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Oliver Daniel

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Posts posted by Oliver Daniel

  1. 21 minutes ago, Andrew Reid said:

    To be fair, Sony 24-70mm F2.8 GM is a brick as well

    24-70 F4 on the other hand... tiny. But is it any good? Anyone used it?

    I had the 24-70mm F4 and I didn't like it at all. It's very sharp but the fly by wire focus sucks and the image aesthetic is pretty boring. The body of the lens isn't the strongest either. Kinda reminds me of the Lumix 12-35mm on a GH camera. SHARP AND BORING!

    Onto the camera, I've been 90% GH5 in the last few months yet still use an A6500 on a gimbal because of the AF. Rarely use the A7SII at the mo. 

    I find the A7RIII interesting as a hybrid - the AF is a huge plus for gimbals work plus mega resolution stills. It's just the damn lenses and the reliability that I'm not convinced with. Got EF and M43 glass, too much to get E-mount as well. (i want ALL the glass!!) 

    Cameras are so bloody distracting. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Jonesy Jones said:

    Why not have both? For $4300 you can have 2 cameras, each with a different set of strengths. 

    @Neumann Films, what is the top anamorphic resolution for this camera. That part of it was really throwing me off with the screen grabs you posted. Does this new cam match the anamorphic res of the GH5?


    Well I could, however I think I'l be reaching to the original GH5 for IBIS - I actually own ZERO I.S lenses! (one of my fave's being the Olympus 40-150mm 2.8). One of the reasons I dumped the FS5 is because some of my shots from 50mm had an annoying ugly-style handheld jitter here and there, regardless of my steady hand. So IBIS happened. 

    Having a GH5S would fill a gap (lowlight), although most of my shoots are controlled. Another body would really be for multi-cam reasons. 

    Great lowlight is a bonus, however the main pull of the GH5S is the better quality image via much smoother looking highlight rolloff. Its awesome what they've done. 

    As it stands, in the most logical non-emotive sense, I think a 2nd GH5 body would be a better fit. 

  3. Really enjoyed your short @Neumann Films, loved the robot and the retro style intro. 

    A lot of the shots certainly demonstrated improved highlight roll off and the “motion cadence” felt a little more film like. Maybe it was the aesthetic through that lens you were using. The glass does have some effect to the look of motion, I feel. 

    I’m with you on the grading, especially the shots with the scientist guy. 

    Onto the camera itself - many of us are annoyed st the lack of IBIS, but Panasonic have created a mini cinema machine that costs very little. Amazing really.

    Will I get it? I’m not sure, I don’t think I need it. I would miss IBIS hugely, and it is definitely a sticking point to lose one of the GH5’s defining features. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Orangenz said:

    Just 7 hours to go. My bet would be has it. 

    Incidentally, it's holding the sensor with something similar to magnetic levitation all the time so when you "turn it off" it's still on, just holding the sensor still with respect to the camera instead of still with respect to the planet. 


     No mention of IBIS on this “ahead of schedule” report....

  5. Everything I’ve heard about the GH5S sounds great, but this no IBIS talk is worrying. 

    I don’t always have it switched on, depending on the feel I’m going for, but it’s such a massively useful feature that I couldn’t imagine being without it now. 

    Panasonic have made a big deal out of the Dual IS too, it would seem strange not to include it. It would be such a Canon thing to do. 

    A few pages back, there’s a picture of Luke being filmed by Griffon Hammond, while he looks to be shooting a scene handheld with an anamorphic lens. He might just be holding it, however it gave me the impression of IBIS shooting. 

    Maybe there will be a surprise or two. 

    IBIS? No IBIS? What do you bet on? 

  6. 47 minutes ago, Neumann Films said:

    Dave, those videos are great man! Really great work before even considering the turnaround.

    I really have no desire to do a feature, and it doesn't have anything to do with funding or anything like that. I would just honestly rather do other stuff with my time.  That will likely change after 6 months of music and pursuing other things...that's usually what happens.  I just need time away to rebuild creative juices.


    Cooking/food has always been an intriguing art form. I like the idea of the work/creative output resulting in something tangible, for a change.

    My daughter was born 2 years ago, and although “time” is certainly strained, she’s been a massive inspiration for me to push harder on my work but also save time for her. 

    In my line of work - I’m the DP, the camera operator, the editor, the writer, the colorist, the marketer, the development manager, the finance manager, the almost everything. This amount of responsibility does starve my creativity and sometimes takes it over completely.

    At the moment, I’m doing more “freelance” type work to reduce the strain of these responsibilities on my own business, so I can re-focus some passion into the more personal creative stuff. 

    The GH5 has been a great device for this strategy so far. Sold off a camera system I wanted for years to use it. 

    Looking forward to the GH5S, but these Rumors of no IBIS are concerning. Should we be concerned? ;)

  7. 41 minutes ago, Neumann Films said:

    (watching clock...biting tongue)

    Well you’ve spilled the beans there. It’s clear as crystal. 

    “Biting your tongue” refers to everything you’ve teased not to be true, and the GH5S   is actually a smart watch (watching clock). 

    All this lowlight talk is just about the smart watch glowing in the dark and beaming out organic and brighter ISO values to the current GH5. 

    The watch also has IBIS. 

  8. My step-daughter lives on Youtube and the content she watches is almost incomprehensible beyond belief. She see's this as quality, enjoyable content and respects the creators for their work. One or two things are ok. 

    This is also in a time where there's been Trumps and Brexits - people are generally very vulnerable to message in media content, especially if you're a child or as thick as pig sh*t. 

    I do agree that quality, content rich media is being massively clouded by the mass of absolutely crap, attention seeking videos with nothing substantial to offer. It is a problem for talented creators. 

  9. 44 minutes ago, BenEricson said:

    Naw. They could have done this with the GH4 if that was the case. Canon can get nice highlight roll off on even their low end DSLRs.

    @Neumann Films GH5-S stills potray what feels like better highlight roll off (or the lighting and grading skill has achieved this). 


    16 minutes ago, maxotics said:

    Like @Mattias Burling I have a bunch of bodiless MFT lenses/adapters.  If the GH5S had RAW, even at 1080 30p, I'd sell almost everything video related I have to get it.  I'd probably shoot 8bit video most of the time, but having RAW for those special moments would be worth it.

    I might also consider it if it shot 8K, which would give perfect 4K in my book (after debayering).    

    It would be historic and industry shattering. Unlikely. Who knows? Roll on the 8th....

  10. 38 minutes ago, jonpais said:

    “thin ice” can only be a thinly veiled reference to climate change, a global phenomenon that is impacting every nation around the world. So whatever this new camera does, it is going to shake up the entire industry. Some researchers even claim that agriculture was already changing the climate as far back as 8,000 years ago. One solution to global warming would be carbon capture and storage, so it is pretty certain this newfangled thingamajig will require lots of storage. ?

    “Thin ice” proves that this is in fact a hint at global warming. 

    Luke lives in the US and Trump is President, and he doesn’t believe in global warming. 

    This proves that the GH5S will trump all over cameras! What a discovery! 

  11. My prediction, although this isn’t “news”, just fun and speculation. 


    The new model will very nearly cement M43 as a serious cinematography format, finally. 

    Pretty Sure-Ish: 

    Massively improved low light, but not A7S level. 

    Better DR and highlight roll off. 

    A couple of exclusive new recording options, hopefully one will be 10 bit 4K 50/60p. 

    Maybe Dreaming: 

    A faster readout for improved video autofocus, but only a bit better, still not close enough to A6500 or Canon DPAF. 

    A Very Far Fetched Surprise:

    RAW recording, maybe limited to 4K 24p, 1080p 50/60 and anamorphic. 

    An autonomous blockbuster cinematic visuals mode. Switch it on, and bingo! Everything looks incredible. No experience necessary. 

  12. 21 hours ago, PannySVHS said:

    Hey Oliver, color and lighting ist top quality. Video looks great. Music is a matter of taste though, your work isn´t, it´s exellent. I must confess, I would´nt be able to tell the cameras apart. Impressive!

    Cheers - I do put a lot of effort into the "look", whether that's grading, lighting, composition. 

    The cameras were tough to match, and to my eye are still not spot on. GH5 favours green whereas the A7SII is yellow, and the A6500 blue. They behave so differently, with each camera at a different white balance to compensate for their differences. 

    20 hours ago, IronFilm said:

    Why do you have a mix of cameras there, did you have a B cam op shooting at the same time?

    Smart! I wanted to take that approach and resist buying any more cameras.... instead focusing on lighting! :glasses:

    Well, we had the astonishing feat of filming TWO performance videos with this band in a different location in just 7 hours. So I had to ask both the behind the scenes shooter and photographer to shoot both a B and C cam! Worked out. 

    Honestly, I don't think there's an excuse now for ignoring your lighting gear when you have companies like Aputure and Blind Spot Gear knocking down walls. 99% of cameras will now do the job - keep your bodies and invest in the paint instead. :grin:

    12 hours ago, jonpais said:

    I don't really care what Casey Neistat shoots with, his videos are ugly. Oliver Daniel's work with the GH5 is exceptional, the music is pretty awesome too. I love my GH5, wish I had Oliver's talent to go with it.

    I've not really followed Casey, however I can already see a lot of people outside of EOSHD forums basing their camera decisions around his. I don't think it matters too - a camera is there to be an extension of your own creativity. Everyone's purpose is different. 

    Also thanks for the kind words - I honestly think I can do a lot better and kick myself for it often. I might even V-log myself this next year, taking viewers through a fun ride of the general day and force myself to be thinking beyond my own creative plateau. 

  13. 3 hours ago, PannySVHS said:

    Well, and if it has full V Log curve. That way it would be a mini eva. And here I am again in this thread. Thank you Oliver! :)@Oliver Daniel, any musicvid you shot with the gh5 in the tradition of your super cool gh3 stuff? That would be something to come back to this thread for. Or a new Neumann shortfilm production.

    The GH3 is my longest standing camera to date. I had it for 3 years, as in that timeframe, I spent my gear budget on lighting. 

    I now have a GH5, preferring this as my professional level A-cam to an FS5 with a Shogun Inferno. 

    I've shot 5-6 music videos on the GH5 now, only 1 has been released. Please note, this video also has some A7S2 and A6500 shots in there. 


  14. 1 hour ago, Jonesy Jones said:

    This question is for anyone, but I am tagging @mercer and @Oliver Daniel since they have both brought it up numerous times recently.

    What is dual ISO? Or what are you or others referring to when you say dual ISO? Because it could mean a couple things as far as I know.

    Someone more technical than I could really help. Thanks.

    There are far more people here more interested and knowledgable about the technical things here, however the latter mention in your post is my understanding. It seems like the most obvious step for a Panasonic GH Camera (Dual ISO). 

    In terms of higher DR, we don’t know if Luke’s images are benefiting from this. This could be down to skill and technique, like grading and the softness of the light source. 

    Honestly, if the new GH5 has higher (cleaner) sensitivity, 10bit 4K 50/60p , better dynamic range and roll off performance - the only thing it will be missing is dependable video AF. (Still can’t beat that A6500!) 

    I don’t think you’ll ever need another camera for a very long time, if so. 

  15. 36 minutes ago, Kisaha said:

    So, what was the announcement then?

    The announcement is that the GH5S has not been annnouced.

    It’s looking like it will be better in lowlight, possibly have better DR and a couple of new frame rate options. 

    It’s unconfirmed as to whether there will be an “Auto Hollywood Mode”, where any video you record will instantly look like Hollywood. ;)


  16. On 08/12/2017 at 3:36 PM, maxotics said:

    Other questions, are, will consumer available video editing/processing software and lighting get powerful enough to do David Fincher type work?  I'm certainly interested in your thoughts there Oliver!   I know this seems left field, but I've heard the iPhone X is selling mostly because of the real-time video emojis it can create using its face recognition post processing software/chips, etc.  That's what I mean about post technology.  Maybe computer visual processing will be more important than whether or not it's 8bit or RAW sourced.


    I think with the progress smartphones are making, and technologies like the Light L16 camera, Lytro and GoPro Fusion - we will certainly see a more post software focus on cameras...

    Being able to do intricate focus pulls, while choosing your aperture and your preferred bokeh in software will eventually become the norm. 

    I could see some mirrorless cameras wirelessly hooking up with a bundled lighting kit, where you could actually change the strength and colour of the lighting fixtures directly via your camera, and being able to manipulate the light even further in post. 

    While all this is happening, most users of this technology are getting caught up with the wow and not focusing on their stories. Everyone will be doing it, because their phones will let them. 

    Meanwhile, the response to this is that other smaller companies and startups rebuild more classic cameras with a digital flavour (like the D16), rebuilding classic lenses and offering a more old-fashioned, authentic route to capturing cinematic images. 

    All in all, video will become so common and easy to get nice "automatic" style results, to truly stand out, making a great story / content will be more important than ever. 

  17. 16 minutes ago, Inazuma said:

    I think Panasonic would be on to a real winner if it challenges the C line in low light and replaces the mechanical shutter with ND filters. 

    This is the one big thing I miss from the FS5. Too often I have to increase the shutter speed because my Vari-ND doesn't have the right adapter ring for the lens or something. 

    Better low light is an obvious one. I don't struggle too much with the current GH5 in video, if I ever take stills the low light is awful. 

    The other intriguing think is 4k 50/60p in 10 bit. I'm really happy with the All-I 1080p mode though - absolutely awesome. So it's hard to say whether the 4k mode will be worth it. 

    I think a few new frame rate options, better low light and improved dynamic range (possible through Dual ISO) will be what its all about. Mentions of RAW are a real long shot! 

    It will be interesting if the video AF is improved, although not expecting much here. 

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