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Posts posted by kaylee

  1. I'm a bonehead and did the same thing. Same problem and switch to cuda in project settings worked. Then on restart totally different problem, only on playback, not on pause. Maybe i need to update my nvidia driver. How would I know if I needed to do that? How would I update?

    if cuda is installed there should be an option for it in system preferences and u can install an update from there, dunno what the latest update is, im usin opencl with yosemite lol

  2. Holy eff those .jpg files are compressed like crazy on Hurlbuts site.

    lol agree. but despite that theres a huge difference in color in the example i posted as well as in several other spots of comparison in shanes video. not pixel peeping here, just making a general point about how different the color science is

    Yea, hardly ideal for pixel peeping, and that is the C500, not the C300 mk II.... and Shane says he preferred the Canon skintones anyway. Watch the actual footage, both look really good.

    i know its the c500, which is similar in terms of color to the c300ii, vs the alexa, which looks totally different; again, just making an abstract point about how these cameras see color relative to each other, arri vs canon. ive watched that footage many times

  3. whatsup with this


    the cool side of this model's face clearly looks profoundly different camera to camera. more here

    what do you guys think about this? my first reaction to this comparison was shock

    one of these is farrrr more naturalistic imo, and one of these actually makes this young lady look a little bit like an alien...

  4. thanks for posting this Turboguard.

    anybody else running El Cap with CC? im in no rush to update lol but id love to hear some feedback on this from you guys

    also: whats up with metal? is that a thing where the devs have to write for it orr?

    im drinkin a tank 7 farmhouse ale from boulevard brewing rn its v good


  5. Gross misinformation either as an innocent lack of IQ evaluation knowledge or as click-bait. 


    recording 4K video from a 6K Full Frame 36mm x 24mm Sensor to a robust codec is a 100x harder than recording 4K from a pin-head sized native 4K sensor


    They do have a point. A very idiotic one that will not help anybody make better videos. 



  6. for me color trumps everything, and the DEEP rich color from 5d3 raw is unparalleled; ive never seen video from ANY camera that matches it in that regard – naturalistic yet amazingly beautiful

    Thanks, yes, in an actual bar!

    thats awesome hmcindle that clip looks official. how did you find the reliability of ml on set? any issues to be aware of? assuming its not april fools day that is lol

  7. Shooting a BTTF parody today with the M2. Love this camera




    this is a fun read full of great production info


    if youre ever low on fighting spirit in your art practice and you like BTTF, check it out

    FUN FACT: the DeLorean in Back to the Future had a speedometer that maxed out at 85mph, thanks to a 1979 law set by President Jimmy Carter's National Highway Safety Administration which sought to promote travel at safer speeds. as the concept of "88mph" for time travel had already been built into the script, the production team replaced the manufacturers speedometer with the digital readout that is so famous today



    but rlly tho, who could play that role better than michael j fox? not eric stoltz the method actor thats for sure lol. but hindsight is always 20/20

    anyway, never give up *cena towel*


  8. I got the free LUT Loader from Pixel Studios and now I am in flipping heaven... 

    Crazy how easy it is to radically change - and improve - footage... Cine D is brilliant! May just have to spring for the LOG upgrade now.

    My kids are pretty tired of this new camera already, but I am having so much fun... first big job is on the 22nd... can't wait! 

    thats awesome, great to hear.

    unlike cameras and lenses, one thing that you cant buy is talent, which you seem to have plenty of based on your original post~! im sure that your practice as a musician informs your video work in all kinds of ways, intangibles that i might not even understand...!

    if i could give you one piece of advice going forward, it would be this: avoid the rabbithole of technology research; its neverending

    shoot with your new camera. its great. id buy one today!


    p.s. it is WAY too hot for my st bernard-great dane in san diego rn 



  9. The point is you can't think you can neglect post. Color comes from there too.

    Im not talking about anything that comes from post. im talking about camera output. more on that later

    Even glass has a role on your path, as you wish.

    just talkin about in camera color rn tho

    Today, practically, any average camera can give you what you're looking for :-)

    nothing could be further from the truth. i want a high level of color accuracy for reproducing sets, costuming, and prop elements (which were very expensive and time consuming to make). i want nature to look like nature, i dont want to have to avoid shooting something as common as a F------ BLUE SKY for any reason, i want people to look awesome, and healthy, like actual living creatures with blood running through their veins

    fyi im capable of being extremely critical of the alexa, everybodys favorite movie camera. im not a mark; i know what i want and im gonna keep bitching until i get it, thats my job as a consumer. after TONS of bitching from us all about slog2 on the a7s, heres slog3 on its successor –– no coincidence. anyway, i digress, just saying that youre a bit unclear on what im "looking for"


    PS: Here are two examples of people who know what they're doing, already known for the most part of you but, once memory is short at times : D


    these video reinforce my point: ive seen em, not impressed. at all. im not into retro luts or affected color grading, thats a fine option –– but i described above what i want from a digital video camera

    but then again –– some feature filmmakers are going to map all their colors to teal and orange in their edit, and for them this shit doesnt rlly matter too much. slog2 is great for black and white work ive made some beautiful stuff ?



  10. Sony's plan cannot get any cleaner:

    Get an A7rii for high res stills,

    then an A7sII for low light video,

    then an FS5/7 for actual work, 

    and next year start all over again.   

    and an rx10m2 as a slomo/b cam right??? lol ? smh ?

    That magenta for red?

    Apart Slog3, IBIS and internal 4K (a7RII only Slog2), what else for new? With no mention lower stills resolution.

    Hold on kaylee, better to bet on the a7RII.

    regarding my comment: whether this implementation of slog3 proves to improve color vs slog2 dramatically within this 8 bit output remains to be seen; ill be watching carefully. ive read a lot about slog3, but have never been convinced by my eyes at all. i want to believe.


    show me~!

    /im agnostic at best about both the cameras you mentioned as a hybrid shooter. the aesthetic of sensor size not withstanding, these cameras have NOT blown away a gh4 yet for video imo. they will soon enough if sony keeps running their own models out of business with rapid updates, buttt.... its about priorities

    sony can barely write a press release. i work for a tech company *cough* that "gets" photography more than they do....... and im buying a note 5 ?

    imo theres some big ideas getting lost in the details


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