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Posts posted by heart0less

  1. Dear filmmakers of EOSHD!

    Since many of us are advised to #staythefuckhome and, thanks to that, we found ourselves having plenty of free time, I humbly announce a new film challenge, as proposed by @sanveer and @BTM_Pix:
    One Single Room In Your House | Film Challenge.

    I, personally, find the rules suggested by @sanveer very applicable, would you agree with me?
    Here they are:


    It can be shot on ANYTHING (Alexa, DSLR, Mirrorless Smartphone, GoPro, Spycam etc). 

    Sound should be decent. 

    No restrictions on the story. 

    Acting can be as bad as can be expected from a paranoid filmmaker locked with 4 walls.

    No limit on how many short films you can submit.

    The only thing I'd add (and take it more as advice, not a rule per se) is:



    Can we count on your support, @Andrew Reid?
    A blog post of some sort?


    Who's in?

  2. 3 hours ago, sanveer said:

    Let's ignore the lame jokes, and get on with the Film challenge.


    It can be shot on ANYTHING (Alexa, DSLR, Mirrorless Smartphone, GoPro, Spycam etc). 

    Sound should be decent. 

    No restrictions on the story. 

    Acting can be as bad as can be expected from a paranoid filmmaker locked with 4 walls.

    No limit on how many short films you can submit.


    Maybe, we become Famous, for creating an opportunity of hope, when the world is going through ome of it's worst crisis in recent years.

    Soooo, who can we count on to be the host of the next short video film challenge?

    No excuses this time, people!

  3. Bringing the topic back from the dead.

    This is what you get, if you are advised to stay home and have some time at your hands.
    Some people fix broken cabinets, some paint walls, I opted for completing the rig and making it more handy.

    X-T3, Helios 44-4 via dumb adapter, Tiffen Variable ND, Isco Ultra Star (1st Gen), myFM from Eugene Myreev.
    And at the back: 10,000mAh power bank plus NP-F750 battery, both acting as a counterweight and supplying power to the camera and external monitor (Fotga A50TL).

    The coiled cable is responsible for triggering recording remotely, so that I don't have to touch the camera buttons, at all.

    I was lucky enough to get the majority of parts from SmallRig, and at discounted prices (I paid 8$ for the cage, 15$ for the baseplate, 10$ for the top handle).

    The strap acts like a cheap-o alternative to easyRig, I just hang it off my neck.




    And it fits into my backpack!


  4. 45 minutes ago, Rinad Amir said:

    Am from Kazakhstan 😁 but live in Ireland 

    I hope you don't mind..

    sacha baron cohen entry please GIF

    I realize it's a political satire and it doesn't do Kazakhstan any good, at all.
    Nor do I believe your country / people is anything like it, but:

    What I'm interested in is: what's your personal opinion about this 'Borat' phenomenon?
    How did you take it as a nation?

    I'm from The Eastern Block (Poland!), as well, and find many of the jibes quite accurate.
    ( :

  5. If anyone besides me use HLG, here is a little normalization LUT I'm guilty of.
    I didn't use any charts, so it may be slightly untruthful and inaccurate..
    ( :

    No need to overexpose, it's designed to bring out as much DR as possible while still achieving black and white points.



  6. 1 hour ago, hdx said:

    In Europe it's already very hard to buy a lot of common protection items like masks, gloves, hand washing gel etc. Not to mention we are getting short of food like pasta, rice, cans etc.

    And it's caused by people overreacting.

    I just returned from a store with some bread for breakfast, whereas some guy standing in a queue next to me was buying 5 kg of pasta, 20L of Coca Cola and 4 packs of toilet paper (each one has 10 rolls). 

    20 more people will do the same and hurray, there is nothing more to buy. It's pure madness.

    Some 'businessmen' bought batches of face masks only to sell them for 10x more. 

    It's not only the virus that is so dangerous, it's our stupidity. 


    1 hour ago, hdx said:

    People just completely ignored the issue thinking "it's just a flu" (guess what - it's not) and "we are prepared".

    Sure, it's not just a flu, but it's not a black death, either. 

    Limit contact with other people, take care of yourself, remember to wash your hands and don't touch your mouth. 

    But, for God's sake, keep calm and carry on. Stay home if you can and read some good book, watch Netflix, but don't panic. Don't watch news 24/7 like some do. 


    Remember swine flu? I can't remember it was that crazy then. 

    Did the diseases and how we approach them change or is it just the effect of our medias trying to create more disruption and making us feel more insecure so that they can get more views and revenue? 


    I'm slowly getting tired by this whole craze.

  7. Well, I didn't have to wait long - there is a case of COVID-19 in the hospital where I'm having my classes right now. He's on a proper isolation ward, but still. 

    We, students, are to avoid any contact with all the patients, since we're almost perfect vectors for the virus, but are still obliged to attend our courses, even though all we do is having countless seminars. 

    Plain stupid, if you ask me. 

  8. 16 minutes ago, GabrielFF said:

    Hi, Sage!


    It’s great to hear the V4 is out.


    I use the GH5 version adapted to my X-T3, but I`m really looking forward to a native version for F-Log.


    Do you have any idea when it will come out?



    Care to share your process? It sounds interesting!

    Do you use Resolve's  Color Space Transform to convert F-Log to V-Log?

    Any video samples?

  9. Even though many of these videos are helpful and I'd miss them if it weren't for you @Emanuel, I'm with @Snowfun on this one.

    It almost feels like I opened YouTube and was greeted by my 'Recommended' section.
    Some videos there are on point, some are random, some cover the same topic again and again. And how do I know, which are worth my time?
    One could spend his whole life browsing through what YouTube offers us.

    It's not that I don't appreciate your contribution - I really do. You keep quite a few threads afloat and try to arouse some discussion and that's awesome.

    But if I could ask for only one thing, this would be some sort of a short commentary. What can we expect in the video, what did you find helpful / interesting, why did you choose to share it in the first place.

    No need to be defensive (at least that's what I felt reading your post above), since nobody here tries to attack / offend you in any way.


  10. 15 hours ago, BTM_Pix said:

    As for tea, you need to google "builders tea" for the preferred approach to tea.

    The way you are doing tea would count as a dessert where we are from


    5 hours ago, Andrew Reid said:

    Maybe it's something in the black tea that causes the British to be so cynical.

    You don't get it in LA where they drink the herbal crap and coffee.

    And what tea do you, guys, enjoy drinking?

    Before you start making fun of me: this is a serious question, I'm genuinely interested!

    I much prefer tea to coffee (in fact: I don't drink it, at all) and am looking for some recommendations.

    And who may have better taste in tea than you, Englishmen?

  11. Even though I'm not shooting as many videos as I do photos, over the last year I also became full-manual type of guy.
    But I must state that I'm not getting paid for my work, it's only my hobby. Therefore I have no expectations / requirements / clients to satisfy and just can go with the flow.

    I realize this may sound cheap, but manual focusing made me reconsider my frames, what they depict, what I want them to capture.
    It's not pointing and shooting anymore (I hope, lol).

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