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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2015 in Posts

  1. We head into 2016 with a treasure chest of great cameras but how exactly do the mirrorless and DSLR cameras rank for video? View the charts here
    3 points
  2. I do appreciate your open minded spirit about using optics beyond their design intent. But just to be clear about what happens in this case - using the 0.58x Speed Booster on the GH4 in cinema 4k mode - I plotted some MTF curves below. As you can see, the performance is great over the whole BMPCC format, but if you go beyond that the performance falls off a cliff. I'm very cautious about all of this because a few users have purchased the BMPCC S.B. with the intention of using it on a larger format, only to be disappointed with the results. This is why this particular Speed Booster has always been advertised as being BMPCC-specific, and has "BMPCC" engraved on it.
    3 points
  3. Great suggestions ... I'd like to see these if there is ever another FW update or an NX2 1) Ability to use AF-S in Video ... move the focus point around where ever you want and it stays there instead of going to AF-C when you press record 2) Choose anywhere in the screen to magnify in MF mode instead of just the centre 3) Peaking to stay on all the time 4) Ability to change between EVF and LCD during recording
    3 points
  4. The 0.58x BMPCC Speed Booster is designed to cover an image circle of about 15mm diameter, which is slightly larger than the BMPCC sensor diagonal. Aberration correction is extremely good within this 15mm diameter, as is the relative illumination. However, for the GH4 4k mode you need to cover at least 17.4mm. Assuming you don't damage your camera by trying to mount the BMPCC S.B. on a GH4, you will encounter vignetting and significant image degradation in the corners. I do not recommend trying this. By contrast, the new m43 XL Speed Booster will cover the entire m43 format, not just the reduced 4k crop, and you won't have any problems with image quality. The difference between the BMPCC and XL is only 1/3 stop.
    2 points
  5. 1) 4K center of sensor readout, for a reduced rolling shutter option for 4K. Hell this is technically already in the camera with DIS, just keep that crop! 2) Samsung's own flat profile. No messing around to find the ideal, have the engineers make one. No noise reduction in this mode. Agree with your macroblocking, but I think a Samsung created flat profile it would fix the issue. Also wouldn't mind the 200 bitrate option for only certain cards.
    2 points
  6. Since the issue of black levels in LOG mode on the Leica SL was raised on EOSHD, Leica have reached out to me. Here I can reveal Leica are working hard on video related refinements. Last week in Berlin, product manager Steffen invited me to see the new firmware in action. Read the full article
    1 point
  7. For anamorphic you may want to do a conventional MTF vs frequency chart for a number of selected field points. For example, when designing anamorphic lenses for Arri Alexa 4:3 I normally use seven field points: (0,0), (0,8mm), (0,11.88mm), (6mm,0), (8.91mm,0), (6mm, 8mm), and (8.91mm,11.88mm). Due to the strange asymmetrical aberrations a plot of MTF vs image height can be pretty confusing. I suppose you could do three separate MTF vs image height charts; one for X, Y, and diagonal planes, respectively Regarding medium format focal reducers, IMO the main problem is that medium format optics tend to be big and slow, and their optical correction is often ho-hum. So, for example, if you take a Hasselblad 80/2.8 and add a 0.7x focal reducer you get a 56mm f/2.0 lens with merely average optical correction. Certainly not something that would set the world on fire, and it would pale in comparison to a Zeiss 55/1.4 Otus, and would probably have a hard time keeping up with a 55/1.8 FE. In principle you should be able use a focal reducer to match the FOV and DOF the same, assuming you use the same rectangular shape for both formats. However, the newer 135 designs by Zeiss, Sigma, etc. are so good that you might as well buy one of these instead of going with an adapted medium format solution.
    1 point
  8. Hi Rich: Your numbers would be for the horizontal dimension of the format, not the diagonal. My numbers indicate the full diagonal dimension. According to my data, the diagonal (corner-to-corner) of the BMPCC sensor is 14.32mm, and the diagonal of the GH4 Cinema 4k crop is 17.4mm.
    1 point
  9. A user-menu folder/section like Nikon has, where you can copy most-used menu items from any menu section. WHITE BALANCE CONTROLS IN VIDEO PREVIEW!!! SLOW MO EFFECTS AVAILABLE IN 24P!!!! (Yeah, I can just shoot 60 or 120p, but I like that the camera conforms the clips. Wish it did it at 24p too). More customization choices for the buttons than just the ones Samsung thinks make sense; Option to have the shutter release be the video trigger; Or at least option to make both the wifi and trigger buttons be the video button at the same time. Wired remote able to set focus point, zoom native lenses, and stop/start video (may already exist but I don't have the wired remote yet) (I use my crane a lot and have yet to take even one still with this thing). Other than those, my primary ones would be anything that ups image quality. I'd like to see every DSLR maker that has decent video add a DV pin hole to the body, so anti-spin QR plates could be developed. The hole could also be for the battery grip alignment pin. Really love this camera and tech, but I fear wish lists are a moot point now...
    1 point
  10. I'd love to see improved rolling shutter in UHD and a 4k crop mode like on the nx500. These will probably be in the next camera Samsung releases so I doubt we'll see a it in a firmware upgrade for the NX1, but it'd be nice. Also fixing the 8 bit banding would be nice too, but I think that'd be a tough one since it'd probably have to go to 10bit to fix that which would be pretty crazy to do in such a small camera.
    1 point
  11. Hans Punk

    That'sno drone...

    1 point
  12. I agree, I want the NR setting since the beginning =).
    1 point
  13. I respect your opinion and agree with some of it. But I'll say this and move on: Luke didn't destroy the Empire or defeat Vader in ANH. Rey doesn't defeat Kylo Ren in TFA. She puts up a good fight and cuts his arm. We'll learn backstory in the next 2 films regarding the gap between ROTJ and TFA I'm sure.
    1 point
  14. joema

    Video Card Upgrade?

    Just to be clear, if you are on the latest Premiere CC and you have a subscription and you can afford a GTX-960 and your power supply can run it -- it is possible it could help with H264 and H265. This is not the GPU per se, it is not accessed via the CUDA API, rather it is special logic on that card that Premiere can utilize via NVENC -- as of two weeks ago. It would not hurt to try this.
    1 point
  15. Don Kotlos

    Video Card Upgrade?

    it will work fine as long as the current threshold of the Sata power is not met. Worst case you will get a crash and know that you need a new case and psu.
    1 point
  16. Agreed. Since people are talking a little more, the main problem I had with the movie was that it just throws everything at you without any hint of a story, nothing about Han and Leia in the last 30 years, a sentence about Luke, the contrived moment on the bridge, a bunch of shallow characters with no depth - and they don't bat an eye at the destruction the First Order throws their way. Obi Wan felt a great disturbance, these guys - nothing. Geez. I know there's only so much you can do without it being 4 hours long, but since we all went in expecting a film that's setting up the next two, how about a little more backstory with Rey, Ren and the others? But that's not JJ's strong suit judging by the Star Trek films. That said it was fun to watch, even though it was pretty easy to tell the big gasp moment was coming about 30 or 40 minutes in. Hopefully we'll get a Empire quality movie in Ep.8.
    1 point
  17. Wow, great contribution. Keep em coming
    1 point
  18. gethin

    Video Card Upgrade?

    seeing as you can use the graphics card in any new system you decide to get, i'd say this was a no-brainer upgrade
    1 point
  19. boring conversation anyway...
    1 point
  20. agree. when sony developed the internals of the A7S, and priced the unit to cover their development expenses and earn a profit they will have also factored in that the tech from the first a7s could be transferred into a new model. If the a7S had all of the features of the A7Sii then it would have had to have been priced higher to accommodate for their inability to sell as many a7sii's later down the line to recoupe initial development costs. The only people who suffer from product disabling are those who buy an initial unit and watch the rumours sites for the next model rather than going out and using their purchase and enjoying it and/or earning money from their work. The idea is that you buy a piece of equipment and use it enough to warrant the purchase for the year it is current. if being at the height of technology is important then the £500 loss from reselling a year down and getting the next model is worth it. Unfortunately it's no longer the consumer products that are pushed and sold to us liike consumers (most of us here are consumers - A consumer is someone who spends more money/exerts more time on the act of buying an item than they do of acting out the endeavour that they planned to use the item for). You just have to see how much consumer marketing is used on the RED Raven. it's the price of a mortgage deposit on a basic property, yet from the marketing it feels like they're selling a computer game to a 15yr old or a bottle of aftershave or a gym membership to a ponce in his mid 20's. The key to happiness in all this is to stop reading the rumours sites. you'll make a lot more use out of your camera since you'll never know the latest model has a new feature purposefully placed their to appeal to the consumer within.
    1 point
  21. I enjoyed it, however, I'm finding myself getting less and less impressed with mega blockbusters, no matter how good the visual effects wizardry is. I think I'll put this down to desensitisation. Most mega blockbusters have the same plot. Get a team of people together to beat evil, lose throughout the film, and win at the last second, just as everything blows up. Again. I find myself much preferring the Netflix Marvel series (Daredevil, Jessica Jones) above their mega big budget siblings. There's a lot more story and risk to enjoy. They feel more real. Despite my blockbuster grumblings, Star Wars Ep. 7 was very well done and it's great to see vulnerability in all the characters, and plenty of humour. Everyone sounds and looks ridiculous...probably my favourite thing about Star Wars. It makes the prequels look absolutely shockingly dire.
    1 point
  22. And he's not using the grip, wow. The battery is one of the main culprits, they get hot when you get close to the 29:50 time limit. I'm going to do some testing outside when it warms up, it's a frigid 55f in Florida right now. Will be back in the 80's early in the week though. This is really great to see.
    1 point
  23. 4 hrs later... But on a more serious note... indeed good job on listening to the feedback and make amends.
    1 point
  24. Maybe it's just the forumite echo chamber, but everyone seems to bring up battery life the moment I mention Blackmagic and conveniently forget about it when they recommend the A7S (II). I was on a shoot with a guy the other day, and he said in the cold conditions here in Wisconsin, he has to change the battery on his A7S every 20 minutes. That's outrageous. I totally see where you're coming from. Shot in its sweet spot, that 4K sensor produces exquisite results--especially those magical skintones. https://www.hurlbutvisuals.com/blog/2014/12/director-of-photography-blackmagic-4k-ursa-tests-part-1/ https://vimeo.com/139130557
    1 point
  25. Here's some 60p footage. It was shot in c-log so it hasn't been sharpened. The vimeo compression seems to really be doing a number on the details.
    1 point
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