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Everything posted by tweak

  1. Ok so what res can you get up to in a 1:1, 4:3 or 5:4 aspect now??? Or is it the same as previous? p.s. Stills above look excellent.
  2. But that's almost 8:5, what about 4:3 resolution? Is 1364 the max height?
  3. What's the upper limit now for Anamorphic ratios like 4:3 or 5:4?
  4. I'd agree, BMPCC successor if it ever happens would be magic. But both those cameras now are amazing for the price and what I want in an image, can't be beaten imo. ML RAW can be a little confusing at first, but if you have MLVFS it's actually as easy as any other camera to edit with and you get all the power of Raw for colour grading. MLVFS x Resolve is a great combo.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised if Bokeh is actually worse than kit lens due to small rear diameter glass on scope inducing smaller aperture.
  6. From those video tests above it looks like face detect AF in video mode is basically useless.
  7. I just got another leak through an even higher up source that said it's CONFIRMED.
  8. If it were the same price in AUS as the GH4 was I'd be somewhat excited. But at more than 3x the price I paid for my GH4 new I'm not really excited at all, it's way out of my budget.
  9. I've got a new rumour from a credible Canon source that said; Canon are going to implement Raw video via firmware update to mitigate over heating issues and drive up sales of 5D. It's practically confirmed FYI.
  10. Would be interesting to know exact details for use with super 16 lenses.
  11. It has all been one unit for a year now already.
  12. Yeah most don't typically use ibis on fisheye setups.
  13. This would sell like hot cakes. Look at all the hype around the GH5 and all the people who hype it... most are video shooters, not many still shooters and most are touting 10bit and better colour space as the main reasons to buy. If they were given a good BM $2000 option that shot raw/prores and blew the GH5 away I have no doubt at least half would buy it instead. Thus I think there's a bigger market there than people give credit to. I mean Pana wouldn't put so much time and effort into GH5 if there was no market.
  14. Cool, will try this out when I'm back with the lens.
  15. Would be easy to get a custom clamp made I guess, I assume that's what you have? (the silver one?).
  16. Cheers @redimp appreciate it! So you can't put the name ring back on again after though right? What's your solution for filter thread to attach single focus?
  17. Professional thieves are usually, well pretty professional haha. I think they would research well what they are before they nabbed them (if it were a professional job). As you say it's all speculation, we have no idea really haha.
  18. Kinda what I was thinking, seems an odd target for a trained crook. Then again could just be some crack heads, but I doubt crack heads would waste time with that many "weird" things.
  19. Indeed, "what is the point". The fact you believe someone must follow your "rules" or "game" (or whatever you want to call it) and agree with you (no matter how right you are) is where you have gone wrong imo. If I spent my days arguing with everyone/everything I disagreed with I would never get anywhere, I would be in a perpetual state of conflict. Just let it go .
  20. "Wrong" is only existing in relation to ones definition of what is right .
  21. @jcs real definition of insanity = repeating the same task over and over but expecting a different result.
  22. There's a thread for this. - Lens Equivalencies Argument Post (LEAP)
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