new project in crowdfunding, made of archives from VHS to anamorphic, please read this ! :) : Now, discover and support WOMANHATTAN my next film in progress on crowdfunding Ulule!
   To give to my project its best quality and offer the best possible visibility 
I need a financial boost (with friendly counter-parties! ).
This subscription is available on the crowdfunding platform Ulule for 30 days (until July the 12th 2013).

 Support the project, even a little, it will help WOMANHATTAN a lot!
If you can participate, and / or forward the message, do not hesitate!
 http://www.ulule.com/womanhattan/   PROJECT SUMMARY:
 For 20 years (1993-2013), I got used to go with my girlfriends to New York, and set my love memories on film...
WOMANHATTAN is a film from my point of view as an obsessive director: the obsession of filming my girlfriends in New York, the obsession of magnifying them, the technological obsession of finding the camera shots that best reflected my feelings.
 WOMANHATTAN is a trip back in time, before and after 9/11, where I take us to the heart of New York and its urban landscapes, my thoughts on the passing of time, on love and the possibility of being free one day from my obsessions, and living fully the present and my love life. To discover my world here is the teaser :   https://vimeo.com/31303587     And also on facebook :
 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Womanhattan/308092392578172 I hope you find this project exciting and unique enough to be a part of it. Thank you! Seb Farges   https://vimeo.com/51028337      
  9. I have been using a Hacked GH2 with Flow Motion 2 the preferred setting...I just got a GH3 and I need some guidance from those who know on how to set-up the two cameras to use in a Multi-Cam edit so that the picture quality, colour, look and feel are similar. Perhaps a different hack for the GH2 would be a better fit with the GH3, I don't know.   Any thoughts?   Creagle
  10. https://vimeo.com/55892502   I posted this over in the screening room, but I wanted to show all the anamorphic guys and gals as well.    Lots of fun and really easy to make this one:)   Trey
  11. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V3npOYaktw&feature=player_detailpage"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V3npOYaktw&feature=player_detailpage[/url]     This was my first time shooting with my new hack and I really liked the way it handled shadow, color and motion.   While this was a test in a way, it is also a little more than that becasue it includes mood, character and emotion.   Trey
  12. On top of my low light high ISO tests I also tested my Sankor Anamorphic 2x lens.  One thing I really learned is that anamorphics need to be focused at a specific distance to get the desired effect.  Of course I only realize this after I do this, so I'll try and do another test later.  Focus is very difficult, next time I'll bring an external monitor.  The 100mm Macro surprisingly was the most difficult to focus.  I think it has a much shallower depth of field than either of the FD 1.2L lenses.   http://youtu.be/U5Oh-IBFZyY   http://youtu.be/eL0HesvFrPc   http://youtu.be/zEk-7OEkVAU   http://youtu.be/ZaRwD_L0n-g   Out of all these tests it's clear that there are limitations with both cameras.  Here are some notes:   - EX TELE mode is much improved on the GH3.  There is more detail and less noise, although it is still very noisy.  Not sure I can call it "grain" but if you really need to use it you can.  But I would still go with a prime over EX TELE mode, even if it is a great lens like the Leica 25mm.  GH2 clearly is bad in EX TELE mode, worse in very low light - Detail is excellent for both cameras.  I still think the GH2 has more but only by a little.  Again focusing is critical. - GH3 clearly has more dynamic range and retains more details especially in the shadows.  The last video you can see more tiles in the shadows at the left of the image. - GH3 can shoot more flat and retain more color detail too.  The last video I upped the saturation to 150% to match the GH2.  You can't go far at all with the GH2, it is so baked into the codec. - GH3 is 2/3 of a stop brighter at high ISOs.  However the codec isn't great for low light.  I think the 50Mbits IPB is better than the 72Mbits All-I for low light.  Just the noise grain is better and easier to remove.  In bright conditions they are about the same.   I prefer the GH3 over the GH2 for usability and for the image.  I'll still use my GH2s because they are still very stellar cameras.  But I think there are many improvements in the GH3 that overall make it a better camera.
  13. Hi,   i've a general question. Is there any use of filming in MJPEG mode if i use an anamorphic adapter such as the century optix 1.33x?   Also, i tryed to switch my camera (after hacking it) to VGA Mode but i just could not find the MJPEG 1920x720/30p - what am i doing wrong here? Might the patch didnt work or is it just, thats not the VGA Mode and im trying the wrong video mode - which one is the right one?   Thanks for your help Emin
  14. https://vimeo.com/55892502   My city has been very foggy lately, so I've been happy to take my 2x Kowa anamorphic off the shelf.    Thanks for introducing me to this lens, Andrew.   And thanks to Nick Driftwood for all the cool hacks he puts out.   Trey
  15. Take a look at my last work to date. Lot of work on this one ! I shot 720p50 with shutter 1/100 with voigtlander 25mm and olympus 12mm. [media]http://vimeo.com/50419773[/media] Thanks for watching.
  16. [media]http://vimeo.com/50739351[/media] Celebrating SOMA Magazine's Fall Fashion Issue for 2012. Filmed on Thursday, September 27th 2012 at Temple Nightclub in San Francisco, CA. Filmed entirely on the 2x Anamorphic Kowa Prominar 16H (8Z) on 2 lenses: 58mm Helios 44m 35mm Canon FD Thorium Graded with Cineform Firstlight ----- [media]http://vimeo.com/50591113[/media] Behind the Scenes look at the launch party for new Ustream app called "Broadcast For Friends". Its basically Instagram for live video streaming. Download the app on iPhone here: [url="http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/broadcast-for-friends-bff/id551019882?mt=8"]itunes.apple.com/us/app/broadcast-for-friends-bff/id551019882?mt=8[/url] Shot in both 2x Anamophic and regular 16:9 with crop. --- Lessons learned: 1. MUST use Tokina Diopter and +1 diopter closer than 5 feet! (was getting too close to the models and they came out blurry!) 2. Can't go completely handheld - MUST use cowboy rig at least. Tripod is best. 3. run-n-gun is hard to focus both anamophic and taking lens 4. almost NO light loss from Kowa :)
  17. [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Hello,[/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]My name is Joshua Pribanic, I'm the Editor-in-Chief for PublicHerald.org. Last year I left my hometown of Ohio to investigate Fracking in Pennsylvania and found Triple Divide, a hydrologic landscape responsible for carrying clean water to millions of Americans. Like my native waters of Lake Erie, Triple Divide is a marvel of Appalachia who's virgin headwaters are protected by a state regulatory framework; at least that's what I thought. [/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]In a documentary of our 18 month investigation Public Herald uncovers how the 'strongest state regulations in the country' deal with Hydraulic Fracturing. Here's a look at where we begin: [/size][/font][url="https://vimeo.com/50229298"]https://vimeo.com/50229298[/url] — any feedback would be great! [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Thanks for taking the time to learn more about Triple Divide. Please stay in touch with us on[url="http://tripledividefilm.org/#3e9/custom_plain"]http://tripledividef...e9/custom_plain[/url] — or follow our work at [url="http://www.facebook.com/publicherald"]http://www.facebook.com/publicherald[/url][/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Respectfully, [/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]Joshua B. Pribanic [/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3][i]Other info: [/i][/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#000000][font=lucida grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif]Feature length documentary shot on GH2 driftwood hack (88mbs), transcoded w/ 5DtoRGB, edited in FCP, and color graded w/ CC3way:[/font][/color][/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#000000][font=lucida grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif]Triple Divide » A Synopsis » As one of only four triple continental divides on the North American continent, everything is downstream for Triple Divide. From this peak, rain from a single storm can end up on three separate sides of the continent: the Gulf of St. Lawrence in Canada, the Chesapeake Bay, and the Gulf of Mexico.[/font][/color][/size][/font] [color=#000000][font=lucida grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif][size=3]Triple Divide headwaters feeds the largest area of Exceptional Value (EV), specially regulated water bodies in Pennsylvania - it also drains part of the state’s largest stand of publicly-owned forest - the last great wilderness.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=lucida grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif][size=3]Today, these Wilds of Pennsylvania are being divided in many ways by shale gas industrialization.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=lucida grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif][size=3]This film is the story of Public Herald’s first investigations into the inevitable, negative impacts from shale gas industrial development and how they are handled by the state, specifically the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=lucida grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif][size=3]PH's 18 month investigation discovered recurring impacts: contaminated water, air, and land; intimidation and harassment; loss of property, investments, and standard of living; weak and under enforced state regulations; community disruption; destruction of the public trust; illness; fragmentation of Pennsylvania's last stands of core forest; and lack of protection over basic human rights.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=lucida grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif][size=3]Triple Divide tells a cautionary tale about the consequences of shale gas industrial development alongside a deficit of accountability. Though the stages of development for shale gas will one day end, taking many boom and bust jobs with it, contaminated groundwater aquifers, environmental damage, and injured stories will remain in the absence of strictly enforced state regulations.[/size][/font][/color]
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1LBw_85Zno&feature=share
  19. hay algun hack para la sony a 380 ?
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