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Everything posted by PannySVHS

  1. The 300w leds are great to have, of which I've used only the Aperture fixtures though. The 600D has a big footprint. Rather use a 2.5K HMI instead. But of course the Aperture is much lighter to rig and much less power draw and easily powered by regular circuits. Anyhow, 300w spot leds would be it on the top spots of the list. I also like the 100w amarans. Lightmats and tubes are super neat and easy to use. The amarans come in stronger versions now too. Havent tested them but seem to be great bang for the buck regarding light quality and usuability.
  2. I know what antics make me begin to shy away from posting on this forum. For sure we are not a pro forum per se but pro answers have been given to us by our forum members and friends over the course of over a decade! Some of kyes post are indeed pro territory and are very worth of reading, even for people who know already one thing or two about some of his topics. In that the info is not only relevant but also very approachable. I remember the times, when I was just reading the awesome content of this place and I remember the great joy it gave me when I have finally become a member. I was very grateful. Just lately I have begun to lose my temper about some of the nonsense and attitude presented here. For sure we are not a pro forum, but on a "real" pro forum like cinematography.com ever repeating same questions by would result in a rather spicy and well deserved reply. @mercer I also like the grade and I found the grade to the point, being natural and not drawing attention to itself but showing the quality of the footage. @ac6000cw I find your example very harsh in contrast relations of certain tones and also in regard of saturation relations between some of the tones, like they are emitting light themselves. Just saying:)
  3. I agree. His Sony work does not respond to me, neither in the edit, premise, lengthyness, choice of focal lengths, camera movement nor framing nor color palette and contrast. @mercer That Sigma 30mm is a thing I had been keeping in my mind. I am a sucker for 28mm on S35. Kendys Canon work was magic, his Sony uploads on his channel are video imo. Besides colour, movement, framing and lensing are not in the same league as his Canon library imho. I can relate to the impact of a camera on freewheeling video essay work. I still hold a G70 in high regard for the mojo it has in HD 24p. The only two pieces I shot with it are still oozing color magic and forced me to design my shots and movements instead of gimbleing through the world rather effortlessly. No effort means no magic in most of the instances.
  4. I got two Micro Cine Cameras and one Pocket OG. And the best thing is, I have hardly shot with them. So I feel every day like a kid in the toy store! The panel looks super exiting. How about a whole lotta love for it! 🙂
  5. I want that Dave Altizer back in this forum!😂 Like many other friends of the peek times of this forum! @mercer
  6. PannySVHS

    Fuji X-H2S

    The thumbnail of the XH2s and the profile picture of the guy look IR heavy indeed. It seems like he actually likes this look.😊
  7. I've been mentioning this before,that I found the GH5 much easier to grade than the S series. It has 709 as colour space vs V-Gamut on the S cameras, also two to 2.5 stops less dynamic range. For lit scenarios I was very fine with the full curve and gamut as contrast and color was much more stylized and designed. The GH5 in MK II alteration is still a camera I wanna check out with its creamy high resolution image. It's more classic and organic compared to the crispier image of the MK I. I have only seen one person ever with the MKII. It has 10bit in 60p 4K as well. And from the Mark I the beloved S16 crop or optional 2/3" mode via 2x digizoom. Is the latter without heavy aliasing and moiré on the GH5? @kye
  8. They are not even dreaming of the same game, nor the craft, the passion or the work connected to a 3min narrative or a short experimental visual etude.
  9. PannySVHS


    I especially love the second shot. @mercerLooks fantastic. I have not come around filming anything for almost a year now unfortunately. All my colabs have moved themselves into the shady hideaways of oblivion and my aspirations to be a full time crewmember have been very low after my accident I had on a job. But your posts are some of the very few on this forum which inspire me to start filming again. S35 is fine for me on my S1H btw.:) Also waiting for some more fine reads from @QuickHitRecord 😊
  10. I lost my thinking reading through the back and forth of this thread. It is headspinning. But it is the only active thread alive at the moment.😂 I will be very grateful when og poster will feel inspired enough to come to a decision of buying that personal camera for video or photo/video after a year long of searching and wondering.😂 Well, a bit offside, some 8bit 420 100mbps HD goodness, a teaser for a short I dped and codirected five years ago. Still not finished with the edit, though I had it finished at 80% five months after wrap. But I felt left all by myself. So the moving image has many more challenges to face than worrying about the differences in image quality of 10 bit dslms.😊 Grading is a bit off but I wouldnt even bother so much any more as most of the look is in the lighting, framing, setdesign anyway. Shot at 800 Iso, at around T2 and T2.8.
  11. PannySVHS


    If I got that right, the Sigma offers not only a S35 mode in Raw, but other crop modes as well? What crops does it offer besides S35, maybe Mft or S16? That would be super nice, some sweet S16 50p.😊 @mercer
  12. PannySVHS


    Looks stellar.@mercerGood thing the Sigma is not really better regarding battery performance in comparison to the P2K. That way I won't long for it.:) Wow, awesome find! @QuickHitRecordWould love to see some results and moving pictures filmed with that lens. The 2/3" route could also show some potential for tiny zooms. I found a 6x 11.5 - 69mm Kowa, which translates to a 44 - 264mm lens in 135 film terms, weighting 300g. 10mm at the wide end would have gotten me exited. On a 2/3" cropped Eos M or a GH5/6 with a 2x Digizoom this might still be an interesting zoom lens.
  13. I buy used all the time. Greatest deal were two LX10, a bit bumped up but perfectly usuable, for 120 Euro, three years ago, from a youtuber with 150.000 subs. One battery only though.:) Another great deal was an og pocket two years ago or so, with the 20mm 1.7 MK II for 200 or 250 Euro. Last summer I got a Lumix G2 and a G3, together for less than 30 Euro. This year no purchase yet, as planned to stay away from gas this year and as stated in another thread.:)
  14. Hehe, I found it. Well done. Congratulations to you, the director, cast and team! @Emanuel
  15. PannySVHS


    Hopefully it's just the battery. These little gems getting quiet expensive these days. Great shots, makes me want to try the Pentax, great testimony to a lens! @mercer Was mistaking them as Canon 5D3 Raw shots. But you made that Sigma FP sing. There aren't any small mechanical 2x or 3x zooms for 16 or S16 unfortunately. @QuickHitRecord Maybe there might be some in 2/3" cctv land, but it would seem kind of silly to put that on a og pocket or m2k losing too much pixel realestate. On the Eos M that crop would mean 2/5 of the sensor and x axis pixels and be in the 2k ballpark. A 2/3" crop might sound appealing for the Eos with a tiny 2/3" zoom.:)
  16. LX10 is a contender. That lens is pure magic. Ooc color is bland. The cam needs grading. Color is great with the right treatment, which it is in need of though, unless someone finds a way to make the internal profiles shine. In 4K it betters the HD G6 in lowlight, due to its much better codec and is close to a GX85. HD 24p is ok and pretty well resolved. HD 50p has very thin color, so use it only if necessary All in all highly recommended to be checked out by @kye 😊 Here is a clip during a lighting workshop I gave. Simple grading. I don't know what the crazy monologue is from, just in case someone knows German. It's really creepy.😊
  17. I think I know the reason, why Nikon bought Red. I'm very sure they did it just to piss this guy off. He sounds like someone just cut his mullet off. 😊 I like Mike. But seeing and especially hearing him was hillarious. "I am pissed."😂 He just bought an Epic btw.
  18. I like the formfactor of the Canon XC10/X15. Give it 10bit and a good codec, 4K60, zoom with F2 at the wide and F2.8 at the long end. Voila! I think their launch video really shown off the mojo that camera had. I like really the motion cadence and the rendering of textures. Mojo. 😊 @hyalinejimhad posted a video of his with beautiful colors achieved in Rec709. Anyway, great launch video and a great concept for a S16 cinema camera.
  19. Well then HPX250 for me then. Small for the form factor and as pretty as a DVX100. 😊 Or a AG170 for the CCD magic. But I think I will resist. Will still try a TM700 some time, though not this year, I think. Appealing form factor and possibly a codec up to par with a Lumix G6. Too bad these palmcorders don't see modern 10bit successors. But I guess you're right, at the moment there doesn't seem to be a market for it. @philipd
  20. I still like my GX85 and even more than ever for what it is. I love to use it and pretty much everything about it. All i wish for is an alteration with 10 bit HLG and beefed up codec for HD. Will not occur though I assume. So GX85/9 are the last of their kind I think, unfortunately. Sony A6700 looks ugly in my eyes, OM1 the same. Omd Em10III has oversampled 4K afaik. GH5S is interesting, a somewhat puritanistic, practical, straight forward camera. Good alternative to the much bigger P4K.
  21. Browsing vintage cameras and some not so vintage cameras like the S1H I searched the comments section to reassure myself of my S1H purchase. 🙂 I recognised a member of our forum and browsed his content finding a variety of awesome lumix material and beautifully filmed skating action. I came around this 8bit masterpiece, filmed with a GH4 and a G85. Awesome stuff! @Al Dolega So how do you like your S5II so far?:) Congrats on your awesome content, and the image you got out of the GH4 and G85! What profile did you use, lenes?:) Silly me asking, despite owning great other cameras with modern codecs. But these little cameras are so much fun to play around with and talk about. Still loving my GX85. I like the resolution but lack of oversharpness in this video, also the natural and beautiful color palette. Anyway, some 8bit Mft greatness:
  22. That is an exiting prospect to be shown off to us! @ac6000cw I know it is often a bit of a hassle to do. But if you come around and share some OM1 goodness with us that would be super nice. 🙂 I will hopefully get around to treat us with some HD 100fps goodness from my S1H some time soon. I've seen some 100fps from the A73 and it looked pretty nice despite the puny codec. So I figure the S1H with its 10bit 200mbit codec will do pretty well.
  23. LX10 in TM700 body with 10bit 422 4K up to 60p would be perfect. @John Matthews I think small sized camcorders were used to be called palmcorders. So, yes, 10bit palmcorders with 2/3 or 1" sensors, HLG, NDs and with solid manual operating such as focus ring and physical buttons for the essential parameters like iso, aperture, shutter and color temperature. I still like the size of a HPX171, which is still much smaller than an EX1 and kind of a pretty camera like the legendary DVX100. So will try that one some time. Mike Krumlauf is always fun to listen to. Such an old school guy with a love for cameras and an impressive mullet. 🙂 @Matt Kieley
  24. I've seen Gh1 videos which impressed me a big deal color wise. I had posted one a few years ago. But textures were never that appealing to me because of the codec. G6 was so much better in that regard. From cameras i used myself I was the least happy with motion when footage was too sharp as it was with my S1 or when codec was not up to par like on a G6 in lowlight. I love my Bmpcc and Bmmcc for colour and motion. My Sony PMW F3 looked great, judging from my own test footage and the clips which were still on the card when I bought it. Ikonoskop is a camera i always wanted to try. The Coney Island video on vimeo impressed very much back then. Colors, motion, plasticity, setting and summer grooves did their thing but colors were really magical. It is not a S16 but a 16mm camera iirc.
  25. I think I gonna try out some 3 x 1/3" CCD magic some time with a Panasonic HPX 171 or 151, both writing to cards, p2 cards and 8bit 422 100mbit DvcproHD the former, sd and 8bit 420 25mbit Avchd the latter. They would function as a Dvx100 Andromeda substitute:) @Matt Kieley Both are sporting less than perfect 1080p resolution and higher framerates at 50/60p in 720p or 1080i. For best image quality of the bunch it would be a HPX250 with perfect 1080p even at 50/60p, also sporting a 3 x 1/3" sensor design plus 10bit 100mbit 422. No CCD magic though. 3 x CCD and perfect HD with high bit rates comes in big shoulder cameras only. But then some 2/3" calibers. And a Varicam among them. Would like to find out which one is the smallest of these biggies. This thread has the potential for a perfect nerd cave. Great place to be. 🙂
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