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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/31/2015 in Posts

  1. Agree with Andrew. I have had no problems with skin tones on the A7s. In fact, I'm finding the footage incredibly beautiful and easy to work with. WAY better than my T3i was I think people just don't understand how to grade. Here is a hint: in FCPX there is a line in the vectorscope - this is your skin tone line. If you crop the image so only a piece of skin is showing, and move the highlight/midtone puck until the vectorscope is right on the line, then remove the crop and you've got a good starting point for your grade. Proper white balance, proper exposure help too.
    3 points
  2. The only bad thing about the A7S's colour is people's limited grading skills
    3 points
  3. Don Kotlos

    NX1-LX rumors

    ​Don't get me wrong but you are free to "see" what you like, but you should accept that the truth might be far off. I don't own any Samsung products and I don't want to start a brand war, but just because Samsung is not followed by a cult does not mean it is not innovating. It is not by chance that Samsung is the leader manufacturer of phones, tables, TVs, SSDs ... And these are end products. Samsung is second to Intel on semiconductor sales. As far as cameras, look what they have achieved with the NX1. That is the first iteration of these series and yet it surpasses many... The real bottleneck of digital cameras and where innovation is needed, is where Samsung shines: electronic circuits.
    2 points
  4. sudopera

    NX1-LX rumors

    Competition, not monopoly, is the source of inovation and progress, so I think it`s not a good thing for us that any company "owns" the world. Companies that have monopoly, eventually become lazy inovators and are just interested in taking too much of our money. Just look at Canon.
    2 points
  5. ​Um I think the 11mm from the Tokina 11-20 is plenty wide for every application imaginable.
    2 points
  6. I have been looking and looking for any sort of mount for an Iscomorphot 8 1.5. Redstan no longer seem to supply these and I coudnt find anything else that looked any good online. So I made my own. I thought this may be of interest to anyone else looking or having the same problem. The OD of the Isco lens body is 37.1mm approx so I took a 37mm thread to 43mm adapter and opened up the ID in the lathe until I got a nice slip fit over the Isco body, I then drilled and tapped a small hole to accept a set screw. I can now retain the lens within this 'adapter' collar and screw that into whatever spacers I need to mount to different lenses. The set screw is the cup tip type and it holds onto the lens really well. I make sure the lens is set to infinity before sliding it into the adapter and setting the screw as that is its shortest length of travel in this position. About £10 in parts too
    1 point
  7. My tests with EditReady converting a 53 seconds NX1 h265 clip to ProRES: Editready: 2m 11sec Wondershare: 3m 21 sec iFFMEPG: 2m 54 sec
    1 point
  8. Nick Hughes

    NX1-LX rumors

    Improving and adding more options sure sounds like innovating to me. You can't reinvent the wheel every year. A smart company should absolutely be looking at what the competition is doing- it's good for everyone, especially the consumer.
    1 point
  9. AaronChicago

    A7s Color Not That Bad

    Skintone color perfection seems ridiculous to me anyway in regards to artistic filmmaking. Just watch any David Fincher, or Steven Soderbergh film and let me know how those skin tones look. Now the plastic look I can understand. Some cameras just have that effect, which is pretty unpleasant.
    1 point
  10. mercer


    Yeah, that lens was sick. I was just telling a friend of mine that Kubrick's lens choices, and in some ways, creations, was the perfect marriage of craft and creativity. I loved how he used the nasa lens and then had zeiss make a wide angle attachment to go over it, I would imagine you would lose a stop of light, at least, so I guess that .7 f-stop lens was the perfect fit.
    1 point
  11. ​I've found that those who profusely complain on forums are seldom actual pros who are out there working. Pros know how to work around problems (record button) or are skilled enough to avoid the problems that amateurs seem to get stuck up on (skin tone).
    1 point
  12. A short summary yeah, no footage. It's a big "no" from me for this camera, just get the NX1 instead.
    1 point
  13. ac6000cw

    NX1-LX rumors

    .....and Samsung are one of the largest designers and manufacturers of semiconductors in the world (2nd behind Intel) - you are seeing the effect of that in the image sensor and image processing performance of the NX1. In the 35 years I've worked as an electronics engineer, I've seen Samsung grow from nowhere to being within reach of overtaking Intel in terms of semiconductor sales, so I've no doubt they could cause serious problems for Canon and Nikon (at the very least). And in case you think that is unlikely, once upon a time Canon and Nikon were the 'new kids on the block' with a better product and hungry for market share....
    1 point
  14. jax_rox

    A7s Color Not That Bad

    I find it strange to denigrate a product because you don't know how to use it properly... I have no problem with the skin tones on my A7s and my friends and colleagues who are shooting with it also have no problem - or if they do, they deal with it. Funny that I have friends using A7s' as B or C cams and crash cams on TVCs, as well as A-cams and B-cams on docos and wildlife shows et al. and none of them have said to me how 'terrible' it is and how 'awful' the skin tones are and how 'useless' the camera is... Seriously, I've not heard one person even mention the position of the record button being an issue, but if you looked online, you would think that one 'issue' is apparently so bad it's hardly worth buying the camera...
    1 point
  15. Thanks Andrew ! Any chance you can compare it against iffmpeg (with last update) ?? Thanks again
    1 point
  16. From what I see, the Kinemini has a 1.7 crop factor, meaning that 11mm=19mm. That should be wide enough for me
    1 point
  17. Don Kotlos

    NX1-LX rumors

    I think Samsung realized that the "low end" video market is quite big, so two models like A-style makes sense. I just hope for an improvement on the rolling shutter.
    1 point
  18. Axel

    The art of downgrading

    Instead of putting into action my most ambitious plans, I keep planning, postponing their actual realization. I 'm making plans, I'm performing tests. That means I actually distrust my ideas, I don't really believe in them. At the end of the day, they are hot air. Because creativity is all about solving problems, finding ways to overcome constraints - with wit and spirit and with what you have, not with 'specs'. Improvisation is better than unobtainable (mostly hollow) perfection. If I think, I can only do it with this or that piece of equipment, I will fail, always. Once I have that precious gadget, I reckon the bar rose again. It's me. Any camera is insufficient to capture my fancies, if I am. Any camera will do, if I do. The first sentence:
    1 point
  19. Most of the people in the comments disagree with you, so why on Earth would you assume that everyone else who read the post without commenting agrees with you? I don't think you can rely on your site statistics being an indication of how many unique visitors you have either. There are probably quite a few of us checking in regularly on the progress of this discussion. I don't think anyone here is arguing that Clarkson positively endorses it. People have various ways of rationalizing their own behavior or excusing their own mistakes as exceptions, but if he's going to do things like this, there should be consequences. The actions of any individual are invariably explainable if you look closely enough at the circumstances of their lives, and you can have all the sympathy you like for someone who is going through personal issues, but it just isn't sensible to allow someone in a poor state of mind to hold a position of responsibility. When people say things like "I don't mean to be rude, but...", they generally follow it up with something rude. When they say "I'm not racist, but...", they generally follow it up with something racist. It's a familiar way of anticipating an objection and maintaining some deniability, so when you preface your comments by saying you consider what Clarkson did wrong, but go on to argue that he still shouldn't be sacked, you can maybe understand why some of us take that to be a less-than-convincing denunciation. I don't think anyone here is arguing that you positively endorse his actions (that word again), but you are clearly downplaying their significance. Your explicit attempts to justify applying a double standard to talent vs non-talent are also deeply troubling to me.
    1 point
  20. Andrew- as a successful blog owner you have the option to help or to hurt the world with your voice. Clarkson is an alcoholic, an addict. His behavior is irrational and he can't be reasoned with while he's drunk. Even sober, addicts tend to not behave rationally. This doesn't mean they should be isolated, in fact the best way to help a person suffering from addiction is to immerse them in compassionate fellowship. Do you know any addicts? Have you seen any turn their life around, and help others to heal? If not, perhaps attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting (or similar) to witness addicts helping each other heal through fellowship (addicts are always addicts and never 'cured'; always mindful to avoid falling into old patterns). Since moving to LA in 2006 I was surprised how pervasive drug, alcohol, and sex addiction is in the entertainment industry. People doing drugs and drinking on set isn't healthy and is unfortunately very common here (not allowed on my sets- what one does on their own time is their own business). Instead of turning a blind eye to addicts on productions, we should provide daily reminders that there is free fellowship available to help people deal with life (such as AA). Even better, entertainment companies should provide in-house help to encourage people to live healthy, drug-free lives through fellowship. The BBC did the right thing in letting Clarkson go. Clarkson needs change in his life to give him a chance to deal with his addictions, ideally through positive connections to other people through fellowship. Discussion addiction on a filmmaking blog is totally appropriate. If the film industry can help heal its players, then it can help create messages and positive influence to help millions of people suffering in our world.
    1 point
  21. If you like Top Gear, you should be angry at Clarkson for messing it up, not the BBC. What's happened is completely on him. The fact that Clarkson is despised by the left is irrelevant, the "PC police" can't be blamed for him punching the producer, and he should be held accountable for it like anyone else would be. The same standards have to be applied universally. That means minor crew and it means talent such as Clarkson, David O. Russell, Christian Bale or anyone else. The fact that some talent have gotten away with vaguely similar things is no argument for allowing Clarkson to as well. And why do people keep saying that punching someone isn't against the law? It is!
    1 point
  22. For what its worth. I am also Incredibly dissapointed to read Andrew Reids continued defence of bullying and assault in the workplace.
    1 point
  23. Weird. Not a single word about Clarkson's behaviour or responsibility ? It's everyone else's fault according to you ? Never mind him being drunk while at work and hitting a superior, right ? I only see 1 person doing any moral posturing here. Defending alcohol abuse in the workplace and physical violence. And if you're going to get upset with every person disagreeing with you, maybe you simply shouldn't allow comments. That'll save you the trouble of responding. I don't have a problem with your opinion. But calling this a threat to democracy and free speech is ludicrous. A soccer player getting sacked can still find another team to play for. A recording artist dropped by their label, can still sign somewhere else. If he's really that special and unique he'll find another sponsor and you'll continue to enjoy him. You've now posted 3 times about the same thing. And plenty of people have disagreed. Are you going to keep posting until we all agree ? Or all leave ?
    1 point
  24. Andrew, I don't really get this issue and all this talk about nanny states and mollycoddling and self-emasculation and the triumph of cowardice over creativity. yes, you're coming around to the fact that what Clarkson did was unacceptable, but you still seem to think that Clarkson was singled out for something since Clooney or whoever is still working. why do you think Clarkson is being singled out? with all the ranting, it comes off as slightly unhinged Fox News-esque raging at Political Correctness, which in its essence amounts to "think before you speak". there is no "dogmatic liberal elite" coming for the rights of white men over the age of 30 to say what they want about blacks, women, the French, and automobiles. your concern for the crew seems disingenuous since your biggest bone is approximately "why can't we make the jokes my grandfather used to make?"
    1 point
  25. I'm not being entirely disengenius at all when we're talking about criminal behaviour in the arts. Especially because your article is talking just that. The question is where do we draw the line? If Clarkson's 20 second physical assault became manslaughter? Yes it matters and I haer to agree that people (no matter how creatively talented) are not above the law because fans like their work.
    1 point
  26. Gonna have to disagree on this one again. O Russell and George Clooney and the Producers and Warner Brothers haven't all worked together since. They obviously had wanted to finish the film (whereas other films some talent simply walk away). And there was a 5 year gap for O Russell. In this parallel you suggest, yeah it would be nice if Top Gear could finish it's last two recordings with Clarkson as a proper send off. Christian Bale, while bordering on verbal assault, he never actually punched the Shane Hurlbert and just ranted at him about "unprofessionalism" and the lights lol. Let's take this further... the director of Midnight Rider makes good films I think. But do you think that film should have been finished? Nah... him and his crew were idiots. There's more to life than just appeasing fans and the money train.
    1 point
  27. Yeah, I've been doing this for years. Probably as far back as 2006 for videos I was using a program called Photozoom to upres DV videos to 1080P. It works. Although I normally don't need to do it. Editing 32bit in Sony Vegas usually takes care of any banding. Otherwise I use Neat Video noise reduction followed by either film grain or the Add Noise plugin in Sony Vegas set to 0.025. A chroma blur plugin can sometimes help too. I also noticed the mention of Premiere CC in this article. I installed that last night for some videos I have to edit with a client's CC license. OMG, Premiere has to be the most frustratingly awkward, fiddly and annoying software out there! Having struggled with it nearly all day today, I honestly don't understand how anyone would have the patience to do any kind of professional work with that program. Compared to Sony Vegas, Premiere CC is a total nightmare to edit with. I gave up after one video edit which took me all day, and then did the following one in Vegas in less than an hour. I'd figured how to use Premiere, but the user interface and extreme lack of functionality drove me nuts. If my client wants me to edit any more videos in Premiere, it's not gonna happen. Apologies for the rant...
    1 point
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