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    karin reacted to MrSMW in Fuji X-S10   
    I still may come back to Fuji...
    Right now, my only camera and lens is the S5 and 20-60mm.
    It’s a brilliant combo for most of my needs but came up against 2 needs in the last week and that is the need for a pair of fast(ish) primes and the 35 & 85 f1.8’s should take care of that, plus a ‘long’ landscape lens and a 70-300 is due sometime soon.
    But it’s weddings that are my primary income so will need to test one of the above primes in some kind of social environment to just confirm to myself the whole system/combo is good enough for my needs...
    ...or it’s a pair of XT4’s, Smallrig grips and set of f2 primes. Unless an XH2 appeared by next Spring and that would be more likely.
    I do like the new Fuji but I’d be kidding myself it was suitable for my needs.
  2. Like
    karin reacted to Jay60p in Fuji X-S10   
    Recently most of the forum topics have been about new FF cameras for $3-5 thousand, but I bet 90% of views on this forum are from people looking to spend $1000 or less.
    Even in the USA the average family savings account is only about the price of a new car, and for age under 35 the average is $10,000.
    If you do mostly hand held shooting and don't care about 4k60p, the X-S10 is the obvious choice for the IBIS.
    I compared the After Effects stabilizer (same as Premier?) doing walking/running torture tests, and the Final Cut Pro InertiaCam stabilizer was much better.
    I haven't tried Resolve.
  3. Like
    karin reacted to MrSMW in Fuji X-S10   
    Even though I had one, I always seem to forget that the 16-80 exists.
    OK, changing my 'one and done' to X-S10 + 16-80. Also it's a constant aperture. And the lens is WR.
    Personally, for me, I'd still go XT3 + Smallrig grip because; it's cheaper, better video, prefer the screen type and weather sealed.
    But both I think are equally valid options.
  4. Like
    karin reacted to Marcio Kabke Pinheiro in Fuji X-S10   
    Yeah, this one with the 18-55 or the 16-80 probably will be my start (always liked the 18-55 but I've got use to the 24mm eq. in my trips.

    XT-3: yeah, could be another option. But it have two usability-ish issues: no IBIS (I know that the 18-55 OIS is very good, but IBIS stills works better in video) and go back and forth between stills and video (I remember that it was one of your complaints about it). And for hybrid use, PASM dials are better than the usual Fujifilm dials (terrific for stills, not so much for video). The XS-10 even have separated meus for still and video.

    Grip: yeah, I'm used with external grips (always attached in my E-M10 and GX9), but a grip with a shutter button usually works better than a external grip with the shutter in the original position.

    Liked the S5 a lot, but FF is a distant options especially now (live in a country that, with all the taxes, photographic material have a 100% increase over US prices, with average income about 50% of US...is like cameras as 4x more expensive here). 

    And I like to shoot a lot in concerts (er, before the pandemic and a small daughter 🙂 ), and crop factors are beneficial in this scenario. Got some amazing shots from far with m43 cameras with the amazing 135mm f/2.8 Contax Zeiss. 
  5. Like
    karin reacted to Jay60p in Fuji X-S10   
    according to this interview
    X-H2 will come with "some sort of breakthrough", "something more revolutionary".
    Possibly global shutter? oversampled 6K60? AI boosted AF?
    Since they appear to be very ambitious for the X-H2, I am willing to wait. X-T3 is still all I need now.
  6. Like
    karin reacted to Carz in Fuji X-S10   
    This looks like it could be a sweet little camera, possibly a mini X-H1.
    Rumors point to a deep grip, IBIS, same screen and sensor as X-T4, old battery unfortunately, and priced at $999.
    If fuji gets aggressive with this thing and gives us 4K60, we could have the budget king.
    I just wish fuji could get rid of recording limits on their cameras.
    And with the 10-24 mk2 lens supposedly coming this month, we will see if fuji has fixed all the auto focus and noise issues with their lenses.
  7. Like
    karin reacted to jgharding in Panasonic S5 Entry Level Full Frame seems to be real...   
    If this model retains at least a decent 10-bit 4K mode of some description, and vlog, well Canon could be a little sore after the R5 debacle 😅
    I do wonder what this means for a GH6, if there is still one in the works or if full-frame is pretty much the Pana roadmap now...
    All the S5 needs really is to be a lighter, stabilised run and gun with their solid 150mbps 4k 10-bit and it'll sell a bunch.
  8. Like
    karin reacted to SteveV4D in Will Canon recall the EOS R5? Small first shipments   
    Not really.   I never asked for 8K... or even 120fps 4K.. maybe some did, I didn't.  In fact, what I was hoping for was a Canon version of the S1H camera with their own colour science and AF.  
    Still waiting.... 
  9. Like
    karin reacted to Video Hummus in Will Canon recall the EOS R5? Small first shipments   
    Clearly they should stick to entry level DSLRs and ride their good name 🙃
    This is another case of cripple hammer gone to far to protect a cinema line that is in another completely different market. When will they learn?
  10. Like
    karin reacted to Avenger 2.0 in Will Canon recall the EOS R5? Small first shipments   
    Too late, damage is already done. How did they even manage to fuck this up? Was this a rush job? Nobody thought about adding a decent heatsink? Or even test the thing?
  11. Like
    karin reacted to Geoff CB in Best camera designs   
    For ergonomics nothing beats the NX1 for me. Also one of the reason's I've stuck with my Nikon gear over other options. 
  12. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in Best camera designs   
    The Fp is like a Sony RX camera done right. Made by a camera design team, not the Playstation lads.
    Lovely chunky controls given how small it is.
    But yes, does need some Func. buttons. The AEL and center key can only really be assigned to focus mag. AEL has a range of AEL related things, but no ISO. That Tone key is a bit underused by me as well.
  13. Like
    karin reacted to newfoundmass in How is this funded? Mega rich YouTubers   
    I think it's a couple of things, possibly a combination of them:
    A lot of YouTubers come from money. Some come from wealthy families, others had/have good paying jobs that allow them to indulge in an expensive hobby, etc. Even if they have gotten to the point where they're self sustainable off of YouTube revenue and freelance work, it's likely they started from an advantageous position to begin with. Living in NYC or Los Angeles isn't cheap, you need a lot of money just to get set up there. 
    I also think the ease in which you can get credit to buy stuff probably has a lot to do with it. Literally every time I order something off of Amazon, eBay, B & H, etc. I get credit offers. Wouldn't shock me to find out a lot of YouTubers are going into debt. 
    Then there's the freebies/sponsored content. A lot of them have built up relationships with B & H so they'll get loaners, which I don't really object to and prefer over them getting freebies. But a lot of them just get stuff sent to them. I remember Tom Antos did a video where he unboxed like 30+ things he'd been sent and had been sitting on that he never bothered to review. No clue what he did with all of it, probably sold it? But it really opened my eyes to how freely all this equipment gets sent out and is viewed by the companies as the cost of doing business. Then of course you've got your Canon, Sony, etc. sending people review copies, flying people out, etc. 
    Potato Jet I think probably comes from a well to do family, because even though I know he's a working professional it's very hard for me to believe that he can afford everything he has while living in Los Angeles, even with a profitable YouTube career and his freelance work. His house alone has to cost half a million or more! But in general I feel like he's honest, and he gives away most of the stuff he reviews. 
    Once a YouTuber starts to feel like they're compromised I start to gravitate away from them and their content. It's why I enjoy smaller channels (see my thread dedicated to them ?) because they're not big enough to be getting stuff from companies and instead use/review things they've spent their money on. In general they're a lot less biased. 
    Yeah that's another thing he has to his benefit by living in LA. The availability of equipment, whether it's from rentals or friends, is on a completely different level. 
    He seems like a very kind person so I don't wanna come off as too critical. There aren't a lot of people that'll go out and buy equipment for their friend that's starting a YouTube channel, and then give that same friend his bike as a gift. 
  14. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in How is this funded? Mega rich YouTubers   
    Must be some very wealthy sponsors involved, most artists I know don't have 1 million dollars a year to spend on stuff they don't actually need.
    So if we are seeing extreme gentrification of the internet, with nothing but hipsters, then count me out.
  15. Haha
    karin reacted to billdoubleu in How is this funded? Mega rich YouTubers   
    I occasionally watch this channel. His wife often comments on the lack of funds available to afford their own home due to his purchases.
  16. Sad
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in How is this funded? Mega rich YouTubers   
    Look at the amount of money on screen here:
    I am not making any comment on the quality of the channel, clearly people like his content. I might even like it. Haven't watched any yet.
    But what is amazing is the relentlessness and the amount of money in the gear he has used in just 1 month.

    - C500 II
    - Macbook Pro 16"
    - EOS R and new RF Speed Booster
    - Arri Alexa (a snip at $6000)
    - Mavo LF
    - 90D
    - Insta360
    - Moment anamorphic
    And that is just in 1 month, a little under 1 month in fact.
    Hardly anyone can compete with this relentless pace.
    And even fewer can afford to.
    It looks like the doors are swinging closed to YouTube as we speak.
  17. Like
    karin reacted to crevice in Panasonic S1H review / hands-on - a true 6K full frame cinema camera   
    We must have had the exact same courier. In fact, it seems that you, me, and all the rest of the over hundred people complaining in the FB groups about scuffed and dented cameras were by the same courier. I am sure this has nothing to do with them re-using the plastic housing from pocket 4k returns for "brand new" pocket 6k bodies. I am also sure it has nothing to do with their shit packaging. No, this has nothing to do with that. 
  18. Like
    karin reacted to ntblowz in Sigma FP   
    Man might ditch other camera and go for L mount exclusively, 4K raw in such tiny body! Paired with the 45 2.8 this is pretty compact, lighter than a7iii body by itself
  19. Like
    karin reacted to Video Hummus in The new Mac Pro + 6k monitor has landed - introducing the Cheese Graters   
    If you build one be prepared to stick with whatever OS you eventually get to install on it. Frankly, not worth it in my opinion. They work one day, and one update later it doesn’t boot.
  20. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in The new Mac Pro + 6k monitor has landed - introducing the Cheese Graters   
    So this machine is kind of a tactic admission by Apple they lost the prosumer desktop market to Windows PCs and have given up ever trying to get it back.
    So they are aiming at pro businesses and studios, not individuals.
    If you are an individual who can afford to drop over $11k in one go on a base spec Apple computer + 6K screen, and perhaps more like $18,000 if you want the better specced versions, you are very lucky indeed and in an absolutely vanishingly tiny minority!!
    It beats me why they did not also announce a $2k upgradable modular desktop for the rest of us??? Or does it... PCs, that's why.
    But I want Mac OS and I am pretty upset at having to stick with comparatively slow iMacs and MacBooks for so many years. The 2013 Mac Pro is a bit of a bad joke in performance terms in 2019 by the way, so that's not an option either.
  21. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in Ideas for the camera industry   
    I have some tips!
    Better sample footage at launch Better availability straight after launch Marketing to relevant audience online rather than biggest audience Not cannibalising A7S III sales with A7 III Canon full frame lenses and 1.8x crop shambles Keeping Cinema EOS "seed" from photographic business planted with good video in Canon EOS range Keeping people in a lens ecosystem with good bodies Knowing how your "well understood" market has changed in an instant Shift to high-end pricing is dangerous (China) Understanding apps Read the full article
  22. Like
    karin reacted to Clayton Moore in Can we all just have a big f***ing laugh about this...   
    One would almost think Canon was saying .... "OK FINE here is a full frame mirrorless system now shut up and go away."  Then price it so it never really catches on, but at
    least they could say they released it.
    Crazy I know ........ but those are crazy prices.
  23. Like
    karin reacted to jhnkng in EOS R official video specs discussion   
    For Fuji at least the 10min limit is thermal protection for the battery, hence the extended time with the battery grip (which houses two extra batteries.) Sometimes I wish Fuji would change their batteries, but then I have 10 of them now...
    I just got an X-H1 for this very reason — I have an upcoming job where for every stills shot they needed a motion equivalent, and we’re working in real locations around people working so it was just easier to have a camera that can handle both stills and motion in exactly the same way. I previously did a similar job where I shot with my D800 and C100mk2, and the switching back and forth did my head in. 
  24. Like
    karin reacted to Borbarad in EOS R official video specs discussion   
    Oh well despite the 28-70 F2 this isn’t something to look forward.
    And this means the path is free for Panasonic‘s Fullframe PDAF GH5 ?
  25. Like
    karin reacted to Andrew Reid in EOS R official video specs discussion   
    NX1 is actually more advanced with H.265, 6K readout, 1080/120fps and it is 5 years old.
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