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Found 16 results

  1. Well hello there EOSHD forum readers, I've just posted my short film, Axiomatic, to Vimeo. Shot with an older version of the 5D3 Raw hack without the audio component - remember when we had to reload the Raw modules each time after restarting the camera? Ah well...it still worked flawlessly and I cannot thank all the ML developers enough for what they unlocked. 5D3 raw is simply amazing. Spanish, French and English subtitles are available for whomever needs them and viewer discretion may be advised as there is brief nudity, violence and coarse language. However I tried to make everything as tasteful as possible. Hopefully you can take some time out of your busy day to view it and please feel free to share it with any of your friends or contacts that might enjoy some dark Canadian cinema. Kelly http://filmshortage.com/dailyshortpicks/axiomatic/
  2. Hey guys, just finished this one we shot in 2014 (yeah, that's a long way back). This was my second time using 5dmarkIII and RAW except this time we shot way more material. It's not very good but we got it finished so I guess that counts for something ay? Sorry about the accents, we are from Finland so our english ain't the most natural. Learned a shit ton while doing this. If you have any questions about 5dmarkIII raw, just shoot away. Everything is upscaled to 4k here.
  3. So we shot this one saturday afternoon, mostly 5d mark III RAW uprezzed to 4k and a bit of Sony a7s ii and a6300 shots thrown in (all 4k). A couple of DJI shots there too. This time our plot was excellent.
  4. The official topic for discussion of Magic Lantern raw video recording on Canon DSLRs.
  5. Hey guys, Just wanted to share with you a trailer for the short documentary I've been working on, about the amazing journey that our everyday object travel on in order to get to us. All the footage was shot in China this winter on my 5d mark III with Magic Lantern. I'd love to hear what you think, and if you are interested in supporting this project through it's next phase, (landscapes!) then please also check out the kickstarter below, I hope you enjoy the teaser! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1487414135/made-in-china
  6. So I run a small film company, Lightworks Films, and we have done a few reviews on the Canon 5d Mark III and the C100 (here is one of my reviews). I am really interested in purchasing a Sony a7s, and to my eyes (online) the camera looks better than the C100 - can anyone with both cameras comment? Or anyone who has used both? I am specifically referring to resolution - not 4k, but how well the a7s resolves 1080 compared to the c100 at 1080. Thanks for your thoughts!
  7. Hi, I am in photo and video since a few years and I had a lot of cameras : fuji XE1, XPRO1, canon 5D2, ... Since a few months I have nothing, and I watch the market which is changing a lot and want to invest in a system for a long time (lenses, accessories, ...) because I am tired to change everything each time. I am gonna give you what I shoot, and then my pros/cons for each and then you can tell me your point of view ? So I shoot 50% stills (Mostly landscapes and portraits). Exemples of shots : http://500px.com/loup_f What I basically need as lense is a or 16-35 (full frame) for landscapes and a 85mm for portrait for exemple. And 50% videos. My videos are only travel videos. When I go somewhere, I shoot and make a video of the trip. For exemple, my last trip in California : As you can see, I do a lot of timelapses (with the same lens as the landscape stills one) and basic shoot of people and streets (for exemple the 16-35 at 35mm would be fine, or with a 50mm). I also do paragliging and sports, so here it's a bit special. I use the gopro but wouldn't mind using the body in the air (lens with IS necessary here). Also, I like to spend time on edit. So I like the RAW possibilites. Now about the cameras: I just purchased a 5D mark III used. I made a good deal (200eur under normal used price) and I have it with the 24-70 that I don't like (not wide enough, not long enough, not fast enough (2.8) so I prefer primes^^). If I invest for the 5DIII I am going to buy : a sturdy carbon tripod, a glidecam, the new 16-35mm f4 IS just released (for landscapes and video), and a cheap 85mm 1.8 for portraits, ND filters, canon flash and so on. So as you see I don't want to buy all of this and then have to sell everything in 6 months because A7S is much better ... My dilema is : Should I keep 5DIII invest in what I said or just use it with the 24-70 2 months and then sell it and go for A7S ? My pros and cons : 5DIII pros: -RAW for video : big pro for me -Cheap lenses used (yes not the new 16-35 which will be 1199 like the sony one) but for exemple 270 for the 85mm. -pro body, resistant, nice to handle -price and value: got it for 1800 used / A7S is gonna be 2500 because no available used. Not a new body so value is going down slowly now. 5DIII cons: Big and heavy for travel No cool slowmotion (FHD 60fps and 120 fps like A7S, I use a lot slowmo) Dynamic range A7S pros: size - wheight : big pro for me slow motion : big pro for me DR for landscapes : way better than 5D here A7S cons: New body so pay full price and value is going down quickly No Raw video Lenses price : they are new only, the 85mm will be like 1500usd ... So a bit shitty. Conclusion For photo they are both fine (slight edge for A7S with DR for landscapes and timelapses) For video 5DIII has raw advantage and A7S has slowmo ( I don't use external 4K) A7S has size advantage and 5DIII has price advantage (due to the fact I got it used, and lens used as well) For future, for the moment I trust more in investing canon system (for exemple when 5D4 is out I get it and keep the rest) as Sony is changing system all the time like crazy. But I might be wrong. Sometimes I tell myself I should just get the sony RX100 III (slow mo, 24-70 5 axis IS, ...) such a convenient camera. But I am affraid it is only a "compromise" and will be frustrated by results (lack of bokeh, dynamic range for timelapses, no ultra wide angle...) So according to my conclusion and use what do you think ? Thanks for reading
  8. Hey everyone! Just wanted to share some stills from music video i'm workin on. My first video to be exact. Gonna finish it real soon i hope, there's only a bit of live action left to shoot but i got a lot of other things goin on so... I'll try to upload some footage later this week. Everything shot on 5Dmk3 ML RAW using raw2cdng processed in AE CS6 and partly in Resolve Lite. The video is for russian metal band called "Reborn" (song called "Your Life Beats In Hands"), they realising their first album later this year, so if you like this kind of music they totally worth hearing.   A little loop - http://coub.com/view/mo1hux2    
  9. Mostly shot on a 5D Mark III with the Magic Lantern Raw Hack with some H264 footage mixed in. I believe I was shooting at ISO 20000. Lenses used were the Super Takumar 50mm f1.4 and the Canon 24-70m f/2.8. The raw files were graded in Resolve with bmd film applied and exported as 444 prores. I was very impressed at how well the raw footage looked in the low light. With the h264 video I have to turn on a z96 LED to not get noisy footage....but its sooo soft. It's incredible how well raw does in low light.
  10. I just read about the new SanDisk Extreme Pro CF cards available in 160 MB/s speeds and 256 GB storage size.  They are UDMA7.  I was wondering if anyone knows if they might enable higher frame rates with the Magic Lantern RAW recording on the 5D Mark III?  It would be amazing if they unlocked slow motion capability at a decent resolution.
  11. Hi all, I'm a long time user of Canon cameras for both stills and photog. I rented a GH3 this weekend, to check out all the praise regarding this camera. One of the things I found helpful on this site when I was playing around with 5D's is Andrew's 5D III Settings Vault post on the main site, with his Neutral and Faithful settings. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on how to color match 5D's with GH3's. There will be situations where I will record video in low light and shallow depth of field situations on my 5D, as opposed to using the GH3, but would imagine using the GH3 for everything else, and I wanted to get some advice on the most effective way of matching the cameras. Right now, they look distinctly different, in color, and sharpness. Anyone?
  12. I currently own a 5D Mark II and love it but looking to expand to something with more video features like 60p. I love the image quality of the 5D and have considered getting selling my mark 2 and getting a Mark 3 but it's still pretty over my budget. Then someone had suggested I get the 70D, because it has the best video features of any of the canon DSLR's and also can act as a backup body for my 5D mark II which I can then keep. Will the 70d give me just as good video image quality as my current 5D Mark II? Or should I wait and keep saving up to upgrade to a 5D Mark III?
  13. I had this the other day while shooting raw video on my 5DmIII with ML. The battery died while shooting, turning of the camera. Then raw2cdng.1.3.0. crashed always on trying to convert the recorded raw file. It was a rather large 9-parts file. Does anybody experienced something similar?
  14. Here is a demo showing how the pre-release ML firmware crop mode can increase the focal range of any lens without any loss in resolution or light when shooting full 1080 raw. I am still in shock.   http://youtu.be/dQ51rE_ZUgo
  15. Considering the other things I also have to (want to?) buy for an upcoming video shoot, the 5D Mark III is a bit of a stretch. So, I'm thinking about the Canon 6d as the main camera on an upcoming shoot.   I have a separate audio set-up and don't do flash or studio flash photography, so those "issues" don't really concern me. The Mark III feels like I'm paying for a lot of AF and high-speed sports type features that I don't really need either.   Really, there are only 2 things that have me concerned: moire and resale.   The moire is really pretty bad with the 6d. But, wait, I watch the "test videos" and the moire is bad on things that really produce bad moire and I'm mostly shooting short clip interview type stuff (I can coach the clothing choices) and then having fun with some of the b-roll and scenic footage, so I would have a lot of control over what I was shooting and I doubt I'm going to just shoot roofs, brick walls and power cables. Not saying this stuff won't be an issue, but, I think I can avoid a lot of it, fix some of it in post or just trash the totally failed footage.   My other fear is resale. I can't lie, part of me was thinking, just buy two GH3 cameras (60p option, high bit-rate record, and generally pretty impressive video) but, the shoot is probably too soon for me to get the GH3 and get to know it and some lenses and I'm pretty familiar with Canon and I have some nice lenses like the 70-200 f2.8. I do have a fear that the 6d has a little bit of the DOA stigma attached to it, the video market may never warm to it and perhaps its resale market may not be quite as robust as a 5D Mark III or even the two GH3 cameras if indeed that camera gets a good rep with indi filmakers. Not a huge deal, but if I stretched for the Mark III, I feel like I could sell it pretty easily if I had to or wanted to go with the GH3 or even BMCC in the future.    For me the 6d would be a pretty solid step-up on the still side and I do take and enjoy taking stills, and a lot of the video I've seen is actually pretty decent as long as the YouTube clip is not titled something like "Check out this crap 6d moire footage!"   Oh and lastly, I assume that at some point, MagicLantern love with come the 6d's way? Does the 6d do the 160/320/640 ISOs out of the box? Also, the ability to use Clean HDMI out to an Atomos, dual card recording and of course this exciting RAW development means that I could get the 5D Mark III and not feel too put out.   I'm still not against getting two GH3 cameras and a few lenses. Again a money stretch, but, they have some pretty nifty video features. If I have to pull a few late nights figuring out how to use them, so be it.   Has anyone faced or made this choice?   Thanks.
  16. Just purchased a Panasonic LA7200 and tested it out on the Canon 40mm pancake lens with the 5d Mark III. Results were decent, but looking for something a little more sharp. Any lens suggestions for this set up?
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